lesson plan - Languages.dk

Each student will produce a personal website with content
Language levels A2-B1 (the reading tasks differ in
complexity and will/can be allocated according to the
student level)
Information and Communication Technology
Approx. time
12 lessons of 45 minutes. This is the minimum time
required! During testing some classes needed four extra
The students need a minimum language level between A2
and B1 for the content part of the work, in cases where one
or more students fall below this level the content teacher
has to assist with more basic instructions or even (in rare
cases) revert to the native language.
Both the language and the content teacher have to ensure
that the students know the specific vocabulary for the
technical part of the online tutorial/instruction texts;
scaffolding can make use of word lists, yellow stickers with
core vocabulary and the native translation on the other
side, but main aid for the vocabulary is the Multidict facility
used in Wordlink and Clilstore (www.multidict.net). The
language teaching methodology of the lesson is based on
the Task Based Learning approach, this means that
language corrections where possible/suitable should wait
until the post task phase of the lessons (Activity 5)
The language aims of the lessons are to ensure that the
students know and master the grammar associated with
the use of passive voice for descriptions and active voice /
imperative for instructions.
During the lessons the students will work with and
strengthen language skills like:
-How to understand instructions and strategies for dealing
with not understanding
-How to describe
-How to explain
-How to justify/present a case, e.g. regarding netiquette
and graphics design.
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Stage 1
Short Description
Pre task phase, the students
are given an introduction to
the module and their task
Stage 2
Start of task phase, the
Activity 2
students work in groups, each
group prepares a
presentation and a hand-out
for the full class
Group presentations, the
Activity 3
students in each group act as
instructors for the other
groups “filling in the
information gaps”
Individual work where each
Activity 4
student compiles a webpage
and uploads it to a personal
website and at the same time
acts as consultant for the
other students where needed.
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5
End of task phase
Post task phase:
Work on language points
observed during the previous
four stages
The students are during the
five activities evaluated
individually on how they
Links to Activities
Activity 1
Activity 5
demonstrated social
skills (their ability to
cooperate in groups
and as consultants for
other students)
selected different
dictionaries for
different purposes
made use of Wordlink
to convert webpages
so they were linked
word by word to
online dictionaries
made use of passive
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and active voice in the
right contexts
acquired a website
with email accounts.
uploaded files to the
website using FTP
(File Transfer
knowledge about
compiled a webpage
using HTML and CSS
made use of graphics
in the website and
where needed reduced
the file size so the
pages load quickly
knowledge about the
copyright rules for
texts and graphics.
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Activity 1
Short demonstration of the interface for the online
dictionaries http://multidict.net/multidict/ and the
Wordlink http://multidict.net/wordlink/
The students are given the overall task description: "The
Web Page Task has been completed when each student in the
class has created a personal web page with headline, graphics,
text, links, and a link to the student’s personal e-mail account."
The class is divided into four groups with a dedicated task
Approx. time
How to get a free website with email accounts.
How to send files to the website using FTP (File
Transfer Protocol). Demands for netiquette (rules
for proper email behaviour)
How to write a webpage using HTML and CSS coding
Where to get free graphics for your website
including how to reduce the file size so the pages
load quickly and the copyright rules for texts and
90 minutes / two lessons
The students know how to convert a webpage so it is linked
word by word to online dictionaries
The students know how to select different dictionaries for
different purposes
The students are ready to start the tasks
Students start working with the online texts and
communicate within the allocated groups
Student briefs:
 How to get a free website with email accounts.
 How to send files to the website using FTP (File
Transfer Protocol). Demands for netiquette (rules
for proper email behaviour)
 How to write a webpage using HTML and CSS coding
 Where to get free graphics for your website
including how to reduce the file size so the pages
load quickly and the copyright rules for texts and
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Activity 2
The students work in the four groups. Each group prepares
a worksheet / hand-out for the other groups and a
PowerPoint presentation.
During the work with reading online documents and
tutorial each student fill in a “Language Paper” with
language points based on the language part of their briefs:
“Find ten “interesting” sentences from the online
documents you have read during this task. Write them on
the “Language Paper” with your comments.
Find five examples of verbs in the imperative form. Write
them on the “Language
Paper” with your comments, i.e. why is the imperative form
Find five examples of verbs in the passive form (passiv).
Write them on the “Language Paper” with your comments,
i.e. why is the passive form used?”
Approx. time
90 minutes / two lessons
Learning outcome The members of each group will acquire one of the four
Can to get a free website with email accounts.
Can send files to the website using FTP (File
Transfer Protocol). Demands for netiquette (rules
for proper email behaviour)
Can write a webpage using HTML and CSS coding
Can get free graphics for a website, reduce the file
size so the pages load quickly and know the
copyright rules for texts and graphics.
The groups carry out the concrete tasks and start
preparing for tutoring the other groups
Student language paper
Student briefs:
 How to get a free website with email accounts.
 How to send files to the website using FTP (File
Transfer Protocol). Demands for netiquette (rules
for proper email behaviour)
 How to write a webpage using HTML and CSS
 Where to get free graphics for your website
including how to reduce the file size so the pages
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load quickly and the copyright rules for texts and
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Activity 3
Approx. time
The four groups deliver their presentations and hand out
the prepared worksheets to the other groups
90 minutes / two lessons
All the students get knowledge about
 How to get a free website with email accounts.
 How to send files to the website using FTP (File
Transfer Protocol). Demands for netiquette (rules
for proper email behaviour)
 How to write a webpage using HTML and CSS coding
 How to get free graphics for a website, reduce the
file size so the pages load quickly and know the
copyright rules for texts and graphics.
Delivery of the presentations, language/communication
making use of both active and passive voice
PowerPoint presentations and hand-outs prepared by the
four groups
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Activity 4
Approx. time
Each student starts producing a webpage and at the same
time act as a consultant for the other students assisting
these when they need information/assistance
180 minutes / Four lessons
All students have acquired the four competences:
Can to get a free website with email accounts.
Can send files to the website using FTP (File
Transfer Protocol). Demands for netiquette (rules
for proper email behaviour)
Can write a webpage using HTML and CSS coding
Can get free graphics for a website, reduce the file
size so the pages load quickly and know the
copyright rules for texts and graphics.
Each student will have produced a personal webpage and
uploaded it to a website
The individual websites produced by the students
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Activity 5
Post task work on language based on the experiences from
the first four activities and evaluation of the produced
webpages and language skills.
The teacher(s) will have taken notes on the language used
by the students (type errors) these notes will together with
the language papers filled in by the students during their
work be base for a “grammar lesson”
Approx. time
90 minutes / Two lessons
Learning outcome All students have acquired the four competences:
Can to get a free website with email accounts.
Can send files to the website using FTP (File
Transfer Protocol). Demands for netiquette (rules
for proper email behaviour)
Can write a webpage using HTML and CSS coding
Can get free graphics for a website, reduce the file
size so the pages load quickly and know the
copyright rules for texts and graphics.
Language competence acquired
 The students master using passive and active voice
in the right contexts
Each student will have produced a personal webpage and
uploaded it to a website
Student language paper filled in by each student
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