“The Interlopers” Elements of Fiction

Grammar Warm Up
August 27/28
Look at the phrases listed below. Unscramble the parts so that you have ONE
sentence written in an order that makes sense. THEN, underline nouns, circle verbs,
place “ADJ” above the adjectives, and place “ADV” above the adverbs
swiftly through the darkness
in the night
as Rainsford
of the engine
but the muffled throb
that drove the yacht
and the swish and ripple
sat there
of the propreller
There was no sound
of the wash
So, what did you come up with?
Original Sentence:
There was no sound in the night as
Rainsford sat there but the muffled throb
of the engine that drove the yacht swiftly
through the darkness, and the swish and
ripple of the wash of the propeller.
Nouns: a person, place, thing, or idea
Verbs: words that show an action, state, or occurrence
What about adjectives and adverbs?
Write Adj above the adjectives and Adv above the adverbs.
Original Sentence:
There was no sound in the nightADJ
Rainsford sat there but the muffled throb
of the engine that drove the yacht swiftly
through the darkness, and the swish and
ripple of the wash of the propeller.
Adjectives: describe a noun by answering “what kind,”
“which one,” or “how many.”
Adverbs: used to describe an adjective, verb, or another
adverb by answering “when,” “where,” or “how.”
Pixar Shorts: “Partly Cloudy”
Can you find elements of fiction here?
Pixar Shorts: “For the Birds”
Can you find elements of fiction here?
Freytag’s Pyramid
Is this how stories actually
develop though?
Yes and no. The pieces are all correct, but how are
you limited as a storyteller if you follow this?
Think about it this way, if you are watching a mystery or
suspense or a
sci-fi thriller, is there only going to be one twist?
Listen to the brief clips of music. Think about
what is about to happen. How do you know that?
Modified Pyramid
As we read “Interlopers,” create a plot
Create the following chart:
As we read, jot down line numbers where
you see these elements of fiction.
Modern stories that compare…
Quote, Analyze, Comment
In your chart,
 Find 2 quotes that depict your
element. Write the quote. “Quote,”
(Saki #).
 Under the appropriate quote,
explain how this excerpt depicts
your element of fiction. Also
comment on what affect this
element has on the story.
Be prepared to share/teach your findings.