1 Popsicle® Campaign

Table of Contents
The Popsicle Story®
Situational Analysis
Legal & Trademark
Fact Sheet
Creative Strategy Statement/ Advertising Plan
Traditional Advertising
Television Commercials
Print Advertising Campaign
Coupon Campaign
Outdoor Advertising
Social Media
Mom Blog
Patriotic Popsicles®
Donation Plan
Firecracker 5K
In Store Advertisements
Pennies for Popsicle®
Donation Plan
School contest
Promotional Materials
Popsicle® Pandemonium
The Popsicle® Story
Invented by a Kid, Loved by All
The Popsicle® brand is an American classic, with more than 30 creative variations of the
original Popsicle® product. And believe it or not, it all started with an accident!
In 1905, 11-year-old Frank Epperson left a mixture of powdered soda, water, and a stirring stick
in a cup on his porch. It was a cold night, and Epperson awoke the next morning to find a frozen
pop. He called it the “Epsicle.”
It was a hit with his friends at school, and later with his own kids. They constantly called for
“Pop’s ‘sicle.” So in 1923, Epperson changed the name and applied for a patent. A couple of
years later, Epperson sold the rights to the brand name Popsicle® to the Joe Lowe Company in
New York. The rest is history!
"The Popsicle Story." Popsicle. Web. 5 Apr. 2012.<http://www.popsicle.com/article/detail/107646/the-popsicle-story-popsicleice-pops>.
Situational Analysis
For anyone who has ever come inside from playing outside on a hot summer day knows there is
nothing better than a cool, refreshing Popsicle® ice pop. Named the “Epsicle” first, Popsicle®
ice pops are ranked one of the best selling frozen desserts. Popsicle® brand sells approximately
two billion ice pops annually. Popsicle® brand has over 20 different types of ice pops, as well as
healthier options; these options include Low Fat, Fat Free, Sugar Free and a Healthy Bunch
variety pack. With the ever growing popularity of Frozen Yogurt, Popsicle® brand has expanded
their market by creating ice pops with yogurt in the center. Popsicle® brand has been a
household name since the 1920s and for generations the brand has continued to satisfy its
customers’ wants and needs. With its ever evolving marketing strategies Popsicle® brand will
continue to be one of the most trusted and reliable brands for generations to come.
SWOT Analysis
Popsicle® brand has been a household name since the early 1900’s. Owned by Unilever, the
world’s third-largest consumer goods company, Popsicle® brand consumers know they are only
receiving the best when they purchase any product. It is one of the most trusted and steadfast
According to our research, our target audience has forgotten about Popsicle® brand ice pops
because of the absence of a strong print and media advertising campaign. Also, Popsicle® brand
products do not openly advertise that they are a healthier alternative to other frozen desserts;
therefore people are unaware of the nutritional facts of the ice pops and unaware the brand offers
Low Fat, Fat Free, or Sugar Free options.
Some opportunities that could facilitate more exposure for Popsicle® brand would be rapidly
growing popularity of “Mom Blogs” and other social media outlets. In addition to social media,
there are many ways for Popsicle® brand to become involved in giving back to the U.S. Troops,
as well as, title one schools throughout the country.
Some threats that may hinder the sales of Popsicle® brand ice pops include other frozen treats,
such as Ice Cream, Frozen yogurt, and Sherbet. In regard to health concerns, majority of people
misconceptions about high fructose corn syrup and their fears about it causing obesity or diabetes
will stop them from purchasing Popsicle® brand ice pops.
While rebranding the Popsicle® brand we decided to target both young children and the parents
of young children. We set out to create an Integrated Marketing Communications campaign to
drive sales and build the brand.
In order to identify the best ways to communicate the rebranding of Popsicle® brand we used
both primary and secondary research. First, we created our own focus groups. Within our focus
groups we asked three questions:
1. What do you think of when you hear the word Popsicle®?
When asked this question people almost always responded with a memory of either eating or
treating someone they care about to a Popsicle® brand ice pop. They reminisced about playing
outside on a hot summer day and being treated to a cool, refreshing Popsicle® brand ice pop.
2. How do you differentiate Popsicle® brand from other generic brands of ice pops?
The majority of people answered this question saying the flavors of Popsicle® brand is better
tasting than the generic. Also the colors of Popsicle® brand helped people to choose them over
the generic. The bright yellow box as well as the bright and eye-catching ice pops.
3. What is your attitude toward the Popsicle® brand?
People responded to the question by saying that Popsicle® brand is reliable and safe. The
product and company have been around for years and has remained trustworthy throughout those
years. However, people did mention that they have stopped seeing ads regarding Popsicle®
brand ice pops and that has stopped them from being purchased as frequently.
After gathering information from our focus groups we designed a series of questions to
determine the demographics and buying habits of frozen dessert shoppers. The following
questions were asked:
1. Are you male or female?
This question helps to break down who is more likely to buy Popsicle® brand ice pops or other
types of frozen desserts. We found that women were more likely to purchase Popsicle® brand
ice pops or other frozen desserts.
2. Age range: 18-22, 23-27, 28-32, 33+
The age range is important because it helped us to determine the proper target audience for our
campaign. From this we determined two major target age ranges 18-22 and 28-32.
3. What is your marital status?
We determined that there was an almost even split between people who were single and married
that purchased frozen desserts. Therefore any ads needed to appropriate for both sets of people.
4. How many children do you have?
We found, on average, that most of the people shopping for frozen desserts did not have children
but the second highest percentage of people said they had four or more children.
5. Do you shop for your household?
The majority of our survey participants said yes they shop for their household. These are the
people who are ads and commercials need to be geared towards, the people who are doing the
shopping. Our children’s ads need to grab their attention so they can continuously ask their
parents, siblings, grandparents or whoever is doing the shopping for them to buy Popsicle®
6. Do you buy frozen desserts?
Of the 130 people surveyed, 72 people said yes they purchase frozen desserts.
