ILENE D. (IDA) ALEXANDER 612.237.6121 (cell) (email) Blogs: (work) (personal) Participatory Media Platforms: EDUCATION American Studies. PhD. University of Iowa, May 1998. Dissertation: "Learning in Other Ways: A History of Feminist Pedagogy in the U.S." English. Master of Arts. Mankato State University, July 1986. Thesis: "'Contentment & real friends are one's greatest riches, so cultivate them': An Auto/biography." Women's Studies. Master of Arts. Mankato State University, June 1986. Thesis: "Images of Violence Against Women: Eight Feminist Novelists, 1861-1984." Political Science. Bachelor of Science. Mankato State University, June 1980. Minors in Mass Communications and English. AWARDS Fulbright Senior Specialist Roster 2011-2015 Sabbatical Semester University of Salford, Northwest England. Fall 2010. Affiliated with units across the campus focused on faculty and postgraduate researchers’ professional development regarding learning and teaching. TEACHING EXPERIENCE University of Minnesota Education Specialist. Preparing Future Faculty Program. Center for Teaching and Learning. January 2002 – current. All courses employ aligned course design principles, engaged multicultural teaching and learning pedagogies with universal design practices, technology to support learning and teaching, and writing-, speaking-, and drawing-to-learn frameworks. Teaching in Higher Education (GRAD 8101). Instructor of multidisciplinary graduate course with three focuses: study of engaged pedagogies; development and analysis of multiple teaching opportunities; and production/revision of a teaching portfolio including CV, teaching philosophy, and a course design component including syllabus and a major assignment accompanied by an assessment tool. Practicum in Higher Education (GRAD 8102). Instructor of multidisciplinary course involving graduate students in a local college/university teaching mentorship and in a comprehensive study of the faculty role as well as academic cultures and issues across institutional types. Responsibilities include coaching students in development of positionspecific, application-ready job search documents. Topics in Higher Education (GRAD 8200). Course developer and teacher: * Multicultural Inclusive Learning & Teaching * Active Learning and Course Design in the Sciences * Beyond the Academy: Practical Job Search Strategies for PhDs. Assistant Faculty Coordinator. College in the Schools (CIS) Writing 1301 Cohort. September 2011 – current. With two colleagues and three CIS teachers from area high schools, coordinate the professional development programming that includes conducting “Student Feedback through Consensus” observation of teaching, development and implementation of four professional development days per year for the entire cohort, staffing three field days per year for CIS Writing 1301 students, and maintaining conversations and resources through a Moodle site. Lecturer. Department of English. 1996-2000 (fulltime); 2001-4 (adjunct). Department of Writing Studies. Fall 2008 (adjunct). Writing courses: * University Writing and Critical Reading, specifically sections with cultural diversity or public ethics emphasis. Served also as resource coordinator/contact for teachers new to these courses and grader/editor of Distance Learning version of the course. * Advanced courses including Writing in the Humanities, Writing in Social Science, Intermediate and Advanced Expository Writing, Feminist Expository Writing. Literature courses: * Introduction to American Literature as discussion classes with 40 students, and as a 200-student lecture class with six discussion sections; course carried Cultural Diversity and Writing Intensive designators. Readings drawn from "coming of age" novels and “radical” or “best seller” narratives from 1790 onward. Lecturer. Department of Women’s Studies. Fall 2003-5, Fall 2007. Feminist Pedagogies, a graduate course examining, analyzing, reflecting on feminist pedagogical theories; providing students with substantial teaching, course design, applied reading and writing intensive opportunities. Ilene D. Alexander / Static CV 2014 / 2 Minneapolis Community College Adjunct Instructor. Department of English (courses on-campus and in neighborhood community center in North Minneapolis). 1994-6. * Courses taught: developmental, basic, and first year composition. College of St. Catherine Visiting Faculty. Department of English. 1993-4. * Courses taught: General Education: Human Experience in Literature, and Composition. Advanced Majors: US Women Poets. University of Iowa Instructor. Rhetoric. 1986-1993. * A year-long sequence balancing instruction and practice in reading, speaking and writing. Rhetoric 10:1 focused on developing fluency in writing / reading / public speaking, information literacy and research-based writing for an academic audience. Rhetoric 10:2 focused on development of persuasive, critical, audience-aware discourse with peer feedback and self-assessment components as part of portfolio grading. Rhetoric 10:3 accelerated these objectives into a single semester course for advanced placement/high ACT scoring students. Course readings drawn from "whole texts" (eg, Slouching Toward Bethlehem, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Race Matters, Cities on a Hill, Disappearance of Childhood, Rebellion and Other Essays) rather than multiple-author readers or anthologies. Instructor and Course Developer. Women's Studies. * Introduction to Sexuality Studies. 