AP MICROECONOMICS—SPRING 2013 1/8 Intro to course Syllabus (online) Issue text Student info sheet 1-9 Obj: Explain scarcity .opp. costs, marginal costs, marginal benefits 1/10 Obj.: Identify factors of production. Explain concepts of trade-offs and opportunity costs. Resources and scarcity video -Discuss Ch.1 and 2 notes Ch. 1 study guide Hmwk: complete Ch.1 wksht (online) Ch. 2 Factors of Production notesheet Opportunity cost reading/wksht Hmwk: Ch. 2--Production Possibilities wksht, (online and on paper) side one Hmwk: 90/95 mcs and complete Ch. 2 notesheet; quiz Monday Hmwk: complete notes/wksht 1/14 Obj. Analyze absolute and comparative advantage. 1/15 NO HMWK NIGHT Obj: Explain differences in different kinds of economies Explain circular flow. quiz Explain abs/comp adv— notes online do Ashna frq Read Adam Smith excerpt (online) Hmwk: complete mcs Review abs./ comp adv—go over questions Characteristics of different econ systems –ppt Explain circular flow and do wksht and mcs (in folder) do 2005 AP mcs abs/comp adv problems 1/16 Obj: review for test complete mcs review sheet (online) 1/11 Obj: Interpret production poss. Curves. -Explain prod. poss.; show “guns and butter” of Eco USA. two more prod poss wkshts (in folder) and Prod.Poss wksht online Is America #1?, 1a and 1b 1/17 TEST 1/18 Obj: Explain demand; explain supply look at test Demand notesheet (online) and wksht (in folder) Check mcs. Go over quiz. Supply notes (online) and wksht (in folder) Review xwd* (turn in for grade) Read Ch. 3 by Tuesday 1/21 STUDENT HOLIDAY/ inservice 1/22 Obj: Analyze changes in demand. Explain supply. Explain equilibrium Explain supply (notesheet online and wksht in folder). Explain equilibrium; do problems (in folder) read p. 386-389 1/28 Obj: Explain income and cross-price elasticities.Explain price elasticity of supply 1/29 Obj: Explain income and cross-price elasticities.Explain price elasticity of supply graded frq graded frq discuss elasticity notes AP mcs 1/23 Obj Analyze equilibrium. Explain surpluses and shortages, price controls, and quantity controls. Explain deadweight loss resulting from price/quantity controls. Discuss equilibrium problems. complete problem set do elasticity notesheet: price elasticity of demand (in folder) price elasticity of demand problem set (in folder) 1/30 Obj: review for test 1/31 LATE START elasticity quiz go over quiz and frqs review crossword (in folder); review sheet online 1/25 Obj: Analyze price elasticity of demand go over wkshts Explain surpluses and shortages Explain price and quantity controls (in folder) explain deadweight loss 2 Problem sets (in folder) 2010 mcs (in folder) practice problems 1/24 Obj: Explain price elasticity of demand S&D Quiz more practice problems (in folder) Hmwk: complete Ch. 20 elasticity notes 2/1 TEST 2/4 Obj: Explain consumer and producer surplus. Explain tax incidence and deadweight loss. go over test explain consumer & producer surplus, deadweight loss with price controls, and tax incidence and deadweight loss (p.7 only) handouts in folder 06B frq (in folder) 2/5 Obj: Explain tax incidence and deadweight loss. explain tax incidence and do hotel tax exercise (two handouts, in folder) Discuss impact of S&D elasticity on deadweight loss—handout (in folder) 2/6Obj: Analyze effect of trade barriers on consumer and producer surplus. 2/7Obj: Explain marginal utility. 2/8 Obj: Explain marginal utility. discuss mcs graded 2012#3 frq Quiz 04B2 graded frq MU of chocolate discuss marginal utility notes Impact of trade barriers (in folder) TU and MU wksht MU wksht (in folder) practice exam frq (in folder) 02#3 frq (in folder) 04B3 - complete and selfcheck (in folder) 2012 #2 (in folder) AP mcs (in folder) graded frq mcs (in folder) Hmwk: read p. 620-625 2/11 Obj: Explain marginal utility. 