Congratulations on being elected a Club Officer!

Congratulations on being
elected a Club Officer!
It's really an honor to be selected by your friends
in 4-H to serve as a 4-H officer. With honors
come certain responsibilities. As you assume
your 4-H office, much of the responsibility for the
success of your club will depend on you and the
other officers.
Good Officers are
That's one way to describe good 4-H officers.
They let the members of the club help decide what the club
will do and give everyone a fair chance.
Can you answer "yes" to these questions?
 Do I know the duties of my office?
 Do I work well with other members of the club?
 Do I willingly accept responsibilities assigned to me?
 Do I enjoy doing more than just what is required of me?
 Am I prompt in arriving at meetings?
 Am I kind, friendly, tactful and courteous?
 Do I use "please" and "thank you" when I should?
Who Are the Club Officers?
Club President
Club Vice President
Club President
The President's job is to help everyone in the
club work together. The president sets the
meeting agenda, presides at the club
meetings, assigns responsibilities to club
members, and works closely with the other
4-H officers, volunteer leaders, and county
extension educator.
Club Vice President
• The vice president alternates taking the
place of the president if that member
resigns or is not present.
• The vice presidents' biggest and most
important job is acting as co-chairmen of
the program committee that plans local
4-H educational meetings and events.
Club Secretary
• The 4-H Club Secretary is one of the most
important officers in the club. The secretary is
responsible for keeping a record of a 4-H club's
membership, participation and meetings in the
4-H Secretary's Book.
• All correspondence for the club is the
responsibility of the secretary.
Club Treasurer
The Club Treasurer is responsible for:
The 4-H club’s money
The 4-H club’s bank accounts
4-H club’s fund raising activities
Ensuring proper management of these funds
Club Reporter/Historian
• The 4-H Club Reporter has the opportunity
and responsibility of telling others about
4-H work.
• Writing announcements and reports for the
local newspaper, keeping a scrapbook of
club publicity, and any other ways the club
promotes itself in the community.
Recreational Officer
• The Club Recreational Leader gives each
4-H'er the opportunity to actively
participate by leading a song or short
recreational activity that is suitable for the
club meeting place and available time.
4-H Meetings Consist
of three parts in this order:
• Business Meeting
• Demonstrations, Project Work or
Guest Speaker
• Recreation or Social Activities
Meet the Lucky Clovers 4-H Club
Lucky Clovers 4-H Club has 20 members and recently elected their club
officers. Offices filled are: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer,
Reporter and Recreation.
Join us as we observe their club meeting.
Business Meeting – Step 1 & 2
The Club President starts the club meeting by
standing, rapping the gavel several times and calls the
meeting to order in this way:
• Call to Order (step 1)
“The meeting of Lucky Clovers 4-H Club
will please come to order.”
• Opening Ceremony (step 2)
"We will now say our pledges led by our Vice President."
(Vice President or other member leads American Flag & 4-H pledge.
After the pledges, the President says, “We will now have
Roll Call and the Reading of the Minutes.” Step 3
At this point the President sits and allows the Secretary to stand.
The Secretary begins by reading the names of each club member and noting in
the Secretary book whether they are Present or Absent. (Some clubs will allow a
member to be absent, but still be counted as present, if they have an excused
absence from the club leader.)
After roll call, the Secretary then reads the minutes from the last meeting.
The President stands and asks, “Are there are any additions or corrections?”
No one says anything, so the President says, “The minutes stand approved as
If there had been any corrections, once the Secretary corrects her book, the
President would then declare, “The minutes are approved as corrected.”
Remember: The President sits when someone else is speaking.
The Treasurers Report (step 4)
Once the Minutes are complete, the President says, “We will now have the Treasurers
The President sits, the Treasurer stands and gives the status of the treasury. The
Treasurer may read the bank statement, if available, or he may simply read the
beginning and ending balance for the previous month, noting any money received,
money spent and the final balance.
The Treasurer says, “Madame President, we had no expenses for the month of
December. Our beginning balance was $35 and our ending balance is $35.”
