December, 2013 The Family Health Coalition is committed to working together through broad-based community representation to optimize the health and well-being of uninsured, underinsured and Medicaid enrolled women of childbearing age, infants and families by establishing a system of universal and comprehensive quality health education, prevention, services and support. Meetings Family Health Coalition Meetings General Coalition Meeting January 8, 2014 Noon to 1:00 p.m. Community Service Council Steering Committee February 6, 2014 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Community Service Council Social Marketing Committee February 6, 2014 11:00 a.m. to Noon Community Service Council Training Institute "Long Term Recovery" January 10, 2014 10:00 a.m. to Noon Indian Health Care Resource Center The Holiday Season 2013 This festive season, or simply the holidays, is a time for gathering and celebrating with family and friends, gift giving, reflection and thanks. To commemorate this time of year, the U.S. Census Bureau presents the following holiday-related facts and figures from its collection of statistics. Facts for Features In or Out? Billions at Stake in States' Decisions on Expanding Medicaid The 20 states choosing not to expand their Medicaid programs under the Affordable Care Act are forgoing billions of dollars in federal funds, even while their residents are contributing to the cost of the expansions in other states, a new Commonwealth Fund study finds. The states with the highest net losses, after taking into account federal taxes paid by state residents, include Texas, Florida, Georgia, and Virginia. The analysis, conducted by Sherry Glied and Stephanie Ma of New York University's Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, is the first to calculate the net cost to taxpayers of states' decisions to turn down the Affordable Care Act's Medicaid expansion, which became voluntary after the Supreme Court's 2012 ruling. Commonwealth Issue Brief The ACA Can Survive a Low Enrollment and Adverse Selection in the First Year This report reviews the provisions already built into the ACA that will help to mitigate the effect of low enrollment and adverse selection, high enrollment in insurance marketplaces among people who are older, and thus less healthy and more costly. Brief What's Behind Health Insurance Rate Increases The analysis is the first ever to take a national look at the explanations insurers file with federal and state authorities to justify rate increases of 10 percent or more, as required by the Affordable Care Act. Currently, insurers are only required to submit rate increase explanations for non-grandfathered plans-those plans that became available after the enactment of the health reform law. Brief 2012 Age, Sex, Race and Hispanic Origin Table Packages These tables from the 2012 Current Population Survey include detailed social and economic statistics for age groups, the Hispanic population, the black population and the Asian population. These tables are also available for previous years and are only available at the national level. Internet address Data Visualization: HIV/AIDS Impact in Africa To mark World AIDS Day 2013 on Dec. 1, the U.S. Census Bureau released data visualizations that depict the impact that HIV/AIDS has made on the population of 10 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Data on HIV and AIDS prevalence for most countries are available from the Census Bureau's HIV/AIDS Surveillance Data Base Click Here America's Families and Living Arrangements: 2013 The tables provide information on the social and economic characteristics of families and households at the national level. Internet address Custodial Mothers and Fathers and Their Child Support: 2011 This biennial report focuses on the child support income that the nation's custodial parents reported receiving from noncustodial parents living elsewhere and other types of support, such as health insurance and noncash assistance. New to this year's report is information on how the extent of a child's contact with the noncustodial parent influences whether the custodial parent receives the full amount of child support due. The data, from the Current Population Survey, are nationallevel only. Internet address American Community Survey: 2012 Data collected in 2012 from the nation's most comprehensive survey provide statistics on more than 40 demographic, social, economic and housing topics. Some of the topics covered include income, poverty, health insurance, educational attainment, the commute to work, the foreign-born population, language spoken at home, ancestry, occupation, number of vehicles available and housing costs. These statistics are available for the nation, all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, every congressional district and all counties, places and metropolitan areas with populations of 65,000 or more. In addition to the statistics available from the American FactFinder data tool, a set of analytical briefs with American Community Survey statistics are available on income, poverty and health insurance coverage. The annual American Community Survey gives communities the current information they need to plan investments and services. Internet address Characteristics of Same-Sex Couples New household characteristics of opposite-sex and same-sex couples from the 2012 American Community Survey show age of householder and partner, race of householder, interracial couples, labor force participation, educational attainment, presence of children, household income and home ownership. The statistics include the number of same-sex couples, those reported as spouses and unmarried partners by sex of the partners. Report Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage: 2012 On Sept. 17, the Census Bureau announced findings from the official report on income, poverty and health insurance coverage for the nation based on the Annual Social and Economic Supplement to the 2013 Current Population Survey. The findings were presented during a Web conference and the Web conference's slides, remarks and other materials related to the release are available in the press kit. Internet address Report Community Profiles The Community Profiles for Pushmataha, McCurtain and Northern Tulsa County zip codes 74055 and 74021 are accessible on the Community Service Council website. Link Links to non-Federal and Federal organizations are provided solely as a service to our users. These links do not constitute an endorsement of these organizations or their programs by the Family Health Coalition or the Federal Government, and none should be inferred. The Community Service Council is not responsible for the content of the individual organization Web pages found at these links. Family Health Coalition via Community Service Council | 16 East 16th Street, Suite 202 | Tulsa | OK | 74119