The Middle Ages

The Middle Ages-Webquest Project
British Literature
Mrs. Staples
Adapted from:
 Introduction: The Middle Age has been
characterized as the Dark Ages due to
its plagues, loss of literacy, loss of artistic
treasures, serfdom, church corruption,
and wars filled with pillaging and
plundering (i.e. The Religious Crusades).
 On the other hand some historical
revisionists claim that this is an unfair
depiction, and that this was a Time of
Light as evidenced by the Magna Carta,
Charlamagne’s Carolingian Empire,
schools of learning (Benedictine
Monasteries), knightly adventures, and
 Your assignment is to make a
compelling case one way or the other.
You will find proof that supports if this
time period was a time of darkness or a
time of light.
 You will conduct research using
Internet websites and become an
authority on this time period that spans
roughly 1066-1485.
 You are responsible for working
effectively and diligently while in the
library, writing three (3) essays, and
also creating a PowerPoint presentation
with relevant Internet source material
that supports your case one way or the
other. Your PowerPoint should have a
Works Cited page with a minimum of
10 sources in MLA format.
 Before you can begin your project, you
must first conduct the research in this
webquest educational journey, and
take a detailed look at the Middle
Ages from a socio-economic,
technological, political, religiouscultural, and literary perspective.
Task Objectives
 Five (5) TOPICS are provided for you to choose from. You will select 3 of
those 5 topics and then select three (3) websites in each topic area to
write about. Many of the links provided in this webquest lead to
additional sources for you to explore. You will write a 300 word
paragraph evaluation and analysis for each of the three web sites that
you choose (a total of 900 words per essay). Explain the content in the
three (3) links and evaluate and analyze how these various sites support
your case for the Middle Ages as either a Dark or Light Age. You are
required to include a minimum of three (3) properly cited MLA citations
on a Works Cited page at the end of each essay. All essays must be
submitted by their due dates to start with full credit. Late assignments
will start at 50%.
 With a partner or independently you will create a PowerPoint
presentation with relevant Internet source materials that support your
belief that this was a dark or light time period. Your PowerPoint must
include something from each of the five (5) topics and have a Works
Cited Page with a minimum of 10 sources in MLA format. There is a
grading rubric on the following page that will further clarify the
format for your research project.
Evaluation Rubric
Point Breakdown
 Library days – October 17th and 18th - participation grade each day
 3 essays in chosen content areas (minimum of 900 words each) - 3 writing
grades (graded for content, spelling, punctuation, word count)
 PowerPoint - 1 writing grade for content and organization and 1 test grade
You will lose points if you are not actively working on your project at all times
during provided library time. If you are absent on a library day, the only way you
can regain participation points is to stay after school.
Pair or Individual Power Point - due ______
 (Page #1) Title Page
(5 Points)
 (Page #2) Topic 1 content (15 Points)
 (Page #3) Topic 2 content (15 Points)
 (Page #4) Topic 3 content (15 Points)
 (Page #5) Topic 4 content (15 Points)
 (Page #6) Topic 5 content (15 Points)
 (Page #7) Summation of your position (Dark or Light) (10 Points)
 (Page #8) MLA Citations in Works Cited format (10 Points)
Each slide should support your position of Dark or Light in some way. Points will
be deducted for grammar and punctuation errors.
Use of Websites
The websites provided to you may or may not be
active (or may not work on the school computers
due to blocks on various sites).
Many provided websites will lead you to other
websites. If you choose to use websites in
addition to those provided, be sure to check that
they are reliable sources; use .gov, .uk, .org,, and:
• find the original source page for authenticity
• check the date the website was last updated
• Check that the links work and that they are linked to
reliable sources
NO Wikipedia
Preparing your Essays…
Essays MUST be typed. No hand-written
essays will be accepted.
Use Times New Roman, 12 font, and double
Proper heading at the top of each essay.
Each 900 word essay should have a Works
Cited page with a minimum of 3 sources.
Submit ALL copied materials printed from the
websites. Staple or paper clip copied materials
to the back of the essays.
Topic #1
Websites of the Middle Ages
Banking in the Middle Ages
The Spread of the Black Death
The Black Death 1348
Dialogue Between Master and
Economic Trends
Advancement of Economics
European Agrarian Society
The Great Famine
Middle Ages Timeline
The Manorial System
Medieval Guilds and Crafts
Medieval Jobs
Medieval Life and Times
Money and Coinage
Population Through the Ages Timeline
 Write one 300 word paragraph
description for each of the three
websites per topic.
 This equals three hundred words
per paragraph or 900 total
words, or a minimum of three
distinct paragraphs per content
 Evaluate and analyze the
content in these websites and
describe how these various sites
support your theory that the
Middle Ages were either a Dark
or Light time period.
 You are required to include a
Works Cited page with a
minimum of 3 MLA Citations.
