Adam S The Botanist - cooklowery14-15

Adam S The
The Big Bluestem Grass
It is also called “Turkey feet” because the shape of the seed looks
like well… turkey feet! In my opinion so does the grass. It’s also called
the beard grass. The grass can also grow from 3 to 10 feet! This grass
blooms from June to September. This was used for food for the
American Bison. Very important since it is the tallest grass there is.
The grass has very deep roots to protect it and the dirt from blowing
away in the prairie. It is also the tallest grass in the prairie. 
The Stinging Nettle
This plant looks like a little hairy weed. In reality it is a very dangerous
plant. When you touch it with your bare hands or skin you will feel a
painful sensation. It can feel like a bee sting or much worse. It can
last for hours to days. This sting is caused by formic acid covering the
hairs on the plant. This plant can also be very useful too. It is a
medicine in Europe for over 2,000 years! It can be turned into tea
through the stems and leaves. This plant is mostly found in North
America but is still common all over the world. I guess it gets its name
“The Stinging Nettle” from its harmful acid on its hairs.
The Purple Cone Flower
The Purple Cone Flower grows to 2-3 feet tall and the center can
grow to the size of a child’s fist! This plant is also part of the daisy and
dandelion. This plant is very cool to me because it can relieve gub
bites and stings and also toothaches, acne and boils. Also snake
bites, fevers, infections, and maybe even tumors.! I might want to
keep some of this around myself!
Fleabane can grow up to 4-30 inches high. When burnt a smoke
arises that keeps away fleas. Probably where it gets its name from.
Its weed was used to heal sore throats. It prefers well drained soil.
Blue Grama Grass
The Blue Brama Grass grows up to 18 inches. It’s dense shallow root
mass holds it and the soil down from blowing away. It can also
quickly absorb any rain that may fall because of its dense shallow
roots. This makes Blue Grama Grass important.
Buffalo Grass
Buffalo grass grows from 5-13 cm. It has heat and cold resistance.
The flower stalks are 4-8 inches (10-20 cm). It is one of the most
important grass because Buffalo, white tailed deer, and etc. feed
on it.
Indian Grass
Indian grass has long flat narrow weeds which are nicknamed
“blades”. Indian Grass grows more where it is moist and its “blades”
turn yellowish bronze-ish in the fall.
Milkweed has a white poisonous sap from it which is where it gets its
name from. It can grow 2 to 3 in a half feet and it attracts bees,
hummingbirds etc.
Abiotic Factors
-wild flowers
-little trees
-long tall grass
-other plants
-other animals
Biotic Factors
-the sun
-rocks and soil
-water from streams
Heat or cold