New Faculty Presentation (Powerpoint)

New Faculty Workshop
Student Services
Helpful Information and People to Know
Edward M. Eissey Campus
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Scott MacLachlan
Dean of Student Services
Students with disabilities may be entitled to
extended classroom, testing, and other types of
Students are required to contact DSS and to
provide appropriate documentation prior to
receiving services.
Instructors are sent the Instructor Referral Form
that delineates a student’s approved
Instructors are not legally required to provide any
accommodations retroactively or without DSS
Contact: Camille Davidson - 207-5381
Make-up exams can be scheduled in the Testing
Faculty complete a test administration form and
place it with the make-up exam in the Testing
Students pay a $5.00 fee at the Cashier’s Office for
the make-up exam (take receipt to Testing)
Exceptions to the required fee include: Students
with disabilities and distance learning students
Exams are returned based on Instructor’s test
deadline date
For more information see the Testing web site
Contact: Diane Cotignola - 207-5359
Assists Students with career information and decisionmaking
Provides employment services for full- and part-time jobs
for students and graduates
The Career Center Offers:
on-line career and job resources
special career exploration
Job Fair – See the Career Center web site for date and
Job search skill workshops
Special class presentations upon request from Faculty
Contact: Tracy Joinson - 207-5350
Academic Counselors provide guidance and
information to students about:
◦ Programs and classes
◦ Barriers to academic success
◦ New student orientations and Educational
◦ Offer in-class presentations for students (i.e.
Contact: Henry Ponciano - 207-5340
Faculty Access:
◦ On-line class rosters (with student pictures)
◦ Send students not on class roster to Registrar’s Office
(check rosters minimally at end of add/drop and midterm)
◦ Withdrawals for non-attendance
 Faculty must report student who are on roster but never attended on the
8th day after add/drop.
◦ On-line grade rosters
 Withdraw or Fail (WX or FX) students for excessive absences – must put
last day of attendance or first day of class (if never attended)
 Issue final grades at end of term (deadline will be emailed to you)
◦ Change of Grade forms are online (download, print,
complete, and submit to Registrar’s Office)
Instructor Web Site:
Contact: Ronnie Malave - 207-5305
Administers federal, state and institution grants,
work-study, VA benefits student loans
Administers work-study and student assistant (oncampus work)
Students should be encouraged to apply for
financial aid.
Part-time students are eligible for financial aid
If term has already started eligible students can
usually be reimbursed
Contact: Felicia Phair - 207-5330
Getting Students Involved
◦ Offers More than 20 Campus clubs and
◦ Sponsors Welcome Back food for students and
faculty each term
◦ Assists with Intramural Program coordinated by
Ken Badaracco
◦ Sponsors annual Student Award Ceremony
◦ Sponsors Spring Faculty, Staff and Student Picnic
Contact: Angela Allen - 207-5355
If you see students having difficulty in class refer
as follows:
◦ Use button on on-line class rosters
◦ Academic Problems – SLC, 2nd Floor, BB Bldg
◦ Overwhelmed – Academic Counseling (Burt
Reynolds Bldg)
◦ Possible ADA – Disability Support Services (Burt
Reynolds Bldg)
◦ Financial – Financial Aid (Administration Bldg)
◦ Low GPA – Academic Counseling (Burt Reynolds
Contact: Henry Ponciano 207-5340
Let students know your expectations (they
shouldn’t be surprised)
- Include the Classroom Etiquette Guidelines in your syllabus
Act Early – don’t wait until things fall apart
Warn student (away from other students)
Document date, time and description of incident(s)
Warn a second time if necessary
Ask student to leave the class (refer them to the
Dean of Student Services)
For Advice Contact: Dean Scott MacLachlan 207-5325
Report suspicious behavior to Security
In case of emergency, use the Valcom button in
the front of your class
Immediately follow directions of any emergency
Maintain control of your class at all times (see
classroom discipline issues)
Student-on-student complaints should be
reported to the Dean of Student Services
Security Office: 207-5600
Classroom Etiquette and Student Behavior Guidelines
(Suggest you include this in your syllabus)
Recommendations for Faculty Regarding Classroom
Disruption (procedures for faculty to follow)
Classroom Management Tips for Faculty
Cheating: Things to Watch
Access these on-line at: