Cultural Interview Questions for Midterm

These pictures depict the adventures of Captain John Smith, who became the head of which colony?
A) New Amsterdam
B) Plymouth
C) Roanoke
D) Jamestown
William Penn, pictured here, was a member of what faith?
A) Quaker
B) Shaker
C) Huguenot
D) Calvinist
Judging from the "Native Americans" aboard the ship, this picture portrays the
A) Boston Massacre.
B) Sons of Liberty.
C) Boston Tea Party.
D) Virginia Resolves
The patriot soldiers in this depiction of the Battle of
Lexington and Concord are also known as
A) Sons of Liberty.
B) Minutemen.
C) Creoles.
D) Men of Liberty.
The person being strung up on the pole
in this picture is more than likely a
A) Hessian.
B) minuteman.
C) Huguenot.
D) Loyalist.
If the battle represented here is Yorktown, than the American general receiving the surrender
in this picture is
A) John Burgoyne.
B)George Washington
C) Jeffrey Amherst.
D) Lord Cornwallis
If the battle represented here is Yorktown, than the American general received assistance from
A) John Burgoyne, Netherlands
B) Marquis de Lafayette, France
C) Jeffrey Amherst. Great Britain
D) Lord Cornwallis, England
At the second Continental Congress,
James Madison, pictured here,
offered which of the following legislature?
A) the New Jersey Plan
B) the Virginia Plan
C) Report on Manufactures
D) the Great Compromise
This lithograph, with George Washington at its center, depicts which of the following?
A) Confederation Congress
B) Checks and Balances
C) the Founding Fathers
D) Whiskey Rebellion
Among other things, Thomas Jefferson was instrumental in the creation of the
first party system. What was Jefferson's political party?
A) Federalists
B) Antifederalists
C) Republicans
D) Whigs
The man in this picture was appointed chief justice of
the Supreme Court by John Adams. He is
A) Edmund Randolph.
B) John Marshall.
C) Aaron Burr.
D) William Paterson.
The cotton gin, depicted here,
was invented by
A) Robert Fulton.
B) Eli Whitney.
C) James Barron.
D) Zebulon Pike.
The cotton gin, depicted here,
was going to
A) Make picking cotton easier
for slaves
B) More slaves being imported
C) Make picking cotton faster
D) More money earned by slaves
Vice-president under Andrew Jackson, John C. Calhoun of South
Carolina, is best remembered for formulating the doctrine of
A) nullification.
B) patronage.
C) specie circular.
D) soft money.
This mocking cartoon of "King Andrew I" was probably used as propaganda
for which party?
A) Federalists
B) Democrats
C) Republicans
D) Whigs
This nineteenth-century cartoon depicts newly arrived immigrants in conversation.
Which country are they likely from?
A) Germany
B) Scotland
C) Czechoslovakia
D) Ireland
This picture illustrates an 1831 slave uprising in Southampton County, Virginia.
The leader of this uprising was
A) Gabriel Prosser.
B) Frederick Douglass.
C) Denmark Vesey.
D) Nat Turner.
Pictured here is arguably the most influential and controversial
abolitionist of his day. Who is he?
A) William Lloyd Garrison
B) Frederick Douglass
C) W.E.B. Du Bois
D) Booker T. Washington
The situation depicted here is most likely a scene from
A) Last of the Mohicans.
B) “The Raven. “
C) Uncle Tom's Cabin.
D) Common Sense
The woman pictured here wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin. She is
A) Ida B. Wells
B) Harriet Beecher Stowe.
C) Susan B. Anthony.
D) Harriet Tubman
The idea being expressed in this picture is most likely
A) abolitionism.
B) sectionalism.
C) popular sovereignty.
D) Manifest Destiny.
The man in this pictured served as the first and only president of the Confederate
States of America. He is
A) Alexander Stephens.
B) Jefferson Davis.
C) Braxton Bragg.
D) Robert E. Lee.
Here Echo Company, 4th Regiment of the United States Colored
Infantry stands in formation. The legislation that first allowed for
the creation of black regiments was
A) 1st Confiscation Act.
B) 2nd Confiscation Act.
C) Conscription Act.
D) Emancipation Proclamation
In this house, the Civil War ended. It must be located
A) Cold Harbor.
B) Spotsylvania Courthouse.
C) Appomattox Courthouse.
D) Bull Run.
This portrait is harshly critical of the Southern Black Codes passed in 1865. Which
of the following provisions was not part of the Black Codes?
A) Blacks could not own or lease farms.
B) Blacks could not testify in court.
C) Blacks could not marry within their race.
D) Blacks must work as domestic servants or plantation workers.
This cartoon depicts white intimidation of black voters. Which amendment to the
Constitution states that the right to vote cannot be abridged "on account of race,
color, or previous condition of servitude"?
A) Thirteenth Amendment
B) Fourteenth Amendment
C) Fifteenth Amendment
D) Sixteenth Amendment
A group of freedmen and freedwomen look on from the former Confederate
capital of Richmond. Which amendment to the Constitution ended slavery
everywhere in the United States?
