Fallon Kostbahn PE lesson plan Title of Activity/Lesson: Jumping long rope Objectives: The learner will draw them on one end of the jump rope twirling it then draw another picture of them in the middle jumping the rope. The learner will show me how they can jump the rope at least 3-4 times 80% of the time. The learner will cooperate when twirling the rope for their partners and will not mess around and try to mess the other person up when it is their turn to jump. National Standards Met: #1, 2 Spatial and body awareness, locomotor skills, nonlomotor skills, rhythmic sequencing #3, 4 Participates in enjoyable, challenging activities, cardiovascular endurance #5, 6 Participates, appreciates, enjoys movement Time Allotment: 15 minutes Materials Needed: Long Jump ropes Organization: As the students come in I will number them off so I have groups of three. I will have cones with the different numbers on them so they can go straight to their groups. Warm-Up: I will turn music on, the students will jog around the outside of the gym floor. When I turn the music off the students will start to walk, then I will turn the music back on they will return to jogging. I will continue this activity for 3 minutes. After that the students will go back to their cones and I will stand in the middle of the gym and do a silent warm up. This is where they follow every motion that I do but they do it without saying a word. Presentation of the Lesson: Focus: Today we are going to practice long-rope turning and jumping skills. Show you can be a good group-mate by sharing, taking turns, and doing your best. Instruction (Procedures): Turners: Hold the rope 3" (demonstrate) above the floor (ground). Jumpers: Face the rope, and jump back and forth over it. Turners: Each time the Jumper makes it over and back, raise the rope a little higher. Switch roles on my signal. (Rotate students every 1-2 minutes after this and each of these activities.) Modeling: I will show the students how to hold the rope and twirl it properly in a circle. Then show them how to jump 3 to 4 inches off the ground to jump the jump rope. Check for Understanding: Before I let the students go and start jumping rope I will ask them what they are suppose to do. We will discuss how the twirlers will twirl the rope and how to jump into the circle to jump the rope. Monitor/Reteach: I will walk around to the different groups and watch each of them and if there is ones who need help I will reteach them. I could twirl or jump in to help them better understand what they should be doing. Assessment/Evaluation of Objectives: By watching I can see who is able to twirl and jump the rope. I will have a paper with check boxes to check off who can do what. Cool Down: I will have the students help clean up by bringing over the jump ropes and cones. Then I will have them stand on a line and do some meditation breaking to help their heart rates slow down. Closure: Someone tell me how to twirl the rope. Someone tell me when you jump in to jump the rope. Next time you come in we will learn different games we can play with the jump ropes. Lesson Plan Websites: PE Central http://www.pecentral.org/lessonideas/pelessonplans.html Spark http://www.sparkpe.org/physical-education/lesson-plans/ Teachers.net http://teachers.net/lessonplans/subjects/physical_education/ Teachnology http://www.teach-nology.com/teachers/lesson_plans/physical_ed/ Physical Education Lesson Plan Page http://pazz.tripod.com/lesson.html Education Technology Clearinghouse http://etc.usf.edu/pe/pek2.htm PE- Lesson Plan Resources http://www.pinterest.com/capnpete/pe-lesson-plan-resources/ Glory Unified School District http://www.gusd.k12.ca.us/PhysicalEducation PE Central K-2 http://www.pecentral.org/lessonideas/elementary/k2lessonideas.asp Share My Lesson http://www.sharemylesson.com/late-elementary-physical-education-teachingresources/