RHESSI and THEMIS PI Mode Experience Feb 1 2005 THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 AGENDA 1:00 UCB Missions R. Lin, UCB Director 1:15 RHESSI R. Lin, PI, UCB 1:30 THEMIS V. Angelopoulos, PI, UCB 1:45 PI Mode Experience THEMIS & RHESSI P. Harvey, PM, UCB NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 SPACE SCIENCES LABORATORY Background • Initiated in 1958 by Drs. Teller and Seaborg • Multidisciplinary organization • Connecting campus research to space efforts • Facility opened in 1966 • New facilities added in 1998 Research Efforts Involving • Balloons • Sounding rockets • Satellite instruments & science complements • Complete satellites • Mission & Science Operations • Ground Station Operations Agencies Involved • NASA, NSF, NSBF, USAF, DOE • ESA, ISAS, IKI, PSI, etc. • $50M/yr (>90% NASA, <10% other.) THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Facilities • 55000 sq. ft. Office and Laboratory Space • Employing 420 Scientists, Engineers, Staff • On-Site Machine Shop • Clean Room Facilities to Class 100 • Thermal Vacuum Facilities up to 3m diameter • Spacecraft Integration Facility • 4-story High Bay • Radiation Sources Laboratory • Mission Operations Centers • Science Operations Centers • 11 Meter S-Band Satellite Antenna • Secure High Speed Communications to NASA THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Operational Flight Instruments RHESSI FAST IMAGE FUV, WIC GALEX detectors CHIPS Polar EFI Wind 3DP Cluster II EFW, CIS Mars Global Surveyor ER ROCSAT 2 - ISUAL Ulysses LAN FUSE detectors SOHO UVCS & SUMER detectors KITSAT SPEAR Under Development HUBBLE - COS STEREO – IMPACT THEMIS THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 SSL PERSONNEL 107 Scientific Researchers 133 Professional/Technical/Support Staff 150 Graduate and Undergarduate Students SPACE PHYSICS RESEARCH GROUP (136 total personnel) 46 Scientific Researchers 25 involved in Magnetospheric Physics 46 Engineering & Technical Staff 37 Graduate & Undergraduate Students THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Operations Components • Mission Operations Center • Science Operations Center • 11-meter S-Band Antenna with X-band capability • High Speed Communications to NASA Ground Network • Network Security • Autonomous Operations Pass Supports Orbit Determination & Tracking Spacecraft Command & Control Emergency Response System Self Checking THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 FAST AURORAL SNAPSHOT • Science Package Electric Field Instruments Particle Instruments Electronics • Mission Operations • Science Operations Launched on 21 Aug 1996 Mission Continuing through 2005 THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Lunar Prospector (1st competed Discovery Mission) PI Dr. Alan Binder Magnetometer/Electron Reflectometer Instrument Dr. R. P. Lin THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration (IMAGE) MIDEX PI Dr James Burch SWRI Far UltraViolet (FUV) Imager Instrument Dr. Stephen Mende UCB-SSL THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 RAMATY HIGH ENERGY SOLAR SPECTROSCOPIC IMAGER RHESSI: A NASA Small Explorer (SMEX) PI: Prof. Robert P. Lin UCB-SSL • Project Management • Spacecraft Bus • Science Package Imager Spectrometer Electronics • Mission Operations • Science Operations • Ground Data Systems Launched February 5, 2002 Mission continuing through 2006-7 THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Cosmic Hot Interstellar Plasma Spectrometer (CHIPS) A NASA University-Class Explorer (UNEX) PI Dr. Mark Hurwitz UCB-SSL THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 TIME HISTORY OF EVENTS AND MACROSCALE INTERACTIONS DURING SUBSTORMS THEMIS: A Middle Class Explorer (MIDEX#5) PI: Dr. Vassilis Angelopoulos UCB-SSL • Project Management • Spacecraft Bus • Science Package • Mission Operations • Science Operations • Ground Data Systems Launch: October 19, 2006 Nominal Lifetime: 2 years Production Mode Development of Flight Boards (Here: SST Front-End) THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 RHESSI Overview Dr. Robert P. Lin Principal Investigator Space Sciences Laboratory University of California, Berkeley THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 RHESSI Prime Responsibilities UC Berkeley (PI institution) Germanium detectors & cryostat Instrument electronics Integration & Test Ground station & MOC/SOC GSFC Grids, Cryocooler PSI (Switzerland) Telescope & aspect system Spectrum Astro Spacecraft THEMIS & RHESSI A1309.013 NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 RHESSI Imager - Top View THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 RHESSI Imager - Side View THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 RHESSI Detectors and Cryostat THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 