Sociology Lesson Plans: Social Structures & Society Types

Sociology Lesson Plans September 2-5
September 2
Chapter Four: Social Structures
Introduce Chapter using PowerPoint Presentations
Focus Questions:
1. What elements create a social structure?
2. Do the three paradigms view social structure?
3. Can social policies improve society?
Introduce: Micro and Macro Orientations using information on page 04 of Teacher Resource
Text and video clips
Highlight the term social structures and make sure that students understand the meaning.
Demonstrate the components of social structures using a flowchart.
Student Activities:
1. Vocabulary Worksheet
2. Homework: ” Social Structures Form in Haiti’s Tent Cities” (Students will read the article
from The Wall Street Journal, March 8, 2010 and answer 5 of 8 questions.
September 3
Continue the flow chart to include status. Also use PowerPoint for Chapter Four to discuss the
1. Index card activity: Ascribed and Achieved Statuses
2. Read Section One: Building Blocks for Social Structure and answer the following questions:
a. Explain what “social structure” means.
b. What is the main difference between an ascribed status and an achieved status?
c. What can cause a person’s master status to change?
d. What is the difference between role expectations and role performance?
e. What is the difference between role conflict and role strain?
f. List five examples of a social institution in society.
3. Homework: Read Section 2 and answer questions one and two in the section review on
page 79.
September 4
Use Powerpoint and video clips to introduce the types of societies.
1. Discuss homework reading assignment and questions.
2. Graphic Organizer “Types of Societies” (Students complete the chart)
3. Answer the following questions:
a. What are the four preindustrial societies?
b. What are the limitations of a hunting and gathering society?
c. How do pastoral societies lead to a division of labor?
d. Why can horticultural societies begin to stay in one spot?
e. In what ways do agricultural societies increase the production of food?
f. In industrial societies, many products are made by the use of ___________.
g. List five ways urbanization changes societies.
h. What kind of society is the U.S.?
i. List four common aspects of a post-industrial society.
4. Homework: Reading Assignment: “The War on Children’s Playgrounds” – Students will read
the article and answer the 9 questions.
September 5
1. Students read Section 4 and answer the following questions:
a. What are the five characteristics of bureaucracies?
b. How can informal structures within a bureaucracy be more powerful than formal
c. What is an oligarchy?
2. Discuss student responses
3. Chapter Four Review Worksheet