Topic #2
Technology & Architecture
Websites of the Middle Ages
Secrets of the Castle
Woodworking Tools
Castle Chapels
Medieval Siege Images
Castle Architecture
Building a Castle
Architecture of the Middle Ages
Castle Defenses
Design Secrets of Medieval Castles
Cathedral Tour
Gothic Architecture
Romanesque Architecture
Byzantine Architecture
Castle Interiors
Gothic Field Architecture
Weapons and Armor
 Write one 300 word paragraph
description for each of the three
websites per topic.
 This equals three hundred words
per paragraph or 900 total
words, or a minimum of three
distinct paragraphs per content
 Evaluate and analyze the
content in these websites and
describe how these various sites
support your theory that the
Middle Ages were either a Dark
or Light time period.
 You are required to include a
Works Cited page with a
minimum of 3 MLA Citations.
Topic #3
History & Politics
Websites of the Middle Ages
The Development of Europe
Magna Carta
Magna Carta Exhibit
Medieval Kings
Women in Politics
Medieval Law
Law and Order
Pirates Article of Agreement
War of the Roses
The 100 Years War
Crime and Punishment
Death in the Dark Ages
Papal Power
 Write one 300 word paragraph
description for each of the three
websites per topic.
 This equals three hundred words
per paragraph or 900 total
words, or a minimum of three
distinct paragraphs per content
 Evaluate and analyze the
content in these websites and
describe how these various sites
support your theory that the
Middle Ages were either a Dark
or Light time period.
 You are required to include a
Works Cited page with a
minimum of 3 MLA Citations.
Topic #4
Religion & Culture
Websites of the Middle Ages
Crisis and Recovery
Gregorian Chant
Bathing and Washing (hygiene)
Thomas Aquinas
Stained Glass of the Middle Ages
Art of the Middle Ages
Intellectual Life
Code of Chivalry
Church in the Middle Ages
Medieval Holidays
Halloween in the Middle Ages
Religious Order
Medieval Women
The Crusades
Byzantine Empire
Rise and Development of Byzantine
Arts and Entertainment
Guide to Early Church Documents
Medieval and Renaissance Instruments
 Write one 300 word paragraph
description for each of the three
websites per topic.
 This equals three hundred
words per paragraph or 900
total words, or a minimum of
three distinct paragraphs per
content area.
 Evaluate and analyze the
content in these websites and
describe how these various
sites support your theory that
the Middle Ages were either a
Dark or Light time period.
 You are required to include a
Works Cited page with a
minimum of 3 MLA Citations.
Topic #5
Education, Art, and Literature
Websites of the Middle Ages
Anthology of Middle English Literature
Byzantine Art
French Middle Ages Literature
Thomas Aquinas
Byzantine Art Images
Antiquity in the Middle Ages
Stained Glass of the Middle Ages
Sculpture of the Middle Ages
Pieter Bruegel
Medieval Art Tour
 Write one 300 word paragraph
description for each of the
three websites per topic.
 This equals three hundred
words per paragraph or 900
total words, or a minimum of
three distinct paragraphs per
content area.
 Evaluate and analyze the
content in these websites and
describe how these various
sites support your theory that
the Middle Ages were either a
Dark or Light time period.
 You are required to include a
Works Cited page with a
minimum of 3 MLA Citations.
And so…
1st essay (3 subtopics/900 words) is due on _____________
2nd essay (3 subtopics/900 words) is due on _____________
3rd essay (3 subtopics/900 words) is due on _____________
By_______________ every PowerPoint analysis must have been
submitted to BOTH email addresses electronically by the beginning
of class, or should be brought to school on a memory stick for me
to download onto my computer during class. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Gather your facts and get a head start! DO NOT rely only
on the class time provided for these assignments. It is your
responsibility to complete each assignment on time.
Quoting & Paraphrasing is acceptable.
Student Scheduling: The Middle Ages
______ - Essay 1
______ - Essay 2
______ - Essay 3
______ PowerPoint with
a partner or
PowerPoint MUST
include something
from all five topics
Day 1
Copy/print as
many sources as
possible. Begin
putting together
first essay.
Day 2
Day 3
Continue copying
and printing
sources. Type first
essay and begin
second essay.
Begin working
with partner or
independently to
put together
You must continue
to work on essays
2 and 3
The next class time
allotted with be
used for creating
your PowerPoint.
Day 4
Additional Resources
Anthology of Middle English Literature
Art History Resources on the Web
Australian Catholic University
Castles of
College at Oneonta
Department of Astrology at University of Maryland
End of Europe’s Middle Ages University Calgary
Gregorian Chant
History Link 101
Labyrinth at Georgetown University
National Archives and Records Administration
New York
What is MLA?
MLA - Modern Language Association is the
format used when typing the Works Cited page
for the research paper
To review how to type a Works Cited page, go
to the school website and access the research
paper formats by clicking on
 High School
 Media Center
 Research-related links