Existence of God

Existence of God
of God
Truth of Islam
Experiencing God
Kalām cosmological argument
Everything that has a
beginning of its existence
has a cause of its
If the universe has a
beginning of its existence;
Therefore: The universe has
a cause of its existence.
Laws of Thermodynamics
First Law: Energy cannot be created or destroyed but only conserved
Second Law: The universe increases in entropy (chaos) with every spontaneous chemical
Third Law: The entropy of a pure crystalline substance at Absolute Zero temperature is 0
 Entropy
is chaos (disorder)
Humans are low
entropy (high
Boltzmann Equation
Entropy = Boltzmann Constant (Gas Constant/Avagadro’s
Number) to the natural logarithm of W (the number of
microstates in a macrostate, i.e. the number of energetically
equivalent ways to arrange atoms in a compound)
Entropy = Chaos
Entropy: Disorder Slowly Destroying
the Universe
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGIBPOhfbok (30:40 to 33:15)
Boltzmann Equation in the Qur’an
‫كل من عليها فان‬
“Everything upon this (universe) dies.” (Qur’an 55:27)
Second Law of Thermodynamics
Heat Death of the Universe
First Cause of the Universe
The universe is gradually, irreversibly increasing in entropy
(disorder; chaos) with each spontaneous reaction, and
energy always goes from a hot system to a cold one.
Since the Universe has not suffered a heat death yet, this
indicates that the Universe had a beginning and is not
infinite. With that said, anything that is finite, must have a
The Secrets of the Qur’an
"The God of Islam is the same God who is visible in the mirror of the
laws of nature and is discernible in the book of nature. Islam has not
presented a new God but has presented the same God who is
presented by the light of man’s heart, by the conscience of man,
and by the universe.“
“The Qur’an opens the doors to hundreds of insights and eternal
truths regarding spiritual medicine and also physical medicine.”
- Promised Messiah (as)
Truth of the Qur’an
The Qur’an contains scientific
prophecies fulfilled in modern
How could the Prophet
Muhammad (sa) have known
these things 1400 years ago?
Therefore the Qur’an is the
Word of God
Truthfulness of the Qur’an from
Science and Modern Technology
ۗ‫ق َوفِ ٓى أ َنفُ ِس ِہ ۡم َحت َّ ٰى يَتَبَي ََّن لَ ُه ۡم أَنَّهُ ۡٱل َح ُّق‬
‫سنُ ِري ِه ۡم َءايَ ٰـتِنَا فِى‬
“Soon We will show them Our Signs in the Horizons, and in their own
bodies until they understand that it is the truth.” [41:54]
Qur’an and Cosmology
 Qur’an and Human Biology
 Qur’an and Modern
 Qur’an and Plant Biology
Qur’an and Astrobiology
Big Bang Theory
“Do the atheists not see that the universe was a closed up
mass, then We exploded it out?” [21:31]
Creation of Stars and Planets
“Then He turned to the universe when it was smoke, and said unto it
and unto the earth: Come both of you, willingly or not. They said: We
come, obedient.” [41:12]
 Star formation occurs by molecular interstellar clouds which are 70%
hydrogen gas and some helium
Pillars of Creation Nebula with Star
Expansion of the Universe
“And the universe We built with Our own hands and indeed We go
on expanding it.” [51:48]
Discovered by Edwin Hubble in 1929 (1,297 years after the death of
the Prophet Muhammad [sa])
“And We made from water every living thing. Will they not then
believe?” [21:31]
“He created man from dry ringing clay like pieces of pottery.”
Miller-Urey Experiment
- Proved amino acids biogenesis could
occur in a hydrogen-rich reducing
primordial atmosphere in the Ocean
Polymerization in Clay
Hydrolysis reaction (breaking of peptide bonds)
occurs in water, therefore polymerization of first
amino acids must have occurred on clay
Human Embryology
“Then We placed him as a drop of
sperm in a safe depository; Then We
fashioned the sperm into a clot; then
We fashioned the clot into a
shapeless lump; then We fashioned
bones out of this shapeless lump; then
We clothed the bones with flesh; then
We developed it into another
creation.” [23:14-15]
Dr. Keith Moore, professor of anatomy,
in the Faculty of Surgery at the
University of Toronto Medical School
verified that the Qur’anic account of
human embryology is in line with
modern biomedical science in the
Evolutionary Neuroanatomy and
Psychodynamic Psychology
“The state of self is surely prone to enjoin evil.” [12:54]
“And I do call to witness the self-accusing state of self.” [74:3]
“And you, O state of self at peace!” [89:28]
Frontal Lobe
Frontal lobe of cerebral cortex has evolved
greatest in size and function in humans
Involved with higher thought, language, and
abstract cognitive function
Other animals also have frontal lobes but at
smaller sizes (hence less higher thought)
Chimpanzees can produce sign language but
cannot conceptualize abstract concepts like
Other lobes are fairly similar in humans as other
animals (i.e. the neuroanatomical regions
responsible for breathing, eating, mating etc.)