1991-1993. Also created the Distance Learning Course, including writing of course guide, from “lessons” to assignments and evaluation criteria to selection/development of learning resources. * Turning the Centuries: Feminism and Activism in the US. 1990. Incorporated “blog-like” component for student responding to readings and networking. * Women in American Culture, topics including Lesbian Lives/Bisexual Lives in the US, and Feminist Literature and Theory: Creative Non-Fiction as Praxis. 1988-1991. Instructor. American Studies. * Introduction to American Studies. 1990. Incorporated “blog-like” component for student responding to readings and networking using campus mainframe computers. * Autobiography and American Culture (Distance Learning course). 1987-1994. Includes revision of course guide, updating analyses/discussions related to core texts, refining assignments and assessment guidelines. Mankato State University Instructor. Composition I and Composition II. 1982-1986. Co-Instructor. Introduction to Women's Studies. 1984, 1985. Collective Instructor. International Feminisms. 1985. Co-Instructor. Women's Journals, Diaries and Autobiographies. 1982-3. Co-Instructor. Introduction to the Novel: Feminist Vision & American Novels. 1982. Instructor. Upward Bound – English. 1984-1986. Instructor. Upward Bound – Journalism Instructor and Photographer. 1983-1986. Ilene D. Alexander / Static CV 2014 / 3 E-TEACHING/ACTIVE LEARNING CLASSROOM EXPERIENCE Editor and Contributor. TILT: Techniques in Learning and Teaching Blog. Center for Teaching and Learning. August 2011 – current. Active Learning Classroom Teaching. Conduct “Teaching in Higher Education” courses in technology-enhanced classrooms at the University of Minnesota. 2011 – current. Consultant in course & learning design for three University of Minnesota Coursera xMOOCs: Global Food Systems (Summer 2013; additionally, completed the course as a participant), Creative Problem Solving and Resilience in Children Exposed to Trauma, Disaster and War: Global Perspectives (both 2014). Participant in a variety of cMOOCs and pMOOCs, including #Change11, #CMC11, #ECI831, #FSTL12, and #FSLT13 (earning 5 badges in the last of these): one on constructivist learning and social media, one on multiculturalism and social media, one for K-12 teachers incorporating social media and learning technologies, and the last two for postgraduate students seeking UK academic certificates for teaching in higher education. Personal Blog on learning and teaching, on learners and teaching in higher education. Seminar Designer & Facilitator. Seminar on ”Teaching and Learning in Active Learning Classrooms.” Spring 2013. Four-part seminar jointly sponsored by the University of Minnesota Center for Teaching and Learning and the Graduate College. Participants who actively participated in four seminar sessions, completed all homework, and developed a final course proposal incorporating a technology plan earned a Certificate of Participation. Development Team. Dissertation Calculator (a web-based tool for supporting dissertation writers and writing). Team members from Center for Teaching & Learning, CLA Writing Center and Center for Research on Developmental Education and Urban Literacy. Launched project in 2003-4 academic year. Development Team. Assignment Calculator (a web-based tool for supporting undergraduate student writers, with related usability for faculty class planning). Team members from across campus. Adapted Arizona State University template, with special attention to “writing to learn” practices and pedagogies in UMTC context. Launched project in 2002. Co-Teacher. Teaching for Learning: An On-Line Course for New TAs. Working through four scenarios, students consider issues from making/responding to assignments & exams, conducting discussion sessions, setting classroom policy & climate, and enacting teaching philosophy alongside student learning goals. 2004. Computer Classroom Instructor. Taught three sections of UIowa Rhetoric 10:1 course in the Libraries' then new computer classroom. 1992-3. Ilene D. Alexander / Static CV 2014 / 4 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMING EXPERIENCE Teaching Consultant, One-to-One and Seminar-based: focusing on the professional development of faculty, instructors, post doctoral fellows and graduate students. Consulting Team at the Center for Teaching and Learning. 