SPACEFLIGHT NOW Posted: June 4, 2001 X-43A launch failure Next Pegasus rocket launch delayed in X-43A aftermath The High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager, or HESSI satellite, was scheduled to rocket into space on Thursday aboard an air-launched Orbital Sciences Pegasus XL booster. RHESSI Orbit (~600 km altitude) THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 23 July 2002 Flare THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 RHESSI: 23 July 2002 flare nuclear de-excitation lines (Smith et al. 2003) THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 RHESSI: Oct 28, 2003 Nov 2, 2003 Energetic Particles at the Sun: 2.2 MeV line flux 4.4 MeV 2.2/4.4 ratio >1380+-11 >91+-11 15.2 518+-8 35+-7 14.8 Power law index Np (>30 MeV) 3.8 >7.2x1033 3.8 2.7x1033 Power law index (integrated fluence) 3.4 Np (>30 MeV) 1.8x1034 3.4 9.1x1032 Solar Energetic Particles at 1 AU: THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 RHESSI: Microflares from Active Regions Krucker et al. 2002 THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 RHESSI as a Polarimeter (20 – 100 keV) A small (3 cm diam by 3.5 cm high) cylinder of Be serves as a Compton scattering element. The Ge detectors measure the distribution of the scattered radiation. The rotation of the spacecraft rotation provides an effective method for fine sampling of the scatter distribution. THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 X4.8 Flare of 23-July-2002 20 - 40 keV Polarization FLR2072301 : 20 - 40 keV Counts 6000 4000 µ fit = 0.11 µ 100 - 0.55 2000 š ­ 20% 0 0° 60° 120° 180° 240° 300° 360° Azimuthal Scatter Angle Flare location : S13E72 THEMIS & RHESSI ≈ 20% ≈72° ± 5° NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 RHESSI X-ray imaging during HXR peak of 20 Jan 05 X7 flare: THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 RHESSI Mission Overview Peter Harvey Project Manager Space Sciences Laboratory University of California, Berkeley THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 RHESSI: Purpose and Team RAMATY HIGH ENERGY SOLAR SPECTROSCOPIC IMAGER (RHESSI) Purpose To understand particle acceleration and explosive energy release in the magnetized plasmas at the Sun. Capabilities •Will provide the first hard X-ray imaging spectroscopy of the Sun; •Will provide the first high-resolution spectroscopy of solar -ray lines; •Will provide the first Solar imaging above 100 keV; •Will provide the first imaging of solar -ray lines. Collaborating Institutions •University of California (UCB,UCLA) •Goddard Space Flight Center •Paul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland) •Spectrum Astro Incorporated •Lawrence Berkeley Nat’l Laboratory •Jet Propulsion Laboratory •Montana State University •University of Alabama at Huntsville •Nat’l Oceanic and Atmospheric Adm.(NOAA) •Institute of Astronomy ETHZ in Switzerland •University of Glasgow, Scotland, •National Astronomical Observatory, Japan •Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, France THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 RHESSI: MISSION PARAMETERS Launch to Orbit Orbit : 600 km Circular Inclination: 38 degrees Orbit Period: 96 minutes S/C Attitude: Sun Pointed, Spin Stabilized S/C Spin Rate: 12-15 rpm Operations Phases: Launch and Early Orbit Checkout (30 days) Minimum Mission Operations (6 months) Baseline Operations (18 months) Crab Observations (1 week each July) Anneal Period (1 week every 2 years) THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 RHESSI: KEY PROGRAMMATIC ASPECTS • PI Mode1 PI Team Provides Space, Ground and Data Analysis Segments PI Team Provides Cost, Schedule, Performance Assurance Management • Launch Vehicle •Vehicle : "SELVS II" ( Pegasus XL ) selected after HESSI CDR. • Cost and Schedule Caps Includes Spacecraft, Ground and Data Analysis (Phases A through E) Launch no later than 3 years from Contract Start. Project terminated if not launched on time or if cost to complete exceeds cap. • Resulting Implementation Strategy Design Using Off the Shelf Items as much as possible Limit Optimization Hold Wide Margins [1] Not PI Mode as of 5/2000. THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 RHESSI: ORGANIZATION Explorers Office Frank Snow, Mission Mgr KSC Launch Vehicle Management U.C. Berkeley Robert Lin, PI Peter Harvey, Project Manager Spectrum Astro Spacecraft Bus Paul Scherrer Institute Imaging Systems GSFC Grid Processing, Cooler Brian Dennis, co-I DOE ( LBNL ) Detectors vanBeek Consultancy Grids JPL Grids Montana State Univ Ground Coordination Ground Based Observatories Tecomet Grids OSC Pegasus XL SpaceWorks Spacecraft Support EG&G Ortec Germanium Crystals Hernandez Eng. Safety EMP / Allied Signal Ground Antenna THEMIS & RHESSI JPL Environmental Tests HESSI Organization Chart Major Subcontracts & Suppliers NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 RHESSI: WBS HESSI Project 1. Management, Science, Systems Eng. 2. Spacecraft Bus 3. Instrument Subsystems 4. Mission I&T 5. Ground Systems 1.1 Management Peter Harvey 2.1 Management Rick Wanner 3.1 Imager Alex Zehnder 4.1 Spacecraft I&T Rick Sterling 5.1 SOC Tim Quinn 1.2 Science Dr. Robert Lin 2.2 Spacecraft Bus John Jordan 3.2 Spectrometer Paul Turin 4.2 Operations Preparations Chris Smith 5.2 MOC/Ground Antenna and Site Manfred Bester 1.3 Systems Engineering David Curtis 2.3 Bus I&T Jeff Jackson 3.3 IDPU David Curtis HESSI Work Breakdown Structure (Phase D2) THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 RHESSI: SCHEDULE SCHEDULE MANAGEMENT Personnel Required : 1 FTE at Project Level; 1/2 FTE at S/C, 1/2 at GSFC, 1/2 at PSI. Integrated at Project Level. All Project98. 1998 1999 2000 20 N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J ID 1 Task Name 2 Concept Review 3 Pre-Preliminary Design Review 4 Preliminary Design Review 5 Confirmation Review 6 Critical Design Review 7 L-1 Year Review 8 Pre-Environmental Review 9 Recovery Review 1 10 Reconfirmation Assessment Review 11 ReConfirmation Readiness Review 12 Reconfirmation Review 13 Red Team Review I 10/24 14 Pre Environmental Review 2 10/30 15 Pre Ship Review 16 Red Team Review II 17 Phase A Concept 18 Phase B Design 19 Phase C Fabrication 20 Phase D Integration 21 Phase D Qual-to-Mishap 22 Phase D2 Recovery & ReIntegration 23 Phase D2 Qual (JPL) 24 Phase D2 Final Prep (VAFB 836) 25 Phase D2 LV Processing (VAFB 1555) Requirements Review THEMIS & RHESSI 12/15 2/2 6/24 7/29 8/17 11/19 6/18 2/29 4/4 5/16 6/29 8/4 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 95% 0 NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 THEMIS Overview Dr. Vassilis Angelopoulos Principal Investigator Space Sciences Laboratory University of California, Berkeley THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 TIME HISTORY OF EVENTS AND MACROSCALE INTERACTIONS DURING SUBSTORMS (THEMIS) Science Team RESOLVING THE PHYSICS OF ONSET AND EVOLUTION OF SUBSTORMS Principal Investigator Vassilis Angelopoulos, UCB EPO Lead Nahide Craig, UCB Program Manager Peter Harvey, UCB Industrial Partner SWALES Aerospace, Inc., Beltsville MD THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 THEMIS: Science Goals Primary: “How do substorms operate?” – One of the oldest and most important questions in Geophysics – A turning point in our understanding of the dynamic magnetosphere Aurora Current disruption Reconnection First bonus science: “What accelerates storm-time ‘killer’ electrons?” – A significant contribution to space weather science Second bonus science: “What controls efficiency of solar wind – magnetosphere coupling?” – Provides global context of Solar Wind – Magnetosphere interaction THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Mission Elements Probe conjunctions along Sun-Earth line recur once per 4 days over North America. Ground based observatories completely cover North American sector; can determine auroral breakup within 1-5s … … while THEMIS’s space-based probes determine onset of Current Disruption and Reconnection each within <10s. : Ground Based Observatory THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 THEMIS Mission Overview Peter R. Harvey Project Manager Space Sciences Laboratory University of California, Berkeley THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Instrument Payload THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Probe Bus Design Power positive in all attitudes with instruments off (launch, safe hold modes) Passive thermal design using MLI and thermostatically controlled heaters tolerant of longest shadows (3 hours) – Spin stabilized probes orbit within 13° of ecliptic plane have inherently stable thermal environment S-Band communication system always in view of earth every orbit at nominal attitude. In view for greatest part of orbit in any attitude Passive spin stability achieved in all nominal and off-nominal conditions Monoprop blow down RCS (propulsion) system is self balancing on orbit THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Launch Configuration Dedicated launch accommodated within standard Delta 7925-10 vehicle configuration and services 10’ Composite Fairing required to accommodate five Probes on the Probe Carrier in the “Wedding Cake” configuration PC stays attached to Delta 3rd stage after probe dispense Each probe dispense from the PCA is coordinated with but independent of the other probes No single probe anomaly precludes dispense of remaining probes Standard Delta 10 ft. Fairing Static Envelope Probe Carrier Assembly (PCA = 5 Probes + Probe Carrier) on L/V 3712 PAF Star 48 3rd Stage Probe Carrier Assembly (PCA) on Delta 3rd Stage THEMIS