2015 World Pork Expo Outlook Seminars Steve R. Meyer, Ph.D. Vice-President, Pork Analysis EMI Analytics, Inc. Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge The gospel according to Yogi . . . “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Key factors for 2015 and beyond PEDv – or lack of it in U.S. hog herd HPAI in U.S. poultry – HUGE hit on layers/eggs, only meat impact is turkey, chicken is okay -- so far – but represents the largest risk Beef herd rebuilding is under way – limiting current supplies Fewer corn acres, more soybean acres – but the issue is, as usual, weather U.S. consumer demand has been GREAT – will it hold? The U.S. dollar Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Corn/Soybean Meal Outlook Farm Returns • Negative returns for corn and soybeans 2015 • Cash Flow Issues • Cost adjustments likely in 2016 • Rent, Seed, Fertilizer Ethanol • Margins Positive Again • EPA Proposed lowering mandate • Maybe they will actually follow through this time Soybeans • Brazil, Argentina, US all record production • 2015 record forecast for US • Expect lower meal prices assuming normal weather Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Adequate Subsoil Moisture for Most of Midwest. Flooding in some areas. Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge US Ethanol Average Profitability Model CBOT Corn and Ethanol 45 40 May 2015 Forward Forecast 35 30 Cents/Gallon 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge CORN USDA EMI Forecast Forecast 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 EMI Forecast 2011/2012 2012/2013 91.9 84.0 147.2 97.2 87.4 123.4 95.4 87.5 158.1 90.6 83.1 171.0 89.2 81.7 166.8 88.0 80.7 167.4 Beginning Stocks (mill bu.) Production Imports Total Supply 1,128 12,360 29 13,516 989 10,780 162 11,932 821 13,829 36 14,686 1,232 14,216 25 15,472 1,851 13,628 25 15,504 1,851 13,509 25 15,385 Feed and Residual Food, Seed and Industrial Ethanol Total Domestic Exports Total Use Ending Stocks 4,548 6,437 5,011 10,985 1,543 12,527 989 4,335 6,044 4,648 10,379 731 11,111 821 5,036 6,501 5,134 11,537 1,917 13,454 1,232 5,250 6,547 5,200 11,797 1,825 13,622 1,851 5,300 6,560 5,200 11,860 1,900 13,760 1,744 5,300 6,450 5,150 11,750 1,950 13,700 1,685 13.59% 12.67% 12.30% Planted (million acres) Harvested Yield (bu./acre) STOCKS TO USE 7.89% 7.39% 9.16% 2016/2017 Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge World Coarse Grain Ending Stocks USDA 225 200 2015 Forward Forecast Million Metric Tons 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 World 2009 2010 China 2011 United States 2012 Argentina 2013 Brazil EU 27 2014 2015 Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge World Coarse Grain Stocks and CBOT Price 8 CBOT 4th QRT Avg. Price 7 6 R2 = 0.8868 5 4 2015 2014 3 2 R2 = 0.8246 1 0 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 World Coarse Grain Stocks (Excludes China) 1990 - 2005 2006 - 2014 Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge CBOT Corn Futures nearby futures, roll on first of month 8.50 Dollars per Bushel 7.50 6.50 5.50 4.50 3.50 May 2015 forward forecast 2.50 1.50 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge WASDE Forecast continued increase. Will that happen? Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge SOYBEANS Planted (million acres) Harvested Yield (bu./acre) 2011/2012 75.0 73.8 41.9 2012/2013 77.2 76.2 39.8 2013/2014 76.8 76.3 44.0 USDA Forecast 2014/2015 EMI Forecast 2015/2016 83.7 83.1 47.8 84.6 83.7 46.0 EMI Forecast 2016/2017 82.0 81.0 46.2 Beginning Stocks (mill bu.) Production Imports Total Supply 215 3,094 16 3,325 169 3,034 36 3,239 141 3,358 72 3,570 92 3,969 30 4,091 350 3,850 30 4,230 500 3,743 17 4,260 Crushings Exports Seed Residual Total Use Ending Stocks 1,703 1,360 90 2 3,155 169 1,689 1,320 89 1 3,098 141 1,734 1,647 98 3,478 92 1,805 1,800 98 38 3,741 350 1,825 1,775 92 38 3,730 500 1,825 1,800 90 74 3,789 471 STOCKS TO USE 5.35% 4.54% 2.65% 9.35% 13.40% 12.44% Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge CBOT Soybean Meal Futures nearby futures, roll on first of month 570 520 470 Dollars per Ton 420 370 320 270 220 May 2015 forward forecast 170 120 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Domestic demand is strong – export demand has been difficult. Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge 2014 4-species RPCE: Yr/yr higher since January HUGE positive months in Aug - Dec Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Domestic demand remains strong thru March Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge It appears that preferences have shifted Will this shift hold? Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Animal protein demand has been growing since ‘10 January’s $67.38 the highest since September ‘90 ‘14 4-species RPCE +5% vs. ‘13, +9% vs. ‘12 Drivers: o o o o Growing concern about carbs – LeBron? Fading fat phobia New appreciation for “good” from fats – Big Fat Surprise Better view of medical and dietician communities Can this be sustained? Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Major trend changes for pork November’s $18.91 the highest since December ‘90 Pork RPCE is now well ahead of 2004 levels which were driven by Atkins diet Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Same trend for beef and chicken Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge ’14 per capita consumption was 201 lbs Forecast to increase to 210 in ‘15 & ‘16 Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge The evidence of strong demand is prices Beef record in March & April; Pork higher, yr/yr thru March Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge GDP: Yr/yr growth revised to 2.4% in Q4, 2.7% in Q1 Trade was a major drag, consumer spending growing -- some Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge RPDI growth was MUCH better in ‘14 Up 1.7% for the year; Feb was revised down but YTD ’15 is +3% Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Consumer attitudes have improved – Topping? Both indexes are still near their highest levels since 2007 Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Restaurant Performance Index – highest since ‘04 Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge And now – “cheap” oil and sub-$2 gas? Weekly crude oil futures Monthly RBOB gasoline futures Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Current price ratios are WAY out of whack! …especially at the wholesale level – but they are correcting! Pork seasonal strength is closing wholesale gap Retail price data is very “laggy” and won’t reflect featuring – volumes?? Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge The biggest demand challenge is EXPORTS Beef has struggled in ‘14; pork struggles began in July ‘14 Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Big issue #1: The low-hanging fruit has been picked! Flood of trade agreements in ‘90s – CFTA, NAFTA, Uruguay Good number of unilateral agreements in ‘00s – CA/DR, Chile, Colombia, Australia – but running out of new partners Potential game changer: Trans-Pacific Partnership o Big impact will be Japan – remove gate price mechanism o REQUIRES Trade Promotion Authority TTIP (EU) – still in doubt – and I seriously doubt that it will do us any good as EU are PROFESSIONAL PROTECTIONISTS Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Big issue #2: West Coast port slowdown Began last July and got “serious” in December-January Tentative agreement and back to work on February 22 New contract ratified May 22 Backlog has been partially cleared many do not expect activity to be normal until late June Two issues remain: Flood of product is now at importing countries’ ports, restoring broken relationships Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Big issue #3: The U.S. dollar Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Oil and $U.S. are negatively correlated Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Total frozen meat/poultry 20.1% on April 30 Feb-Mar surge due to ports; April due to pork, HPAI Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge On April 30: Pork +20%, Beef +19%, Chicken +32% Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Avian Influenza Situation through May 16 o 5.742 mil. turkeys lost– 2.4% of 2014 slaughter = 235 mil. o Layers – 27.693 mil. total, mostly in IA, MN & WI o Broilers – One flock in CA, one “broiler” breeder flock in IA??? The Southeast is critical o Arkansas: #3 for broiler and turkey production o Eastern TX and OK are not far away! VERY little actual impact on beef or pork What about this fall? Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Locations and types of farms Source: Steiner Consulting Group Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Location of turkeys – USDA NASS Losses are subsiding ‘14 Slaughter o MN: 19% o AR: 13% o NC: 12% o IN: 8% o MO: 7% Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Location of broilers – USDA NASS ‘14 production o GA: 15% o AL: 12% o AR: 11% o NC: 9% o MS: 9% BIG FEAR: Fall migration thru AR, TX, OK Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Location of layers – USDA NASS Losses are subsiding ‘14 production o IA: 16% o OH: 9% o IN: 8% o PA: 8% o TX: 5% Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Chicken inventories are burdensome! Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Broiler flock: Growth rate is increasing Yr/yr growth 1.5 to 2.5% July-March; 3% & 3.5% April & May Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Egg sets, placements are growing steadily And productivity is finally moving back to long-term norm Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Chicken output is sharply higher YTD On modest slaughter growth and HUGE birds! Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Prices: Above 5-yr avg except for leg quarters Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Expectations for chicken GROWTH – 3 to 4% and that may well be LOW! o Companies are solving problems, big profit incentive o BIG increase in bird weights will drive production Chicken prices o o o o 2.5-4.0# WOGs -- $101 to $104 rest of ’15 and 1st half of ‘16 Med. B/S Breast -- $162-$165 thru Aug, $155 Sept, $130-$130 rest of ’15, stronger 1st half of 2016 Whole wings -- $128 to $140 rest of ‘15, sharply lower in ‘16 (as much as 15% lower in Q2) Leg quarters -- $31 to $34 rest of ’15, $45-$50 1st half of ‘16 Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Turkey supplies hit hard by HPAI Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Q4 turkey output still up 4% from ‘14 Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Turkey prices mixed due to HPAI & exports 16-24 Toms and 8-15 Hens both $113 $120 rest of 2015 – some topside risk 4-8 frozen breasts -- $128 - $130 Frozen thigh meat -- $130 - $142 (far below last year’s $175 MD turkey (frozen) -- $26 to $30 Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge The key for beef growth is WEATHER! Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Beef: Unprecedented cow/calf profits! But will ‘15 be this good? Feeders are down $30+ Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge But short term – Feeder cattle supplies are still tight Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Fed cattle supplies still VERY tight USDA Cattle on Feed Report -- May 2015 Thous. Hd. 2014 On-Feed May 1 10554 Placed in April 1623 Marketed in April 1778 Source: USDA NASS, *Urner Barry 2015 10,640 1,548 1,639 survey, 2015 as pct. of 2014 EstiDifferActual mate* ence 100.8 101.7 -0.9 95.4 102.4 -7.0 92.2 92.4 -0.2 average responses Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Cattle slaughter was down 10-12% in March-April Has increased some in May – but weights have filled the gap Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge U.S. beef imports: Up 31% in ‘14, 47% YTD Big gain WAS Australia @ +73%, +96%; NZ is +28 in ‘15 Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Beef consumption/supply -3.7% in ‘14 Down another 0.5% this year and another 1.7% in 2016! Livestock Marketing Information Center Data Source: USDA-NASS Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Cutouts and cattle prices will stay near records We expect a normal seasonal decline this summer on higher slaughter Short April placements are bullish for fall prices Choice cutout $240-$250 range this summer, challenging record highs this fall Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Cattle continue to get better! But Choice-grade premium is still “normal” Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge “The Story” on beef is RECORD middle meats! Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Cattle and beef summary . . . Growth – but characteristically slow o Biology, producer age, capital cost are all limiting factors o Growth means tighter near term supply HIGH prices through 2015 and 2016 will provide opportunities for competitors Winter futures selloff was technicals – not supported by product or cattle Question: Long-term impacts of VERY HIGH prices on beef consumers? Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Exports have been soft – prices, $, ports, etc. Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Big factor has been EU pork displaced from Russia 40,000 tonnes of pork had to find a home! Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Key Markets: Mexico a clear #1, Japan #1 for value 2014 was a TOUGH year o Russia: +495% (but only 37% as large as in ‘13) o Ch/HK: -30% o Japan: -8% o Canada: -6% 2015 has been mixed o o o o Ch/HK: -72%, Japan -20% Mexico is UP 12% Korea is UP 43% Canada is UP 2% Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Hog costs are MUCH improved, price rally = PROFITS! Normal weather: Even lower (upper $60s) in ‘16 Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Where are the hogs coming from and how long will they be coming? Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Good news-or bad: PEDv losses much smaller New high wk. of 3/15 at 161 vs. 291 last year Many are “monitoring” and at G/F sites – NOT MUCH DEATH LOSS Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Key development: Few sow herd breaks Data from 746 sow farm, 18 of 19 large systems reporting, 2.1 million sows! Worst weeks in ‘15: 9 sow herds broke in two week in late February Anecdotal: MUCH smaller piglet losses even on farms that broke this year! Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge PRRS was much quieter in ‘13-’14 – and now U.M.’s PRRS sample does not cover N.C. where 174 strain is causing significant losses in February-April Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Hogs & Pigs report: Big market hog supply But growth is slowing – bullish for defered contracts USDA QUARTERLY HOGS & PIGS REPORT March 27, 2015 Category Inventories on March 1 All hogs and pigs Kept for breeding Kept for marketing Under 50 lbs. 50-119 lbs. 120-179 lbs. 180 lbs. and over Farrowings Dec-Feb sows farrowed Mar-May Intentions June-Aug Intentions Dec-Feb Pig Crop Dec-Feb pigs saved per litter 2014 61494 5851 55643 17336 15487 12538 10281 2,763 2,810 2,991 26,326 9.53 *Thousand head ** Thousand Litters '15 as Pct of '14 PreReport Est's1 Actual minus Est. 65934 5982 59953 18959 16509 13290 11195 107.2 102.2 107.7 109.4 106.6 106.0 108.9 106.8 103.5 107.2 108.6 106.8 106.1 107.0 0.4 -1.3 0.5 0.8 -0.2 -0.1 1.9 2829 2870 2927 28758 10.17 102.4 102.1 97.9 109.2 106.7 103.7 103.1 102.7 109.2 105.3 -1.3 -1.0 -4.8 0.0 1.4 2015 1 Source: Urner Barry Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Productivity measures are critical for ‘15! Implied farrowing rates - Mar-May rate is equal to past two years – Low? - Jun-Aug intentions down 2.1% yr/yr is a reflection of last year’s surge – re-breeds of lost litters - June-Aug rate is reasonable Other farrowing rate issues: - Problems in post-PEDv herds? - Sow herd ages (parity structure) were/are out of whack due to slow sow turnover in 2014 Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Will these changes happen? Yr/yr litter growth will slow sharply o Dec-Feb was +6.7% – exactly what we said in Dec if PEDv losses were zero o Mar-May is +5.7% due to last year o But Jun-Aug will be only about +2% yr/yr Back on the 2%/yr growth trend – with a lost year Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge December slaughter forecasts Too low thru Mar. but then similar to ‘13 the rest of 2015 Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge March H&P: BIG NUMBERS summer and fall But Jun-Aug crop EQUAL to this year – and Dec-Feb slaughter Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Weights are now yr/yr lower will REDUCE ‘15 prod by 1.5 to 2%, maybe more Weight reduction vs. year ago was a big reason for higher-than-expected slaughter in Q1-- ~2/3 of the total Q1 change Weights have been stable for 8 weeks after rapid decline but will fall further – seasonal pattern Normal seasonal: 208 in July – down 3% yr/yr Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge 2014 production ended down only 1.4% …but is up 6.8% YTD, 8.2% last week Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Slaughter forecasts from March H&P March 2015 Hogs & Pigs -- Commercial Slaughter Forecasts Mizzou Mil. Hd 2013 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year 2014 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year* 2015 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year 2016 Q1 % Chnge ISU Mil. Hd LMIC % Chnge Mil. Hd % Chnge Paragon Mil. Hd ACTUAL % Chnge Mil. Hd % Chnge 27.870 -0.8% 26.778 27.668 29.808 0.4% -1.1% 0.8% 112.124 -1.0% 27.580 -1.0% 27.428 -1.6% 27.214 -2.4% 27.320 -2.0% 27.134 -2.6% 25.420 26.459 -5.1% -4.4% 25.787 26.340 -3.7% -4.8% 25.572 26.173 -4.5% -5.4% 25.020 25.520 -6.6% -7.8% 25.574 25.554 -4.5% -7.6% 28.930 107.192 -2.9% -4.4% 28.795 107.057 -3.4% -4.5% 28.826 107.088 -3.3% -4.5% 28.912 107.174 -3.0% -4.4% 28.617 106.879 -4.0% -4.7% 28.721 27.238 5.8% 6.5% 28.670 27.185 5.7% 7.0% 28.670 27.236 5.7% 6.5% 28.670 5.7% 6.3% 28.690 27.358 27.898 29.800 113.657 9.2% 4.1% 6.3% 27.854 30.448 114.158 9.0% 6.4% 6.8% 27.738 30.585 114.371 8.5% 6.9% 7.0% 27.905 29.762 113.573 9.2% 4.0% 6.3% 28.928 0.9% 29.645 3.4% 29.845 4.1% Red figures are analysts' last FORECAST for the given quarter (Q1 done in Dec, Q2 done in Mar, etc.) Blue figures are estimated using USDA data *Annual total uses actuals to-date plus forecasts for the rest of the year. 3/30/15 Q1-Q3 revised higher, Q4 revised lower Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Price forecasts – I’m the bull of the group! March 2015 Hogs & Pigs -- Price Forecasts 2013 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year 2014 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year 2015 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year 2016 Q1 Mizzou Producer-Sold Net Price, All Methods 83.53 91.80 97.90 84.99 89.56 93.10 113.54 111.84 91.83 102.23 66.50 70 - 74 70 - 74 64 - 68 68 - 72 Blue figures are estimated using USDA data ISU Ia-Mn Producer-Sold Neg'd Base 80.63 89.30 95.58 81.28 86.70 93.10 115.36 111.77 90.49 101.68 64.10 68 - 73 69 - 74 61 - 66 66 - 69 64 - 69 LMIC National Wtd Avg. Base Price 81.08 89.32 95.25 82.98 87.16 91.34 111.61 109.63 90.08 100.31 68.95 70 - 74 70 - 75 60 - 66 67 - 71 62 - 69 Paragon National Net Neg'd Price, Wtd. Avg. 82.73 90.83 98.00 85.26 89.21 93.80 116.83 114.25 91.41 102.95 70.82 74 - 78 78 - 82 70 - 74 73 - 76 70 - 74 CME CME Lean Hog Futures/Index 83.34 90.66 98.98 83.93 89.23 94.91 117.48 115.70 91.85 104.99 68.59 75.93 81.17 70.93 74.15 71.33 6/1/15 Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Packers aren’t enjoying this much either Big factor is drop value – down by over 40% since end of July Lower drop value has hurt hog bids – they are part of the cutout-to-live computation by packers Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Pork stocks are a problem – ports, output 3/31 picnics (+23), butts (+28), trim (+52), Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge 2015 price forecasts: 3-10% below 2013 …and very near the 5-year averages Same is true for cutout value – normal summer rally from here would put it near $100 Cutout has pulled hogs higher – likely will eclipse $90 Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge “Retail” cut are at or above 5-year averages …and even better in the case of ribs which did not rise on PEDv scare last year -- BIG stocks! Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge “Processing” cuts have improved, but still lag retail cuts Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Key pork cuts Item June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Hogs, Prod-sold, Net 84 84 83 78 74 72 USDA Cutout 90 92 94 88 85 82 1/4" Trim Loins 126 127 130 122 118 110 1/4" Trim Butts 135 130 124 119 112 111 20-23 Hams 72 78 80 84 84 82 13-17 Derind Belly 123 130 134 120 112 104 42CL Trim 40 42 45 40 33 31 72CL Trim 75 80 76 68 66 60 Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Risks – and some are reality MCOOL retaliatory tariffs Major export disruption – with a capital D! Weather – always a concern in spring PEDv impact this coming winter – immunity levels??? Demand weakening o Domestic: Newly positive preferences continue? o Exports: World economy, strong $U.S. How much expansion in pigs and chicken? Hogs: Packing capacity – New plant in ’17 Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge Questions and Discussion? Paragon Economics, Inc. From information, knowledge