7. What kind of frozen desserts do you buy? Ice cream/ Sherbet/ Frozen Yogurt/
Frozen Pops?
There was a tie between ice cream and frozen pops.
8. Have you bought Popsicle® brand ice pops in the last 6 months?
This was a very important question because we need to find out why the majority of people who
took the survey said No. It is crucial to find out if people just did not remember Popsicle® brand
existed or was it a dietary concern.
9. Why or why not?
We used this question as a free response question. We wanted to get a feel of people’s perception
of Popsicle® brand and whether or not they were fans of the Popsicle® brand ice pops. From
this question we gathered that most people felt that Popsicle® brand ice pops were just
something they ate as children and they forgot about them because they do not see any
advertising. The other concern was they believed ice cream and other fruit bars were healthier
than Popsicle® brand. A small amount mentioned that Popsicle® brand ice pops are more
expensive than the competition.
10. Would you buy Popsicle® brand more if you knew they were healthier when compared
to other frozen desserts?
The majority of people said they were more likely to buy Popsicle® brand if they knew it was
healthier than the competition. By knowing this information we were able to conclude that the
majority of our advertising for adults need to include nutrition facts.
From our research we were able to formulate a campaign that includes new ads for both children
and adults. For children, we will be focusing on the “fun” factor of Popsicle® brand ice pops and
for adults we will focus on the nutrition facts and costs. The campaign will also include a
community outreach initiative, a philanthropic series of events, and a nationwide stunt. Social
media will also continue to be a driving force in this campaign. This research has been key in
generating ideas and creating a strong campaign the re-branding of Popsicle® brand. With
precision the implementation of this campaign could prove to be a positive outcome.
Marital Status
How many kids do
you have?
Do you shop for your
Do you buy frozen
Have you bought
Popsicle® brand in
the last six months?
Do you buy:
Ice Cream
Frozen Yogurt
Frozen Pops
Would you buy Popsicle® brand more if you
knew they were healthier when compared to
other frozen desserts?
Legal and Trademark
Popsicle®, Creamsicle® and Fudgsicle® are registered trademarks of the Unilever Group of
Companies and can only be used to identify the frozen confection products of Unilever. They
may not be used to refer to frozen confection products of other companies or frozen confection
products generally. Misuse of these trademarks may violate Unilever’s very valuable rights.
Popsicle®, Creamsicle® and Fudgsicle® are brand names that should be used with the
trademark registration symbol (i.e., ®) and a proper generic modifier (e.g., Popsicle® pops or ice
pops, Creamsicle® cream pops or bars and Fudgsicle® fudge pops or bars).
The Popsicle®, Creamsicle® and Fudgsicle® trademarks should never be used as nouns.
For example, it is not correct to say “I’d like a Popsicle.” It is correct to say “I’d like a Popsicle®
ice pop.”
The Popsicle®, Creamsicle® and Fudgsicle® trademarks should never be used in the plural
form. For example, it is not correct say “I love Popsicles.” It is correct to say “I love Popsicle®
ice pops.”
The Popsicle®, Creamsicle® and Fudgsicle® trademarks should not be used in the possessive
form. For example, it is not correct to say “Popsicle’s great taste.” It is correct to say “the great
taste of Popsicle® ice pops.”
So now that you know the cold facts, do the cool thing and stay on the right side of the law. Use
Popsicle®, Creamsicle® and Fudgsicle® only to identify our products, use these trademarks
correctly, and don’t use them for any other purpose without our permission. We appreciate your
Fact Sheet
Popsicle® Facts from the Unilever Website: Popsicle® is a trademark of Unilever
Originally called the Episicle, Popsicle® was created in 1905 by 11-year-old Frank
Epperson. He left a mixture of powdered soda, water, and a stirring stick in a cup on his
porch where it froze and left him with a tasty treat.
2 billion Popsicle® ice pops are sold annually.
30 creative variations of the original Popsicle® product have been made but the original
cherry, orange and grape flavors are still top sellers.
Below is a chart comparing the nutritional facts in Popsicle® versus other alternative frozen desserts*
1 bar
Ice Bars, Cherry Popsicle®
1 bar
Ice Bars, Wildberry Popsicle®
1 bar
Ice Cream, Chocolate Bryers®
4 oz.
Ice Cream, Chocolate HealthyChoice®
4 oz.
Ice Cream, Strawberry Bryers®
4 oz.
Ice Cream, Strawberry
4 oz.
Ice Cream, Vanilla Bryers®
4 oz.
Ice Cream, Vanilla HealthyChoice®
4 oz.
Ice Bars, most flavors Popsicle®
Popsicle’s® cherry flavor is the No.1 Popsicle® ice pop flavor.
The Twin Popsicle® ice pop was invented during The Great Depression, so two
children could share an ice pop for just a nickel.
Popsicle® ice pop sticks have riddles on them, but you can't find out the answer
until you've eaten the whole pop!
During World War II, the Eighth Air Force Unit chose Popsicle® ice pops as a
symbol of American life.
Popsicle® Lick-A-Color® ice pops are made from the outside in.
The very first "ice cream man" sold Popsicle® ice pops from a horse-drawn cart
to children in Nebraska.
*Nutrition facts provided by http://www.lowfatlifestyle.com/stats_a_z/foodstats_i.htm
ne Ads
Every type of
What's in a Pop
campaign to
drive sales
and build the
Paid TV
5k with
from Sales
Partnership with
for Pops
for events
Pennies for
Retail Sales
Retails Sales
Increase Media
Kid based
Every type
of kid
Goal: To create an integrated marketing campaign to build brand loyalty and promote continued
sales among current consumers of Popsicle®.
Creative Objective:
Strategy: Print
Create magazine advertising campaign targeting moms.