Launch Configuration THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Ground System Block Diagram THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Programmatic Overview Programmatic Overview – PI Mode PI Team Provides Space, Ground, Data Segments PI Team Provides Cost, Schedule, Performance Assurance PI Team Provides Education/Public Outreach – Cost and Schedule Caps Single Cost Cap for the Mission Launch no later than March 2007 – Performance Assurance MIDEX Quality Requirements Implementation Strategy Use Heritage Instrumentation Coordinate Common Buy Parts Keep Probe/Probe Carrier Simple and Robust THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Organization Explorers Office Frank Snow, Mission Mgr U.C. Berkeley KSC Vassilis Angelopoulos, PI Peter Harvey, PM Garrett Skrobot, Mission Integ Mgr Swales Aerospace Mike Cully U.Colo/LASP Bob Ergun TU-BS Uli Auster IWF Werner Magnes THEMIS & RHESSI CETP Alain Roux B. De la Porte GSFC/GNCD Karen Richon UCLA Chris Russell Univ of Calgary Eric Donovan Univ of Alberta J. Samson THEMIS Organization Chart Subcontracts/Agreements Phases BCD NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Organization THEMIS Project 1. Management, Science, Systems Eng. 2. Space Segment Development 1.1 Management 2.1 Instruments 1.2 Science 2.2 Spacecraft 1.3 Systems Engineering 3. Ground Segment Development 3.1 Mission Operations Center 3.2 Science Operations Center 4. Mission Ops & Data Analysis 5. Education & Public Outreach 4.1 Mission Operations 4.2 Data Analysis 3.3 Ground Based Observatories THEMIS Work Breakdown Structure THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Organization Management, Science and Systems Engineering Program Management Peter Harvey Management Support K. Harps Finances M. Larson Purchasing M. Giordano Documentation D. Meilhan Scheduling A. Shutkin Administration Facility Support J. Cooks Contracts J. Keenan Purchasing G. Davis Accounting J. Williams Travel J. Jones Personnel UCB Sponsored Projects D. Weldon Contracting Systems Engineering Science V. Angelopoulos Ellen Taylor Electrical Ellen Taylor Mechanical /Thermal Paul Turin Chris Smith EMC/ESC/MAG Robert Snare (UCLA) Quality & Safety Ron Jackson Science Support Bonnell, John Carlson, Chuck Delory, Gregory Frey, Harald Hull, Art Larson, Davin Lin, Robert Mende, Steven Moreau, Thomas Mozer, Forrest Parks, George Peticolas, Laura Phan, Tai Temerin, Michael Parts Jorg Fischer THEMIS WBS 1.0 THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Organization Instruments Instrument Data Processor Unit (IDPU) Electric Field Instrument (EFI) Robert Abiad Peter Berg Heath Bersch Dorothy Gordon Frank Harvey Selda Heavner Jim Lewis Jeanine Potts Chris Scholz Kathy Walden Forrest Mozer John Bonnell Greg Delory Art Hull Bill Donakowski Greg Dalton Robert Duck Mark Pankow Dan Schickele Stu Harris Hilary Richard LASP Robert Ergun Aref Nammari Ken Stevens Jim Westfall ElectroStatic Analyser (ESA) Charles Carlson M. Marckwardt Bill Elliott Ron Herman Solid State Telescope (SST) Fluxgate Mag (FGM) Robert Lin Davin Larson Ron Canario Robert Lee T. Moreau TUBS/IWF Uli Auster K.H. Glassmeier W. Magnes Mag Booms Search Coil Mag (SCM) CETP Alain Roux Bertran de la Porte Olivier Le Contel Christophe Coillot Abdel Bouabdellah Instrument I&T Rick Sterling Hari Dharan Y. Kim Tien Tan Bill Tyler THEMIS WBS 2.1 THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Organization Ground Segment Mission Ops Science Ops (Mission Planning) Manfred Bester Mark Lewis Tim Quinn Sabine Frey Tai Phan John Bonnell Laura Peticolas GSFC/GCND David Sibeck Mark Beckman Bob DeFazio David Folta Rick Harman Ground Based Observatories All Sky Imagers Stephen Mende Stu Harris Steve Geller Harald Frey Ground Magnetometers Fielding & Operation (UC&UA) UCLA Chris Russell Joe Means Dave Pierce UC Eric Donovan UA J. Samson THEMIS WBS 3 THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Top Level Schedule (from PDR) GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER MISSION MGR. : FRANK SNOW MILESTONES THEMIS TOP LEVEL SCHEDULE STATUS AS OF: 11/06/03 CY 2003 CY 2004 CY 2005 CY 2006 J F M AM J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O PDR. MAJOR REVIEWS SRR. 1 IDPU DEVELOPMENT CONF. REV (HQ) 11/12-14 1/15 DSG COMPL. CDR. 4/06-07 BOX ETU ASSY I&T 12/08 4/01 4/16 7/16 MCRR 12/08-09 IDPU ETU DESIGN, FAB, I&T & FLIGHT 2 EFI SPB / AXB DEVELOPMENT 1 23 4 5 6 FLT I&T COMPL 8/18 7/13 7/28 8/11 7/21 8/04 DSG COMPL.. 3 4 5 6 1 2 FLT I&T COMPL 6/08 7/06 8/03 8/31 9/28 10/12 EFI SPB & AXB DESIGN, FAB, I&T 11/26 3 ESA DEVELOPMENT 2/12 1/22 4 SST DEVELOPMENT 2/27 3/05 ETU DSG COMPL. FAB 4/30 PROBE CARRIER & -BUS SLACK MISSION SLACK -- FLT ASSY 16 ETU ETU H/W DSG COMPL.. FAB TESTS FAB ESA ETU DESIGN, FAB, I&T & FLIGHT Slack Legend INSTRUMENT SLACK -- ETU TEST 1-6 FLT I&T COMPL 6/25 8/27 ETU I&T FLT 1-6 FAB 1 COMPL. 