CHAPTER NINE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM THE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM The power of reproductive is one of the essential characteristics of life Reproduction of the species of two sexes ,both of which play their parts in the formation of a new individual . The reproductive organs of the male and female differ in anatomical structure and arrangement ,each being adapted to the functional activities they are required to perform. The male reproductive system The function of the male organs is to form spermatozoa or sperms and implant them within the female so that they can meet the ova. The system is divided into the external organs (the penis,containing the urethra), the internal organs (two testes, vas deferens, seminal vesicles and their ducts , and the prostate gland) EXTERNAL ORGANS 1scrotum is an outpouhing wall the abdominal wall and is divided into two sacs , one for each testis and its epididymis . During fetal development , the testes are located in the abdomen ,but during the seventh month of intrauterine development ,they descend into the scrotum. This descent is essential for normal sperm production during adulthood , since sperm formation requires a temperature several degrees lower than normal internal body temperature . 2-penis ;it has a gland , a body , and a root . The urethra opens at the tip of the gland . The male urethra serves not only for voiding the urine from the bladder , but also for ejaculating the seminal fluid . The penis consists almost entirly of three cylindrical vascular compartments , which , during sexual excitation , become engorged with blood and the penis becomes rigid . It also consist of erectile tissue , which becomes firm and rigid when congested with blood . The main function of the penis is to implant sperms within the female. 2-INTERNAL ORGANS 1-the testis is one of the paired male reproductive or seminal glands situated in the scrotum. The sperm formation or spermatogenesis and the male sex hormones are produced in the testes. The sites of the spermatogenesis are the many tiny , convoluted seminiferous tubule . The wall of the tubule has a layer of smooth muscle cells that are responsible for peristaltic movements of the tubule, and is composed of developing germ cells . The Leydig cells , or interstitial cells , which lie in small connective tissue space between tubules, are the cells that secrete testosterone . **EPIDIDYMIS From the seminiferous tubules, the sperm pass through the rete testis and efferent ductules into a single convoluted duct lying close to the posterior border of the testis ,called epididymis. In turn it draining each testis leads to a vas deferens . The vas deferens and the portion of the closest to it serve as a storage epididymis reservoir for sperm ,holding them until sexual arousal leads to ejaculation. Also , in the epididymis the sperm undergo a further maturation process. VAS DEFERENS Or seminal ducts is a large thick-walled tube ,which serves to transmit and store the seminal fluid. After entering the abdomen ,the two vas deferens-one from each side –near the prostate join the excretory duct of the seminal vesicle, thus forming the ejaculatory duct . 4-spermatic cord consists of vas deferens and the blood and lymph vessels and nerves supplying the testis and of the epididymis . It passes to the testis through a slit like passage ,the inguinal canal, in the abdomen wall. 5-seminal vesicles is a paired organ, located between the fundus of the bladder and the rectum . The seminal vesicles are the reservoir for the seminal fluid . They also produce a secretion which is a constituent of this fluid . 6- Ejaculatory duct is formed by junction of the vas deferens and the duct of the seminal vesicle. It passes through the substance of the prostate and opens into the prostatic part of the urethra . 7-The prostate gland is a single dount-shaped gland below the bladder and surrounding the upper part of the urethra ,into which it secretes fluid through hundreds of tiny openings in the side of the urethra . The prostate gland and seminal vesicles secrete the bulk of the fluid in which ejaculated sperm are suspended , this fluid , plus the sperm cells , constitute semen , the sperm contributing only a few percent of the total volume . The glandular secretions contain a large number of different chemical substances , including nutrients , buffers for protecting the sperm against the acidic vaginal secretion , and prostaglandin . 8- The bulbourethral glands or Cowper’s glands are a paired organ , lying below the prostate , drain into the urethra just after it leaves the prostate. They contribute a small volume of mucoid secretion . The system of ducts through which the sperm are transported and the glands lining or emptying into the ducts are termed the accessory reproductive organs . SPERMATOGENESIS The seminiferous cells change by a series of complex transformations into spermatozoa. This process is called spermatogenesis . The undifferentiated germ cells begin to divide at puberty (12-15 years old) . Testosterone required for initiation and maintenance of spermatogenesis . Luteinizing Hormone (LH) acts on the leydig cells to stimulate testosterone secretion . Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) acts on the Sertoli cells , which nourish developing sperm and secrete paracrine agents that stimulate sperm proliferation and differentiation . The normal human male manufactures approximately 30 million sperm per day . The average volume of expelled semen is 3 ml , containing 300 million sperm . FEMAL REPRODUTIVE SYSTM The female organs are adapted to form ova or eggs which, if fertilized by spermatozoa, remain in the cavity of the uterus. Here an embryo or foetusis formed and is retained until the second individual is capale of a separate and independent existence. The female reproductive system (Figure 34) includes the two ovaries and the female reproductive tract- two uterine tubes, a uterus , and vagina. These structres are also termed the female internal genitialia .In the female , unlike in the male, the urinary and reproductive duct systems are entirely separate from each other. The female reproductive system (Figure 34) includes the two ovaries and the female reproductive tract- two uterine tubes, a uterus , and vagina. These structres are also termed the female internal genitialia .In the female , unlike in the male, the urinary and reproductive duct systems are entirely separate from each other. Oogenesis is the production of gametes- the ova. At birth, afemale's ovaries contain an estimated total of 2to 4 million eggs , and no new ones appear after birth .Only a few , perhaps 400 , are destined to be ovulated . Throughout their life in the ovaries ,the eggs exist in structures known as follicles . Maturation of follicles begins at sexual maturity. As a follicle matures the cells which compose its wall proliferate and the follicle enlarges, a cavity filled with fluid forms inside. A mature follicle is called a graafian follicle. 