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from Millennium Century Products, LLC . NASCENT OXYGEN
uses Nascent
Oxygen TMC™
as a base in all its products.
Contained in this formula are “Aerobic” proteins,
amino acids, enzymes,
major and trace mineral
elements, deuterons, electrolytes, and dissolved
absorption and increases metabolism.
Nascent Oxygen TMC ™
also promotes greater
availability of vitamins, minerals, herbs, enzymes, and
other nutrients to energize products.:
Made from only the finest all natural plant
substances, and is rapidly absorbed by every cell in
t he body.
Nascent Oxygen - Trace Mineral
Concentrate™ generates and delivers vital oxygen
body's cellular
It also helps to remove waste and
toxins, repairs and rebuilds tissue, and supports
the healthful functioning of all body systems.
Nascent Oxygen™ Trace Mineral Concentrate supplies
vital nutrients to nourish the body and boost
It provides greater assimilation of other
vitamins, minerals, herbs, and nutrients in your
The body can function more cleanly and
efficiently. Oxygen being one of nature's greatest
detoxifier gives Nascent Oxygen™ Trace Mineral
Concentrate antibiotic properties to fight virus and
bacteria thus supporting the immune system.
This product is not really “liquid oxygen,” but acts
in away that the ingredients cause oxygen to form.
“Essentially, when you add N ASCENT OXYGEN™ to
water or juice and drink it, a chemical reaction
takes place and the catalyst separates the
hydrogen from the oxygen in the H2O (molecule)
and saturates your bodyat the cellular level with
Medical schools teach: bacterium, fungi, viruses,
and pathogens are anaerobic. This simply means
they cannot live in an oxygen-rich environment.
these pathogens must leave our bodies. It has
been determined by analyzing air bubbles trapped
beneath the Antarctica ice that the oxygen content
of air just over 100 years ago was 38—50 percent.
Today it has dropped precipitously to only 19-20
percent, and less in the cities. Some believe this
has caused the cancer epidemic we are
experiencing today. Twice Nobel Laureate winner
Dr. Otto Warburg said, “The primary cause of
cancer is the replacement of normal oxygen
respiration of body cells by anaerobic (i.e. oxygendeficient) cell respiration. ”Everett LaFayette
Storey was an inventor who contributed to the
technology of the hydrogen bomb. He was also a
chemist, microbiologist and author. He was an
expert in the little-known uses of deuterium. From
deuterium, he created deuterium sulfate, which he
claimed was the key to any disease treatment in
World Business and Pleasure, LLC has the Exclusive Rights
the world. He created a product that splits the
water molecule into
nascent hydrogen and nascent oxygen. (cont.)...
The released hydrogen becomes an efficient free
radical scavenger, while the oxygen nourishes the
body, as Derrick mentioned above. In 1985, the U.S.
Congress passed the Deuterium Freedom Act of
1985, in which Storey was recognized for his work.
In 1995, legislation changed the classification of
his product to a nutritional supplement and not a
drug. Minerals naturally are readied and softened
for your body by the sea itself. Nascent Oxygen
Trace Mineral Concentrate brings to our diet the
missing basic elements that modern technology
has stripped away. It delivers the minerals, trace
minerals, and rare earths you need and do not
have. Your body is made of minerals. It was stated
in the famous audio tape that circulated in the
90s…”Dead Doctors don’t Lie” that a pathologist
can trace every normal death back to a mineral
deficiency of a major organ. How can you be
healthy without minerals?
Hydrogen, by itself, is a colorless, highly
flammable gas. It is the most abundant element in
the universe, and the lightest of all gases. [In the
grand scope of things, how important is the most
abundant element in the universe?] Oxygen is a
colorless, odorless gas, that compromises about
45.6 percent of the earth's crust, and at present,
20.95 percent of our atmosphere. Oxygen
combines with most elements, and is required for
respiration and most combustion. [How important
is your breath?] Hydrogen (H) and Oxygen (O) are
two gases necessary for life. Combined with each
other, they make water, and if you saturate water
with extra oxygen, you get hydrogen peroxide
(H2O2). Oxygen, along with other gases, is the
breath of life. All of these elements and
compounds exist in our blood. The creation and
dissolution, or yin and yang, of existence, is
exemplified by hydrogen and oxygen.
that hydrogen builds life forms from at the
beginning, and after they have lived their useful
life, erasing these created forms back to a fluid
state. Oxygen keeps cells clean and flexible, and
removes unneeded structure. Generally speaking,
in our bodies, hydrogen makes things hard,
oxygen softens them up. Remember this, as it is a
key to our subjects. Examples of the actions
created by hydrogen and oxygen are: the industrial
food processors using hydrogen to thicken
vegetable oil into margarine, and nature using the
rapid oxidation process of fire to decompose
something quickly. In our bodies, they perform
similar functions, the hydrogen gives our bodies
structure, and the oxygen burns the food that is
used to make the structure, as well as cleaning up
A clean body is more flexible. If there is not enough
oxygen, then both the solidifying function and
incomplete combustion occur to excess. Leftover
incomplete combustion by-products collect in our
cells. We then say that the body is toxic, or has a
buildup of waste products. Under these conditions,
the immune system has a hard time fighting off
disease. All the cells and fluids have become dirty.
In other words, if our body's oxygen level drops
too low, we don't have much energy. If a chronic
low oxygen condition is allowed to continue, we
can't manufacture healthy cells, burn energy, or
remove the ashes. Under this increasing stress, the
immune system tries harder and harder to do its
job, but is so overwhelmed from trying to clean out
the dirt that illness might result.
Usage: Concentrated drops. Mix with 8 oz. of water or juice.
Adults: 8 to 10 drops twice per day on an empty stomach,
morning and evening for a 150 lb. person.
Children: Ratio adult dosage by weight for children.
No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the
contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health
Hydrogen is associated with the properties of
solidification, integration, and concentration. It
brings together a matrix of energies, evolving
these energies into solid forms. If the hydrogen
properties are allowed to continue on unchecked,
the form gets denser and denser. Finally, extreme
hardness settles in. These properties are the ones
that bring the form of our bodies into existence,
out of the DNA. Hydrogen builds cells, and if left
un-modulated, makes them hard and brittle. These
effects are balanced by the action of the oxygen.
dissolving, and de-concentrating. It represents the
opposite pole of creation, being the fluid substance
professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The
information and opinions expressed here are believed to be accurate, based
on the best judgment available to the authors, and readers who fail to consult
with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries.*