How To Survive As A CSD Graduate Student

How To Survive As A CSD
Graduate Student
Seán Slattery
Current Survival Rates
Graduate Students
Got Ph.D.
On Leave
Still Here
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Entering Year
Your Immediate Concerns
• Finding an advisor
• Doing some research
• Classes & other requirements
– Writing/speaking/hacking
– TA’ing
• Staying sane
Finding An Advisor: Step 1
• Find faculty you might be interested in
IC Talks
Web pages
Faculty Research Guide
Suggestions from students & other faculty
Finding An Advisor: Step 2
Find out more about them
Ask them for a meeting
Talk to their students
Talk to their ex-students
Read some of their papers
Maybe attend a project meeting
Finding An Advisor: Step 3
Come to an agreement
– Tell them you’d like to put them down as your
1st (2nd, 3rd) choice
– Verify that they’ll ask for you too
– Fill out your marriage form accordingly
Finding An Advisor: Questions
Questions to ask:
Availability – does s/he have room for you?
Commitment – will s/he stand by you?
Personalities – will you get along?
Research style – can you do it that way?
Research topics – are you interested?
Resources – do you want travel and toys?
Finding An Advisor: Pitfalls
• Not getting the one you wanted
• Not getting along with the one you got
• Losing the one you got (they leave CMU)
Reassurance: you can change advisors, but
– Don’t do it too many times (more than twice)
– Don’t burn your bridges
Finding An Advisor: Variations
Multiple advisors
More benefits, more pitfalls
Often one has the money, one has the time
Maybe you want a non-CSD advisor
Sometimes a tactful way to transition
On Having an Advisor
• Like having a temporary parent
– Invested in you, responsible for you
– Sometimes that makes them act weird
• Communicate lots
– Tell them what you’re doing
– Tell them how you’re doing
– Tell them what you think you need
More on Having an Advisor
Advisors are human and flawed
Often under lots of pressure
Don’t always have great social skills
Often forget to give any positive feedback
Can unintentionally seem rude or disapproving
Coping advice
– When you can, don’t take it personally
– When you can’t, ask for reassurance
Research: The Early Years
What you’ll (hopefully) get out of it
– Learn your own research style, and whether it
meshes well enough with your advisor’s
– A publication or two
– Your hacking/writing/speaking requirements
Doesn’t need to lead straight to thesis work.
Research: How’s Your Ego?
Undergraduate work
– Get given a task, complete it well, get praise
Graduate work
– Find a problem you want to solve
– Get grudging support for working on it
– Have to justify why your work is worthwhile
Do it because you want to
Classes, Skills
• Classes
– May seem very hard or very easy
– It’s not unusual to fail one, nor is it a big deal
– Always take more time than they should
• Speaking/writing/hacking requirements
– Still being debugged
More Stuff
• TA’ing
– Always takes way more time that it should
• In general
– Take your advisor’s advice on scheduling
Black Friday - How it works
• The faculty meet and discuss each student
• Key question:
Are you progressing and do the faculty believe
you will finish eventually?
• Your advisor writes a letter giving you
feedback and setting goals for next semester
• Jeanette signs the letter
Black Friday – What to do
• Make sure your advisor will be there, or has
arranged for someone else to be
• Talk to your advisor about what they’ll say
• Give your advisor information to work with
• Then, stop worrying
– Go back to your work
– Go to the Black Friday TG
Staying Sane
• Don’t get isolated
– spend time with people
– talk to people about your work
• Remember
– there’s life after CMU
– there’s life outside CMU
– you do this because you want to
• Work on something you love
Staying Sane: Maladies
Imposter syndrome
– You think you’ve been successfully faking
being good enough to be here, but one day
you’ll fail and everyone will scorn you
– Is very, very common
Best cure
– Talk to other students, admit feeling that way
Staying Sane: Maladies
• Spiraling perfectionism
– Your work is too trivial for anyone to care
about and you freeze up
• Best cure
– Read papers, go to talks, go to conferences,
Staying Sane: Maladies
• Trouble and panic
– Failed exam or course
– Research stalls or doesn’t pan out
– Fight with advisor
• Best Cure
– Remember it happens to everyone sometime
– Remember help is available
Sharon (busy, but wise)
The Ombudsperson (Shawn Butler)
Your advisor
Other students
The CMU counseling center
The Zephyr anonymoose (see the FZQ)