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Tulsa Community College
Interpreter Education Fall 2014
Course: INED 1373 American Sign Language II Section #: 202
Call #:16351
Day(s) and Time(s): Tues 5:30 – 9:20 PM
Room # 1509
Course Delivery Method: Classroom
Start and End dates: Aug 19th to Dec 9th
Instructor: Lisa McDonald
Office Email:
Office Hours: Text or email Lisa
Text only: 918-525-2553 (state your name)
Division: Communications
Associate Dean: Jocelyn Whitney
Office: NE Academic Bldg RM 2381
Phone Number:918- 595-7496
Course format: Lecture
Director: Dr. Mike Limas
Office: NE A151
Phone: 918-595-7473
COURSE PRE-REQUISITE: INED 1363, ASL I, is required with a grade of "C" or better or
permission of Faculty or the Division Chair. Concurrent enrollment with INED 1413, Deaf
Culture and History, and INED 1423, Introduction to Interpreting is recommended. Deaf
Culture and Introduction to Interpreting are required courses for Interpreter Education majors.
Continuation of American Sign Language I. This course further develops receptive and
expressive skills in American Sign Language in authentic situations and expands the study of
Deaf culture. This course progresses from common, concrete communicative events and
interactions to language expressing abstract ideas. Emphasis is on the comprehension and
production of increasingly complex linguistic structure focusing on dialogues and conversational
expressions. More complex receptive and expressive skills are fostered through interactive ASL
lessons without spoken English. Prerequisite: INED 1363 with a grade of "C" or better or
instructor approval. Lecture 3 hours. Laboratory 1 hour.
NEXT COURSE IN SEQUENCE: INED 2414, American Sign Language III
Text, Units 1-9, by Dennis Cokely and Charlotte Baker-Shenk. Gallaudet University Press,
Washington, D.C.
Vista American Sign Language Series: Signing Naturally, Student Workbook Units 7-12, by
Ella M. Lentz, Ken Mikos & Cheri Smith. Dawn Sign Press, San Diego, CA. A flash drive.
1. To demonstrate basic expressive and receptive skills in fingerspelling.
2. To demonstrate the ability to choose and produce conceptually accurate signs.
3. To demonstrate the ability to initiate, conduct and terminate a short conversation in ASL
using appropriate conversational regulators.
4. To develop receptive and expressive skills in ASL by thinking in ASL without depending on
English structure, demonstrating the correct use of linguistic components of ASL and signing
short paragraphs without the use of voice.
5. To demonstrate awareness of Deaf culture through contextual settings in class.
1. Neither the instructor nor the student will be permitted to use voice, except at instructor
designated times.
2. Students may write questions or comments on the blackboard or on paper for the document
3. Vocabulary will be taught through meaningful use of conversation, interaction techniques,
pictures, dialogues, games, etc.
4. Students will use the web cam for both expressive and receptive development of the
EVALUATION TECHNIQUES: Evaluation will be determined by the following methods:
1. Student signed stories, skits, dialogues, and demonstrations in front of class
2. Instructor/student interaction of signed vocabulary, dialogues, and stories.
3. Performance on webcam/video camera.
4. Written quizzes and tests.
Evaluation will be focused on the student's ability to read sign language and demonstrate
expressively content in American Sign Language.
Textbook Homework- Six chapters (chapters 7-12)
Students will complete each chapter homework for 5 points each.
30 points
Sign Demonstrations - Two required
200 points
Students will do two expressive sign assignments worth 100 points each The sign
demonstrations will be recorded sent by YouTube.
Video Homework Assignments- Two required
20 points
Students will do two video homework assignments each worth 10 pts. See handouts.
Quizzes - Two recorded
100 points
Three quizzes of 50 points each will be administered throughout the semester. The
quizzes will test the student's receptive/expressive ability on material covered in class, in
the texts, and from videotapes/DVD’s. The best two scores of the three will be recorded
for the grade.
