budget periods

Module 5: Budget
• Welcome to the Cayuse424 Budget module.
• In this module you will learn:
Cayuse424 Basic Budget Concepts
How to use Cayuse424 to create a:
Detailed Budget
Modular Budget
Subaward Budget
Cayuse424 Basic Budget Concepts
• Cayuse424 allows you to
start building your budget
at any point in the form
set, including on the:
Detailed Budget pages.
Modular Budget page.
Subaward Budget page as
a worksheet or a separate
subaward proposal.
Start Building Your Budget Anywhere
Start here?
Start here?
Start here?
Cayuse424 Basic Budget Concepts
• Cayuse424 supports budget preparation as follows:
– Autofills Principal Investigator and Senior/Key Persons
information from their Professional Profiles.
– Functions like a spreadsheet and performs budget
calculations once salary, effort and other requested fund
amounts are specified.
– Allows users to override auto-filled salary amounts as
– Performs cost replication and escalation for all budget
categories on multiple budget periods.
Key Variables
 There are several key variables that come into play on
the budget forms.
 Each variable is discussed on the next several slides.
• The budget function sources salary information for PIs and
Senior/Key Persons from their respective Professional Profiles.
Salary is based on appointment type (e.g., calendar, academic).
Cayuse424 cannot auto-calculate salary fields on the budget
pages unless appointment type and salary are specified in the
Professional Profile.
Salary for Principal Investigators is autofilled on the budget
pages when the proposal is created.
Salary for Senior/Key Persons can be autofilled once they are
added to the proposal.
In the event salary data can not be sourced from the
Professional Profile or it is autofilled with incorrect information
it can be entered directly into the appropriate field(s) on the
budget pages.
Fringe Rates
• Institutional Base Fringe Rate and other fringe rates are
set in the Institutional Profile.
Default rates for individuals are set once they are
affiliated with an institution.
Fringe rates specific to an individual can be added in
their Professional Profile.
Pertinent fringe rates are applied automatically to all
salary calculations.
Autofilled fringe rates can be overridden if required.
Indirect Costs
• Indirect Costs are set up in the Institutional Profile
– Indirect Cost Type Defaults for Budget Page Items
– Additional Indirect Cost Types along with their default settings
• When you create a proposal and name the institution all indirect
cost type information associated with that institution is used as
a basis for budget calculations.
• If you name a Key Person who represents a sub-institution, the
indirect cost types for that institution will be used in calculations
for that person.
Budget Periods
• Up to five budget periods can be specified.
• The number of Budget Periods can be changed once
the proposal is created.
• When working with multiple budget periods, it is
important to ensure that the correct data (e.g., months
of effort, IDC rates, travel expenses, etc.) is input for all
relevant budget periods; otherwise the proper
calculations will not occur.
Cayuse424: Integrating Data and Function
 Each key component within Cayuse424 works together to make
budget preparation fast and convenient.
Institutional Profiles (IP) store:
• Fringe Rates & Benefits
• Indirect Costs Categories
• Indirect Cost Types Defaults
• Escalation Types
Professional Profiles (PP) store:
• Appointment Type
• Salary
• Fringe Rates that apply to PP
Cayuse424 Autofills Budget
Pages with:
• Institutional Profile data
• Professional Profile data
• Edits imported information (if
• Overrides salary (if necessary)
• Adds key and other personnel
• Inputs effort/all budget periods
• Enters all relevant budget info
Cayuse424 Calculates:
• Requested Salary
• Fringe Benefits
• Funds Requested
Detailed Budget
SF424RR Budget
The complete SF424 budget forms set is displayed on all proposals whose
opportunities require detailed budgets.
Use Cayuse424 to:
Edit budget periods.
Edit PI information.
Add Senior/Key Persons.
Add Additional Personnel.
Add Equipment.
Calculate salary and fringe benefits.
Override salary, IDC and fringe rates that were auto-filled but require adjustment.
Replicate budget information into multiple budget periods.
Escalate budget information over multiple budget periods.
Attach budget justification information.
SF424RR Budget
• In the remaining slides of this Budget Module, you will learn:
Special features of Cayuse424 relative to completing the budget pages.
How to use those features to complete the budget pages of the SF424
form set.
Two methods for linking subaward budgets to your primary proposal.
SF424RR Budget: Section A
• In Section A, use Cayuse424 to:
Manage Budget Period(s)
Manage information about Senior/Key Persons
Edit Principal Investigator Salary Information.
Input Principal Investigator Effort.
