Periodic Table Quiz

Periodic Table Quiz
Good Luck! =]
By Alex Bennett
Who was credited for the creation of
the first periodic table?
a) Dobereiner
b) Mendeleev
c) Chancourtois
Answer: b
How many groups (columns) are there
on the periodic table?
a) 18
b) 11
c) 7
Answer: a
How many families in total make up the
periodic table?
a) 9
b) 11
c) 8
Answer: b
How are elements ordered on the
periodic table?
a) alphabetically
b) by increasing atomic number
c) by increasing atomic mass
Answer: b
What is atomic mass?
a) The mass of an atom
b) The amount of atoms that make up one
c) How many protons the atom contains
Answer: a
Where is the atomic mass located?
Answer: c
How many periods (rows) are on the
periodic table?
a) 18
b) 7
c) 5
Answer: b
How many elements are known
a) 117
b) 115
c) 112
Answer: all correct*
*there were many different answers to
this question while researching
Are there always an equal number of
protons and electrons in an atom?
a) No
b) Yes
Answer: b
If there is not, it is called an ion.
What is the most common element?
a) Carbon
b) Oxygen
c) Hydrogen
Answer: c
What is an element?
a) A substance that is made entirely from
one type of atom
b) Any substance that contains some the
atoms on the periodic table
c) A substance which contains two or more
types of atoms
Answer: a
Are all elements natural?
a) Yes
b) No
Answer: b
Some elements have been created.
What makes noble gases special?
a) Can conduct heat and electricity well
b) Extremely reactive
c) They all contain 7 electrons on their
outer shell
Answer: c
Elements in the same families have
similar chemical and physical
properties. Why?
a) Same number of valance electrons
b) It turned out that way when the Periodic
Table was created
c) They all form different ions
Answer: a
What happens to the reactivity of
elements as you move from the left to
the right?
a) Decreases
b) Increases
c) Random
Answer: a
Noble gases are towards the right.
The elements that belong to the nonmetal family are found where on the
Periodic Table?
a) Far left
b) Bottom
c) Top right
Answer: c
An equal number of protons and
neutrons in an atom usually results in
an atom that is…?
a)… radioactive
b)… stable
c)… unable to bond with other atoms
Answer: b
The first element in the Periodic Table
a) Carbon
b) Hydrogen
c) Helium
Answer: b
The atomic number is 1.
What is the difference between an
atom and an element?
a) An element is a basic substance while an
atom is the smallest part of an element
b) Elements contain more than one type of
atom and atoms are singular
c) Elements can be split and atoms can’t be
Answer: a
When was the latest element
a) 1998
b) 1987
c) 2006
Answer: c
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