2003-current. Current focuses include: * Active Learning Classroom Seminar: Four-part seminar jointly sponsored by the University of Minnesota Center for Teaching and Learning and the Graduate College. Participants who actively participated in four seminar sessions, completed all homework, and developed a final course proposal incorporating a technology plan earned a Certificate of Participation. Spring 2013 and Fall 2014. * Making a Difference Seminars: Designing Courses to Improve Student Learning and Teacher Satisfaction. Enhancing Teaching and Learning by attending to course design principles and practices for engaged adult learning: includes developing facilitated, small group Making a Difference Teaching Seminars focused on community engagement, course design, international and domestic diversity as an everyday components of teaching and learning, and engaging teachers and students in lecture-based teaching practices. May 2008-current. * Developing Pedagogies and Writing Instruction for Graduate Level Courses; includes working with Interdisciplinary Dissertation Seminar Faculty Fellows Program (a UM Graduate School project): provide Professional Development Workshop and Consultation Support. May 2008-current. * Consultation Team member – focus on classroom teaching, student diversity, diversity course development, department practices, interpersonal issues, and Student Feedback through Consensus (SFC) that couples formative assessment with classroom observations. Graduate School and Postdoctoral Association Professional Liaison for Academic and Professional Development Programming. University of Minnesota. January 2001-2012: Focusing on development and delivery of workshops and seminars; creation and maintenance of print and electronic resources. Links to sample workshops and resources at and Program Coordinator. Preparing Future Faculty (a nationally recognized program of creditbearing, graduate-level pedagogy courses). University of Minnesota Center for Teaching and Learning. January 2002-January 2008. * Primary responsibility for staffing; overseeing curriculum revision (of both GRAD 8101 and GRAD 8102); carrying out new course development (GRAD 8200 topics courses) including guiding the proposal through review by all six UMTC Graduate School Policy and Review Councils. Responsible also for: o supervision of PFF instructors, including observations and other formative assessments as part of annual review and goal setting, o setting up course schedules for a program enrolling 300 students annually, Ilene D. Alexander / Static CV 2014 / 5 o supporting team of coordinators responsible for day-top-day aspects of course and retreat coordination, program & course evaluation guidelines, and mentor matching processes, o review of all new PFF courses, including pedagogy courses other departments advance as GRAD 8101 equivalent; additionally, review portfolios of students seeking exemption from GRAD 8101 course, o recruitment of GRAD 8101 co-instructors and local institution liaisons, and o development of promotional materials (eg, design and content for brochures, flyers, e-mails, web pages) and distribution plan/timeline. Program Developer and Co-Facilitator. Multicultural Teaching and Learning Fellowship Grants Program. Center for Teaching and Learning. August 2002-August 2007. * Create annual RFP, recruit applicants and chair selection process for fellowship grants for 7 projects ($2,500 each) awarded annually to faculty and instructional staff. * Co-facilitate (with Carol Chomsky) six peer discussion/feedback sessions annually for and with fellowship awardees. * Select and mentor one graduate student intern each year or semester to work on a multicultural teaching and learning project; four interns across three years. * Develop web content related to multicultural teaching and learning, specifically o Web Resources For Multicultural Course Design o Issues and Insights, series of papers related to multicultural teaching & learning o On-Line Journals – page on Multicultural Teaching and Learning Developer and Co-Facilitator. "Speaking Frankly in the Classroom: Passionate Issues and Diverse Discussions, Teaching-Related Cases." A series of 3-hour workshops sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts. Initiated 2005-6. Coordinator. Teaching Enrichment Series. Center for Teaching and Learning. 2000-3. * Selected topics and presenters for annual August week of workshops as well as Fall and Spring semester workshop series with over 800 registrants per year. * Piloted two semester-long learning circles; teaching through discussion learning, and multicultural teaching & learning; each circle fully enrolled & offered twice. Coordinator. Teaching Enrichment Series and Customized Workshops. Center for Teaching and Learning. Fall 2000-2006. * Developed workshop programming each semester as the Teaching Enrichment Series focused on professional development of scholarly teachers; additionally, within the series regularly offered multiple presentations of the following workshops: o Supporting Graduate Student Writing, workshops requested by Victor Bloomfield o Creating Research Assignments for Students, developed with Jerilyn Veldof o Fostering Critical Thinking, developed with Gordon Hirsch o Balancing Teaching & Writing o Teaching in Times Like These, developed with John Wallace (response to 9/11) o Designing Effective Class Sessions o Straightforward 'Backward Course Design,' developed with Karl Smith o Teaching Large Classes Ilene D. Alexander / Static CV 2014 / 6 o o o o o o o o o o o o Short Assignments in Writing Intensive Courses Diversity 102: Creating Assignments that Enact Theories Teaching Out / Teaching as an Ally Teaching Concerns of Adjunct Faculty Getting "the Most" from your Mentoring Experience Writing a Teaching Philosophy "All That?" Mindfully Planning for an Academic Career Applying Active Learning to Professional Presentations Leading Interactive Discussions in Professional Settings Active & Cooperative Strategies in STEM Disciplines Engaging Students in Discussion Sections Teaching & Discussions that Work Co-Facilitator. Mid-Career Faculty Learning Communities. Center for Teaching and Learning. 