Community Interaction - Three required
15 points
Students will receive points through attendance at four meetings of activities sponsored
by organizations serving persons who are Deaf, such as TSHA, Silent Dinners, Deaf Coffees,
Deaf Awareness Week Committee, ASL Club meetings, Happy Hands and churches who serve
Deaf persons. Each activity is worth 5 points each for a total of 20 points. Students will submit
a two minute video presentation using YouTube along with a one page paper for each
activity highlighting cultural observations and language features recognized during this
interaction within one week of the activity. The YouTube will summarize the information
requested for the paper. (See handout). If the paper is not turned in then there will be no points
for that community interaction. The YouTube presentation and paper must also include the
following information:
Fingerspell your full name
Date of Activity
Meeting Title/Brief Description of the activity (i.e. Silent Dinner)
Lab Assignments- Two required
40 points
Selected videotapes/DVD/s will be in the FACET Center during the semester for you to
review. One set of videotapes/DVDs will be due during the first eight weeks of the semester
and the second set of tapes/DVDs will be due the week prior to the final exam (check your
tentative agenda in the syllabus for exact dates).
Examinations 200 points
You will have a mid-term and a final examination worth 100 points each. Exams will
consist of a receptive, expressive and written portion.
Grading System
Textbook Homework – 6 Chapters
Sign/Camera Demonstrations (2)
Video Homework Assignments (2)
Quizzes (2 recorded)
Pop Quizz/es
Community Interaction (3)
Lab Assignments (2)
Examinations (Midterm & Final)
Grading Scale:
5 pts.ea
100 pts. ea.
10 pts. ea.
50 pts.ea.
5 pts. ea.
20 pts. ea.
100 pts. ea.
Total Points
582- 625 = A (93 - 100%)
538- 581 = B (86- 92%)
494- 537 = C (79 -85%)
450- 493 = D (72 -78 %)
Below 450 = F (Below 72%)
590 points
30 pts.
200 pts.
20 pts.
100 pts.
20 pts
15 pts.
40 pts.
200 pts.
625 points
Class attendance and participation may be used to determine borderline grades. The instructor
may assign a grade of AW for any student who stops attending class.
TUTORING/LAB FACILITIES The FACET Center is available according to the days and
hours posted at the Center. Tutoring is encouraged and is available by appointment with the ASL
Specialist in the FACET Center.
ASL Dictionary
ASL Dictionary
ASL Dictionary
ASL Dictionary
National Association of the Deaf
Communication Services of the Deaf
Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
Postsecondary Education Network
Gallaudet University and Information on Deafness
Deaf Library
TSHA Community events:
Deaf Coffee Chat:
Educational Technical Signs:
USING BLACKBOARD: We will use the Blackboard site for this class, located at the
following URL:
If you lose the syllabus or other handouts, you will find copies at the above address.
The curriculum parallels what we know about language development and second language
learning. We focus on introducing language in context and reinforcing what is learned by
engaging the student into various interactive activities. A conversational curriculum requires
you to be an active learner. You need to come prepared to sign with the instructor and other
classmates. The classes are conducted in American Sign Language (ASL) from the very first
day. You are immersed in the language four hours a week to maximize your language learning.
The teacher will use gestures, signs, drawings, and act out situations to get the point across and
your job is to keep trying. This may sound daunting at first, but it does work!
As instructors we insist on maintaining a signing environment at all times in the classroom for
two reasons: One, it is considered rude and insulting to talk in front of a Deaf person and not
make the information passing between you and the other person accessible. Since TCC has Deaf
staff and Deaf adjunct instructors, one of your goals is to get to know Deaf people in the
community, because it is imperative that you develop the habit of signing when Deaf people are
present. Secondly, this is an immersion class, which means only the target language is used.
Using only ASL helps you to develop both your comprehension skills and your expressive skills
quickly and effectively. Talking disrupts this process and delays your language development.
If a fellow student asks you for help, feel free to help by using signs you have learned in class or
by writing back and forth. In this way, I can see what is being said and can join in to help, if
needed be.
