Serena Latrobe Notes Plan - LatrobeIGS2

what’s social psychology (with quote)
history (influential social psychologists- eg. Solomon Asch (hyperlink))
3 social psychologists and a brief summary of them
examples of social psychology
Big question (complete near the end)
 What it is
 How to change them
 Solomon Asch (and his experiment)
 What's conformity
 Contribution to psychology
 criticisms against Asch test
 What can influence conformity
 Pandemics
 Smoking
 Gender Inequalities (add fact page)
 How to use social psychology to solve problems
*Example (one slide) brief intro of each example to link into another page
 Big Question: ANSWERED
Thursday and Friday to Answer Big question!
by the end of this week we should: complete all note taking and start completing all
the whole of next week should be finishing off the paragraphs and doing the website
the week after that finish off website and start brochure…...brainstorm ideas of
Bookmarks(possibility) could be something people reuse:
 questions and answers about social psychology
 link to website
 or fun facts about social psychology
 quotes from a psychologist (?)
For the social psychology experiment could do:
 a multiple choice type questionnaire about attitudes/social psychology/ conformity or
a particular topic we have covered
reading a passage relating to cognitive dissonance and asking audience to verify
attitude change
 including the audience somehow
 one example (brief)
 what social psychology is (brief)
 what attitudes are (brief)
 conformity (brief)
 The halo effect
 showing 4 pictures of people and writing the personality traits people associate with
 2 attractive/likeable and 2 not as attractive/likeable
 discussing with the person the reason for why they chose those answers
Conformity experiment:
 The lines test (remember to keep a tally)
Big Question:
 How can social psychology change attitudes to solve problems
examples (main priority)
who is the you?
revise common questions
website (do this after we finish paragraphs)
site bibliographies
bookmarks (quotes)
our names our…
we are doing social psychology as our project and our question is how might we use
social psychology to change attitudes to solve problems
at the moment we have spoken to Matthew Hale and are still waiting for a response
from Mirko Ulrjarevic and Brendan Murphy
we are presenting our project on a website and have designed a brochure to hand
out on the night
to make people interested in our booth, we have organised a social experiment
we uploaded our project to the wiki last night
*we show them our website and what it entails* (same as brochure)
stuff about latrobe: fascinating lectures, different buildings for different subjects, the
booths in the library, variety of food, three tier system in the library, you can eat and
drink in the library
ask audience questions; what is: an attitude, cognitive dissonance, conformity, have
you heard of the solomon asch experiment? answer questions if needed
Answer Our Question: how might we use social psychology to change attitudes to
solve problems?
-what is social psychology?
 the field of science that explores the role/influence of society in the behaviour,
feelings, attitudes and thoughts of an individual
 social psychology is obviously a branch of psychology
 based on observation, findings and experience in oppose to logic
 the way in which our personality changes depending on the people we are around
social psychology cannot directly influence our attitudes
although the theories social psychology consists of can
theories like cognitive dissonance, self perception (where attitudes are based on
observations from actions) and conformity
could explore those in more detail
beliefs→ attitudes→ behavior/a person's point of view
attitudes are formed directly from experience; by personal experiences or by
observing/listening to someone else's experience
different forms of conditioning (learning)
number of different factors that help in the process of forming attitudes: experience,
social factors and learning
To change people’s behavior, you must change their intentions to perform the
behavior. To change intentions, you must change either their attitudes or their
norms regarding the behavior (or both). To change attitude or norm, you must
change beliefs concerning the behavior
change of decision/belief or behavior because of a social influence in order to fit in
How can we change attitudes:
Social Psychology theories
Cognitive Dissonance/explain/ and how we(government and media) have to force
this process or educate others
Self Perception theory/ how we behave influences our thought
process(attitudes/beliefs)/ eg. encouraging people to pick up litter, so they have a
negative attitude to the people who create it
The halo effect/explain/ how can we use one positive/negative quality to enhance
others/ shampoo example/ accentuating the negative effect
defining social psychology, attitudes formation, attitude change, then example
Smoking for example:
 lets use smoking for example
 which has become a worldwide issue
 the government has implemented rules and regulations like:
 age restriction, you have to be 18 or older to purchase cigarettes
 smoking is prohibited in enclosed public spaces
 smoking is prohibited in cars carrying children under the age of 18
 smoking is prohibited in public transport areas
 this restrictions if are enforced provide a reason not to smoke
 self perception theory
 if we teach primary children that smoking is bad for your health, when they reach the
legal age to smoke they will find find a hard time rationalizing smoking/ examples for
 cognitive dissonance
 advertising the benefits of non smokers, advertising the disadvantages of
smokers/diseases -halo effect as one negative quality enhances the others
What is the link between education and social psychology?
 how does a teacher influence us?
 respect
 sharing their knowledge in their perspective (sharing attitudes)
 it's like how we are likely to believe what our parents believe when we get older
 cause we look up to them and they are most likely the first people we’ll trust
How can attitude change solve problems:
Changing a way people view a situation will change how they act and we can use the
theories from social psychology to give us an indication on how to do so
the reason for this?:
lets think of it this way
you are in a cafe and you wonder whether you should have a tea or coffee, depending on
your attitude towards these drinks will depend on which one you choose to purchase
-To be considered
To Do
Website/ Uploading this document to wikispaces
allocate extras