Troy Intermediate School Mrs. Brianne A. Carpenter Music Lesson

Troy Intermediate School
Mrs. Brianne A. Carpenter
Music Lesson Plans
December 3-7, 2012
MONDAY 12/3 B Day
Period 1 – 6th Grade
National Music Standards: 2, 5, 6
Objective/Essential Question: What is rhythm?
Procedure: Bell Ringer question. Opening activity – rhythm stick game with different students as leaders.
Create a graphic organizer for the different rhythms we will be using. Once the graphic organizer is complete,
play different comprehension games to review/reinforce material learned.
Assessments: Observation, partner pairs/collaborative pairs , performance assessments, closure questions
Period 3 – 5th Grade Band
National Music Standards: 2, 4
Objective/Essential Question: What are the skills needed to perform as a successful ensemble?
Procedure: Warm ups. Perform in concert order
Assessments: Observation, performance assessments
Period 4 – 5th Grade Chorus
National Music Standards: 1, 4, 6
Objective/Essential Question: What are the skills needed to perform as a successful ensemble?
Procedure: Stretching, vocal warm ups and diction warm ups. Perform in concert order
Assessments: Performance assessments, observations
Period 6 – 3rd Grade Second Special
National Music Standards: 1, 6
Objective/Essential Question: What are the different instrument families?
Procedure: Beat keeping and bell ringer questions. Start in partner pairs to complete an instrument sorting
activity that puts the instruments into the different families. Go over the four key instrument families and the
instruments that fit in each family.
Assessments: Observations, questions, performance assessments, closure questions.
Period 8 – 4th Grade
National Music Standards: 1, 2, 5
Objective/Essential Question: What is rhythm?
Procedure: Beat keeping and bell ringer questions. Review the definitions of rhythm and beat. Break the class
into teams and do the rhythm pancake activity which will help practice clapping rhythm patterns. Play a rhythm
sorting game to assess student’s understanding of the number of beats for each rhythm. Being the rhythm
performance assessment which will be done either individually or in small groups.
Assessments: Observations, performance assessments, closure questions
TUESDAY 12/4 A Day **Rachel’s Challenge Assembly @ 2:00pm**
Period 1 – 5th Grade Music
National Music Standards: 2, 5
Objective/Essential Question: What is rhythm?
Procedure: Bell Ringer question. Who Am I rhythm activity. Give clues about a particular rhythm and have the
class guess which one it is. Give each student a dry erase board and marker. Create a pattern in 4/4 time.
Practice creating patterns for different time signatures. Place the class in pairs to build different rhythmic
measure that they will clap and say. Pass out percussion instruments and perform a drum circle. End by
making Rhythm Wanted Posters. These posters will demonstrate the knowledge of the different rhythms and
their characteristics.
Assessments: Observations, partner pairs, performance assessments, closure questions
Period 3 – 6th Grade Band
National Music Standards: 2, 5
Objective/Essential Question: What are the skills needed to perform as a successful ensemble?
Procedure: Concert Bb Scale with specific rhythm patterns. Perform in concert order
Assessments: Observation, performance assessment, closure questions
Period 4 – 6th Grade Chorus
National Music Standards: 1, 5
Objective/Essential Question: What are the skills needed to perform as a successful ensemble?
Procedure: Stretch, breathing and vocal warm ups/diction warm ups. Perform in concert order
Assessments: Observations, closure questions
Period 6 – 4th Grade Second Special
National Music Standards: 1, 6, 7
Objective/Essential Question: What is rhythm?
Procedure: Beat keeping and bell ringer question. Teach the song Sarasponda. Explain where the song
comes from and have the class identify some of the rhythms in the song. Start to teach the rhythm stick game
that goes with the song.
Assessments: Observations, questions, closure questions
Period 8 – 3rd Grade Music
National Music Standards: 1, 2, 5
Objective/Essential Question:
Procedure: No Class – Assembly
Assessments: Observations, partner pairs, performance assessments, written work, closure questions
WEDNESDAY 12/5 – B Day
Period 1 –6th Grade Music
National Music Standards: 2, 5
Objective/Essential Question: What is rhythm?
Procedure: Bell Ringer question. Rhythm sorting game to assess how the students are doing with learning the
number of beats for each rhythm. Create a vocabulary organizer for the word RHYTHM. Apply the definition by
creating different rhythm patterns for different time signatures. Place patterns on the board and have the class
guess the time signature. Students will clap and say each pattern with correct rhythm syllable and steady beat.
Apply knowledge and understanding of rhythms and their characteristics to the Rhythm Wanted Posters.
Assessments: Observations, performance assessments, think-pair-share, closure questions
Period 3 – 5th Grade Band
National Music Standards: 2, 5
Objective/Essential Question: What are the skills needed to perform as a successful ensemble?
Procedure: Pentatonic scale put to select rhythm patterns. Fix select spots in the concert music
Assessments: Observations, performance assessments, closure questions
Period 4 – 5th Grade Chorus
National Music Standards: 1
Objective/Essential Question: What are the skills needed to perform as a successful ensemble?
Procedure: Stretching, breathing and vocal warm ups. Fix select spots in the concert music
Assessments: Observations, performance assessments and closure questions
Period 6 – 3rd Grade Second Special (30 mintues)
National Music Standards: 6
Objective/Essential Question: What are the characteristics of the different instrument families? What is a
string instrument?