ATTENDANCE POLICY: This course is based upon group learning and interaction, and
therefore, is enriched by each individual's attendance. Recognizing that adults do have conflicts
that occasionally interrupt your commitment to this course, the courtesy of contact is
appreciated. Students are responsible for material covered during missed classes.
Students are expected to attend all classes:, however, three absences will be allowed for doctor’s
appointments and extenuating circumstances. Each absence, beyond three, will result in a five
point reduction per absence in your final grade.
LATE ASSIGNMENTS AND MAKE-UP TESTS: Camera, lab and socialization assignments
will be accepted up to one week past the deadline for submission with a 10% penalty. For late
video assignments, students are responsible for sending a video email of their sign demonstration
to No make-up is available for receptive portions of quizzes and
examinations without contacting the instructor prior to test date.
COURSE WITHDRAWAL: The deadline to withdraw from a course shall not exceed 3/4 the
duration of any class. Contact the Counseling Office at any TCC campus to initiate withdrawal
from a course ('W' grade) or to change from Credit to Audit. Check the TCC Academic Calendar
for deadlines. Students who stop participating in the course and fail to withdraw may receive a
course grade of “F,” which may have financial aid consequences for the student.
Email: All TCC students will receive Microsoft Office 365 email address
(ex: All communications to you about TCC and course assignments will
be sent to your Microsoft Office 365 email address; use the email address of to send email to, and receive email from, the instructor regarding this
course. For video assignments and other communications please also use
Inclement Weather: TCC rarely closes. If extreme weather conditions or emergency situations
arise, TCC always gives cancellation notices to radio and television stations. TCC encourages
students to sign up for the TCC Alerts for inclement weather and other emergencies at This information is also posted on the TCC website
GENERAL EDUCATION GOALS: General Education courses at TCC ensure that our
graduates gain skills, knowledge, and abilities that comprise a common foundation for their
higher education and a backdrop for their work and personal lives. TCC’s General Education
goals are: Critical Thinking, Effective Communication, Engaged Learning, and Technological
CLASSROOM ETIQUETTE: Open and mutually respectful communication of varied
opinions, beliefs, and perspectives during classroom or online discussion encourages the free
exchange of ideas that is essential to higher learning and to the ability to learn from each other.
Use of any electronic device is at the discretion of the instructor. All cell phones must be turned
SYLLABUS CHANGES: Occasionally, changes to the syllabus may be necessary. Students
will be notified of any changes to the syllabus in writing.
DISABILITY RESOURCES: It is the policy and practice of Tulsa Community College to
create inclusive learning environments. Accommodations for qualifying students in compliance
with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act are
available. To request accommodations: contact the Education Access Center (EAC) at or call (918) 595- 7115 (Voice). Students with hearing loss or deaf may contact
the Resource Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing by email at or text at
(918) 809-1864 or 918-595-7428 (Voice).
SPECIAL NOTE: Please make the instructor aware of any factors that need to be considered in
order to ensure the optimal learning environment for you. Students should inform the instructor
of special circumstances or needs that may affect learning in the classroom. Appropriate referral
or consideration will be made as needed.
ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Academic dishonesty (cheating) is defined as the deception of
others about one’s own work or about the work of another. Academic dishonesty or misconduct
is not condoned or tolerated at campuses within the Tulsa Community College system. Tulsa
Community College adopts a policy delegating certain forms of authority for disciplinary action
to the faculty. Such disciplinary actions delegated to the faculty include, but are not limited to,
the dismissal of disrespectful or disorderly students from classes. In the case of academic
dishonesty a faculty member may:
Require the student to redo an assignment or test, or require the student to complete a
substitute assignment or test;
Record a "zero" for the assignment or test in question;
Recommend to the student that the student withdraw from the class, or
administratively withdraw the student from the class;
Record a grade of "F" for the student at the end of the semester. Faculty may request
that disciplinary action be taken against a student at the administrative level by
submitting such a request to the Dean of Student Services.
