7.1 PROKARYOTIC / EUKARYOTIC CELLS --POGIL [PART 1] NAME _____________________HR__ OBJECTIVE: COMPARE/CONTRAST prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells 1-The 3 bacterial shapes in Model 1 are referred to as coccus (sphere), spirillum (spiral), and bacillus (rod). -LABEL the diagrams in Model 1 with the correct descriptions. 2-What is represented by the small dots found in each of the bacterial cells? ____________________ 3-What is the name of the outermost layer that forms a boundary around the outside of each cell? _______________ 4*-How is the DNA described and what does this mean? ____________________ 5-All the internal structures are suspended (floating) in what substance? ____________________ 6-One of the bacteria in Model 1 has a tail-like structure: a. NAME the structure: ______________________ b. DETERMINE the purpose of the structure: c. INFER why the structure is absent in the other 2 bacteria cells OBJECTIVE: COMPARE/CONTRAST animal cells and plant cells 7-HIGHLIGHT structures that are ONLY in the plant cell/LIST: _________________________________________ -UNDERLINE structures that are ONLY in the animal cell/LIST: ________________________________________ 8-Where do you find the DNA in each cell in Model 2? __________________ 9-Do both cells in Model 2 have a nucleus? ___________________ 10-LIST the structure(s) that form the boundary between the inside and the outside of each cell in Model 2: 11-COMPARE the outermost boundary in a plant cell and animal cell: Plant cell: _______________ Animal cell: _______________ 12-DECIDE as a group whether the cells in Model 1 or Model 2 are more complex [CIRCLE your choice] LIST at least 3 supporting reasons for your choice. -__________________________________________________________________________________ -__________________________________________________________________________________ -__________________________________________________________________________________ 7.1 PROKARYOTIC / EUKARYOTIC CELLS --POGIL [PART 2] OBJECTIVE: COMPARE/CONTRAST animal cells and plant cells NAME _____________________HR__ Model 3 – Structural Comparisons WORD PART pro karyon eu MEANING before nucleus or kernel true 13-DETERMINE the meaning of the word prokaryote using the chart in Model 3. 14- DETERMINE the meaning of the word eukaryote using the chart in Model 3. 15-LABEL the cells in Model 1 and Model 2 as prokaryotic or eukaryotic. 16-COMPARE Models 1 and 2—what structures are the same in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells? -_________________________ -_________________________ -_________________________ -_________________________ 17-CONTRAST the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. 18-REFER to Models 1 and 2 to complete the chart below—MARK with an X for all that apply. 19-DEFINE as a group—prokaryotic cell. 20- DEFINE as a group—eukaryotic cell. 21-COMPLETE the phrase below: -each member MUST contribute one complete sentence! -prokaryotic and eukaryotic must be used All cells are not the same because… -__________________________________________________________________________________ -__________________________________________________________________________________ -__________________________________________________________________________________ -__________________________________________________________________________________ -__________________________________________________________________________________ 22-What effect do you expect the structural differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes to have on their functions? EXPLAIN in detail! 23-PROVIDE an analogy for describing the difference between prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells. 7.1 POGIL: prokaryotic/eukaryotic cells DETERMINE: What is the importance of the cell wall in plants? 1________________________________________________________________________________________ 2________________________________________________________________________________________ 3________________________________________________________________________________________ COMPARE: prokaryotic cells (pro) and eukaryotic cells (eu) 1-[shape] ________________________________________________________________________________________ 2[DNA]___________________________________________________________________________________ 3[organelles]________________________________________________________________________________ 4[size]_____________________________________________________________________________________ 5[complexity]_______________________________________________________________________________ LAB STATION _______________________________________ HR______ TEAM MEMBERS: _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________