Add/Edit Key Persons.
Autofill information for Key Persons.
Override Autofill budget information if required for PI or Senior/Key
Manage Budget Periods
Set Start Date and End Date for budget period(s) by clicking on the calendar.
Note: Cayuse424 allows you to set and edit the period start and stop dates in
several places, including here and on SF424 RR Page 1.
Manage Budget Periods
Number of periods
is pre-defined when
you create the
proposal. Edit now,
if required.
Select Period
Length using dropdown menu.
Manage Budget Periods
• Click calendar and select desired Start Date.
Manage Budget Periods
Cayuse424 autofills
start and end dates for
all budget periods,
based on selections.
Click Set Dates to
autofill dates onto
your proposal.
Manage Budget Periods
Once Budget Periods are defined, salary information is autofilled for the PI for all
Budget Periods.
Use the Budget Period drop down menu to navigate to different budget periods
and view or input information for that period.
Manage Information About Senior/Key Personnel
Verify/edit Principal Investigator Salary Information
If salary information is not auto-filled that means it wasn’t present on the Professional
Profile. When this is the case, you must enter salary information manually.
Enter Cal Months (or Acad. Months) or percent of effort (e.g., 12%) for all budget periods. If
you enter a percent the system will convert it to the appropriate months.
Cayuse424 will auto-calculate fringe benefits and requested salary.
Manage Information About Senior/Key Personnel
Adding Key Person(s)
Key Persons are generally added on the SF424 RR Key Persons page, however
you can also add them and edit their data on Section A of the budget form.
To add a Key Person click Add/Edit KP icon
Manage Information About Senior/Key Personnel
On the Key Persons
Autofill Window:
Select Key Person
you are adding by
clicking the box next
to their name.
Specify Role using
the drop-down
Manage Information About Senior/Key Personnel
• Adding Key Persons
Review budget periods
If necessary, change
budget periods for Key
Person to reflect actual
If you unclick a budget
period the name and
salary will not appear for
that budget period.
Manage Information About Senior/Key Personnel
Adding Key Persons (cont’d)
Review salary information
Verify salary
information is correct
for all budget periods.
If no salary
information exists or it
is incorrect, input
correct salary for all
relevant budget
Manage Information About Senior/Key Personnel
Adding Key Persons (cont’d)
Enter Months (or %
effort) – calendar or
academic – as
appropriate, for each
budget period.
Cayuse424 will autocalculate Required
Salary, Fringe Benefits
and Funds Requested.
You can opt to enter
effort on the actual
budget pages later, if
you choose.
Manage Information About Senior/Key Personnel
• Adding Key Persons
Click Close Autofill
Window after you
have made all
necessary edits.
Cayuse424 will
autofill all
information and
return you to the
budget page.
Manage Information About Senior/Key Personnel
Edit Key Persons autofilled fields (if required)
Once data is autofilled you can manually change any field.
If you override a calculated field, the system will insert a red star adjacent to the field.
Auto-calculate will no longer work on that field.
Manage Information About Senior/Key Personnel
• Adding Key Persons “On-the-Fly”
Quickly create a Professional Profile from within the proposal
Click on Add/Edit Key Person
Click on Create New Key Person
Manage Information About Senior/Key Personnel
Adding Key Persons “On-the-Fly” (cont.)
Fill out form and click Save
A Professional Profile will be created in addition to the Key Person being added to the
Detailed Budget page and Key Person page
Adding Other Personnel
Add Other Personnel in Section B.
• Manually enter:
Number, Role, Months, Requested Salary and Fringe Benefits.
Select Indirect Cost Type for Sections A and B using drop down menu.
Adding Other Personnel
Cayuse424 applies the
correct rate to Key/Senior
Persons and Other
Personnel and autocalculates Funds
Requested ($) and Total
Salary, Wage and Fringe
Sections C, D, E
• In Sections C, D & E of
the detailed budget
page, you may:
Request New Equipment by
listing the item(s) and dollar
amount(s) for each piece of
equipment exceeding $5000.
Enter requested travel
Enter requested
Participant/Trainee Support
Requesting New Equipment
To request new equipment:
Click to budget period in which you wish to add
Click New Equipment Row.
Enter name of equipment item.
Enter funds requested.
Select Indirect Cost Type using drop down
Repeat for all equipment in appropriate budget
Cayuse424 will auto-calculate Total
Equipment and auto-fill on the cumulative
budget page.
Requesting Travel Expenses
To enter requested travel expenses:
Click to budget period in which you wish to add travel expenses.