1-An ovary is one of a pair of organs. It is a sexual gland in which female cells develop and mature, and female sex hormones are produced (estrogen, progesterone, inhibin, relaxin, and activin). Oogenesis is the production of gametes- the ova. At birth, afemale's ovaries contain an estimated total of 2to 4 million eggs , and no new ones appear after birth .Only a few , perhaps 400 , are destined to be ovulated . Throughout their life in the ovaries ,the eggs exist in structures known as follicles . Maturation of follicles begins at sexual maturity. As a follicle matures the cells which compose its wall proliferate and the follicle enlarges, a cavity filled with fluid forms inside. A mature follicle is called a graafian follicle. A follicle takes about 28 days . The ovum present in the follicle develops as the follicle matures, undergoing complex changes. The wall of a mature follicle thins and ruptures. The ovum present in the follicle is carried away by the flow of fluid into the peritoneal cavity , and it enters the uterine tube (oviduct). The maturation of the female germ cell in the follicle of the ovary and its leaving the graafian follicle is called ovulation. A corpus luteum (yellow body) forms at the site of the ruptured graafian follicle. A corpus luteum secretes estrogen, progesterone and inhibin . If pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum persists till the end of it and performs the function of an endocrine gland . During approximately the first 2 months of pregnancy, almost the estrogen and progesterone are supplied by the extremely active corpus luteum. If no fertilization occurs, the intimately connected with menstruation , a periodic discharge of a sanguineos fluid from the uterus. During pregnancy both ovulation and menstruation cease. Ovulation and menstruation are observed from the age of 12- 16 to 45-50 , after which the woman has the so-called menopause. At this time ovarian function and menstruation cease. In terms of ovarian function, therefore, the menstrual cycle may be divided into two phase approximately equal in length and separated by ovulation (1) the follicular phase , during which a single mature follicle and secondary ooccyte develop, and (2) the luteal phase , beginning after ovulation and lasting until the demise of corpus luteum. 2- The uterus is a hollow, thick-walled muscular organ lying between the urinary bladder and rectum. It is the source of bleeding during and it menstruation houses the fetus during pregnancy. The uterus expels the fetus at the end of pregnancy by the concentration of its muscular walls. The lower portion of the uterus is the cervix. A small opening in the cervix leads to the vagina, the canal leading from the uterus to the outside. 3- Uterine tubes,also known as oviducts or fallopian tubes,are not directly attached to the ovaries but open in to the abdominal cavity close to them.The opening of each uterine tube is funnel-shaped and surrounded by long,fingerlike projections(the fimbriae) lined with ciliated epithelium.The other ends of the uterine tubes are attach to the uterus and empty directly into its cavity The tube function is to collect the ova discharged from ovary in its fimbriated end, and pass them along its interior towards the cavity of the uterus by the action of its ciliated epithelium.Fertilization of the ovum by spermatozoa usually takes place in the tube. The fertilized ovum begins to divide and an embryo develops.The developing embryo moves along the uterine tube to the uterus. The vibrations of the cilia of the ciliated epithelium and the contractions of the wall of the uterine tube apparently help the embryo in its movement. II-The female external genitalia include the mons pubis, labia majora,labia minora, clitoris, vestibule of the vagina,and vestibular glands. The term vulva is another name for all these structure. 4- The vagina is a tube 8 to 10 cm long.During copulation the seminal fluid containing spermatozoa is discharged form the penis into the vagina. The spermatozoa are motile, and swim from the vagina into the uterine cavity and thence into the uterine tubes. During parturition the fetus passes from the uterus out of the body through the vagina. The vagina is lined by a thin type of skin which is thrown into a number of transverse folds and is kept moist by the secretion of the mucous glands present in the cervix. This secretion is slightly acid. CONTROL OF OVARIAN FUNCTION The menstrual cycle results from a finely tuned interplay of hormones secreted by the ovaries, the anterior pituitary, and the hypothalamus. During the early and middle follicular phases, FSH stimulates the granulose cells to proliferate and secrete estrogen. During the late follicular phase, plasma estrogen becomes high enough to elicit a surge of LH, which then causes, via the granulose cell, Completion of the egg`s maturation, ovulation, and formation of the corpus luteum. During the luteal phase, under the influence of small of LH, the corpus luteum secretes progesterone and estrogen. Regression of the corpus luteum results in a cessation of the secretion of these hormones. MENSTRUAL CYCLE The phases of the menstrual cycle can also be named in terms of uterine events. Day 1 is the first day of menstrual bleeding, and the entire period of menstruation is known as the menstrual phase, which is generally about 3 to 5 days in atypical 28 day cycle. During this period the epithelial lining of uterus - the endometrium- degenerates, restulting in the menstrual flow. The amount of fluid, which consists of blood, mucin and epithelial cell varies between 90200 ml. The menstrual flow then ceases, and the endometrium begins to thicken as its regenerates. This period of growth, the prolifeerative phase,lasts for the 10 days or so between cessation of menstruation and the occurrence of ovulation. Soon after ovulation, the endometrium begins to secrete various substances, and part of the menstrual cycle between ovulation and the onset of the next mentruation is call secretory phase. كتابة: الطالبة :اية نظمي أبو خبيزة220120904 الطالبة :أسماء عادل التلباني220122842 الطالبة :اية أبو دعيج 220123456