
. U.S. Government .
Organization of Congress – Chapters 6 and 7
Define (1 point each)
Fill in
National Budget – the yearly financial plan for the national government
Impoundment – the President’s refusal to spend money Congress has voted to fund a program
Immunity – freedom of prosecution
Implied Powers – powers not specified in the Constitution
Legislative Veto – the provisions Congress wrote into some laws that allowed it to review and cancel actions of
executive agencies
Subpoena - compels witness to appear
Short Answers: (2 points each)
1. How are expressed powers and implied powers related?
Implied powers are necessary to carry out expressed powers
2. Why has the power to regulate interstate commerce become such an important power of Congress?
The definition of interstate commerce has expanded to give Congress authority over virtually everything that
crosses state lines.
3. List five non-legislative powers of Congress. (1/2 point each)
1) Congress chooses the president and vice president if no candidate has a majority in the Electoral College
2) Charges federal officials suspected of misconduct in office and removes them if guilty
3) Proposes amendments to the Constitution
4) Senate Confirms presidential appointments of federal officials
5) Senate ratifies treaties
4. Identify three powers that Congress and the President share. (1/2 point each)
1) Paying expenses
2) Appointing federal officials
3) Making treaties
Organization of Congress – Chapters 6 and 7
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5. What are the main causes of conflict between the president and Congress? (1 point)
Causes include different constituencies, the system of checks and balance, congressional organization, party
politics and different political timetables
6. Why do so few bills become laws? (1 point)
The process provides opportunities to kill a bill. Many bills are introduced that have little chance of
becoming law.
7. List four ways lawmakers can keep in touch with voters’ opinions. (1/2 point each)
1) Trips home
2) Screening mail / email
3) Questionnaires
4) Opinion surveys
8. What influence does the President have on Congress? (1 point)
Presidents can use the media to rally public opinion for or against a policy. They can also grant or withhold
support for projects important to lawmaker’s constituents.
9. What is the difference between allocation of grants and contracts pork barrel legislation? (1/2 point each)
1) Grants and contracts: Lawmakers appeal to agencies of the executive branch
2) Pork Barrel: Congress appropriates money
10. Fill in the areas indicated by the arrows - 10 points each following page
Organization of Congress – Chapters 6 and 7
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Organization of Congress – Chapters 6 and 7
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Organization of Congress – Chapters 6 and 7
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Organization of Congress – Chapters 6 and 7
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