Enter travel Funds Requested ($).
Select Indirect Cost Type using drop down menu.
Repeat for all requested travel expenses in appropriate budget period(s).
Cayuse424 will auto-calculate Total Travel Expenses and auto-fill on the
cumulative budget page.
Request Participant/Trainee Support Costs
To request participant/trainee support costs:
Click to budget period in which you wish to request participant/trainee support costs.
Enter Requested Funds ($) for each category.
Enter number of participants/trainees.
Select Indirect Cost Type using drop down menu.
Repeat for all requested support costs in appropriate budget period(s).
Cayuse424 will auto-calculate Total Participant/Trainee Support
Costs and auto-fill on the cumulative budget page.
Sections F-K
• In Sections K-F of the
detailed budget page, you
Specify Other Direct Costs.
Specify Indirect Costs.
Specify Fees.
Attach the Budget
Specify Other Direct Costs
• To specify Other Direct
Select budget period.
Enter the Funds Requested
for the direct cost category.
Select the Indirect Cost Type
for those funds, using the
drop down menu.
Repeat for all cost categories,
for all budget periods.
Cayuse424 will auto-calculate
the total and add to the
cumulative budget page.
Specify Indirect Costs
• To specify Indirect Costs:
Select the Indirect Cost Type, using the drop down menu.
Cayuse424 will automatically:
Enter the indirect cost rate (%).
Calculate the indirect cost base ($).
Update Funds Requested ($).
Autofill occurs for all budget periods.
Enter Cognizant Federal Agency on all budget periods (your proposal will be rejected by grants.gov if this
information is missing).
Cayuse424 will automatically add figures to the cumulative budget page.
Specify Indirect Costs
 If multiple rates apply during a budget period, Cayuse424 calculates a
composite rate. You do not need to manually adjust for multiple rates in the
budget period.
Specify Fees
• To specify Fees:
Enter fees.
Cayuse will automatically
add fee total to the
cumulative budget page.
Attach the Budget Justification
• To attach the
Click Add
Attach the Budget Justification
To attach the Budget Justification
– On the Upload Attachment
Browse to locate the PDF version of
your Budget Justification.
Browse to locate the source version
of your Budget Justification.
Click Upload to attach.
Replicating Costs: Multiple Budget Periods
• If you are requesting money for specific budget categories in the
first budget period that will remain the same on multiple budget
periods, you can replicate that information in subsequent
budget periods rather than entering it manually.
• Click the
Replicating Costs: Multiple Budget Periods
Enable the budget
category you wish
to replicate by
clicking on the
check box adjacent
to the budget
• Select the number
of budget periods
to which you wish
to replicate
numbers from the
first budget period.
Replicating Costs: Multiple Budget Periods
• Click Replicate
Starting Budget
Period Without
• Cayuse424 will
copy first period
numbers for
that budget
category into
any budget
periods you
Escalating Costs: Multiple Budget Periods
• Cayuse424 gives you the ability to automatically
escalate budget figures from the first budget period
into subsequent budget periods.
• Click the icon.
Escalating Costs: Multiple Budget Periods
Enable the budget category you wish to escalate by clicking on the check box adjacent to
the budget category.
Enter the percent of escalation for each budget category you have enabled.
Select the number of budget periods to which you wish to escalate numbers from the first
budget period.
Escalating Costs: Multiple Budget Periods
Click Escalate Selected Categories.
Cayuse424 will automatically escalate first period numbers at that
rate for the budget categories into the budget periods you
Cumulative Budget
 The Cumulative Budget
page displays totals for all
categories and
costs/expenses, etc.,
indicated in the detailed
budget pages.
 Cumulative budget totals
are calculated by the
system and cannot be
overridden. If you find an
error, correct it on the
source page and the
cumulative budget number
will automatically be
Modular Budget
Modular Budget
• Modular Budgets are created in one of two ways:
If you start with a detailed budget, Cayuse424 will
automatically create a modular budget and round up to the
nearest module; or,
If you opt out of using a detailed or subaward budget, you
may enter modular budget figures directly into the Modular
Budget page.
Creating A Modular Budget from Detailed Budget
• This Modular Budget
was automatically
created from a detailed
• Cayuse424 automatically
rounds up the Modular
to the nearest $25,000.
Entering Modular Budget Directly into
Modular Budget Page
 To create a
Modular Budget
without doing a
detailed budget,
complete the
Modular Budget
form and then
attach all Budget
Entering Modular Budget Directly into
Modular Budget Page
• To complete the
Click on the calendar icon
to set Budget Period Start
and End Dates.