3/02 7/06 2 3 4 5 6 SST ETU DESIGN, FAB, I&T & FLIGHT FLT I&T COMPL 12/16 5 FGM DEVELOPMENT DSG COMPL. FGM ETU DESIGN, FAB, I&T & FLIGHT 9/29 FGE ETU ETU TEST I&T (GERM. ) 12/29 1/26 2/23 ETU PROC/FA B 6 SCM DEVELOPMENT ETU FAB DSG COMPL.. SCM EM DESIGN, FAB, I&T & FLIGHT 7 SCM/FGM BOOM DEVELOPMENT SCM EM DESIGN, FAB, I&T & FLIGHT 8 FLIGHT PLATFORM & HARNESS 9 INSTRUMENT I&T ETU & FLIGHT 1 - 5 INTEGRATION & TEST INSTRUMENT DELIVERY TO SWALES 1/06 1/21 DSG COMPL.. ETU I&T 12/10 3/08 FLT 1-5 FGE FAB & TEST 8/06 8/24 9/28 11/02 9/10 10/15 FLT 1-2 5/31 3-5 FLT I&T COMPL 10/18 7/26 ETU I&T FLT 1-6 FAB COMPL. 4/16 7/30 FAB HINGES & TUBES 2-3 1 4-6 FLT I&T COMPL 9/24 10/25 11/30 1 2 34 5 6 FLT I&T COMPL 6/14 8/24 9/07 9/21 8/31 9/14 9/28 1 2 3 4 5 6 FLT HARNESS COMPL 8/03 8/31 9/28 8/17 9/14 10/12 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 ETU I&T 7/13 11/16 12/23 1/20 10/26 11/30 1/06 F5 SLACK (120 days) F1 SLACK (95 days) F1 10 PROBE CARRIER PROBE CARRIER DESIGN, FAB, TEST 3/10 F1 SLACK (40 days) F2 4/06 F3 F4 F5 6/06 5/04 5/04 F1 2/16 12 PROBE & INSTRUMENT I&T 13 PROBE CARRIER ASSY I & T 6/27 8/09 F2-3 F4 F5 6/24 PROBE F1 SLACK (60 days) 5/11 PROBE I&T with INSTRUMENTS F5 SLACK (64 days) 9/28 I&T COMPLETE 11 SPACECRAFT PROBES LONG LEAD PROCUREMENT, SUBSYSTEM DESIGN, FAB & BUS I&T 6/29 DSG & PROCURE FAB COMPL.. 9/15 PROBE CARRIER SLACK (60 days) 8/10 8/03 PROBE F5SLACK (40 days) 10/05 F1 F2-3 F4 F5 8/25 10/19 12/05 11/23 INTEGRATION & ENVIRINMENTAL TESTS 3/15 14 LAUNCH OPERATIONS LAUNCH PROCESSING/LAUNCH THEMIS & RHESSI SHIP & LAUNCH PROCESSING 5/25 MISSION SLACK (60 days) 8/21 NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 PI Mode Experience Peter R. Harvey Project Manager Space Sciences Laboratory University of California, Berkeley THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Tasks SSB Subcommittee Tasks (1) examine and assess the selection process and objectives for PI-led missions, including the balance between science objectives and cost and management criteria, (2) examine the roles, relationships, and authority among members of the PI-team (e.g., PI, university, industry, field center) in past missions, (3) identify lessons learned from the scientific and technical performance of previous PI-led missions, (4) investigate and analyze the factors contributing to cost overruns of missions, including any requirements that are imposed on PI-led projects during their development, (5) identify opportunities for knowledge transfer to new PIs and sustained technical management experience throughout the program, and (6) identify lessons learned and recommend practices and incentives for improving the overall conduct of future PI-led missions. THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Questions SSB Subcommittee Questions 1. Please list those problems and challenges that were distinct from a program-led mission that you have faced/are facing in your effort to accomplish your proposed PI-led project. What is the status of each or what was the outcome? 2. What were the responsibilities of the program manager, project manager, and PI? 3. Comments on communications and interactions among the PI, PM (project manager), NASA, industry, and other key players? 4. What aspects of the PI program do you think facilitated your work and getting the mission done on time and on budget, and what do you consider the most significant obstacles in achieving mission success? 5. What changes would you make to the way PI-led missions are defined and/or executed to improve them at the proposal, development, and/or implementation phases; 6. Please comment on lessons learned from your experience managing a PI mission(s). 7. Would you do it again, why or why not? THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Q1. PI vs. PL mode: Problems and Challenges • PI mode is cost-capped but PL mode is not operating under strict cost cap. – Problems and challenges same in both, but solutions are different – PI mode provides flexibility not available in PL mode; this helps both science and costs RHESSI Examples HESSI cryocooler challenging PL mode view PI mode view Buy expensive ($$) Buy many and test Support with in-house development JPL vibration table broke HESSI Major overrun ($$) SAI w/ UCB joint rebuilt I&T at UCB HESSI launch before solar max When we can (sci) Can do now: simplify spacecraft HESSI Grids Buy one and monitor ($$) Parallel path HESSI Operations expensive OK, nominal ($$) Build UCB antenna, use automation THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Q1. PI vs. PL mode: Problems and Challenges THEMIS Examples PL mode view PI mode view THEMIS SST too noisy Relax requirements (SCI) Develop in-house THEMIS schedule risk Delay launch ($$, SCI) Change