Madison Metropolitan School District – Parent Climate Survey

MMSD Parent Climate Survey
Madison Metropolitan School District
Thank you for participating in MMSD’s climate survey. Your answers to the survey are
confidential and will be kept private.
The survey contains multiple choice questions and two open-ended questions. It takes
approximately 15 minutes to complete.
Please read each statement and choose the response that most closely matches your
opinion about the “climate” or feeling at your building.
Your opinions and experiences are very important to us and we will use the information
you provide to improve our schools and district.
The term "teacher" as used in this survey includes classroom personnel and all support
staff such as occupational or physical therapists, counselors, and education aides.
1. Please indicate your race/ethnicity.
American Indian/Alaska Native
African American
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
Two or More Races
2. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.
Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly Agree
I am welcome at my child's school.
The school provides opportunities for parent involvement.
I am comfortable contacting my child's teacher(s).
3. How easy is it to contact school staff?
Very difficult
Somewhat difficult
Neither difficult nor easy
Somewhat easy
Very easy
4. How quickly do school staff respond to your messages?
Very slowly
Somewhat slowly
Neither slowly nor quickly
Somewhat quickly
Very quickly
5. How responsive are school staff when you have a concern?
Very unresponsive
Somewhat unresponsive
Neither unresponsive nor responsive
Somewhat responsive
Very responsive
6. Did the school provide you with an opportunity to give input on the school
improvement plan?
I don't know
7. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.
Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly Agree
My child's school is clean and well maintained.
The school is a safe place for my child.
Please read the following description, then respond to the statement below:
Bullying occurs when a person takes an action and intends to bring harm or suffering to
another person. There is often a real or perceived power difference.
8. In this school, students experience bullying.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
Please read the following description, then respond to the statements below:
Harassment includes unwanted, repeated verbal or written comments, drawings, pictures,
touching or other kinds of physical action directed to a person because he/she belongs to
a certain group.
9. In this school, students experience harassment based upon...
Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly Agree
Race, ethnicity, or color
Sexual orientation
Physical appearance
Political beliefs
Gender identity or expression
10. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.
Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly Agree
The school has clearly stated expectations for student behavior.
The consequences when students break rules are fair for everyone.
My child feels a sense of belonging at this school.
The school culture values diversity and equity.
School staff encourage my child to believe that intelligence can grow through practice
and hard work.
11. School staff help my child learn to...
Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly Agree
Manage emotions effectively
Understand others' feelings and how one's behavior influences others
Develop a positive self-identity
Set, monitor, and achieve goals
Build positive relationships
Help others in our community
Please answer the following family engagement questions for the school your child
attends. Please respond by filling in one response for each question using the scale
12. How often do you meet in person with teachers at your child's school?
Almost never
Once or twice per year
Every few months
Weekly or more
13. How confident are you that you can help your child develop good friendships?
Not confident at all
Slightly confident
Somewhat confident
Quite confident
Extremely confident
14. In the past year, how often have you discussed your child's school with other
parents from the school?
Almost never
Once or twice a year
Every few months
Weekly or more
15. How often do you help your child understand the content he or she is learning in
Almost never
Once in a while
Almost all the time
16. How often do you help your child engage in activities which are educational
outside the home?
Almost never
Once in a while
Almost all the time
17. How confident are you in your ability to make sure your child's school meets
your child's learning needs?
Not confident at all
Slightly confident
Somewhat confident
Quite confident
Extremely confident
18. In the past year, how often have you visited your child's school?
Almost never
Once or twice per year
Every few months
Weekly or more
19. How often do you and your child talk when he or she is having a problem with
Almost never
Once in a while
Almost all the time
20. How confident are you in your ability to support your child's learning at home?
Not confident at all
Slightly confident
Somewhat confident
Quite confident
Extremely confident
21. To what extent do you know how your child is doing socially at school?
Not at all
A little bit
Quite a bit
A tremendous amount
22. How confident are you in your ability to help your child deal with his or her
emotions appropriately?
Not confident at all
Slightly confident
Somewhat confident
Quite confident
Extremely confident
23. To what extent do you think that children enjoy going to your child's school?
Not at all
A little bit
Quite a bit
A tremendous amount
24. How motivating are the classroom lessons at your child's school?
Not at all motivating
Slightly motivating
Somewhat motivating
Quite motivating
Extremely motivating
25. How well do administrators at your child's school create a school environment
that helps children learn?
Not well at all
Mildly well
Fairly well
Quite well
Extremely well
26. Overall, how much respect do you think the teachers at your child's school have
for the children?
Almost no respect
A little bit of respect
Some respect
Quite a bit of respect
A tremendous amount of respect
27. What do you feel is this school's greatest strength?
28. What do you feel is this school's greatest challenge?
Thank you for taking our survey. Your response is very important to us.