A) Thirteenth Amendment
B) Fourteenth Amendment
C) Fifteenth Amendment
D) Sixteenth Amendment
As a result of the Compromise of 1877, the man pictured here became president,
and federal troops were taken out of the South, ending Reconstruction.
A) Ulysses S. Grant
B) Rutherford B. Hayes
C) Samuel Tilden
D) William Seward
This horrifying image illustrates the African-American
lynchings that became all too common in the "New" S
A) Booker T. Washington
B) Ida B. Wells
C) David Davis
D) Henry Grady
The man in this picture founded the Tuskegee
Institute and offered white Southerners
the Atlanta Compromise. Who is he?
A) David Davis
B) W.E.B. Du Bois
C) Booker T. Washington
D) Jay Cooke
Under the terms of what legislation might this Nebraska
family have received their land?
A) Dawes Act
B) Morrill Act
C) Homestead Act
D) Chinese Exclusion Act
These are the oil well derricks in Titusville, Pennsylvania,
established in 1859 by Edwin Drake. What is the name of
Drake's former boss, who first discovered the process to
make steel from iron?
A) Abram Hewitt
B) Henry Bessemer
C) George Bissell
D) Charles F. Brush
This man became known not only for shrewd consolidation of
Standard Oil but also his fantastic wealth. Who is he?
A) Andrew Carnegie
B) Cornelius Vanderbilt
C) J.P. Morgan
D) John D. Rockefeller
This Scottish immigrant, along with his associate Henry Clay Frick, went from owning
one steelworks in Pittsburgh to dominating the steel industry. Author of
The Gospel of Wealth in 1901, he is
A) Andrew Carnegie.
B) Cornelius Vanderbilt.
C) J.P. Morgan.
D) John D. Rockefeller.
This prolific American inventor is credited with, among other things, the phonograph,
the motion picture, and the light bulb. He is
Abram Hewitt.
J.P. Morgan.
Thomas Edison.
Henry Ford.
Advisor to the president and the most powerful banker of his age, this man
eventually bought Andrew Carnegie's steel interests and merged them to form
U.S. Steel. He is
A) Andrew Carnegie.
B) Cornelius Vanderbilt.
C) J.P. Morgan.
D) John D. Rockefeller
Violence erupts during the railroad strike of 1877, which began
after the eastern railroads announced a
10 percent wage cut. During the numerous strikes of this period,
the winning side was usually
the workers
the government
the unions
the business owners
This man founded the American Federation of Labor.
Who is he?
A) Eugene Debs
B) George Pullman
C) Samuel Gompers
D) Edward Bellamy
This picture of the 1898 naval battle in Manila Bay
commemorates the victory in what country?
B) Guam
C) Puerto Rico
D) Cuba
William Howard Taft was the
architect of which Latin
American policy?
yellow journalism
Roosevelt Corollary
dollar diplomacy
14 Points
Governor Edwin Morrow of Kentucky signs a resolution ratifying an amendment to
the Constitution. Given his milieu, which amendment is he likely signing?
A) Seventeenth Amendment
B) Eighteenth Amendment
C) Nineteenth Amendment
D) Twenty-First Amendment
This Harvard-educated sociologist and historian helped found the NAACP
and is probably best remembered for his classic work The Souls of Black Folk. He is
A) Booker T. Washington.
B) W.E.B. Du Bois.
C) Langston Hughes.
D) Marcus Garvey
Once head of the American Railway Union, this man formed the Socialist Party
of America and was its four-time presidential candidate. He was part of the
Pullman Strike. He is
A) William "Big Bill" Haywood.
B) Herbert Croly.
C) Eugene Debs.
D) Louis Brandeis
Surveyors take a break from
hard work in the swamps of
Panama. Which of the
following countries
controlled Panama before an
American aided coup?
A) Spain
B) Colombia
C) Mexico
D) France
Here, the U.S. Food Administration
encourages citizens to save sugar for the
war effort. This effort was called
War bonds
Savings bonds
One of the heroes of the 1920s, this "self-made" man shortened work weeks,
developed the assembly line, raised wages, and instituted paid vacations at all of his
Detroit plants. His name is
A) Charles Lindbergh.
B) Bruce Barton.
C) Henry Ford.
D) Alfred Smith
The American general in this photograph was placed in charge of
planning the Allied invasion of German-occupied France. He is
A) George Marshall.
B) Dwight Eisenhower.
C) George Patton.
D) Douglas MacArthur.
The Allied invasion of France on June 6, 1944 is more widely-known as
A) D-Day.
B) the Battle of Midway.
C) the Battle of the Bulge.
D) the Battle of Saint-Lô.
The Allied invasion of France took place on the
beaches of
A) Dunkirk.
B) Vichy.
C) Guadalcanal.
D) Normandy.
This famous photograph, now memorialized in a statue just outside of Washington, D.C.,
was taken 750 miles from Tokyo, after the costliest battle in the history of the
U.S. Marine Corps. Where was it?
A) Marshall Islands
B) Iwo Jima
C) Okinawa
D) Midway
Navajo Marines who used their native
language to confuse possible Japanese
listeners were part of what WWII
A) Ultra
B) Enigma
C) Code-talkers
D) Braceros
The woman worker in this famous World War II poster
is colloquially known as
A) Rosie the Riveter.