I&T venue (org-chart) THEMIS mass growth Send help ($$) or accept (sci) Instruments accommodate a new tank THEMIS thermal/power Restrict s/c attitudes (risk) Instrument-bus personnel work together THEMIS cost projection OK, it was tough to do ($$) Reorganize team to recover costs IIRT reports to center Natural Driven not by cost/schedule but only risk Authority over PM, PL, PI, and Science Defies PI mode – and notion of cost cap Extra reviews (ITA, Code500) Bring them on THEMIS & RHESSI Same as above NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Q1. PI vs. PL mode: Problem Status and Outcome Status and Outcome: All problems retired successfully due to flexibility of the PI mode, relative to PL mode Notable positive attributes of PI mode (should be strengthened): One contract and a clear line of authority to PI-PM allows team to: • Trade effectively between science, mission design, schedule and cost • Exercise parallel paths and implement at critical junctures • Re-organize team efficiently when in trouble • Work as a single-team with instruments accommodating spacecraft and vice-versa Technically experienced PI institution ensures science goals are met at cost by having: • Good technical insight into mission elements and capability to determine risks early • Capability to line-up in-house or new partner solutions when critical to mission success Notable risks of PI mode as implemented currently Line of authority to PI-PM that goes with responsibility to stay on cost is threatened: • IIRT, AETD, Code 500, ITA (technical reviews) which have power over PI-PM THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Q2. Responsibilities (Explorer AO) AO-01-OSS-03 (Same for RHESSI and THEMIS) •Explorer program: •Designed to utilize streamlined and efficient management approaches •Seeks PIs who commit to cost limits, control business and technical processes •The responsibility for implementing a selected investigation rests with the Principal Investigator (PI) and the investigation team, which will have a large degree of freedom with which to accomplish its proposed objectives with appropriate NASA oversight to ensure mission success. •GSFC is responsible for NASA's fiduciary responsibility to ensure that Explorer missions are achieved in compliance with the cost, schedule, performance, reliability, and safety requirements committed to by the PI. GSFC's involvement in this role may vary from mission to mission, depending on the implementing organization and other programmatic considerations. THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Q2. Responsibilities at THEMIS CSR plan review, THEMIS selection (2003) THEMIS selection letter March 22, 2003. From: AA for Space Science To: THEMIS PI “The Explorer Program Office, located at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Greenbelt, Maryland, is responsible for overall management of the Explorer program, while explorer program definition and project selection remain at NASA Headquarters. For your investigation, project management is assigned to the University of California at Berkeley as outlined in your proposal. The project will be required to regularly report status to the Explorer Program Office and to the GSFC Program Management Council (PMC).” THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Q2. THEMIS Roles and Responsibilities Responsibilities Mission Manager (Frank Snow, GSFC) • • • • Works with KSC for Launch Vehicle, Launch Services Works with HQ for ODA and International Agreements, Status Works with GSFC engineering for variety of support items Works with JPL for Environmental Test Finances Project Manager (Peter Harvey, UCB) • Works with S/C Contractor • Works with Instrument developers • Works with Ground Based Observatory developers • Works with Ground Station Developer (RHESSI) Principal Investigators (Robert Lin, Vassilis Angelopoulos, UCB) • Works with Science Team to define Measurement Requirements • Works with Operations Team to define Mission Profile • Works with Instrument Teams to detail capabilities THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Q2. THEMIS proposed authority lines Responsibility and authority to conduct investigation within proposed resources. Delegates daily management to PM. Reports to GSFC (resource and science margins) and HQ (decisions that affect L1). Sets Explorer Guidelines, (based on GSFC practices), reports to GPMC and HQ Ensures adherence to margins,resources and requirements committed to by PI (e.g., INST-001). If margins are threatened, GSFC recommends action, offers resources, takes on more active role in technical decisions and resource management. Review teams: Peer, IIRT Day-to-day program management for the PI, within allocated resources. Science/Technical decisions involve PI. Reports resource trends and