Miss Liberman American Literature 2010-2011 Email: rliberman@alemany.org SYLLABUS This course is designed to develop and strengthen English language arts skills while analyzing major works of American Literature. Students will read a variety of texts including short stories, novels, and poetry while developing and strengthening writing, grammar, and vocabulary skills. COURSE REQUIREMENTS Attend class Bring required materials Be on time: You should be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings. Tardiness will be reported. Be prepared for class discussion. Falling asleep or putting your head down during class is unacceptable, and disciplinary measures will be taken in the case that this becomes a frequent habit. Complete assignments on time, as late work will be worth 50% (1 day past the deadline ONLY) Late homework will not be accepted. RULES No eating in class. Please finish all food and snacks before entering the classroom. You may drink bottled water in class; however, no other beverages are permitted. No gum-chewing. No exceptions. This is a campus-wide rule. Cheating or plagiarizing at any level, at any time, will not be tolerated. Consequently, when evidence of cheating or plagiarism exists, the assignment will receive no credit, the student has no opportunity to make up that works, and the deans will be notified. No texting or cell phone use in class. If your phone is seen or heard it will be confiscated. REQUIRED TEXTS Prentice Hall Literature: The American Experience (1st and 2nd semester) English Dictionary Grammar for Writing: Level Gold (1st and 2nd semester) MLA binder insert: Quick Study Academic: APA/MLA guidelines for Students (1st and 2nd semester) The Tell-Tale Heart and Other Writings (1st semester) Inherit the Wind (1st semester) To Kill a Mockingbird (2nd semester) The Old Man and the Sea (2nd semester) REQUIRED MATERIALS Paper Pens (blue or black and red) & Pencils Small composition book for warm-ups and reading journals (to be kept in class) 3 ring binder with ______ tabs HOMEWORK: Some form of homework will be assigned several times a week. Assignments will almost always be available on the front whiteboard and the class website. Keep in mind, however, that the most accurate and current information regarding assignments will be presented in class. Accessing Class Website http://www.alemany.org/ “Academics” “Classes/Homework” “English Department” “Liberman” ***YOUare responsible for scheduling make-up work in the case of an excused absence. TESTING Vocabulary and literature quizzes at the end of each unit Midterm exam each semester Cumulative final exam at the end of the semester GRADING/ASSESMENTS Your grade will be determined by dividing your total points earned by the total number of points possible. The resulting percentage represents your grade according to this scale. Final grades will be determined by the following scale: A=90-100% B=80-89% C=70-79% D=60-69% F=59% and below TUTORING Tutoring will be available after school on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 1:45-3pm or by appointment. Any changes to the tutoring schedule will be announced in class. DISCIPLINE The Alemany Honor code will be upheld in this class. All rules and policies outlined by Bishop Alemany High School will be observed. BE RESPECTFUL AND RESPONSIBLE. Any disciplinary issues will be addressed first by the instructor and then by the deans as necessary. With all due consideration to the above guidelines, the final determination of the student’s grade rests with the professional judgment of the instructor. MISSION STATEMENT As a Catholic High School, Bishop Alemany is a community enriched by faith that develops intellectually prepared men and women who are committed to promoting a just and peaceful world as conscientious and morally courageous leaders in service to others. PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN THE INFORMATION BELOW I have read and agreed to the above classroom expectation for Miss Liberman’s American Literature course STUDENT NAME: ____________________________________________ Student Signature: _____________________________________________ PARENT(S)/GUARDIAN(S) NAME(S): ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________________________ CONTACT INFORMATION HOME PHONE: __________________________________ CELL PHONE: ____________________________________ EMAIL:_________________________________________ Note to Parents: You know your child best and I welcome your communication. Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns at any time: rliberman@alemany.org