Procedure: Beat keeping and bell ringer question. Start by listening to string music. Have the class move or
draw to the music. Create an organizer about the characteristics of the string instruments.
Assessments: Observations, performance assessments and closure questions
Period 8 – 4th Grade Music
National Music Standards: 1, 2, 5
Objective/Essential Question: What is rhythm?
Procedure: Beat keeping and bell ringer activities. Finish and present all rhythm performance assessments.
Have the class do rhythmic dictation. End with rhythm choice activities.
Assessments: Observations, performance assessment, think-pair-share, closure questions
THURSDAY 12/6– A day
Period 1 – 5th Grade Music
National Music Standards: 2, 5
Objective/Essential Question: What are the components of a musical staff?
Procedure: Bell ringer question. Locate the different parts of a musical staff. Create a graphic vocabulary
organizer that has the vocabulary word, definition and visual symbol of each component. Assess the student’s
understanding of the parts of the staff by having them correctly draw each component and label it on a blank
staff. Play a review game that goes over all information learned over the past week.
Assessments: Observations, think-pair-share, performance assessments, written responses, closure
Period 3 – 6th Grade Band
National Music Standards: 2
Objective/Essential Question: What are the skills needed to perform as a successful ensemble?
Procedure: Concert Bb Scale working on dynamics. Fix select spots
Assessments: Observations, performance assessments, closure questions
Period 4 – 6th Grade Chorus
National Music Standards: 1, 5
Objective/Essential Question: What are the skills needed to perform as a successful ensemble?
Procedure: Stretching and warm ups. 6/8 time signature activity. Fix select spots in the concert music
Assessments: Observations, performance assessments and closure questions
Period 6 – 4th Grade Second Special (30 mintues)
National Music Standards: 1, 2, 5, 6
Objective/Essential Question: What is rhythm?
Procedure: Beat Keeping and bell ringer question. Sing the song Sarasponda. Perform with the rhythm sticks.
Add pitched percussion instruments for a harmony part and sing with three parts. Identify the rhythm of the
harmony section.
Assessments: Observations, written graphic organizer and closure questions
Period 8 – 3rd Grade Music
National Music Standards: 1, 2, 4
Objective/Essential Question: What is the difference between rhythm and beat?
Procedure: Beat Keeping/Bell ringer. Break into teams to do the rhythm pancake activity. Sing the song Jingle
Bells. Clap the rhythm as we sing the song. Show the class how to figure out the rhythm of a song by singing
the song. Do a few parts as a whole class, then break into collaborative teams to figure out the rhythm of the
rest of the song. Sing again with pitched percussion instruments for accompaniment. Practice building rhythm
patterns using popsicle sticks. Start by building patterns as a large group, then have them class work in partner
pairs, and finally have each student build their own pattern.
Assessments: Observations, performance assessments, written work, closure questions
FRIDAY 12/7 – B day
Period 1 – 6th Grade Music
National Music Standards: 2, 5, 6
Objective/Essential Question: What is pitch?
Procedure: Bell ringer question. Create a vocabulary organizer for PITCH. How are pitch and rhythm related?
As a class review the hand staff. Have the student identify where select pitches are on the staff. Work in pairs
to quiz each other. Have each student create a visual and one paragraph essay about a sentence to remember
the lines on the staff. Play select pitches on the boomwhackers and hand bells. End with Hand Staff Challenge
Assessments: Observations, written responses, performance assessments, closure questions
Period 3 – 5th Grade Band
National Music Standards: 2,5
Objective/Essential Question: What are the skills needed to perform as a successful ensemble?
Procedure: Pentatonic Scale to set rhythm patterns. Run in concert order
Assessments: Observations, performance assessments
Period 4 – 5th Grade Chorus
National Music Standards: 1,5
Objective/Essential Question: What are the skills needed to perform as a successful ensemble?
Procedure: Stretching, breathing and vocal warm ups. Run in concert order
Assessments: Observations, performance assessments
Period 6 – 3rd Grade Second Special (30 mintues)
National Music Standards: 6
Objective/Essential Question: What are the characteristics of the string family?
Procedure: Beat keeping and bell ringer question. Review the characteristics of the string family. Introduce the
violin. Have the students locate the string family characteristics on the violin. Complete a worksheet about the
violin and string family characteristics.
Assessments: Observations, performance assessments and closure questions
Period 8 – 4th Grade Music
National Music Standards: 1, 2, 5
Objective/Essential Question: What is a patriotic song?
Procedure: Beat Keeping and bell ringer question. Think-write-pair-share about the word PATRIOTIC. Play
different patriotic songs and have the class write or draw their thoughts and feelings about the songs. Create a
class definition for the word PATRIOTIC. Discuss what we will be doing with the patriotic unit. Give the students
a pre-assessment for the words of the national anthem. When the students are done, go over the words and
sing through the song for the first time. Read and perform the skit O, The Ramparts about the history behind
the words to the national anthem.
Assessments: Observations, performance assessments, written work, closure questions
**All lessons are subject to change to due class dynamics, class discussions, and changes in the
daily schedule**