Celebrando “Cinco de Mayo” La capital de Mexico es Mexico city (La ciudad de Mexico). La bandera de Mexico La bandera de Mexico es de color verde, blanco y rojo. Language of Mexico El idioma de los Mexicanos •Main languages spoken: Spanish, lenguas Maya and other indigenous languages. • Spanish is the official language of Mexico and was introduced through conquest and colonization. Mexican Spanish has its roots in the Spanish of Spain. Culture of Mexico Holidays-Días Festivos Cinco de Mayo: •In 1862, due to the tremendous cost of the Mexican War against the United States from 1846 to 1848 — which led to the loss of half of its territory — the Mexican government of Benito Juarez was forced to suspend payments of Mexico’s foreign debt to some European countries. •On July 17, 1861, payments were stopped to foreign countries-France, Britain and Spain .Payments would be suspended for two years. Britain and Spain negotiated with Mexico and withdrew. • On the evening of May 5, 1862 in the city of Puebla, the Mexican General Ignacio Zaragoza led his soldiers in a battle against the French invaders, resulting in victory for the Mexicans against the French soldiers. • France, however, dispatched more troops, and in 1863 conquered Mexico City. •Independence Day: Mexico declared its independence from mother Spain at midnight, the 15th of September, 1810. Celebrates freedom and liberty. Mexico celebrates their independec day on September 16th. Culture of Mexico Las artes •Mexico, its history, and its people became the single most important themes of the huge murals that decorate the walls of public buildings. One of the most well-known exponents of the Mexican Muralist school is Diego Rivera (1886–1957). •The Sueño de una tarde dominical en la Alameda Central (Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in the Alameda) Culture of Mexico Las artes •In recent years, the eccentric paintings of Frida Kahlo (1907–1954) have attracted worldwide attention. Música: Los Mariachis Mexico City