Tactic: Each ad in the campaign will feature a different type of child (picky eaters, on the
go, etc.) to create a relationship between moms and Popsicle®.
Strategy: Social Media
“Popsicle Personality”, a fun way to showcase your child eating a Popsicle® on social
Tactic: Connect with current Facebook and Twitter followers, encouraging them to
participate in the contest.
Connect with “Mommy Bloggers” to create continued brand loyalty between Popsicle®
and moms.
Tactic: Pitch Popsicle® to “Mommy Bloggers” and ask them to comment on Popsicle®
and their experiences with the ice pop brand. Bloggers will receive a coupon for $1.00 off
their next purchase.
Public Relations Objective:
Strategy: Create buzz for Popsicle® brand
 Tactic: Use social media to promote accomplishments as well as the “Popsicle
Personality” campaign; getting feedback and participation from consumers.
 Tactic: Mom blogs promoting “real person” reviews as well as the coupon campaign.
 Tactic: Popsicle® Pandemonium publicity stunt promoting brand awareness and bringing
attention to Popsicle® ice pops.
Strategy: Community Outreach
Patriotic Popsicle® campaign pledging a donation of $1 million in five years to the USO.
Tactic: Host Firecracker 5K in Arlington, VA on July 4, 2012 to kick-off efforts to raise
money for the USO.
Tactic: Set up end caps in grocery stores around the country that promote Popsicle’s®
support of the USO, and show that for every box purchased from July to September 2012,
25¢ will be donated to the USO.
Pennies for Popsicles® competition will drive students to bring in spare change to raise
money for their school and Popsicle® will match all donations made by the school who
brings in the most money. The winning school will receive the donations as well as a
Popsicle® sponsored field day.
Tactic: Contact Title 1 schools to promote the competition
Tactic: Send fliers to all schools participating in competition to announce the
event and that the winning school with receive a Popsicle® sponsored field day.
Strategy: National Popsicle® media coverage
Tactic: Directing media attention to positive events put on by Popsicle®
- Patriotic Popsicle®
- Firecracker 5k
- Pennies for Popsicles
Tactic: Creating media advisories and news releases projecting attention to the Patriotic
Popsicle® campaign showing Popsicle’s® dedication to the community, while promoting
brand awareness and brand loyalty.
Retail Sales Objective:
Strategy: In-store promotions for Popsicle®
 Tactic: Buy end caps in multiple grocery stores across the nation, including Spanish
oriented supermarkets, where advertising will promote Popsicle’s® support of the USO.
Strategy: Run coupon campaign promoting discounts on Popsicle® purchases during August
 Tactic: Run coupon advertisement in select magazines such as Parenthood, Good
Housekeeping, Working Mom and Ser Padres.
 Tactic: Create coupon to send to consumers of Popsicle® to use during the month of
August 2012
 Tactic: Send coupon to bloggers and post on social media sites for fans to print and use
Advertising Objective:
Strategy: Increase paid media placement of Popsicle® advertising
 Tactic: Purchase two TV spots for a commercial directed towards moms and one directed
towards kids
 Tactic: Purchased placement for print advertisements in magazines such as Parenthood,
Good Housekeeping, Working Mom and Ser Padres.
 Tactic: Place billboard in prominent downtown areas to create high visibility for
Creative Strategy Statement
Ads will target men and women ages 25 to 45 and children ages 5 to 15 who are buying and
eating frozen desserts to re-position Popsicle® ice pops as their first choice when shopping for
frozen desserts. A creative, light hearted and inclusive campaign will convince them.
Advertising Plan
Key Fact: Popsicle® ice pops have lost their popularity and relevance among the general market
of frozen desserts.
Advertising Problem: Popsicle® relies heavily on word of mouth as far as advertising goes.
They have had no national advertising campaigns, commercials or sponsorships to expand their
brand awareness and a lack of personal connection with their target consumers.
Advertising Objective: To show the nutritional values of Popsicle® ice pops versus other
frozen desserts, to trigger a sense of nostalgia, reminding people of why they used to enjoy
Popsicle® ice pops and to re-introduce the refreshing tastes and abundance of products that
Popsicle® has to offer.
Target Consumer: Male or female who does the majority of the grocery shopping for their
household. Someone with children or someone with a taste for a “better for you” frozen dessert.
Competition: Breyers®, Minute Maid®, Edy’s®, as well as other ice cream, frozen yogurt, and
ice pop producers or other generic brands that make imitation Popsicles®.
Key Consumer Benefit: Parents can give their kids a sweet frozen treat on a hot summer day or
after they finish they’re dinner without feeling guilty about the amount of sugar and calories they
are exposing their child to.
Support: This campaign will re-introduce Popsicle® and remind consumers that the brand is
still around and producing a larger variety and healthier ice pop than all of its competitors. This
campaign will build a stronger brand awareness and customer loyalty as well as informing
consumers of the benefits of choosing Popsicle® over competing brands.
Tone Statement: This campaign will re-introduce Popsicle® brand as the fun, energetic product
that it used to be allowing them to reconnect with their loyal consumers and build new
relationships with prospective consumers.
Mandatories and Limitations: If it’s Popsicle® it’s possible!
