Understanding the Universal Systems Model Standard MSENGR-TS-1: The students will develop an understanding of the Universal Systems Model. a) Define Universal Systems Model b) Identify the components of a system c) Examine a variety of simple, common systems What is a universal systems model? A systems model involves a combination of elements or parts to complete a task. When the parts of a system work together, they accomplish a goal. A deeper understanding of: INPUTS “Inputs” are all needed resources to accomplish the goals of the system. 1) people 2) Knowledge 3) Materials 4) Energy 5) fixed capital(land, buildings, tools, and equipment 6) Money. A deeper understanding of: PROCESSES “Processes” are the areas of the system is where action takes place to achieve the goals of the system. A good example of this could be the processor in a computer. A deeper understanding of: OUTPUT The “output” of a system is the accomplishment of the goal to which all of the inputs and processes are applied. These may be products, services, new knowledge, and impacts of the system on society. A deeper understanding of: FEEDBACK Information can be transferred back to any position in the system for evaluation to see if things are going as planned. Corrections can be made in inputs and processes to alter the outputs from the system. Let’s look at some examples. Communication Input Process Output Sender sends messages Information travels across airways Receiver gets messages Feedback A conversation takes place Let’s look at some examples. Structures Input Materials, plans, tools, time, people, energy, $ Process Output Construction Building Feedback Response of users about aesthetics, durability, and function Let’s look at some examples. Manufacturing Input Materials, energy, tools, time, people, capital, $ Process The making of a product Feedback Response of consumers Output Finished product Let’s look at some examples. Computers Input Process People, energy, tools (mouse, keyboard, server) Moving the mouse, typing, information being converted Feedback Surfing, reading, dancing, frustration, hurting eyes Output Document, heat, music, visuals Explain the braking system on a car/truck. • • • • Input Process Output Feedback Native American Weaponry Paleo Indians first they used large spears Input Process Output Feedback Native American Weaponry Later, the Woodland Indians used bows. Input Process Output Feedback What about you? Robots have many systems. You will learn and construct each system individually so that they can work together. But for now… You will use what you know about simple systems to construct a catapult. You will: 1. Turn in a diagram for approval 2. Construct your catapult 3. Test on day 3 Your catapult must: • Stand on its own (10 pts) • Not fall apart after it is used (10 pts) • Be made of only the items you purchase from me (10 pts) • Throw a tennis ball at least 2 ft. (30 pts) • Complete the tennis ball throw 2 times in a row (20 pts) Rules • • • • You have only $20 You can only make 3 trips to the store Arrive at the store with your order ready You must show me a neat/clean design before you can start ( will initial it for 20 pts) Your catapult must: • Stand on its own (10 pts) • Not fall apart after it is used (10 pts) • Be made of only the items you purchase from me (10 pts) • Throw a tennis ball at least 2 ft. (30 pts) • Complete the tennis ball throw 2 times in a row (20 pts) CREDIT IS DUE TO: www.dallastown.net/Page/1760 www.wsfcs.k12.nc.us/cms/lib/NC01001395/Centricity/Do main/1555/3.03_Universal_Systems_Model.pdf http://auto.howstuffworks.com/auto-parts/brakes/braketypes/brake.htm http://www.speroforum.com/a/IXNDUKAEHB9/62784Ancient-humans-came-to-North-America-earlier-thanpreviously-thought#.U-y-2_ldXAw http://www.museum.state.il.us/muslink/nat_amer/pre/h tmls/w_weapons.html http://www.allonrobots.com/vex-robotics.html