A.P. Modern European History: An Introductory Assignment

A.P. European History
Summer Assignment 2013
A.P. Modern European History: An Introductory Assignment
Welcome to A.P. Euro. This course provides valuable experience in higher level learning, allows you to build the
skills you will need in social studies and other classes as you continue your education, and provides you with a firm
understanding of western civilization and culture. A.P. European History is a study of Europe since approximately 1400,
beginning with the Renaissance. The Renaissance is known as an age of “rebirth” that marked a significant
transformation in social, political, intellectual, and religious customs and norms. In order to understand the significance
of the changes that the Renaissance brought, you must first have background on the Middle Ages that preceded the
fifteenth century. Knowledge of the Middle Ages is essential to understanding why and how the Renaissance period
reflected major changes. Therefore, your summer assignment is focused on the Medieval period in Europe.
Your Tasks:
I. Read and take notes on the packet of material attached (available in Conard’s main office if you are picking this up over the summer):
The packet of reading material provided contains a textbook excerpt that overviews general information on the Middle Ages.
As you read, take notes on the important terms, questions, and ideas because you will be expected to discuss this
content in class. Also, if you have questions or are confused by any of the content, come into school in September with
your questions in hand. Please pay particular attention to social, economic, political, & cultural trends, especially:
o Feudalism
o Manorialism
o The power of the Catholic Church in medieval Europe
o The realities of daily life for the various social classes
o Growth of towns
II. Document Analysis
Analysis of primary source documents is one of the most important skills used in A.P. European history. Therefore, you
must select two primary source excerpts from the reading to analyze. Please complete an APPARTS analysis for each
document (2 total). APPARTS analysis questions are attached.
You may use any primary source included in the textbook excerpt. Make sure to label your APPARTS analysis
worksheets with the title of the sources you choose to analyze. Some examples of primary sources included in the packet
are listed below:
A Muslim’s Description of the Rus, pages 366-367
Description of the Hagia Sophia by Procopious, page 371
Twelfth century report from a Cistercian monastery on using water power, page 381
Pope Innocent III on papal supremacy, page 392
Jaufré Rudel’s poem, page 399
The Song of Roland, page 400
Description of Cremation of Strasbourg Jews, 1349, page 407-408
III. Free Response Essay: After completing the reading, choose and answer ONE of the following questions in a 4-5
paragraph essay:
1) Analyze the development of feudalism and manorialism in the Middle Ages. Why did they
emerge, and what purposes did they serve?
2) Analyze how medieval European society and politics were permeated by Christianity.
Essays response MUST include the following:
o Thesis statement – Should be clear, well developed, and respond specifically to the terms of the question.
o Response to the Question – Fully answer all parts of the question, reflect thorough reading and understanding of the topic.
o Specific Evidence – Student carefully selected relevant historical content to support thesis; facts from reading are not simply
summarized, but rather, student applies content to explains/analyze how or why that information supports their answer.
o QUALITY should be your focus, not quantity. A mediocre 8 paragraph essay will receive a lower grade than an excellent 4 or 5
paragraph essay.
o Correct grammar, mechanics, sentence structure, etc. are essential. PROOFREAD your essay to avoid errors.
Document analysis and Free Response Essay will be collected on the first day of school.
A.P. European History
Summer Assignment 2013
A.P.P.A.R.T.S. Document Analysis
Document Title and page #: ________________________________________________________________________________
Who is writing or speaking? What do you know about them? What can you infer about them?
Place & Time
Where and when was it written? How might this affect the meaning of the source?
Prior Knowledge
Beyond information about the author and the context of its creation, what do you know that would help you further understand the
primary source?
Who is this document directed towards? Who is supposed to read or see it? Does this affect the reliability of the source?
What is the purpose of this document? What was it intended to accomplish?
The Main Idea
What are the specific contents of this document? What point is it trying to convey?
Significance So, what’s the big deal? Why are you being asked to read this document for this particular topic?
A.P. European History
Summer Assignment 2013
A.P.P.A.R.T.S. Document Analysis
Document Title and page #: ________________________________________________________________________________
Who is writing or speaking? What do you know about them? What can you infer about them?
Place & Time
Where and when was it written? How might this affect the meaning of the source?
Prior Knowledge
Beyond information about the author and the context of its creation, what do you know that would help you further understand the
primary source?
Who is this document directed towards? Who is supposed to read or see it? Does this affect the reliability of the source?
What is the purpose of this document? What was it intended to accomplish?
The Main Idea
What are the specific contents of this document? What point is it trying to convey?
Significance So, what’s the big deal? Why are you being asked to read this document for this particular topic?