ORGANIZATION OF THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH JURISDICTION PRESIDENT GOVERNING BODY EXECUTIVE BODY NATIONAL CHURCH Episcopal dioceses participating in union with General Convention PRESIDING BISHOP Elected by the House of Bishops for 12-year term. GENERAL CONVENTION Meets triennially in 2 Houses: House of Bishops and House of Deputies, the latter of 8 clergy and lay representatives from each diocese. Purposes: elect leaders, set policy and budget for the mission and ministry of the Church. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Meets at least 3 times yearly; composed of bishops, priests, and lay representatives elected by General Convention and Provincial Synods for 6year terms, responsible for administering and implementing General Convention’s program and policy in the triennium following each Convention. PROVINCE Regional clusters of dioceses—8 in the USA and 1 comprised of the dioceses in 9 Caribbean countries. The Diocese of Central Florida is part of Province IV. PROVINCE PRESIDENT PROVINCIAL SYNOD Meets at least once yearly with bishops and 3 deputies who are clergy and lay representatives from each member diocese. Purposes: to respond and coordinate the work and shared concerns of the Church in each region and to select representatives to national bodies and committees. DIOCESE Parishes, missions, clergy and laity under the care of the bishop BISHOP DIOCESAN CONVENTION Meets at least once yearly to respond and coordinate the shared concerns of participating congregations DEANERY Regional community of neighboring parishes and missions DEAN DEANERY COUNCIL Meets at least three times yearly to respond and coordinate the shared concerns of participating congregations LOCAL CONGREGATIONS Individual s& families drawn together in a faith community with Episcopal Church traditions of worship and ministry as part of Christ’s Body RECTOR (Parish) VICAR (Mission) DEAN (Cathedral) ANNUAL MEETING Adult communicants in good standing STANDING COMMITTEE 18 priests and lay persons elected by Diocesan Convention WARDENS & VESTRY (Parish) BISHOPS’ COMMITTEE (Mission) CHAPTER (Cathedral) The Anglican Communion The Anglican Communion, which exists on all continents of the world, is a fellowship within the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church – of those duly constituted dioceses, provinces, or regional churches in communion with each other and with the See of Canterbury. The relationship between them is based on recognition of a common history, deriving from the Church of England, a common tradition of doctrine, discipline, and worship, and a mutual responsibility and interdependence in their missionary task. It is a freely chosen partnership, with emphasis on the autonomy and independence of the various branches of the Church. The Archbishop of Canterbury, honored as “First among equals” is an important symbol of unity among 70 million Anglicans, and is frequently expected to serve as their spokesman in international and ecumenical affairs. Other symbols of unity among Anglicans are The Book of Common Prayer—now in many different versions and translations throughout the world – and the Lambeth conference which brings together all diocesan bishops for mutual consultation once a decade. English language and culture, which formerly were important bonds of unity, are now less significant as the Anglican communion grows rapidly in Africa, Asia, and other nonEnglish-speaking regions and countries. A diocese is an aggregation of parishes and mission congregations under the administrative and pastoral care of a bishop. In Anglican tradition a “local Church’ in its fullness is thus not a single congregation but the common life of all who share the leadership of the same bishop. Provinces—There are many provinces in the Anglican Communion, each one indicating a national church or geographical area incorporating a number of dioceses. They are usually under the leadership of an Archbishop or a Presiding Bishop. Provinces in the Anglican Communion include: Church of Burundi, Rwanda, and Zaire Church of Uganda Province of Central Africa Province of Kenya Province of Nigeria Church of the Province of Southern Africa The Episcopal Church of Sudan Province of Tanzania Province of West Africa Province of the Indian Ocean Iglesia Episcopal de Brasil Iglesia Anglicana Del Cono Sur de America Anglican Church of Canada The Episcopal Church, USA The Church of the Province of the West Indies Province of Burma The Council of Churches of East Asia Philippine Episcopal Church Holy Catholic Church in Japan The Church of England The Scottish Episcopal Church The Church in Wales Church of Ireland The Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East Anglican Church of Australia Province of New Zealand Province of Melanesia Province of Papua New Guinea