INSTITUTIONAL STATEMENT: Each student is responsible for being aware of the
information contained in the TCC Catalog, TCC Student Handbook, Student Code of Conduct
Policy Handbook, and semester information listed in the class schedule. All information may be
viewed on the TCC website:
TENTATIVE AGENDA: The tentative agenda is a general guideline for the course, but is
subject to announced changes at the discretion of the instructor.
_Unit_ ___Date___ _______Unit_of_Study_and_Assignments_______
Aug 19
Course Orientation, FACET Orientation
Signing Naturally (SN) Review- Units 1-6
Cokely- Baker (CB) Introduction
SN Unit 7 Giving Directions
Aug 26
SN Unit 7 Giving Directions
CB Unit 1 Sentence Types
Sept 2
SN Unit 8 Describing Others
CB Unit 1 Continued
Sept 9
SN Unit 8 Continued
CB Unit 2 Time
Quiz #1 (SN Unit 7 & 8 and CB Units 1) (9/9)
Sept 16
SN Unit 9 Making Requests
CB Unit 2 Continued
Video Homework #1( 9/16)
Sept 23
SN Unit 9 Continued
CB Unit 3 Pronominalization
YouTube Presentation and Community Interaction Paper #1
Sept 30
SN Unit 9 Continued
CB Unit 4 Subjects and Objects
Oct 7
SN Unit 10 Talking About Family and Occupations
CB Unit 4 Continued
Lab #1 Due on (10/7)
YouTube Presentation & Community Interaction Paper # 2
Quiz #2 (SN Unit 9 and CB Units 1-3) (10/7)
Oct 14
SN Unit 10 Continued
CB Unit 5 Classifiers
Sign/ Camera Demonstration # 1 Due on (10/14)
Oct 21
SN Unit 10 Continued
CB Unit 6 Locatives
Midterm Exam (SN Units 9 & 10 and CB Units 1-4) on (10/21)
Oct 28
SN Unit 11 Attributing Qualities to Others
CB Unit 7 Pluralization
Nov 4
SN Unit 11 Continued
CB Unit 8 Temporal Aspect
Video Homework #2 on (11/4)
FRIDAY, NOV 21st: LAST DAY TO WITHDRAW. Students are strongly encouraged
to counsel with the instructor before withdrawing from class.
Nov 11
SN Unit 11 Continued
CB Unit 8 Temporal Aspect
Quiz # 3 (SN Units 10 & 11, and CB Units 5,6,7) on (11/11)
YouTube Presentation and Community Interaction Paper #3
Nov 18
SN Unit 12 Talking About Routines
CB Unit 9 Distributional Aspect
Sign /Camera Demonstration #2 on 11/18
Nov 25
SN Unit 12 Continued
SN Cumulative Review
CB Review
Lab #2 Due on 12/9
Nov 26 –Nov 30
Thanksgiving holiday. No Classes. TCC closed.
Dec 9
Final Exam (Cumulative—SN Units 7- 12 Cumulative Review)
(Cumulative –CB Units Intro – 9 and Handouts)
Tues 5:30-9:20 PM
Silent Dinners
All Silent Dinners are located at the Woodland Hills Mall Food Court from 6 pm to 9 pm. The
dates are: Check below to see our schedule of up-coming Silent
Dinners. The website is:
August 28, Thursday
September 23, Tuesday (DAW-location may change)
October 20, Monday
November 11, Tuesday
December 1, Monday
Deaf Awareness Week 2014
National Deaf Awareness Week will be in September 2014. A consortium of Tulsa area
deafness-related organizations is putting together a fun variety of events you won’t want to
miss. Lisa McDonald will inform you of the dates and events as they are scheduled.
Children’s Holiday Party
There will be Children’s Holiday Party in December that you could volunteer to work with
deaf and hearing children. The date will be announced sometime this fall. The information
will be at this website at
More Deaf Events
Lisa McDonald will inform you of more deaf events as they are scheduled.