margins to PI and Explorers office. IIRT (formal): Ensures, for MM, technical, schedule and cost margins are met. Recommends but does not enforce actions to PM. An asset for both MM and PM. Disposition of actions within PM authority. Peer (informal): Ferrets out issues before they become problems. Disposition within subsystem. Ultimate closure of issues by PM. THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Q2. Responsibilities at THEMIS confirmation (May 4, 2004) • THEMIS Confirmation Letter, May 4, 2004 From: AA for Space Science, Ed Weiler To: GSFC Director, Al Diaz “Based on the THEMIS project’s presentation on April 22, 2004, to the Enterprise Program Management Council, I approve THEMIS to proceed into mission implementation. … This is a cost-capped mission requiring tight control in order to maintain cost and international schedule commitments for launch in October 2006. The project in conjunction with the Explorer Program Office and GSFC’s engineering directorate shall provide status on the development and conduct schedule reviews of the spacecraft every 2 months. This oversight will serve to facilitate early detection and correction of problems thereby improving mission success.” THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Q2. THEMIS actual authority lines since confirmation (2004+) HQ GSFC Director GPMC RAO SMO office GSFC Code 500 IIRT Engr Review Team Explorers Office MM, OM, other ITA UCB PI, PM, MSE… Peer Review Panel Science, Resource, Cost or Subsystem (Swales, Instr.) THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Q2. Line of authority evolution: reason for PI mode change and effects Reason for change: GSFC is told by HQ that the it has responsibility for project success. Therefore, it is natural that GSFC will assume the authority to ensure mission success, treating THEMIS as any GSFC mission, implemented in accordance with its own management practices and heritage. Effects: • Mitigation plans require review and approval if not proposed in CSR • Organization changes take a long time to make and are perceived risky • GSFC involved with subsystems •Involvement often construed as direction •GSFC a stake-holder in status quo, reluctance towards alternate paths • GPMC using own PL-mode management practices and heritage • Cost adherence no longer a priority (HQ picked mission!) • Risk-adversity addressed thru formal review channels drives decisions • Resources and trades discussed openly with subs, outside of PI sphere THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Q2. Line of authority evolution: day-to-day implementation Practical Resolution: • Constant, open, direct communications between PI-PM and Explorers office • Amicable working relationship and capable team members • Strong UCB ties with Explorers and GSFC allow efficient interaction THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Q2. Line of authority evolution risks and recommendations Risks: • Possible misunderstanding of sub-contractors • Line of authority confused • Top-down decisions may risk science • Bottom-up decisions take long time to review and implement (inefficient) • Management practices at UCB and GSFC different • Who is committed to cost (PI, GSFC, both)? Unclear HQ guidance. • Who is responsible for science adherence? Unclear HQ guidance. Recommendation: • Authority and responsibility must lie at the same place • That place should be same for technical resources and science • The appropriate place is where the science is conducted unless delegated • PI flexibility to trade science, cost and technical resources depends on that THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Q3. Communications Obstacles to Work Teaming Arrangements UCB was and is Prime on RHESSI and THEMIS. Spectrum Astro / Swales Aerospace are the Spacecraft Subcontractors In Both Projects, GSFC Generally Ignores Relationship between UCB and S/C GSFC Review Teams & Engineers Often Direct Effort at S/C Contractor S/C Contractor Uses This to Explain Cost Overruns NASA GSFC NASA GSFC UCB UCB S/C Contractor S/C Contractor Contractual Arrangement THEMIS & RHESSI Effective Arrangement NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Q3. Communications Facilitators to Efficient Communications How PI deals with current situation (I.e., effective PI mode arrangement) Recognize GSFC holds the contract and go with the flow Emphasize team-effort and strategic (as opposed to tactical) success Agree with s/c contractor and GSFC on “terms of engagement” (even if moot point) Information is key: obtain from both GSFC and subcontractors Extract information when not provided, utilize agreement above Open and honest communication between PI-PM and MM (parallel paths, costs, and outlook) Pick main battles where it matters: on technical and science issues Call