March 2012
 Tasked with rebranding Popsicle® brand ice pops
Gather consumer research regarding Popsicle®
 Brainstorm ideas for the direction of the campaign
 Make a decision within a week
 Discuss a budget and begin to gather the materials necessary for this campaign
April 2012
 Create print ads
 Send print ads to:
o Parenthood
o Good Housekeeping
o Working Mom
o Ser Padres (Spanish Magazine)
 Casting call for the beach commercial
 Design Popsicle® Pandemonium digital mapping on four buildings in Miami, New York
City, Chicago, and Los Angeles
May 2012
 Print ads appear in June issues of selected magazines
 Begin planning Firecracker 5K Marathon
o Draft Media Advisory and fliers
o Sketch T-shirt designs and send to screen printers
 Film new commercial
 Create new labels for Patriotic Popsicle® USO donations
o Goal: Raise $1 Million in five years
June 2012
 Air beach commercial and Spongebob commercial
 Announce Inaugural Firecracker 5K
 Create and send new Popsicle® coupon ad to select magazines and “mom blogs”
 Two weeks before July 1st:
 Launch new Patriotic Popsicle® USO end caps promoting 25 cents for each box is
donated to the USO
 Finalize Firecracker 5K runners
 Construct “What’s in a Popsicle®?” Billboard
July 2012
 Inaugural Fourth of July Firecracker 5K (All proceeds go to the USO)
 Send press release announcing amount of money raised for the USO
 Roll out: new Popsicle® brand Coupon ads in August issue of select magazines and
“mom blogs” (Only to be used in August, $1 off)
Media Advisory for Popsicle® Pandemonium on National Popsicle® Day
August 2012
 Coupon roll out
 Launch Popsicle® billboard
 Patriotic Popsicle® still in effect
 Social Media Buzz about National Popsicle® Day, August 26th
 Popsicle® Pandemonium in Miami, New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles on August
o Length of Time: One hour
 Send out Press Release for Popsicle® Pandemonium
 August 31st last day for coupons
September 2012
 Last month for the Patriotic Popsicle® USO donations
 Use social media to maintain buzz about Popsicle® Pandemonium
 September 30th last day for Patriotic Popsicle® USO donations
October 2012
 Tally the amount of money raised during the Patriotic Popsicle® USO donation
 Begin planning Pennies for Popsicles®
 Media advisory for check presentation to USO
November 2012
 Present check to USO on Veteran’s Day
 Design school supplies for Pennies for Popsicles®
 Select Title One schools to participate in Pennies for Popsicles®
December 2012
 Send letter and flier to select Title One schools for Pennies for Popsicles®
o Press release for Pennies for Popsicles®
o Utilize Social Media outlets to keep Popsicle® brand current in consumers minds
 Joke of the day (Twitter and Facebook)
 “Lick” our Page (Facebook)
 Show us your Popsicle® Personality (Twitter and Facebook)
January 2013
 Commence Pennies for Popsicles®
 Selected Title One school will bring in pennies and spare change, and the school with the
most donations by the end of March will win a Field Day provided by Popsicle®.
Popsicle® will match the amount of money raised and donate it to the winning school
 Continue to utilize social media to generate buzz about Popsicle®
February 2013
 Keep track of which school is winning Pennies for Popsicles®
 Begin planning 2013 Summer Campaign
March 2013
 Continue to utilize social media to generate buzz about Popsicle®
 March 31st last day for Pennies for Popsicles®
o Run polls and collect data to analyze which strategies have worked, if our goal
was achieved and what needs to still be improved
o Meet with board members to discuss future plans and budget
April 2013
 Notify the winning school of Pennies for Popsicles®
 Select a date in May to have Field Day and present check
 Design and send new print ads
 Media Advisory and Press Release for Pennies for Popsicles® Field Day
May 2013
 Friday, May 17th Pennies for Popsicles® winning school Field Day
 Fair-type setting
 Check presentation to school
 Free Popsicle® ice pops
 Roll out of new Popsicle® campaign
TV Advertising Campaign
Since there are two target audiences, there was a need to create two different commercials. The
first commercial is directed toward moms. This commercial will run during televisions shows
like “Live with Regis and Kelly”, “30 Minute Meals with Rachel Ray”, “The View” and other
day time television shows targeted toward moms with kids at school. These commercials will
remind parents that Popsicle® ice pops are a lower calorie snack than some of their sugary
Our second commercial campaign targets children. Since Popsicle® already has a contractual
agreement with Nickelodeon and some of their characters; we created a commercial using
Spongebob Squarepants as a “spokesperson” reminding kids of the delicious and nutritious
values of a Popsicle® ice pop.
Mom Commercial
Client: Popsicles
Job Description: Popsicle – Beach
Job Number:
Date: 4/10/12
Writer: Melissa Miranda
: 60 Spot “Popsicles the timeless treat”
Scene opens to kids playing at the
beach. POV from a parent
SFX: Seagulls and waves crashing. Kids laughing
Child looks over to he camera and
SFX: Seagulls and waves crashing. Kids laughing
Child walks up closer and waves
Give them a treat they will crave and that is
free of unnecessary fat and sugar.
SFX: Seagulls and waves crashing. Kids laughing
Hand pulls out and extends out a
Popsicle over to the child.
You want to make sure they are happy but
as a good parent you want them to have the
Popsicle is still that same treat you begged
for on family vacation but it now even
healthier options.
SFX: Seagulls and waves crashing. Kids laughing
Give them a Popsicle. They will have the
energy to take on the waves or a sandcastle.
Child runs up and gives a big smile SFX: Seagulls and waves crashing. Kids laughing
to the camera
VO: We want to see your popsicle smile. Same
great flavor with low calories.
Child Commercial
Client: Popsicles
Job Description: Popsicle – SpongeBob
Job Number:
Date: 4/10/12
Writer: Melissa Miranda
: 30 Spot “SpongeBob SqaurePants”
SpongeBob and Patrick arrive at
Sandy’s. Who looks tired and wore
Panting Sandy
SpongeBob: What’s wrong, Sandy?
Sandy’s tries to do one more Karate
Karate Chop Noise
Sandy: After playing outside all day I
need a refreshing treat.
SpongeBob pulls out a popsicle
Whoosh noise as he takes out the
SpongeBob: Here
Sandy and Patrick’s eyes light up.
Patrick is drooling
Patrick & Sandy together: POPSICLES!
Flashback to little SpongeBob and
Patrick licking popsicles
SpongeBob: I always had a popsicle after
Fades back to the present where all
three are enjoying a popsicle
Sandy: I forgot how much I love these
Sandy does a giant Karate Kick and
Karate Yell
Sandy: It’s just what I needed.