Genetic Engineering
“And he (Satan) said…’and assuredly I will incite them and they will alter the creation of
Allah.’” [4:119-120]
Prediction of Social Media and
Modern Communication Systems
“And when various people are brought together.” [81:8]
Plant Reproduction
“(God is the One Who) sent water down from the sky and thereby
We brought forth genders of plants each separate from the other.”
Extra-terrestrial Life
“Allah is He Who created seven (many) galaxies, and of the earth
many others like it.” [65:13]
“And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth,
and of whatever living organisms He has spread forth in both. And
He has the power to gather them together when He will so please.”
Earth is in precise Goldilocks Zone in
proximity to the Sun, necessary for planet to
be biophilic; another sign of God
Drake’s Equation
“The dwellers of the heaven and the dwellers of the earth glorify Him. This is an indication
that other planets in the universe are also populated and their dwellers follow Divine
guidance.” – Promised Messiah (as) in “Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam” pg. 103
Drake’s Equation:
N = R* x fp x ne x fl x fi x fC x L
N = the number of civilizations in our galaxy with which
communication might be possible;
R* = the average number of star formation per year in our
fp = the fraction of those stars that have planets
ne = the average number of planets that can potentially
support life per star that has planets
fl = the fraction of planets that could support life that
actually develop life at some point
fi = the fraction of planets with life that actually go on to
develop intelligent life (civilizations)
fC = the fraction of civilizations that develop a technology
that releases detectable signs of their existence into space
L = the length of time for which such civilizations release
detectable signals into space
Beauty of Life and the Universe
َّ ‫ٱل‬
َ ُ َ
ُ ۡ‫شم‬
َ ُ
َ َ ِ ُ َ ‫س َو‬
“The sun and moon are in orbit. And the stars and plants both
submit (to Allah).” [55:4-5]
Numerical Miracles of the Qur’an:
Sea-Land Ratio
Numerical Miracles of the Qur’an:
Word Repetitions
Day ‫ – يوم‬365 times
Month ‫ – شهر‬12 times
Satan ‫ شيطان‬and Angels ‫ – مالئكة‬Both 88 times
Heaven ‫ جنة‬and Hell ‫ – جهنم‬Both 77 times
Man ‫ رجل‬and Woman ‫ – إمرأة‬Both 23 times
Human karyotype contains 23 chromosomes from
father and 23 chromosomes from mother
Experiencing God through
Quantum Physics
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle:
We can never be certain of exactly where an
electron is at any one point in time but only make
a probability of where in space it may be (i.e. an
atomic orbital)
Electrons are both particles and waves, shown
by the double-split experiment
Since we can not be sure of what is exactly
going on at the quantum (atomic) level but we
can be deterministic at the macroscopic level,
this indicates that God may fluctuate and
change the universe at an atomic level as He
Atomic Orbitals
Double-Split Experiment
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlb-HEyOXc0 (27:18 to 30:43)
True Dreams of Scientists
Many scientists have experienced true dreams from God which led
to revolutionary discoveries
German chemist Dr. August Kekulé discovered the ring-structure of
benzene after seeing a dream of a snake eating its tail
Neuroscientist Dr. Otto Leowi discovered neurotransmission and the first
neurotransmitter acetylcholine (involved in muscle function) after seeing
and performing an experiment in a dream
Dr. Kekulé’s Dream
Near-Death Experiences
Many individuals have had near-death experiences in which they saw the
afterlife (usually heaven)
Dr. Eban Alexander, a neurosurgeon who did not strongly believe in an afterlife
or in God, after he was in a coma with limited activity in his cerebral cortex,
claimed to have seen heaven and wrote a book on it
Khalifa-tul-Masih IV (rh) explained how an
Ahmadi Muslim lady was in a coma and met
God in heaven:
Allah told her that she was already dead for
many years; she requested Allah to give her
more time on Earth
Allah said He would bring her back to Earth and
that the doctors would try to give her blood
through a needle but she should reject this
needle, that they would say she would not
have children but she would, and that she
would live a long life
When she returned to consciousness, the
doctors tried inserting the needle but she
refused but they did anyway, and her arm
started swelling. She also had children and lived
a long life
Albert Einstein and Charles Darwin
on God
"I want to know God's thoughts; the rest are details."
"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind.“
“But I may say that the impossibility of conceiving that this grand
and wondrous universe, with our conscious selves, arose through
chance, seems to me the chief argument for the existence of
“The theory of evolution is quite compatible with the belief in a
God; but that you must remember that different persons have
different definitions of what they mean by God.”
Pascal’s Wager
Power of Prayer
“The weapon of a believer is prayer” – Prophet Muhammad (sa)
Prayer Experiment:
Make a hypothesis that God exists, and start praying. Note down your
Anything in life, including all science research, involves effort