08#2 frq (in folder0 09B#2(in folder) review xwd (in folder)— both frqs and the crossword one completion grade 2/12 TEST - Consumer and producer surplus, consumer choice 2/13 Obj: explain production function 2/14 Obj: Explain costs of production. 2/15 Obj: Explain production function. Production simulation. Do exercise “Costs of the Individual Firm” (3.2.25) and complete for hmwk. discuss worksheet open note quiz Do problem set to analyze production costs. collect Thursday's worksheet Read pages 415-426. and do vocab sheet (in folder) Read rest of chapter and complete vocab definitions; add "sunk" cost explain shifts of cost curves AP mcs (in folder) 2/18HOLIDAY/inservice 2/19 Obj: Explain production function. 2/20 Obj: Explain characteristics of pure competition 2/21 NO HMWK Obj: Explain characteristics of pure competition 2/22 Obj: Explain characteristics of pure competition collect yesterday's wksht for completion grade discuss wksht collected yesterday unannounced open note quiz discuss frq discuss perf comp notes discuss LRATC 2001 #1 frq – collaborative (in folder) go over mcs AP practice exam frq (In folder) more problems with long-run costs of production and one more mc--2005 discuss perfect competition notes complete MCs assigned yesterday 06#2 frq 2010 and 2005 mcs 2000 mcs (in folder) Practice exam mcs Perfect competition notesheet complete perfect comp notes (in folder) for hmwk 2/25 2/26 Obj: analyze changes in perf. comp. industry pass back quiz 2/27 Obj: review for test 2/28 LATE START 3/1 pass back graded frqs part I of TEST – PERFECT COMP and PROD COSTS part II of TEST 2 graded frqs go over mcs 2011 #1 frq –collaborative (in folder) 2010 mcs (in folder) xwd review multiple choice review for test frq review assign monopoly notesheet, I and II 3/4 TAKS seniors late 15 min. classes look at test 3/5 Obj: Explain characteristics of monopolies. Explain deadweight loss of monopolies 3/6 Obj: Explain characteristics of price discriminating monopoly, natural monopoly. 3/7 Obj: Explain characteristics of monopolies 3/08 END OF NINE WEEKS discuss price discriminating monopoly. Obj: Explain characteristics of monopolies do 06#1 together (in folder) go over mcs Discuss regulation of monopolies (ppt on line) 2011 #1 frq collab do 06B#1frq discuss notes discuss notes do Quick Review of Perfect Comp and Monop wksht (in folder) Luxottica 60 minutes video practice exam mcs (in folder) mc problems Hmwk: complete mcs 2010 mcs (in folder) 2000/05 AP mcs (in folder) Hmwk: III and IV on Monop notes 3/11 SPRING BREAK SPRING BREAK SPRING BREAK SPRING BREAK SPRING BREAK 3/18 open note quiz 3/19 go over quiz 3/20 3/21 Obj: Explain characteristics of monopolistic competition. 3/22 Obj: Explain characteristics of monopolistic competition. 03B#1 and 04B#1 collab frqs review xwd- grade look at test Discuss notes and worksheet Discuss monop.comp.; do notesheet* do graph review (in folder) MONOPOLY TEST then do Comparison of PC MC, Monop (in folder) 2004 #3frq (may work together) (in folder) 3/25 Obj: Explain characteristics of monopolistic competition. 3/26 Obj: Explain characteristics of oligopoly. Explain game theory. (SUB) 3/27 Obj: explain characteristics of oligopoly and monopolistic competition. #09. 