Define Process Catapult Process Your Catapult Team Do the following: Read the information about your company List Suppliers, Inputs, Outputs, and Customers Determine your customer’s requirements Get comfortable using the Catapult Flow chart your process Discuss standardization issues for your process Be creative Statistical Page 1 Define Process Catapult Process Define Process Company Name: Discussion Notes: Statistical Page 2 Define Process Catapult Process Process Map Use Excel Template Statistical Page 3 Define Process Catapult Process Standardization What should be standardized in your process, and how? ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Statistical Page 4 Select Measures Catapult Process Process Measures List possible in-process, final product, and customer satisfaction measures for the process. Use information from your process map. Process ___________ Output Customer ___________ Gauge In-Process Statistical Gauge Final Product Gauge Customer Satisfaction Page 5 Collect & Interpret Data Catapult Process Data Collection & Interpretation Using 2-shooters and aiming for the target defined in your company description, make 30 deliveries using the Catapult. Please designate the shooter in your data file. (Enter your data in Minitab, Save the data-we will use it later in the workshop) Plot the 30 distances (in inches) on the following run chart (Make your plot with Minitab) Plot each observation on the histogram (following page) as they occur. (Make your plot with Minitab) Copy & paste output into PowerPoint Run Chart Distance (inches) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Run Order Statistical Page 6 Collect & Interpret Data Catapult Process Catapult Histogram Histogram Frequency 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Distance (inches) Statistical Page 7 Collect & Interpret Data Catapult Process Variability Diagnosis Your team should do the following for the delivery process. Review your process map. Discuss the quality measure(s) you have selected. Construct a cause-effect matrix of what causes variation in your primary quality measure(s). Use the Excel template for the C&E Matrix 9 10 4 8 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Process Step Process Input Mixing Mixing Mixing Mixing Mixing Mixing Mixing Mixing Mixing Total Rate Mixer Speed Al2O3 Quality Recycle Composition Recycle Rate Nitric Acid Water Temperature Water Flow Recycle Water Rate Statistical 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 3 1 9 1 1 9 1 9 3 0 1 9 1 1 9 1 9 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 1 Dust/Fines Content % Moly & % Nickel 4 Moly Distribution in Pellett (within & between) 8 Catalyst Performance 8 Plugging Cycle Time Length Distribution Porosity Distribution Color Rating of Importance to Customer 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 1 Total 24 12 140 104 138 108 12 108 48 Page 8 Is Process Stable ? Catapult Process Individuals Charts Your team should do the following for the delivery process. Use Minitab to create Individuals Charts (Individual and Moving Range) from the data you collected. Do you need to range edit your data to establish appropriate control limits? If so, why? If so, re-calculate limits. Is your process stable? If not, what rules is your process violating? Do you know why there are instabilities? Save your control limits to your Minitab worksheet. Copy/Past your control charts into PowerPoint Statistical Page 9 Investigate & Fix Special Causes Catapult Process Special Cause Action Plan Use Process knowledge, C&E and FMEA to help develop a S.C.A.P for your catapult process. Be prepared to show your FMEA and S.C.A.P. Statistical Page 10 Is Process Capable ? Catapult Process Capability Analysis Using Minitab and the data you already collected, calculate Cp, Cpk, Pp and Ppk. The following information is provided for each of the scenarios: Stunts R Us – Target=125 Spec Range=(100 to 150) Loft em Soft - Target=140 Spec Range=(130 to 150) Ace in the Hole – Target=110 Spec Range (105 to 115) Collect 15 more data points from your catapult process. Have two people independently write down the distances. Provide the Excel sheet to your instructor to calculate sigma test. With sigma test, calculate percent test, gauge R&R and P/T ratio. Be prepared to present your results. Statistical Page 11 Improve Process Capability Catapult Process Improve Process Capability Use the Intervals to determine if there is a difference between shooters in your catapult team data. Collect 30 data points at varying levels of all the catapult factors. How do the factors relate to distance? Use Minitab to determine the relationships between the inputs and outputs. Be ready to present your results. Statistical Page 12 Control Plan Documentation Catapult Process Control Plans Develop a control plan for your catapult process. Fill out the Control Plan Excel sheet as much as possible. Be ready to present your control plan. Statistical Page 13