The President again stands and asks if there are any questions or corrections needed
on the Treasurers report and depending on the outcome, the President then says, “The
Treasurers report is approved as read (or corrected).”
Additional Reports (step 5)
The President then asks “Are there any additional reports?” This could include
committee reports or reports from other officers as well as the most important report
where the 4-H newsletter is read. Members who are asked to give these reports are
allowed to stand and give there report. These members may also make a motion
regarding their report.
For Example:
Last month a committee was created to decide the theme and
location for the club’s window display during 4-H week, which is in March.
Committee member #1 stands and asks to be recognized by the President, “Madame
President, may I be recognized?” The President responds by saying, “You have the floor.”
Which means that this member is recognized and is allowed to speak to the club.
CM#1 stands and gives the following report: The Window display committee met during the
month of December and it was agreed upon by the committee that the theme of our
window display will be “The Legacy of 4-H” and that our location will be the local library
display case.
CM #1 then says, “I make a motion that this recommendation from the Window Display
Committee be accepted by the club.” It does not need a “second” as it is a motion made by a
The President says, “There is a motion on the floor to accept the recommendation of the
window display committee. Is there any discussion? As there is no discussion, all those
in favor of the recommendation say AYE. Those opposed say Nay. A majority of the club
says AYE, so the President says, “The motion has been carried.” The Secretary records this
in her book.
Old Business (step 6)
The President asks the Secretary, "Is there any old business that needs to be
The Secretary relates any discussion from the previous meeting where it was
decided to postpone the vote for the next meeting or it was decided to continue the
discussion in the next meeting.
Here is her report: At the last meeting, a motion was made that our club visit a
local nursing home and sing songs for the residents. Our club leader was to
check on getting permission for us to visit. The club leader has informed me
that permission has been given to visit on Saturday, February 15.
The President asks, “Is there a motion to attend?” Member #2 says, “I move
that our club visit the nursing home on February 15.” Member #3 says," I
second that motion.” The President then asks for discussion and finally a vote is
taken. The result of the vote is recorded by the Secretary.
New Business (step 7)
The President asks, "Is there any new business (Previously undiscussed
topics) to be discussed?“
The following new business motion is made:
Member #1 says, “Madame President, I move that our club help park cars at the
basketball game next Friday. Our club will be paid $25 for 2 hours of work.”
Member #2 say, “I second the motion.”
The President says, “It has been moved and seconded that we park cars for $25
next Friday night. Is there any discussion?” Following all discussion the
President then says, “All those in favor of parking cars for $25 next Friday at the
football game, raise your hands (or say AYE). Those opposed, raise your
hands (or say NO).” The President taps the gavel on the table and says, “Motion
carried (or failed). Next item of business.”
No other members have any new business items to discuss.
“If there is no new business, is there a motion to adjourn our
business meeting?” (step 8)
Member #5 says, “I move to adjourn.”
Member #7 says, “I second.”
The President says, “There is a motion and second to adjourn
the business portion of our meeting. Those in favor say AYE,
Those opposed Nay.”
“Meeting is adjourned.” Taps gavel.
Does this seem confusing?
What is a Motion?
A motion is an idea or suggestion that a member or officer would like to present.
This is called a MAIN MOTION.
1. Only one main motion may be on the floor at one time.
2. If a motion doesn’t receive a second, it dies (is no longer considered).
3. If debate on a main motion drags on and on, any member may call for the vote.
Making a motion
Member 1: Mr./Madame President
President: Member 1, you have the floor. (Which means that member may now speak to the club)
Member 1: I move that we donate $25.00 from our treasury to the 4-H Foundation.
Member 2: I second the motion. (Sometimes shortened to simply “Second.”)
(A member doesn’t have to be recognized to second a motion.)
President: It has been moved and seconded that we donate $25 to the 4-H Foundation. Is there any
Amending a Motion
Discussion on a Motion that is currently on the floor may be amended in the following
1. Adding a word or phrase.
“I move to amend the motion by adding the words ‘Crawford County’ before 4-H
2. By striking out a word or phrase.
“I move to strike the phrase ‘from our treasury’ from the motion.”
