Chapter 8 Review Name: test date Match each word with the correct

Chapter 8 Review
test date
Match each word with the correct definition or description.
A. to provide housing and food to British Soldiers
B. volunteer army
C. Lawmaking branch of British government
D. Wall made of earth and stone
E. to refuse to buy or use goods
1. Which of the following was a cause of the French and Indian War?
a. France and Britain both claimed the same lands in North America
b. Stamp Act
c. Sugar Act
2. How did the British government plan to pay for the French and Indian War?
a. It passed new tax laws for the Parliament members
b. It passed new tax laws for the colonies
c. It raised the tea prices
3. The colonists protested the taxes on British goods by…
a. building statues in the King’s honor
b. moving to Canada
c. refusing to buy British goods (boycotting)
4. The Committees of Correspondence did which of the following:
a. wrote songs in honor of the king
b. dumped tea in the harbor
c. created a system to spread information quickly
5. The British realized they had a tough battle ahead when:
a. the Battle of Bunker Hill was over
b. they saw the tea in Boston Harbor
Chapter 8 Review
6. The battles of Lexington and Concord are important because:
a. They marked the end of the Boston Tea Party
b. They marked the beginning of the American Revolution
7. Why is July 4, 1776 important?
a. Congress voted to accept the Declaration of Independence
b. It is the first time they used fireworks
8. What was the first plan of government for the United States called?
a. the Articles of Confederation
b. the First Plan of Government
9. One effect of the Articles of Confederation is…
a. Congress had to meet every month
b. the states were held together as a nation during the Revolutionary War
Match each word with the correct definition or description.
Stamp Act
Tea Act
A. fight between colonists and British soldier that left 5 colonists
B. Tax on paper items
C. Act that gave East India Company a monopoly on tea
Boston Massacre
D. sudden, complete change in government
E. to use warships to prevent other ships from entering or leaving
a harbor
10. Describe two things that the Sons of Liberty or Daughters of Liberty in reaction to British policies.
Chapter 8 Review
Match each word with the correct definition or description.
Continental Army commander
a. George Washington
Articles of Confederation committee head
b. Richard Henry Lee
organized first Committee of
Correspondence in Boston
c. Thomas Jefferson
Declaration of Independence writer
d. John Dickenson
called for a resolution in the 2nd Continental
Congress for independence from Britain
e. Samuel Adams
In the ( ), write how many questions you need to answer for that
problem. Then using complete sentences, answer the questions.
11. ( ) What was the Proclamation of 1763 and how did the colonists feel about it? How did
they react to it?
12. ( ) What was the First Continental Congress and why did they meet in 1764?
Chapter 8 Review
13. ( ) What effects did the Battle of Bunker Hill have?
14. ( ) How do governments get their power to rule?
15. ( ) Pick two events from the following list and describe how they helped lead to the
American Revolution.
French and Indian War, Boston Tea Party, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Tea Tax, Boston Massacre,
Lexington and Concord