2000-4. Year-long faculty group explored topics including teaching, family/life balance, reinvigorating and sustaining an academic career with new post-tenure goals. Piloted group for P&A staff that resulted in opening program also to P&A instructional staff. Faculty co-facilitators from Engineering, English and Public Health. Mentor and Co-Coordinator. TA Professional Development Programming. University of Minnesota English Department. 1997-2000. Worked with Toni McNaron and Donald Ross to develop TA workshops and cohort groups; in addition to presenting and recruiting workshop sessions, also served as cohort group mentor each year. Mentor and Workshop Presenter. Professional Development Program. University of Iowa Rhetoric Department. 1994-6. Partnered with Cleo Martin to mentor a dozen of the program’s new TAs during a year-long program involving monthly workshops and weekly mentor groups following a late-summer intensive workshop week. During the following two years participated in several large group workshop sessions. Graduate Student Member of Steering Committee. Mankato State University Women's Studies Department. 1984-1986. Core faculty, program instructors, community members and student participants collaborated during this time to formalize and successfully implement a Women's Studies graduate degree program focusing on pedagogy, community organizing, program development. Approved by Higher Education Coordinating Board in 1986. INVITED TEACHING / LEARNING WORKSHOPS & CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS “Inclusive Education through Universal Design.” Workshop. Fall Professional Development Day, University of Minnesota-Morris – with Tim Kamenar. August 2014. “Universal Design for Teaching.” Workshop & Follow Up Discussion. Summer Seminar: Building an Inclusive, University of St. Thomas – with Tim Kamenar. June 2014. “The Use of Information Technology in Teaching and Learning at the University.” The China Center, University of Minnesota. Summer 2013 & Summer 2014. Ilene D. Alexander / Static CV 2014 / 7 “Course Design: Using Universal Design Principles to Move Your Planned Course from Ready to Remarkable.” University of Minnesota, August Teaching Enrichment Series – with Tim Kamenar. August 2012, 2013 & 2014. “Using Your Classroom as Technology Resource. DASH [Digital Arts, Science & Humanities] for the Classroom Event, University of Minnesota Libraries. January 2014. “People Pedagogy Technology: Pedagogy and Digital Methods.” DASH Camp, University of Minnesota. Summer 2014. “Building Digital Capacity in Graduate Education.” The 2014 Graduate and Professional Education Assembly. Planning Team & Presenter: “Creating WISE Policy for Personal Devices in Classrooms, and “Teaching and Learning Using Digital Tools.” April 2014. “MOOCs: Lessons from the Field.” Academy of Distinguished Teachers Conference, University of Minnesota. October 2013. "Anticipating the Needs of a Broad Range of Learners." Roundtable Discussion at the National Forum on Active Learning Classrooms. August 2013. “Accessible Learning: Big Picture and Small Steps – Seminar on Teaching.” University of Minnesota, College of Veterinary Medicine. February 2013. “Creating Sticky Presentations - Career Development Workshop.” University of Minnesota, College of Pharmacy. November 2012. “Universal Design – Accessibility, Inclusion and Engagement in Language Courses.” University of Minnesota, German, Scandinavian & Dutch. August 2012. “Learning in STSS [Active Learning] Classrooms – Parts 1 & 2.” University of Minnesota, August Teaching Enrichment Series. August 2012. “Popcorn, Anyone? Rethinking Patterns for Classroom Discussion.” University of Minnesota, Leadership Minor - Instructors’ Workshop. July 2012. “Sticky Teaching: 6 Principles – and an Integrating Practice – for Developing Memorable Teaching and Learning.” University of Minnesota. July 2012 (half-day seminar with Jane O’Brien and Christina Petersen). “Let’s TweetUp – Social Media Tools in Support of Learning, Teaching, Researching. Workshop for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. University of Minnesota. Fall 2011 and Spring 2012. “Supporting Graduate Students/Postdocs in Career Planning – A Workshop for Advisors and Mentors.” University of Minnesota. Fall 2011 and Spring 2012. Ilene D. Alexander / Static CV 2014 / 8 “Learning Presentations: Moving from Template-based Technologies to Learner-focused Approaches. “ University of Minnesota Technology Showcase, April 2012, with Christina Petersen. Sample docs: and CLA Workshop Series: Planning New CLA 1001 Courses. Co-created and led sessions on backward design, sticky teaching, social media and assignment development / scaffolding. University of Minnesota. Fall 2011 and Spring2012. Career Development Network: Career Planning in this Economy Workshop Series. Codeveloper of week’s events, and co-leader of several workshop sessions. University of Minnesota. March 2012 “Incorporating Universal Design Principles in the Development, Delivery, and Assessment of Your Instruction.“ University of Minnesota Teaching Enrichment Series. 