Sept 19, 2011

KFC Meeting
19 Sept 2011
Daniel German
Jenna Sudds
Marc Dumais
Wayne Taylor
Roseanne Lalonde
Geoff North
Steve Bell
Jenn Thomsen (arrives at 19:44)
Matt Bennett
Mark Chambers
1. Call to Order
19:17 by Marc Dumais (Chair)
2. Approval of Agenda
19:17 as amended, Moved by Jenna, Seconded by Wayne, Carried
3. Opening comments by the Chair:
Wants to keep Board meetings to 1 h 40 min. We want to have greater control over discussion.
If contentious end discussion and vote. More importantly we have had two resignations from the
Board – Nancy Coll and Lorrie Stark. The various issues of the cases were discussed. WE are
now ten board members and we have to recruit new members.
4. Approval of Minutes
19:23 Moved by Steve, Seconded by Roseanne, Carried.
5. Business Arising
19:24 Event Calendar – Something Lorrie was going to do, but not a primary issue to the
moment. Motion to defer to the New Year, Wayne, Seconded by Steve.
19:25 Policy Consolidation – Something Nancy was going to do , but Motion to allow a
volunteer will take it over, Steve, Roseanne, carried
19:27 Warehouse Project – We have received $15,000 from Waste Management over 2 years
($10,000 first year, and $5,000 for second)
19:28 Website – Marc and Tech Cttee have met. Website will soon be up and running by 1
November. Intent to have potential Beta version for next Board meeting.
6. Report of the Treasurer
19:31 We are ahead of budget marginally. Revenues have risen but Expenses have increased at
a greater rate. We are now going to have a volunteer bookkeeper to ensure that funds are better
directed. Jenna discusses vacation pay re employees. At present we are in negative position
over this. We need policy. Questions about what can be carried over, and what is allowable.
Tracking is extremely arduous. One option is to give 4% and have staff take unpaid leave,
another is to have a certain amount of leave accumulated each day and staff are not allowed to
take leave without banked leave. Jenna to draft a new policy. Advance pay-cheques have been
an issue, and new policies should be put in place. A calendar for financial actions has been
drafted and will be sent to the appropriate staff with direction as to what dates to follow-up.
Compliance with this calendar may affect annual performance evaluation. Marc discusses KFC
total assets – We must document our purpose for our reserves.
7. Report of the HR Cttee
20:20 No Report. Wayne has a question. Re Ice Berg statue marking board service –
discussion of what criteria is required. Motion – That Lorrie Stark be recognized with an Ice
Berg, moved by Steve, Seconded by Wayne. Subsequent awards to Board members are to be
governed by a policy to be developed by the Nominations Cttee.
8. Report of the Operations Cttee.
20:28 Given by Jenn. Numbers of clients are increasing. Operations Cttee recently held to
develop new procedures to make processing easier. Voucher reconciliations for previous week
must be done on Monday. First Xmas planning meet has taken place. Santa Claus parade in
November. We need new site Nov – Jan. Grand opening would be 3 December. Toys issue to
be discussed next year.
9. Report of the Technology Cttee
20:39 No report.
10. Report of the Communications Cttee
20:39 Pamphlet issue re distribution in local papers. Wayne suggests that we purchase extras.
At present Social Media issue is to be discussed
11. Report of Special Events Cttee
20:40 Santa Clause parade will be in November. We have not heard yet about Food for
Thought. Has not heard about Canada Day Race – we received a $3000 contribution for
assisting (normally we receive a guaranteed amount). Wayne mentions that we have booked the
the float for the Santa Claus Parade, and we will have to acquire a new source for the cube van
12. Report of Nominations Cttee
20:47 Discussion of what positions will be needed re future openings. At present there are two
open seats.
13. Report of the Grant Applications Cttee
20:50 New application for City is being drafted. It requires an Annual Report. Intent is to have
a draft.
14. New Business
20:54 Purchase of toilet paper- issue has come around again after volunteer representations.
Discussion ensues.
20:58 Canadian Tire money – letters are to be sent to various sites (churches and schools) to
20:59 Spaghetti night – Discussion of what city requires. Possible date 23 November. Tickets
to gather funds for the Warehouse Project
21:00 New 2012 dates. One date in February (Family Day) must be changed. March break
date may also be changed. Week prior is suggested. Discussion ensues. Two new schools have
been opened in Kanata. Wayne suggests that the schools be educated as to KFC presence and
needs. He recommends that Roseanne talk to them
21:08 Marc has had meetings with other agencies. Stittsville interested in meeting twice
annually. They do not give vouchers, but give out fruit, dairy and meat. They have 50 clients
per month, and are very generous.
Next regular meeting 17 October,
21:10 Meeting adjourned