CONNECTIVE TISSUE Origin of connective tissue cells LOOSE CONNECTIVE TISSUE • Characterized by loosely arranged fibers and an abundance of cells • The primary location is : • beneath those epithelia that cover the body surfaces and line the internal surfaces of the body • In association with the epithelium of glands • surrounds the small vessels Loose connective tissue (scheme) Light micrograph of loose C.T. Connective tissue cells can be categorized as fixed and wandering Fixed cell population - Fibroblasts - Myofibroblasts - Macrophages - Mast cells - Adipose cells - Reticular cells - Undifferentiated stem cells Wandering cell population - Lymphocytes - Plasma cells - Neutrophils - Eosinophils - Basophils - Monocytes E.M. of fibroblast portion with the adjusting collagen fibers E.M. of a macrophage surrounded with collagen fibers L.M. of macrophages in liver (von Kupffer cells) Specific names of different location macrophages (macrophage system) • • • • • • • • • • Monocytes (blood) Macrophages-histiocytes (connective tissue) Dust cells (lung alveoli) Kupffer cells (liver) Langerhans cells (skin) Hofbauer cells (placenta) Osteoclasts (bone) Microglia (brain) Dendritic cells (lymphoid organs) Microfold (M) cells (intestine) E.M. of a mast cell Physiologically active substances secreted by mast cells E.M. of adipocytes on different stages of maturation Plasma cell schematic representation NON-CELLULAR COMPONENTS OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE Fibers • Collagen fibers – forms the most abundant fibers of connective tissue • Reticular fibers – provide a supporting framework for the cellular constituents of lymphoid organs mostly • Elastic fibers – provide tissues with the ability to respond to stretch and distension Ground substance – consists largely of highly hydrated proteoglycans, of hyaluronic acid, and GAG (chodroitin-sulphate, heparan-sulphate, dermatansulphate, keratan-sulphate) CLASSIFICATION OF CONNECTIVE TISSUES EMBRYONIC CONNECTIVE TISSUE • Mesenchyme • Mucous (Wharton’s jelly) CONNECTIVE TISSUE PROPER • Loose (Areolar) • Dense - Irregular - Regular SPECIALIZED CONNECTIVE TISSUE • Adipose (unilocular & multilocular) • Reticular • Cartilage • Bone • Blood DENSE CONNECTIVE TISSUE • DENSE IRREGULAR CONNECTIVE TISSUE is characterized by an abundance of fibers and few cells. It forms the reticular or deep layer of the dermis • DENSE REGULAR CONNECTIVE TISSUE is characterized by ordered and densely packed arrays of fibers and cells. It is the main functional component of tendons, ligaments, aponevroses L.M. of a tendon, cross section