30 August 2011, with Tim Kamenar. Reprised for Fall 2011 “Teaching in Higher Education” course. “Developing Your Work for Journal Publication, Part 1” and “Writing with Power, Part 2.” University of Salford, with Frances Bell and Moira McLoughlin. July 2011. Education in a Changing Environment Conference: Creativity and Engagement in Higher Education. University of Salford, UK. 6-8 July 2011. “We write to work out what we think: Creating a “writing workout” plan as a graduate researcher” (PechaKucha) “But No One Taught Me How to Talk About THAT: Engaging New Teachers as Adult Learners to Provoke Critical Multicultural Reflection” (poster) “This We Believe: Articulating Pedagogic Principles for Guiding Professional Development Work with Postgraduate Students” (poster) “I say multicultural, you say inclusive: Working together to create diverse teaching and learning diversity practices” (workshop) “Teaching that Sticks: A New Look at Teaching Impact: A Seminar Day”. University of Minnesota; with David Langley, Jane O’Brien, Christina Petersen. June 2011. “Incorporating Universal Design Principles in the Development, Delivery, and Assessment of Your Instruction.” University of Minnesota Libraries, half-day workshop with Tim Kamenar, Kate Martin & Susan Aase. 13 May 2011. “Oh, Now I Understand!” Talking about Your Interdisciplinary Research in Job Search Documents, Conference Presentations and Other Professional Contexts. Graduate School, University of Minnesota. 27 April 2011. “Writing Effective Research Statements for Fellowship and Job Applications.” Graduate School, University of Minnesota, with Karin Matchett and Noro Andriamanalina. April 2011. Ilene D. Alexander / Static CV 2014 / 9 “Peer Supported Academic Writing.” SPoRT (Salford Postgraduate Research Training Programme) Workshop. University of Salford (UK). Nov. 2010. “Seeking (and Framing and Using) Supervisor Feedback.” SPoRT Workshop. University of Salford (UK). Dec 2010. “Writing with Intention, Power & Peer Feedback.” University of Salford Business College, Live Project. Undergraduate Module, Friday Lecture. Dec. 2010. “Teaching as Engagement: Discussion Seminar.” University of Salford, Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice, Cohort 1. Dec. 2010. “’This, I Imagine, Is Hard to Do’: Building an Integrative Approach to Multicultural Teaching and Learning with Future Faculty.” At ISSOTL (International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.” Liverpool, UK. 22 October 2010. “Teaching by Design in Chicano Studies,” a pedagogy and practice 2-day workshop for University of Minnesota graduate students and adjunct instructors; co-designed and co– facilitated with Louis Mendoza. August 2010. “Teaching and Learning: Making a Difference through Course Design.” New Faculty Orientation, University of Minnesota. August 2010. “Preparing Future Faculty for Multicultural Teaching and Learning.” At Education in a Changing Environment Conference: Is the Student Really at the Heart of Higher Education? Critical Voices, Critical Times. University of Salford (UK). September 2009. “Multiculturalism in the Workplace.” University of Minnesota; co-designed and co-facilitated with Paul Ching. May 2009 “Teaching with Writing in the Summer.” University of Minnesota, Center for Writing; codesigned and co-facilitated with Mitch Ogden. April 2008. “Infusing Multicultural Teaching and Learning into a New, Integrative Curriculum.” University of Minnesota-Rochester; co-designed and co-facilitated with Louis Mendoza. February 2009. “Creating a GLBT Friendly Climate in Every Classroom.” University of Minnesota; codesigned and co-facilitated with Anne Phibbs, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Ally Programs Office. February 2009 (campus wide) and April 2009 (Ecology, Evolution and Behavior Graduate Student Seminar). “Now, Why Would A Student Say That? Strategies for Unraveling Unanticipated Classroom Conflicts.” University of Minnesota; co-designed and co-facilitated with Louis Mendoza, (Office for Equity and Diversity) and Josh Casper (Student Conflict Resolution Center). February 2009 Ilene D. Alexander / Static CV 2014 / 10 “Multicultural Teaching and Learning.” University of Minnesota Family Social Science faculty, staff and graduate student monthly discussion forum. February 2009 “Documenting Teaching Effectiveness: Making the New Student Ratings of Teaching (SRTs) Work for You.” University of Minnesota; co-designed with Jeff Lindgren with multiple solo presentations. Fall 2008 and Spring 2009. “Future Faculty ‘Take On’ Multicultural Teaching & Learning as an Everyday Strategy.” London Scholarship of Teaching and Learning International Conference. 16 May 2008. “Creating, Sustaining and Documenting Multicultural Teaching and Learning Practices.” University of Minnesota; co-designed and co-facilitated with Paul Ching. April 2009. “Hiding Right in Front of Us: Undisclosed Student Learning Challenges.” POD Network [Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education] Annual Conference: Purpose, Periphery, and Priorities. 