1 – individual, open note, graded discuss game theory (online) read game theory notes (online) 2009#3 and 09B3 frqs (in folder)—may collaborate complete oligopoly notesheet 2000 and 2010 mcs (in folder) open note quiz monop. comp problems (in folder) 2007B#1frq (in folder) 3/28 Obj: Explain characteristics of oligopoly and game theory 3/29 HOLIDAY open note quiz Morton practice mcs (in folder) review xwd Oligopoly notesheet* complete for hmwk AP mcs –practice exam and 05 mcs 4/1 SRs late start 4/2 SRs late start no micro classes pass back quiz 4/3 4/4 Obj: Explain derived demand, MRP, MRC of labor 4/5 Obj: Explain factor demand. Go over test Discuss Ch. 27 notes Act 46 (in folder) TEST review xwd p. 5, 6, 7 Do exercise 44 and 45 (two handouts) and discuss do 2005#3 frq , 08B#3 and 10B#2 (collaborative, in folder) complete Ch. 27 notes 1-7 robot video –from "60 Minutes" complete Ch. 27 notes 4/8 Obj: Explain supply of labor 4/9 Obj: Explain supply of labor Explain shifts of labor supply 4/10 Obj: explain supply and demand of labor Explain monopsonies. go over quiz frq- 07 #2—graded Discuss Ch. 28 notes collab. 02B#3(in folder)) do Act 47 (in folder) discuss monopsony explain economic rent (handout in folder) then do #5, p. 548 collaborative frq – 06B#3 11B3 frq (in folder) 2010 3 frq—collab (in folder) do Labor Supply notes 16 (in folder, also online) 2000 mcs (in folder) practice exam mcs (in folder) 2010 mcs (in folder) 4/17Obj: Explain externalities, public goods. 4/18 Obj: Explain externalities, Coase theorem, Discuss notes and explain MSB and MSC. do public goods t/f questions and discuss (in folder) do less 2, Act 54 (in folder) Explain Coase theorem—Act 55 (in folder) open note Ch. 27 quiz discuss rest of Ch. 27 notes—explain least cost and profit maximization in factor market 2005 mcs (in folder) 4/15 No hmwk night TEST 4/11 LATE START DAY Obj: explain supply and demand of labor and discuss rest of notes 4/12 Obj: explain supply and demand of labor Pass back quiz optional mc questions (in folder) Review xwd* (hmwk grade**) Hmwk: complete Ch. 28 notes by Thurs 4/16 Obj: Explain externalities, public goods. Stossel video on "Rescues for Stupidity" Ch.5 notesheet (in folder and online) - do and discuss Ch. 30 notesheet (in folder) – complete for hmwk do 2010 #3 frq (in folder) – collaborative and 06#3 frq (in folder), collab 4/19 Obj: Explain externalities, Coase theorem, Public and private goods Moose hunt—Tragedy of the Commons Stossel video on endangered tigers B#2 frq – graded Hmwk: ch. 31 notes (in folder) 4/22 Obj: Explain taxation 4/23 TAKS Seniors arrive late p. 4,5,2,1,3 open note quiz no micro discuss taxes 4/24 TAKS 4/25 TAKS 4-26 p. 4,5,6,7,8 30 min classes b #2graded frq Obj: Explain taxation and sources of income inequality. go over mcs discuss Gini in a Bottle 04#1 frq (collab, in folder) sample mcs (in folder) go over Ch. 34 notes 2011 #3 frq – collaborative 3 mcs (In folder) Hmwk: finish Ch. 34 notes Current Event due date changed to Tuesday assign current event, due Monday read "Gini in a Bottle.." on ebkpk 4/29 review for test crossword review (grade) 4/30 TEST – Market Failures and Role of Government current event due on Tuesday ce due 5/6 Review for Exam 5/7 Review for Exam complete and grade 24 mcs 2012 exam - graded 5/1 No hmwk night REVIEW FOR EXAM DO 2010 EXAM 5/8 SRs late start AP CALC/CHINESE p. 4, 5, 2, 1, 3 5/2 REVIEW FOR EXAM 5/3 REVIEW FOR EXAM COMPLETE 2010EXAM – completion grade 24 mcs (in folder) 5/9 SRs late start AP ENG LIT/ p. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 5/10 SRs late start AP STAT PM all classes work on 2012 exam complete 2012 exam 5/16 AP MACRO/APMICRO 5/17 sample frqs (in folder) 5/13 review for exam 5/14 AP GOVT 5/15 Review for exam AP BIO/PHYSICS complete/grade 2012 exam do practice exam AP EURO PM review for final exam 5/20 review for final exam 5/27 HOLIDAY 5/21 review for final exam 5/28 Final p. 3, 4, 7 5/22 SENIOR SERVICE DAY 5/29 Finals p. 2, 6, 8 5/23 5/30 Final p. 1, 5 5/24 GRADUATION