AP Psychology Name: Forty Studies that Changed Psychology

AP Psychology
Name: ______________________________
Forty Studies that Changed Psychology: Chapter VI Emotion and Motivation
Directions: Answer the following questions using pages 158-168 (at the top) from the handout given out in class
(note: reading 22: I can see it all over your face! will be used in the next unit – so make sure to keep this reading).
1. Who are the two psychologists that studied the physiology of the human sexual response?
2. Although Kinsey’s work is often cited today as a source of statistical information about sexual behavior, what
do the authors believe was lacking in his overall research? What biases could be involved in the reporting
that Kinsey completed?
3. What culturally was going on in the 1960s that would provide an opportunity for Masters and Johnson?
Theoretical Propositions
4. What was Masters and Johnson’s objective to proposing this theory? In other words, what did they want to
do with their findings?
5. What were their two questions they attempted to answer in their research?
Method: Participants
6. What was the issue related to the very first select group that made up their research population?
Participant Orientation and Comfort
7. This type of research can obviously create real emotional difficulties. To help the participants be at ease with
the procedures, what did Masters and Johnson do with their teams? In other words – how did they make this
research more ethical?
Results: The Sexual Response Cycle
8. Fill in the chart below with a short description of the stage of sexual responses according to Masters and
Sexual Anatomy
9. What were the two “phallic fallacies” they found in their research? What was the conclusion – in other
words, does size matter?
Female and Male Differences in Sexual Response
10. What is the difference in resolution between males and females?
1. Fill in the chart below with a short description of the stage of sexual responses according to Kaplan
2. Under Kaplan’s model, did she add a psychological component, if so, what was it? What was her comment on
the plateau stage?
Recent Applications:
3. A modern study done by Bancroft looked at whether women’s sexual problems may be viewed as similar to
men’s sexual problems and to what extent pharmacological treatments might be helpful for women. What
was the conclusion of the study?
Masters and Johnson’s Stages of Sexual Response Cycle
Kaplan’s Sexual Response Cycle