SpongeBob looks face on
Spongebob: If it’s Popsicle, It’s Possible
Spongebob laughter into fade off
Paid Print Advertisement
Our paid print ad campaign will feature a series of similar ads targeting moms. Each ad will
depict a different type of personality a child might have. These ads are different because no two
children are the same. We want to remind moms that Popsicle® ice pops are a great snack for all
types of children. These ads will run in magazines like “Parenting”, “Good House Keeping” and
other magazines that are targeted toward moms with younger children.
Coupon Campaign
Popsicle® created this coupon campaign as a compliment to our paid media placements. Beyond
simply reminding consumers about our product, we wanted to provide them some incentive to go
out and buy our product. This coupon campaign includes a paid print ad that will run
simultaneously with the previous traditional print campaign. Along with paid advertisement, we
will also use social media to promote the coupon campaign as well as brand awareness and brand
Outdoor Advertisement
Due to the nature of this campaign and the general target audience, Popsicle® didn’t feel the
need to rely too heavily on outdoor advertisement. During the hottest summer months, Popsicle®
will use this outdoor board as a simple reminder advertisement to maintain presences in
consumers’ minds.
Outdoor Advertisement
Social Media
Along with paid advertising, Popsicle® will also use social media to give out coupons, promote
brand loyalty, introduce new products, as well as connect with consumers by using an already
existing campaign “Popsicles® Family Joke of the Week” and implementing a new interactive
campaign called “Popsicle® Personality” having Popsicle® fans post pictures of themselves,
friends or children enjoying a delicious Popsicle® ice pop. At the end of each week Popsicle®
will announce their “Popsicle® Personality of the Week” on all social media sites.
Popsicle® will also use social media sites to promote their philanthropic ventures, announcing
their partnership with USO as well as reminding consumers about giveaways, sweepstakes and
other special events going on at certain times.
Mom Blog
In order to reach all of its consumers, Popsicle® wanted to find a way to get directly to moms.
Popsicle® decided to pitch to mommy bloggers to use their reviews as a real life testimonial to
speak about the product.
SUBJ: Popsicle® launches worldwide Popsicle® coupon campaign!
Hi Mom Blogger,
I hope this note finds you well!
On August 1, 2012, Popsicle® will launch their first national Popsicle® coupon campaign and
we would like you to be a part of it. Popsicle® brand is working to make Popsicle® ice pops
every mom’s first choice when shopping for frozen desserts.
Here are a few highlights:
Popsicle® ice pops have less sugar and calories than other competing frozen desserts.
Popsicle® ice pops have different styles and themes to fit any personality.
This is Popsicle’s® first national advertising/coupon campaign.
This is just the beginning of Popsicle’s® comeback to bring Popsicle® ice pops back to
the top.
In order to gain recognition with moms everywhere, we are giving you an exclusive opportunity
to have free Popsicle® ice pops for the entire month of August for your trial and review. We
want to give you the chance to see what Popsicle® has to offer. We are also sending over some
supplemental information about Popsicle® ice pops to show why moms should choose
Popsicle® ice pops over other competing brands.
In addition to this exclusive offer, we are also offering you a printable coupon to accompany
your Popsicle® review. This coupon will have no expiration date and we are asking you to make
it available to all of your followers.
As mentioned above, Popsicle® ice pops are a better alternative to their competing brands and
similar products. Popsicle® is working toward getting their consumers more involved in their
product. We are looking for more consumer loyalty as well as brand awareness and feedback
about our products.
Please let me know if you are interested in further participating in our coupon campaign. If so,
we can continue to send you monthly coupons and other participative activities that Popsicle®
has to offer.
I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Asunto: Popsicle ® lanza en todo el mundo la campaña de cupón Popsicle ®!
Hola mamá bloguera,,
Espero que te encuentres bien! El 1 de agosto de 2012, Popsicle ® lanzará su primer encuentro nacional
“ Campaña de Cupón Popsicle ®” y nos gustaría que seas parte de él. Esta es la primera campaña
publicitaria de Popsicle ® y por la excelente calidad de su producto, hará de Popsicle ® el postre
preferido de grandes y chicos.
Debes saber que Popsicle ® fabrica ahora las Paletas de Helado ® que serán, sin lugar a dudas, la
primera opción de todas las mamás cuando compren deliciosos y saludables postres para sus hijos.
Las Paletas de Helado Popsicle ® tienen menos azúcar y calorías que otros postres congelados de otras
marcas en el mercado. Además, las Paletas de Helado Popsicle ® tienen diferentes estilos y temas que
se adaptan a cualquier personalidad.
Con este comunicado estarás recibiendo un exclusivo cupón que puedes imprimir y que te permitirá
obtener las deliciosas paletas. Además, información importante que debes conocer y que definitivamente
les hará preferir las Paletas de Helado Popsicle ® por encima de cualquier otro producto similar en el
Paletas de Helado Popsicle ® agradece los comentarios acerca del producto. Sabemos que tus
comentarios serán la mejor información que podamos tener para mejorar día con día.
Si estás interesada en seguir participando en nuestra campaña promocional, por favor responde este
mensaje. De esta manera, te enviaremos cupones mensuales e información de otras actividades
que Popsicle ® tiene para ofrecer.
Espero con interés tus comentarios!
Póngase en contacto con: Rene Gordon (941) 266-4221
Mom Blog Coupon
Donation Plan
Our Troops are always ready to protect our country and our freedom. To show our gratitude,
Popsicle® has become partners with USO, proudly pledging to raise one million dollars over the
next five years. Popsicle® will be hosting the Fourth of July Firecracker 5K Run in Arlington,
VA at the Benjamin Banneker Park. The profits from this event will mark the beginning of
Popsicles® pledge to support the USO and its mission to lifting the spirits of America’s troops
and their families. Popsicle® believes in this mission and supports America’s troops.
