CIE Update Scomis Network meeting 18 11

Cambridge exams
Cambridge International Examinations
 An international exam board, providing
programmes and qualifications to over
10,000 schools in 160 countries
 We are not a member of the JCQ
 Some of our processes, timetabling and
deadlines are different to other JCQ UK
awarding bodies.
 Always looking for opportunities to both
align our processes where we can and to
help schools manage the differences
Working with The Exams Office
 Partnership will enhance support and training opportunities for
Cambridge exams officers in the UK
 Cambridge workshop sessions at the Exam Office Professional
Development Conferences:
 11 January 2016: London
 15 January 2016: Manchester
 22 January 2016: Birmingham
 Sessions will cover our entries process and our differences with JCQ
awarding bodies
 Booking details at
Support for November 2015 exams
 The ‘running exams’ area of our website:
 running exams video
 exam day checklist
 FAQs about exam regulations:
 outline and explain differences with JCQ
exam boards
 available from the October newsletter
 Guide to administering Cambridge
IGCSE First Language English
Key documents for 2016
 Cambridge Administrative Guide: details all
the administrative tasks exams officers need
to carry out. Updated yearly.
 Cambridge Handbook: sets out the rules
and regulations for running our exams. Details
the Centres’ responsibilities and forms part of
Centres’ contract with us. Updated yearly.
 Sent at the end of October and available
Cambridge Exams Officer eNews
 An essential resource, emailed
on the first working day of each
month, which includes:
reminders about key dates
and activities for that month
guidance on key processes
updates and new services.
 If you don’t receive the
newsletter, email
New Cambridge IGCSE (9-1) syllabuses
Our redeveloped Cambridge IGCSEs have been adapted to offer the same
breadth and depth as the reformed GCSEs in England:
 they have a (9–1) grading scale instead of A*-G
 they retain popular features of legacy Cambridge IGCSEs
 they are accredited and funded for use in schools from September 2015
 they will not be included in government performance tables.
There will be different syllabus and entry codes for accredited syllabuses:
 First Language English (0627 replacing 0522)
 English Literature (0477 replacing 0476)
 Mathematics (0626 replacing 0580)
Further details and the new syllabuses are on the Cambridge IGCSE 9-1 page
of our website.
Learn more!
Getting in touch with
Cambridge is easy
Email us at
or telephone
+44 (0) 1223 553554