26 October 2007. “Multicultural Teaching and Learning Fellowships: Successful Strategies for Individual and Departmental Change." Keeping Our Faculties IV. With Carol Chomsky and recent MCTL fellows. April 2007. “Graduate Student Writing: Resources and Approaches for Preparing Students to Write Their Dissertation and Publish.” Policy and Review Council Assembly; panel invited by Associate Dean Shirley Nelson Garner. Fall 2006. "Finding Your Niche: Choosing a Research Topic." Community of Scholars Program dissertation workshop. Spring 2005, Fall 2005, Summer 2006. "Designing Courses that Help Students Learn," “Making It Possible for Grades to Promote Learning” and "Teaching Students to Cross Cultures in the DIS Experience." Danish International Studies Faculty. Fall 2004, 2006, 2006, 2007. “Pedagogical Authority and Pedagogical Leadership in a Feminist Classroom: A Dialogue about Difference” with Mashinda Hedgmon. Mentee-Mentor project supported by the Susan Geiger Graduate Student Fellowship. February 2005. "Multicultural Teaching & Learning in Preparing Future Faculty Programs." Professional and Organizational Developers (POD) Annual Conference. 2005. "Student Self-Assessment of Learning," a two-part workshop (with Katherine Hirsh). Collaboration for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning Conference. 2005. Ilene D. Alexander / Static CV 2014 / 11 “Fast and Easy Ways to Strengthen Your Courses with Multicultural Material: A Timely Discussion About On-line Resources.” Pennsylvania State University Faculty WinterFest. January 2005. “Models for Faculty Development Related to Multicultural Teaching & Learning.” Collaboration for Advancement of Teaching and Learning, Diversity Colloquium (with Carol Chomsky and Colleen Bell). February 2005. “Now and for the Future: Engaging Graduate Students in Teaching (as) Professional Development” (with six graduate students from the CTL Teaching Assistant Advisory Council). Academy of Distinguished Teachers 2005 Conference. “Integrating the Scholarship of Teaching into the Professional Development of Graduate Students.” CASTL Colloquium on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (with Joe Massey & Tim Delmont). March 2004. “Assessment in a Multicultural Teaching and Learning Context, a Roundtable.” Council for Enhancing Student Learning Symposium (with 2004 Multicultural Fellows). April 2004. “Student Self-Assessment of Learning.” Council for Enhancing Student Learning Symposium (with Katherine Hirsh). April 2004. "On Preparing Future Faculty for Choices I Didn't Make." Midwest Modern Language Association. Oct. 2003. "Highlander Folk School, Feminist Pedagogy & Radical Social Justice: One Circle at a Time." Washington Center One Step at a Time: Small Doable Acts, Worthwhile Events Conference. Seattle 2003. “Between Worlds: Using Learning Circles to Improve the Campus Climate for Multiracial Populations” (half-day with John Wallace and Allen Bryant). Prizing Diversity Collaboration Conference. November 2002. "Feminist Pedagogy and the Legacy of Highlander Folk School." Midwest Modern Language Association (MMLA) Panel on Feminist Pedagogies. November 2002. "Feminist Pedagogies and Service Learning." Minnesota Campus Compact Women's Studies and Service Learning Workshop (breakout session with Cecelia K. Farr). Oct. 2002. “Multicultural Literature in the Classroom: Pedagogy and Politics." Midwest Modern Language Association (MMLA). November 2001. "Anti-Racism and Feminism: Making Visible the Legacy of Septima Clark and Myles Horton, Activist Educators." 6th Annual International Pedagogy & Theatre of the Oppressed Conference. June 2000. Ilene D. Alexander / Static CV 2014 / 12 "What's Baseball Got to Do with It? Reconsidering Contact Zones, Feminist Pedagogy, and Composition Theory." Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC). April 2000. "The Pre-Observation Meeting." University of Minnesota English Department Workshop on Peer Observations. March 2000. "The Write Response." University of Minnesota English Department Brown Bag Series. March 2000. "Peer Workshopping." University of Minnesota Composition in the Schools Program. October 1999. "Activist Education, Bobby Kennedy, and Highlander Folkschool: (Re)Considerations on Turning 42. " Conference on College Composition and Communication. (4Cs) April 1999. "Autobiography and the Loss of Audience" for the panel Border Crossings: Innovative Forms of Life Writing. Midwest Modern Language Association (MMLA). November 1996. "LGBT Studies and General Education." InQueery, InTheory, InDeed: 6th Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Studies Conference (with Cherry Muhanji). November 1994. "Feminist Graffiti." Research on Women and Education Conference (AERA Special Interest Group). Presented with College of St. Catherine Feminist Pedagogy Faculty Study Group. October 1994. "Pursuing Questions." College of St. Catherine Science and Math Seminar for First Year Students. Teaching Demonstration and Presentation requested by Feminist Pedagogy Faculty Study (with Cherry Muhanji). January 1994. "Questioning Our Dialogues" UIowa English Department Task Force on Educational Diversity (with Cherry Muhanji). April 1992. "Queer Studies in General Education Classrooms." Midwest Association of American Studies. March 1992. "Teaching Our Dialogues and Differences: Teachers' and Students' Perceptions of CoTeaching" (with Cherry Muhanji). Midwest Modern Language Association (MMLA). November 1991. "Feminist Pedagogy in the General Education Classroom" UIowa Rhetoric Department Forum on Multicultural Education. November 1990. "Communication and Coalition in the Writing Classroom: Unity and Diversity." Iowa Council of Teachers of English Conference. October 1989. Ilene D. Alexander / Static CV 2014 / 13 "An Unhealthy Mix: Liberatory Information and Oppressive Pedagogies." Parallels and Intersections: A National Conference on Racism and Other Forms of Oppression. April 1989. SELECT PUBLICATIONS Blog Posts. TILT: Techniques in Learning and Teaching. August 2011 – Current. Essay. Out of the Box: “Learning, and the Teaching of Learning & Teaching, in Other Ways.” Journal for Expanded Perspectives on Learning 19.1 (Winter 2013-1014). February 2014. Article. “Preparing Future Faculty for Multicultural Teaching and Learning.” In Education in a Changing Environment: Is the Student Really at the Heart of Higher Education? Critical Voices, Critical Times – 2009 Proceedings. University of Salford, UK. (Article 13 at “What Is Multicultural Learning?” University of Minnesota Driven to Discover Campaign. April 2008. Co-Authored with Carol Chomsky, University of Minnesota Law Schoo. Text version available at Article. “Multicultural Teaching and Learning Resources for Preparing Future Faculty in Teaching in Higher Education” Courses, A Review Essay.” In New Directions for Teaching and Learning, edited by Matthew Kaplan and AT Miller. Issue 111 (Autumn 2007): 27-33. Editor & Essay Contributor. Issues and Insights web page; essays by graduate students and university staff, focusing on multicultural teaching & learning concerns and strategies:; author of "Multicultural Teaching: A Rich Resource for Learning across the Disciplines;" forthcoming essay on reintegration of returning veterans in the college classroom. Summer 2006-current. Co-Editor. Women’s Studies Quarterly special issue on “Women and Literacy: Moving to Power and Participation.” With Mev Miller. 32: 1 & 2 (Spring/Summer 2004). Article. “Building Literacy into Courses: Syllabus & Pedagogical Considerations (with sample syllabi by Jenny Horsman and Suzanne Smythe).” Women’s Studies Quarterly 32: 1 & 2 (Spring/Summer 2004). Essay. "Water Log: An Essay for Pops." The Bonds Between Women and Water Conference. September 2000. Encyclopedia Entry. "Lesbian Teachers." Encyclopedia of Lesbian Histories and Cultures (Vol. 1). Bonnie Zimmerman, editor. Garland Publishing, 1999. Web Site Contributor. "Pat Parker." Voices from the Gaps: Women Writers of Color. University of Minnesota. Summer 1998. Ilene D. Alexander / Static CV 2014 / 14 Review Essay. "Ivory Closets: Toni McNaron's Poisoned Ivy." Lesbian Review of Books. 4.1 (1998): 9. Review Essay. "What We Teach Our Queer Students." Lesbian Review of Books. 3.1 ( 1997): 14-5. Review Essay. "The Queer Sounds of Teachers Talking." Lesbian Review of Books. 2.2 (1996): 12-3. Review. Teachers Thinking, Teachers Knowing, edited by Timothy Shanahan. Minnesota English Journal. 26.1 (Fall 1995): 42-44. Review. Seeing Yourself as a Teacher by Elizabeth Rankin. Minnesota English Journal. 25.3 (Spring 1995): 40+. Article. "A Conversation on Studying and Writing About Women's Lives" (with Suzanne Bunkers, and Cherry Muhanji). Women's Studies Quarterly. Special issue on women's "non-traditional writing." 17.3/4 (Fall/Winter 1989): 99-114. Essay. “Demurring.” Iowa Journal of Literary Studies. Fall 1989. Essay. "Genealogies: Hannah Evans Stafford." Iowa Woman. September 1987: 37-9. Poetry Review. Changing Woman, Sue Ann Martinson. Corresponder: A Fan Letter on Minnesota Writers. July 1985. Poetry Review. Stars Above, Margaret Hasse, and The Descent of Heaven Over the Lake, Sherrie Nothe. Corresponder: A Fan Letter on Minnesota Writers. June 1985. Article. “Adrienne Rich and the Common Language.” MSU English and Humanities Journal. Spring 1984. Review. But Some of Us Are Brave: Black Women’s Studies. The Feminist Connection (Madison, WI). May 1984. Article. "Images of Violence Against Women: Teaching Eight Novels." Minnesota English Journal. Fall 1984: 80-9. Essay. "Whatever Happened to the 400 Café?" The Gathering Post. March 1984:1, 7. Essay. "Sisters." The Gathering Post. February 1983:8-9. Essay. "In the Garden." Iowa Woman. Summer 1982: 22-3. Ilene D. Alexander / Static CV 2014 / 15 SELECT ACADEMIC SERVICE **2014 Grad & Prof Student Assembly **2 July Group Planning Committee. Education in a Changing Environment, University of Salford 2011 Conference. Planning Committee. Partners in Change: Diversity as Everybody’s Everyday Work – a one day symposium, 29 April 2010. University of Minnesota. Steering Committee and Founding Member. Consultation Collaborative. The Collaborative brings together University of Minnesota professional staff engaged in teaching/learning related consultations across the campus. Fall 2009-current. Member. Center for Teaching and Learning Work Groups: Leadership Team (strategic planning), Just in Time Teaching Workshops Planning, Evidence-Based Pedagogy, and Learning about Learning. Invited Participant. Academic Incivilities Work Group, coordinated by Student Conflict Resolution Center, University of Minnesota. Summer 2008-Spring 2009 Steering Committee Member and Invited Founding Participant. SEDAN: System-wide Equity and Diversity Action Network. Office for Equity and Diversity, University of Minnesota. 2007-current Invited Participant. Graduate School Writing Initiative Advisory Group, University of Minnesota. 2007-current. Executive Committee. Professional and Organizational Development Network (POD) Diversity Committee. 