Firecracker 5K T-Shits
Attention: Autria Godfrey ABC 7 News VA.
For release: Wed., July 4
Patriotic Popsicle’s®
The Firecracker 5K kicks off Popsicle’s® Partnership with USO
On July 4, 2012 in Arlington Virginia, the inaugural Firecracker 5K has agreed to partner with
Popsicle® to kick off the Patriotic Popsicle® campaign supporting USO. Popsicle® will have a
booth set up at the event giving away free firecracker red, white and blue Popsicle® ice pops at
the end of the race. Popsicle® will receive a percentage of all proceeds and entry fees to the
Patriotic Popsicle® campaign. When considering the endless support needed to help our troops;
and all that Popsicle® has to offer, Popsicle® thought that the Patriotic Popsicle® campaign
would be a great way to support a worthy cause.
Popsicle® Priorities:
Firecracker Popsicle® ice pops are American Fourth of July Popsicles, in a shape
resembling a firecracker.
Popsicle® ice pop sticks have riddles on them, but you can't find out the answer until
you've eaten the whole pop!
The very first "ice cream man" sold Popsicle® ice pops from a horse-drawn cart to
children in Nebraska.
Two billion Popsicle® ice pops are sold annually.
The Twin Popsicle® ice pop was invented during The Great Depression, so two children
could share an ice pop for just a nickel.
Popsicle® tent with volunteers handing out red white and blue firecracker Popsicle® ice
pops to runners.
Firecracker Popsicle® and logo on the back of all runners complimentary t-shirts.
Crowds of people eating free red, white and blue firecracker Popsicle® ice pops after the
Rene Gordon, (941) 266-4221
Rene Gordon
Popsicle® Partners With USO at the Firecracker 5K to kick off the Patriotic Popsicle®
Campaign Starting July 4
Popsicle® pledges to donate $1 million to USO over the next five years
Arlington, Va.—July 4, 2012 —Popsicle® has pledged to donate $1 million over the next five
years to USO foundation supporting American troops. The Firecracker 5K marks the beginning
of the Patriotic Popsicle® campaign. Popsicle® chose to use their red, white and blue
firecracker ice pops to be the focal point of the campaign.
Popsicle® will kick off their Patriotic Popsicle® campaign on July 4, 2012 in Arlington,
Virginia at the Firecracker 5K. As part of the Patriotic Popsicle® campaign, Popsicle® will not
only bring awareness and attention to USO and what they stand for, they will also donate $0.25
of every box of Popsicle® ice pops sold to USO during the campaign, from July 1 to September
“The Firecracker 5K agreed to partner with us to help kick off our Patriotic Popsicle® campaign.
They are giving a portion of all proceeds and entry fees to the Patriotic Popsicle® campaign to
help us get started with our pledge to USO and our troops.” says Unilever® CEO. When asked
what prompted this campaign, Unilever® executive states, “We thought featuring our firecracker
Popsicle® ice pops for this campaign would be a fun way to represent our cause and have the
opportunity to give back to our troops, we like what USO stands for and we decided that this
would be a great cause to give back to.”
It has been recorded that during World War II, the Eighth Air Force Unit chose Popsicle® ice
pops as a symbol of American life. With that in mind along with the endless support needed to
help our troops; Popsicle® thought this would be a great way to really give back. The
Firecracker 5K was the perfect platform to use, taking place on July 4 at the Benjamin Banneker
Park, to mark the beginning the Patriotic Popsicle® campaign.
Popsicle® partnering with the Firecracker 5K hopes to start off their first year of supporting
USO with a bang! Popsicle® plans to continue to support USO until they have reached their goal
of donating $1 million to help support our troops or as USO states in their slogan, “Until
Everyone Comes Home.”
Popsicle® is an American classic, with more than 30 creative variations of the original
Popsicle® product. Two billion Popsicle® ice pops are sold annually. Popsicle® is the most
popular brand of ice pop in the United States and Canada. "Popsicle" is a trademark held
by Unilever.
In-Store Promotions
As part of the Patriotic Popsicle® Campaign, Popsicle® will create in store promotions creating
a presence in stores reminding consumers about the campaign. Popsicle® will also design an end
cap display to be in stores featuring Popsicles® red, white and blue firecracker ice pops to go
along with the theme.
In-Store Promotions
In-Store Promotions
Community Outreach
Popsicle® is joining forces with elementary schools nationwide working to raise funds in efforts
to bring better resources to schools in need. From January to March, Popsicle® is asking
students and faculty to bring in any type of change to help raise money. In March, Popsicle®
will match the donations of the winning school and host a Popsicle® field day for all students.
In-School Flier
Popsicle® School Supplies
Rene Gordon
Popsicle® Gives back to the Community with Pennies for Popsicles®
Pennies for Popsicle® helps Popsicle® give back to local schools
ORLANDO, Fla.—January 1, 2013 —Popsicle® teams up with local schools working to find a
fun way to give back to low funded schools in need. Popsicle® asks students and teachers at
local schools to compete against each other, trying to bring in the more pennies than a competing
school to win a Popsicle® field day for their school.
Popsicle® created “Pennies for Popsicles®” to create a fun way to give back to low income
schools in need. Asking students and teachers to bring in pennies competing against other
schools in the area, Popsicle® promises to not only give the winning school a Popsicle® hosted
field day, but also to match the amount of money that each school raises and give those funds
back to the school.
“Pennies for Popsicles® give us a chance to give back to the community. Education is the most
important thing for children and anything we can do to support the education system is good.”
says Unilever® CEO. “We thought participating in ‘Pennies for Popsicles®’ would be an easy
and fun way to get our students excited about something along with helping us raise money for
the school. Being in a low income area makes it hard to raise funds for supplies and other
educations tools, so Popsicles® generosity and attention to the issue is greatly appreciated.” says
Bob Makker, Principal of Fern Creek Elementary School.