3. By substituting a word or phrase.
“I move that we amend the motion by substituting the words ‘$25’ with ‘$15.’”
Member 3: Since we learned today that we have only $35 dollars in our Treasury, I don’t think we can
afford to give $25 this year.
Member 4: I move that we amend the motion by substituting the words “$25” with “$15.”
Member 3: Second
President: It has been moved and seconded to amend the motion by substituting “$25” with “$15.” Is
there any discussion? Hearing none, we will vote on the amendment. All in favor raise your hand. All
opposed, raise your hand. The motion is amended. The amended main motion is now "I move that we
donate $15 from our treasury to the 4-H Foundation."
The President decides HOW a motion will be voted upon.
Here are 5 ways a vote may be taken
Voice vote: All those in favor, say “Aye.” Those opposed, say “Nay/No.”
By standing
By raising of hands
By ballot. This is done by distributing paper to each member, who writes "yes"
or "no".
5. By calling roll and asking each person to say “aye” or “no.”
It will take some time for your club
to get into the habit of using these procedures.
If you are a new officer, it may even take a couple of years
for you to understand parliamentary procedure.
But you’ll get the hang of it!
Remember – it will get easier the more you use parliamentary
procedures. The officer you are at 10 years old will not be the officer
you are at 16 years old. It will get easier!
For much more information and more ways to use these procedures,
please read:
Conducting the Program Portion
of Your Meeting
The Program Portion of your meeting is where the majority of your club time is
spent. This is where members give talks or demonstrations or perhaps you have a
guest speaker on a certain project area or maybe you want to work on your project
• President says: "I will now turn the meeting over to
______ (VP, leader, or other member) to introduce our
visitors and today’s program.
• After the program portion of your meeting is concluded,
the President then should make appropriate remarks
such as, "Thank you, ______, for presenting such an
interesting program.” Make sure to thank everyone
involved with the program portion.
Recreation & Social Activities
The purpose of the Recreation segment of your meeting is to encourage
all members to interact. Perhaps you have some members who are quiet
and don’t speak much, playing a game will encourage them to laugh and
become more comfortable within the group. Recreation is also fun! So
make sure you include a game, song or other activity at each meeting.
• Club President must Introduce Recreation Leader or 4-H Member
"________, our recreation leader,
will now lead us in a short period of recreation."
Recreation leader then leads a game, song or activity.
How to End your Meeting
The club President sees that all areas of the club meeting have been
completed and asks, “Do I hear a motion to adjourn our meeting?.”
Member says, “I move that the club meeting be adjourned.”
Member #5 says, “I second that motion.”
The club President then taps their gavel and announces that the meeting is
formally adjourned.
Here are some ways to improve your knowledge and skills
•Attend 4-H Officer Training
•Call a City Council Member and ask to “shadow” them at their next city meeting.
•Attend a school board meeting or any other civic meeting that is open to the
•Check your local library for publications on conducting meetings.
•Surf the web! The internet offers many sites that teach parliamentary procedure.
At each of your meetings, make it a point to
practice parliamentary procedure
and you will find that your meetings run much smoother.
Important Words to Know
• Motion - an official statement or proposal for members
to vote on.
• Second - another person wants the club to vote on the
motion. Motions die if they do not get a second.
• Amend - an adjustment in the wording of a motion.
• Undebatable - no discussion is allowed.
• Majority Vote - one more person than half of the
members. Eleven is a majority in a club of 20 members.
• Two-thirds Vote - two-thirds or more of the members'
vote. If 30 members, 20 must agree for the motion to
Important Words to Know
• Committee - a group of people assigned a specific task.
Committees are usually selected by the president in
consultation with the volunteer leader.
• Nomination - the official suggestion of a specific person
for an office.
• The Floor - the membership
• Obtains the Floor - gets permission from the president
to speak.
• Acclamation - only one person is nominated for a
specific office. The club votes to accept that person as
the officer
Information collected from the following sources was used to complete this presentation:
Illinois State 4-H Office
University of Illinois Extension
University of Georgia
For further information, please contact your local
Extension Office.