2005-2008. Invited Participant. Making Meaning of a Life in Teaching. Center for Teaching & Learning memoir writing workshop of eight faculty/staff participants with 20+ years of teaching experience. 2006-7. Editorial Board Member. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (IJTLHE). 2005-current. Invited Participant. Regional Colloquium on Diversity & Multiculturalism, a program of the Collaboration for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning. 2004-6. Invited Participant. Carnegie Leadership Cluster on Multicultural Teaching and Learning. Collaborating with other Big 10 multicultural teaching and learning / faculty development specialists to develop innovative programming and scholarship for campus work. Work has Ilene D. Alexander / Static CV 2014 / 16 included conference presentations and development of an issue of New Directions for Teaching and Learning. 2003-6. Folkschool Retreat Planner. Hopework Folkschool. Participated in planning, co-facilitation and activities of a number of 3-day Folkschool retreats. 2002-2005. Invited Participant. Minnesota Campus Compact Multicultural Education and Social Change Initiative. Two-year commitment to learning community joining campus and community social justice advocates/activists. Included one weekend workshop at Highlander Research and Education Center. 2001-2. Conference Participant. "Keeping Our Faculties II: Recruiting and Retaining Faculties of Color." University of Minnesota. March 2002. Program/Planning Committee. “Prizing Diversity.” The Collaboration for Advancement of Teaching and Learning. January-November 2002. Publication Reviewer. American Voices, 3d edition. Mayfield Publishing. Summer 1998. Feminist Pedagogy Faculty Study Group, member. College of St. Catherine, 1993-94. National Conference Planning Committee and Publicity Chair. “InQueery, InTheory, InDeed,” 6th North American Conference on GLBT Studies. 1993-4. Pedagogy Reading Group Coordinator. University of Iowa Women’s Resource & Action Center. 1987-1989, 1991-1993. Textbook Committee Member. University of Iowa Rhetoric Program. 1987-1991. Women’s Studies Program Committee Member. Mankato State University. 1984-86. (The Masters program was developed and approved during this time period.) The Reporter, student newspaper. Mankato State University. Summer 1975-Summer 1979. (Held positions from general reporter to editor-in-chief.) STUDENT ADVISING Tyler Cessor - graduate examination and dissertation committees, PhD. Department of Music. Current. Casey Dinger – graduate examination and dissertation committees, PhD. Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development (internationalization at home). Current. Chris Groth - graduate examination and dissertation committees, MFA, Sculpture. Current. Ilene D. Alexander / Static CV 2014 / 17 Jamie Kreil – graduate examination and dissertation committees, PhD. Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development (adult basic education). Current. Leah Reinert – graduate examination and dissertation committees, PhD. Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development (women and leadership). Current. ____ Marisol Brito – thesis committee, PhD. Department of Philosophy. 2014. James Cosper – graduate examination and thesis committees. MFA – College of Design. 2013-2014. Michael Jarcho – thesis committee, Master of Biological Science. 2014. Alison Link – thesis committee. Department of Post Secondary Teaching and Learning: Multicultural Teaching and Learning MA. 2011-current. Meg Sisk – graduate examination and dissertation committees. Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development. 2009-2011. Rachel Chaves – graduate examination and dissertation committees, Theatre. 2007-10. Mashinda Hedgmon – graduate examination committee. Feminist Studies. 2007-8. Briar DeHaven – Women’s Studies & Theatre summa thesis advisor. 2008. Susan Kowolski – member of graduate examination & dissertation committees. Department of Curriculum and Instruction (Science Education). 2006-7. Scott Jacobsen – Senior Thesis advisor, IDIM degree, 2003. MFA – Creative Writing, thesis committee, 2006. Lisa Gonzalez – advisor & mentor for Multicultural Student Research Opportunity Program, Summer 2006. (Summer poster selected for Keeping Our Faculties IV, April 2007). Eileen May – teaching/learning consultant & mentor for theatre undergraduate developing a UROP teaching project in support of The Laramie Project staging. Spring 2005. Rachael Freed – graduate student directed study in support of development of her book on women writing spiritual and ethical wills. 2003. LeaderQuest Program – mentor to individual student each year. 2003-5; LeaderQuest Mentor Advisory Board, 2012-13. Colin Kemmis – Senior Thesis reader, College of Biological Sciences, 2003. Ilene D. Alexander / Static CV 2014 / 18 Jill Paquin – Senior Thesis advisor and reader, IDIM degree. 2002. (Now PhD) Jason Ruiz – advisor & mentor for Multicultural Student Research Opportunity Program. Summer 2001. Summer research formed the base for dissertation research. Bob Iverson – Honors Thesis Reader, History. Spring 2000. Rebecca Tavares, Honors Thesis Reader, American Studies. Spring 1999. Heather Villars – Summa Thesis advisor and reader, Women’s Studies. 1998-9. (Now MFA) REFERENCES [note – removed for confidentiality] Ilene D. Alexander / Static CV 2014 / 19