out and tabulate out-of-scope items; insist only on heavy-hitters Recognize that Explorers Program is on the same boat, change is coming from further above ! THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Q4. PI Mode Aspects Aspects Facilitating Work Flexibility in implementing technical and organizational workarounds • Full trade space at the disposal of science under cost • Parallel paths available even though not called out at proposal Direct Involvement of PI with Spacecraft & Instrument Developers • Instruments Have Been Defined Well and Early • Full Authority to Improve Spacecraft Design Obstacles to Work GPMC and Explorers office assuming more direct role in management • Have different management style more in line with PL mode (not capped) NASA IIRT • Action Items Not Constrained by Cost or Schedule ITAR • NASA Declines to Provide Interface to State Dept for PI • University Pressures Team to Steer Clear of ITAR required activities • Project Has to Work Around ITAR Rules (Change Flow, Personnel, etc) THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Q5. PI Mode Improvements, #1 PI Mode Definition • Recognize that under GSFC management, PI mode under cost cap a challenge • Mission Can Be PI Mode, or GSFC Mode (=PL Mode), but Not Both • Unless GSFC is the proposing PI institution • HQ must take responsibility for PI mode mission selection. Not GSFC. • HQ must clarify that PI institution has the responsibility and authority: • Authority and responsibility for both science and implementation must be at same place, and this should be the place committed to deliver on cost • Place triggers for GSFC involvement in management • If cost to complete or technical resources are threatened • GSFC should ensure commitments by PI institution are met • • • • Ensures science and L1 commitments are on track Informs HQ of progress and projections Ensures processes and parts are in line with NASA expectations A resource for PI institution to get back on track if problems arise THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Q5. PI Mode Improvements, #2 Phase A •Make Phase A Non-Competitive •Allows Project to Develop Team Members •Allows Team to Fully Explore (Detail) Cost Estimate •HESSI Cost was Estimated Better than THEMIS Implementation •Give PI Authority over the Project •Do not Change Rules-of-the-Road Mid-Course •Remove IIRT or Have it Report to the PI •Remove the Mission Signoff Requirement from GSFC Development •Discourage Developments During a Project •Fund Development Efforts for Future Projects. THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Q6. PI Mode Lessons Lessons Learned Technology Development Very High Risk to Depend Upon Development. Always Have a Descope Position. HESSI Developed a Backup Supplier of the 20 micron grids and Needed it. HESSI Developed a Backup Roll Angle Sensor and Needed it THEMIS Developed Backup Detectors and Needed them THEMIS Is Currently Developing Multiple Backup Systems RECOMMENDATION : PI Team Should Substantially Fund Backups Proposal Development HESSI was Proposed Multiple Times. Partner Selection Process Involved 7 Companies Selected a Small Growing Company Who Needed HESSI to Work. HESSI S/C partner performance was considered Very Good. RECOMMENDATION : Select Partner Who Has a Huge Interest in Project Success THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Q6. PI Mode Lessons Lessons Learned University Infrastructure Very Small, Independent Research Groups Attached to Dean Personnel Are Hired into Career Positions at Lower-than-Average Salary with Good Benefits. Engineers are Motivated and Enthusiastic About Scientific Research. Typical Manager is a Willing Engineer No Centralized Training Program for Managers, Engineers, or Technicians Internal Cost and Schedule Practices Only. Minimal Subcontracting Work (SOW, RFP, Contracts, Termination Liability, Rate Changes, Requirement Flow Downs, Monitoring Technical Progress, etc...) RECOMMENDATION(s) [1] Invest in Training Programs for Personnel. [2] Investigate Supplemental Aerospace Support (e.g. Thermal, Contamination...) [3] Hire Project Contracting Officer, Scheduler, Accountant [4] Train Your Engineers to Be Subcontract Technical Monitors THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005 Q7. The Future Would You Do it Again? Will there be more PI-Missions? Mission • Yes; based upon their success RHESSI • Definitely cost effective Cluster • SMEX/MIDEX Provide Science IMAGE results as well as large missions ACE TIMED Do it Again? Polar • As Long as THEMIS gets on a Voyager chart like this one. Ulysses TRACE FAST Wind Exodus SAMPEX Grade 8.8 8.5 7.2 7.2 7.1 6.8 6.7 6.3 5.9 5.9 4.7 3.8 3.7 PI Mode Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Src: SEC Senior Review (Aug 2003) THEMIS & RHESSI NRC Irvine 2/01/2005