The Department of Education Research finds that more than 40% of low-income schools don't
get a fair share of state and local funds. Many statistics about low-income schools say the same
thing. Popsicle® believes that ‘Pennies for Popsicles®’ is a great way to supplement these
issues, and give a few local schools a boost in their income to buy and fix some of its most
immediate issues.
Popsicle® believes in the importance of educations, but Popsicle® also knows that kids want to
have fun. Bringing ‘Pennies for Popsicles®’ to these schools combines the two. The promise to
give the winning school a Popsicle® field day helps to get kids excited about the competition as
well as helps these low-income schools to get some extra funding through these hard times.
Popsicle® is an American classic, with more than 30 creative variations of the original
Popsicle® product. Two billion Popsicle® ice pops are sold annually. Popsicle® is the most
popular brand of ice pop in the United States and Canada. "Popsicle" is a trademark held
by Unilever.
Popsicle® Pandemonium
August 26, 2012 is National Cherry Popsicle® Day. Popsicle® saw no better way to create buzz
than by launching a nationwide event, “Popsicle® Pandemonium”. Popsicle® Pandemonium
will consist of giant virtual Popsicles® popping up on the sides of buildings in four major cities
gathering crowds of people to watch these virtual Popsicle® ice pops melt. Below each virtually
melting Popsicle® there will be vending machines specific to each city, giving away free
Popsicle® ice pops to all of the people who stopped by to watch.
Rene Gordon
Popsicle® ice pops Popping Up in Your City Creating Popsicle® Pandemonium
Popsicle® creates Popsicle® Pandemonium in honor of national Popsicle® day
ORLANDO, Fla. –August 27, 2012 – Popsicle® ice pops were spotted in four major cities
around the United States yesterday, slowly melting down the building for one hour. Popsicle®
created Popsicle® Pandemonium projecting four giant Popsicle® ice pops in four major cities,
virtually melting for one hour until only the Popsicle® stick remained. Below each giant virtual
melting Popsicle® ice pop was a vending machine giving free Popsicle® ice pops all day.
August 26 being national Popsicle® day just begged Popsicle® to take the opportunity to steal
the spotlight, and that’s exactly what they did. In recent months Popsicle® has created a lot of
buzz with their Patriotic Popsicle® campaign pledging $1 million to USO over the next five
years. Popsicle® has also recently launched a national coupon campaign so it was no surprise
when Popsicle® made a show on national Popsicle® day!
“We wanted to ‘wow’ our customers, and catch the attention of people who don’t already buy
our product, we thought creating this ‘Popsicle® Pandemonium’ would be a fun way to grab
some attention and give away lots of free Popsicle® ice pops.” says Unilever® Chief Marketing
and Communication Officer. “Popsicle® ice pops are not only the same delicious treats you had
as a child, they also contain less sugar and calories than similar frozen desserts. We created
Popsicle® Pandemonium to remind people of that.” “My kids loved it! We stood there for almost
30 minutes enjoying our free Popsicle® ice pops and watching this giant Popsicle® melt on the
side of the building. My son insisted we wait until it was all gone so we could see the joke on the
stick!” says Beth Morgan, passer-by during Popsicle® pandemonium event.
Popsicle® ice pops are still the leading brand in frozen desserts. Popsicle® ice pops contain less
sugar and calories than similar competing brands. Compared to ice cream, frozen yogurt, and
other similar frozen ice pops, Popsicle® ice pops are the best option if you’re going to give your
kids a frozen treat. Popsicle® pandemonium implemented a new technology called digital
mapping to create these virtual Popsicle® ice pops. This technology allowed Popsicle® to create
the image for melting Popsicle® ice pops without the mess.
Popsicle® is an American classic, with more than 30 creative variations of the original
Popsicle® product. Two billion Popsicle® ice pops are sold annually. Popsicle® is the most
popular brand of ice pop in the United States and Canada. "Popsicle" is a trademark held
by Unilever.
New York
Attention: Tom Llamas WNBC 4 New York
For release: Sun., August 26
Popsicle® Pandemonium
Giant Popsicle’s® popping up in your city
On National Cherry Popsicle® Day, August 26, 2012 a blueberry Popsicle® ice pop will be
popping up on the Empire State building in the middle of New York City. This Popsicle® ice
pop will appear at noon sharp, but don’t be late on this hot summer day because this Popsicle®
ice pop will quickly melt away! Passer-bys will see a giant blueberry Popsicle® ice pop
projected on the side of the Empire State building for one hour, slowly melting until it’s gone.
Popsicle® ice pops will be given away at the bottom of this virtually melting Popsicle®.
Popsicle® Priorities:
Cherry is the No.1 Popsicle® ice pop flavor.
Popsicle® ice pop sticks have riddles on them, but you can't find out the answer until
you've eaten the whole pop!
The very first "ice cream man" sold Popsicle® ice pops from a horse-drawn cart to
children in Nebraska.
Two billion Popsicle® ice pops are sold annually.
The Twin Popsicle® ice pop was invented during The Great Depression, so two children
could share an ice pop for just a nickel.
Be on the look-out for Popsicle® ice pops popping up in other major cities.
Giant virtual melting Popsicle® ice pops projected on the Empire State building.
Crowds of people watching the Popsicle® ice pop melt.
Crowds of people eating free Popsicle® ice pops.
Rene Gordon, (941) 266-4221
Attention: Sasha Andrade, WPLG Miami
For release: Sun., August 26
Popsicle® Pandemonium
Giant Popsicle’s® popping up in your city
On National Cherry Popsicle® Day, August 26, 2012 a orange Popsicle® ice pop will be
popping up on the Four Seasons hotel in the middle of Miami looking right over the beach. This
Popsicle® ice pop will appear at noon sharp, but don’t be late on this hot summer day because
this Popsicle® ice pop will quickly melt away! Passer-bys will see a giant orange Popsicle® ice
pop projected on the side of the Four Seasons hotel for one hour, slowly melting until it’s gone.
