Case 70: Reel History

Chapter 16: Media Scope and Depth
This chapter deals with the sources of entertainment as
well as entertainment’s responsibility to the audience.
• How faithful does entertainment have to be to its
• Should certain topics never be used for
entertainment purposes?
• Must art be compromised when it passes from
one medium to another?
Chapter 16 Cases
Case 70: Reel History
Case 71: Bigotry as Entertainment
Case 72: They Call It Paradise
Case 73: Tragedy Lite
Case 74: League of Literary
Case 70: Reel History
• Facts– Empirical Definition
• Values
• Loyalties
• Principles
The Reagans, A Beautiful
Mind, and Braveheart have all
had their accuracy
• What does it mean for a
docudrama to tell the truth?
• Is telling the truth morally
• If a film re-creates the
texture of an event such that
participants can affirm the
veracity of context and
struggle, is that not sufficient?
Case 70: Additional links
How Nixon Stands Up – A famous author/ historian
applauds the merits of the film.
Revisionism Vs. Truth – Fact and fiction in Oliver
Stone’s films.
Oliver Stone vs. The Historical Establishment –
Did Stone go to far and damage history in the
Watergate & Nixon – A database of links for a
history of this storied president and scandal.
Case 71: Bigotry as Entertainment
• Facts– Empirical Definition
• Values
• Loyalties
• Principles
• Is humor above moral
• Are certain topics off
limits to a comedian?
• When has the public
stopped such bigoted
Case 71: Additional links
Some of these links contain graphic comedy
material that may be considered offensive.
ADC in Defense of Hate – A view of Dice’s comedy
as artistic freedom, includes lines from act.
Bad Year for First Amendment Rights – Is bigotry
covered by freedom of speech?
History of Standup Comedy – Comedians didn’t
always hurt people.
Methods of Standup Comedy – Types of humor
and delivery.
Case 72: They Call It Paradise
• Facts– Empirical Definition
• Values
• Loyalties
• Principles
Scenes from the reality TV
series For Love or Money,
Real World: Vegas, and
Paradise Hotel.
• How much reality does
reality TV portray?
• In what ways do shows like
Paradise Hotel demean the
people who star?
• Are the participants allowing
themselves to be exploited?
Case 72: Additional links
Beyond Caring – A review of the
entertainment value of Paradise Hotel.
Reality TV World – A series of articles about
over forty reality TV shows including
Paradise Hotel.
Unreal Expectations – How real is reality
Here to Stay? – The future of reality TV.
Case 73: Tragedy Lite
• Facts– Empirical Definition
• Values
• Loyalties
• Principles
Scenes from Life Is
• Should a horrifically tragic
event be changed into a
comic, life-affirming tale?
• How should the movie
industry treat historical
• In what ways is the film
industry responsible for
maintaining our history?
Case 73: Additional links
Life is Beautiful – Read a positive review of
the film.
Life is Not So Beautiful – A negative review
of the film, plus related articles and the
theatrical trailer.
A Holocaust Comedy? – A Jewish rabbi
responds to the film.
Case 74: League of Literary
• Facts– Empirical Definition
• Values
• Loyalties
• Principles
Even the graphic novel the film
was based on was altered. The
original crew consisted entirely
of British figures.
• Do bad literary adaptations
hurt the credibility of the original
work? How so?
• Conversely, can a great movie
improve the reputation of a soso literary work?
• How faithful should directors
and screen-writer be to the
literary work?
• What is the limit to a plausible
Case 74: Additional links
The Movie – All about the movie, including
viewer reviews.
The Comic – A fan of the series offers his
opinion of the film.
The Stax Report – When acclaimed books
become bad movies
Book/Movie Conundrum – Books can inspire
movies, but cannot be expected to fully
translate into film.