B) Polly Production.
C) Wanda the Welder.
D) Betty Builder.
This Japanese-American girl awaits transportation with her family's belongings to a
"relocation center" during WWII. When did Congress finally act to redress the wrongs
of Japanese internment?
A) the Fifties
B) the Sixties
C) the Eighties
D) the Nineties
Five years after WWII, American soldiers found themselves
once again on the battlefield. Although the tide of war
would turn several times during the Korean conflict, the war
eventually ended
in a stalemate
with Allied forces defeating the Communists
with NATO forces defeating the Communists
with Chinese forces defeating the Allies
The U.S. tests a nuclear weapon on the island of Bikini Atoll. American fears over
nuclear disaster, as reflected in genres like film noir and television shows like
The Twilight Zone, grew even more strident after the Soviet Union detonated their
own nuclear device. Who among the following was put to death soon thereafter for
suspected Soviet espionage and subversion?
A) Alger Hiss
B) Klaus Fuchs
C) Whittaker Chambers
D) Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
For eight years, Dwight Eisenhower presided over the "affluent society."
Which of the following was his policy against possible invasion from the Soviet Union?
A) Massive Resistance
B) Federal Highway Act
C) Massive Retaliation
D) Containment
African-American protestors march for school
integration after the Supreme Court's landmark decision
in Brown v. Board of Education. Who would become the
chief justice of the Supreme Court after handling the
1954 Brown case for the NAACP?
A) John Marshall
B) Earl Warren
C) Oliver Hill
D) Thurgood Marshall
In July of 1969, the first man walked on the moon. His name is
A) John Glenn.
B) Alan Shepard.
C) Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin.
D) Neil Armstrong.
This aerial photograph of "ballistic missile bases" in Cuba sparked the Cuban Missile
Crisis in October of 1963. It is still considered by many to be the closest America and
Russia ever came to nuclear war. How did President Kennedy describe the conclusion
of this confrontation?
A) the US lost the stare down contest.
B) The “other guy just blinked”.
C) The U.S. would not invade Vietnam.
D) Russia could keep Poland.
In the end, Richard Nixon escaped impeachment and conviction for the Watergate
affair by becoming the first President in American History to
A) visit China
B) refuse to run for office a second time
C) resign from office
D) testifying against the actual culprits
With the aid of a coalition that included free-market conservatives and the New Right,
President Ronald Reagan presided over a sweeping conservative revolution
whose effects are still being felt today.
Which of the following was not part of the Reagan agenda?
A) "Star Wars"
B) the Gulf War
C) Reaganomics
D) lowering taxes for the wealthy
Perhaps no other man did as much to bring an end to the Cold War as Gorbachev,
pictured here signing an Arms Reduction treaty with President George H. W. Bush.
Gorbachev quickly transformed Soviet politics with two dramatic new initiatives –
glasnost and perestroika. Simply put, what do these two words refer to?
A) openness and reform
B) reform and freedom
C) freedom and openness
D) freedom and democracy
While success in the realm of domestic policy eluded him, President George H. W. Bush
presided over some of the most tumultuous global events in recent history.
Which of the following did not occur during the first Bush administration?
A) Operation Desert Storm
B) collapse of Soviet Union
C) end of Apartheid
D) invasion of Kuwait
Despite almost constant angry disapproval from Republicans,
who initiated impeachment proceedings against him in 1998,
William Jefferson Clinton managed to serve two terms over
the course of the 1990s that were marked by surprising levels
of economic growth. To which country did Clinton extend
humanitarian aid in a time of civil war?
A the former Soviet Union
B Kuwait
C Yugoslavia
D Saudi Arabia
President Clinton's approach to trade was to
A) create protectionist tariffs through the negotiation of NAFTA.
B) isolate the United States from the global market as much as possible
C) support a global economic perspective and advocate free trade
through NAFTA.
D) dismiss the idea of free trade.
Each of the following was a result of the scientific and technological
boom of the late twentieth century EXCEPT
A) the Internet.
B) the personal computer.
C) the cure for Alzheimer's disease.
D) Microsoft.
Federal Reserve Bank Washington, D.C.
In response to concerns about the federal budget, the
Reagan administration
A) raised income taxes.
B) cut defense spending.
C) cut the budget for domestic assistance programs
D) raised income taxes and interest rates.
The term "Vietnamization" referred to the policy of
A) using propaganda to develop public support for the war.
B) training United States troops to understand Vietnamese social
C) shifting the emphasis of the United States military from traditional
to guerrilla warfare.
D) shifting the burden of actual combat to the South Vietnamese army.
Each of the following was part of the 1964 Civil Rights Act EXCEPT
A) prohibition of segregation in "public accommodations."
B) voting rights.
C) bans on employment discrimination.
D) an increase of lawsuits on behalf of school integration.
These questions were taken from the open public website of
on June 4, 2012. No claim to ownership or copyright is made herein. The
information in this powerpoint is solely for educational, non-profit purposes.
American History: A Survey, 13/e
By Alan Brinkley, Columbia University
2009 McGraw-Hill Higher Education