Popsicle® ice pops will be given away at the bottom of this virtually melting Popsicle®.
Popsicle® Priorities:
Cherry is the No.1 Popsicle® ice pop flavor.
Popsicle® ice pop sticks have riddles on them, but you can't find out the answer until
you've eaten the whole pop!
The very first "ice cream man" sold Popsicle® ice pops from a horse-drawn cart to
children in Nebraska.
Two billion Popsicle® ice pops are sold annually.
The Twin Popsicle® ice pop was invented during The Great Depression, so two children
could share an ice pop for just a nickel.
Be on the look-out for Popsicle® ice pops popping up in other major cities.
Giant virtual melting Popsicle® ice pops projected on the Empire State building.
Crowds of people watching the Popsicle® ice pop melt.
Crowds of people eating free Popsicle® ice pops.
Rene Gordon, (941) 266-4221
Atención: Jorge Ebro, El Nuevo Herald
Para supublicación: Sun, 26 deagosto.
Popsicle® Pandemonium
Gigante Popsicles® aparecer en tu ciudad
El diaNacional de Popsicle®sabor de cereza es el 26 de Agosto del 2012. Unagigantesco
Popsicle denaranja Saltara en el hotel Four Seasons en el centro de Miami,
mirandodirectamente a la playa. Este Popsicle® aparecerá al mediodía, no lleguetarde en
este calurosodía de verano yaqueestePopsicle ®se derretirán rápidamente! Los
transeúntesmiraranunPopcicle de Naranjagiganteproyectado a un lado del Four Season
porespacio de unahorahastaque lentamente se derrita.Tambien, recibiranPopcicle en la parte
inferior de estaPaleta Virtual.
Popsicle ® Prioridades:
•El sabor de cerezaes el numero 1
• Los Popciclestienenunacertijo el cual no se puededesifrarhastaque se hayacomidotoda la paleta.
• El primer"Vendedor de Helados” aparece en un carrotiradoporcaballosdandopaletas a losniños
en Nebraska.
• Dos millones de Popsicle ® paletas de hielo se vendenanualmente.
• La Popsicle®gemela fueinventadodurante la Gran Depresión, con la idea que dos
niños pudierancompartir unapaleta porsólo cinco centavos.
• Este atentoparaverPopciclevirtuales en otrasciudades.
• La ProyeccionGigante y virtual deuna paletas de hielo ® aparece proyectada en el edificiodel
Empire State.
• Una multitudes de personas podranven el Popsicle ® derretirse
• Unamultitud de personas quecomen Popsicle ® gratis
Póngase en contacto con: Rene Gordon (941) 266-4221
Attention: Noreen Ahamed-Ullah Chicago Tribune
For release: Sun., August 26
Popsicle® Pandemonium
Giant Popsicle’s® popping up in your city
On National Cherry Popsicle® Day, August 26, 2012 a cherry Popsicle® ice pop will be popping
up on the Willis Tower in the middle of Chicago. This Popsicle® ice pop will appear at noon
sharp, but don’t be late on this hot summer day because this Popsicle® ice pop will quickly melt
away! Passer-bys will see a giant cherry Popsicle® ice pop projected on the side of the Willis
Tower for one hour, slowly melting until it’s gone. Popsicle® ice pops will be given away at the
bottom of this virtually melting Popsicle®.
Popsicle® Priorities:
Cherry is the No.1 Popsicle® ice pop flavor.
Popsicle® ice pop sticks have riddles on them, but you can't find out the answer until
you've eaten the whole pop!
The very first "ice cream man" sold Popsicle® ice pops from a horse-drawn cart to
children in Nebraska.
Two billion Popsicle® ice pops are sold annually.
The Twin Popsicle® ice pop was invented during The Great Depression, so two children
could share an ice pop for just a nickel.
Be on the look-out for Popsicle® ice pops popping up in other major cities.
Giant virtual melting Popsicle® ice pops projected on the Willis Tower.
Crowds of people watching the Popsicle® ice pop melt.
Crowds of people eating free Popsicle® ice pops.
Rene Gordon, (941) 266-4221
Los Angeles
Attention: Jacob Rascon NBS Los Angeles
For release: Sun., August 26
Popsicle® Pandemonium
Giant Popsicle’s® popping up in your city
On National Cherry Popsicle® Day, August 26, 2012 a grape Popsicle® ice pop will be popping
up on the U.S. Bank tower in the middle of Los Angeles C.A. This Popsicle® ice pop will appear
at noon sharp, but don’t be late on this hot summer day because this Popsicle® ice pop will
quickly melt away! Passer-bys will see a giant grape Popsicle® ice pop projected on the side of
the Empire State building for one hour, slowly melting until it’s gone. Popsicle® ice pops will be
given away at the bottom of this virtually melting Popsicle®.
Popsicle® Priorities:
Cherry is the No.1 Popsicle® ice pop flavor.
Popsicle® ice pop stic ks have riddles on them, but you can't find out the answer until
you've eaten the whole pop!
The very first "ice cream man" sold Popsicle® ice pops from a horse-drawn cart to
children in Nebraska.
Two billion Popsicle® ice pops are sold annually.
The Twin Popsicle® ice pop was invented during The Great Depression, so two children
could share an ice pop for just a nickel.
Be on the look-out for Popsicle® ice pops popping up in other major cities.
Giant virtual melting Popsicle® ice pops projected on the Empire State building.
Crowds of people watching the Popsicle® ice pop melt.
Crowds of people eating free Popsicle® ice pops.
Rene Gordon, (941) 266-4221
If it’s Popsicle®, It’s Possible