Enter Direct Cost less
Consortium F&A and
Consortium F&A (if you
have a subcontract).
Cayuse424 will calculate
Total Direct Costs.
Select Indirect Cost Type for
all categories. The system
will auto-populate the
Indirect Cost Rate (%).
Enter Indirect Cost Base.
Enter Cognizant Agency.
Enter Indirect Cost Rate
Agreement Date.
• Repeat for all
budget periods.
Entering Modular Budget Directly into
Modular Budget Page
To attach budget justifications:
Click Add.
Follow prompts on Upload Attachment window:
Browse to locate PDF and source files
Click Upload
Repeat for remaining justifications.
Subaward Budgets
Subaward Budgets
• Cayuse424 allows you to create one or more subaward
budgets by:
Linking to an existing subaward proposal
Creating an unlinked worksheet row
Importing a subaward proposal
• Once subaward budget figures are linked, imported or
created, they will automatically be displayed on the
Cumulative Budget page.
Linking to an Existing Subaward Proposal
• Before you create a Subaward Proposal make sure:
An Institutional Profile exists for the subcontracting
institution that includes:
Institution’s Name.
DUNS number.
At least one named IDC rate with a start date.
At least one Key Person’s Professional Profile is associated
with the subcontracting institution’s profile.
Linking to an Existing Subaward Proposal
Step 1: To create a Subaward Proposal:
Click New Proposal icon on the Proposal Tab.
Click Create Subaward in the Subaward Budget page
Linking to an Existing Subaward Proposal
Step 1: To create a Subaward Proposal
• Type Proposal Name.
• Select Organization.
• Indicate # of Budget Periods.
• Select Validation Type (e.g., NIH).
• Click Create Proposal.
Linking to an Existing Subaward Proposal
 Step 2: Complete the SF424 Budget Pages
Cayuse424 creates the Subaward Proposal that
includes only the detailed budget pages.
Fill in any missing information that identifies the
Complete the Budget Pages:
Specify budget period start and stop dates (they must match the dates in
the primary proposal).
Complete all required fields on the form set for all budget periods.
Use Add/Edit, Autofill, Replication and Escalation icons where possible.
Save the Subaward Proposal.
Linking to an Existing Subaward Proposal
 Step 3: Link Subaward Proposal to
Primary Proposal
Open up your primary proposal.
Go to Subaward Budget Page.
Click Link Subaward.
Select the appropriate Subaward.
Click Link in Subaward.
Note: Step 3 is
not necessary if
the Subaward
Proposal was
created in the
Budget Page. In
that case, the link
will automatically
Linking to an Existing Subaward Proposal
 Step 4:
• The subaward
budget figures are
now displayed in
the primary
proposal subaward
budget page.
• Note Subaward tab
has been added.
• Click anytime to
view or edit the
subaward budget.
Linking to an Existing Subaward Proposal
Step 4: View/Verify
Revise, if necessary:
Click Subaward tab
to access the
original subaward
Make necessary
changes and save.
Click back to the
primary proposal
and respond to
system prompt to
replace old numbers
with the new
budget figures.
Linking to an Existing Subaward Proposal
 Step 5: Include
Subaward Proposal in
the required form set:
Click the check box
adjacent to the Subaward
Budget on the navigation
bar. This will ensure that
the subaward budget will
be included in the PDF
you submit electronically
to the grant agency.
Creating an Unlinked Worksheet Row
• You can also create a subaward by adding an unlinked
worksheet row and entering the budget information.
Go to the Subaward Budget page and click Worksheet Row.
Creating an Unlinked Worksheet Row
• Click Create
• Enter Worksheet
Row Title.
• Click Add
Worksheet Row.
Creating an Unlinked Worksheet Row
• In the worksheet row that is added enter Subaward
Direct Costs and Indirect Costs for all budget periods.
• Cayuse424 auto-calculates Allocated to IDC Base.
Importing a Subaward Proposal
• In order to import a subaward proposal, your
subcontractor must create the subaward proposal using
Cayuse424 or Subawards.com and send the exportable
file to you via email.
• You can choose to import the subaward proposal to
either the Proposals tab or directly into the prime
Importing a Subaward Proposal to the Proposals Tab
 Navigate to the Proposals tab and click the Import icon
Enter internal subaward proposal name
Browse to location of exported subaward proposal
Importing a Subaward Proposal to the Proposals Tab
Locate exported subaward proposal file and click Import Subaward
 Subaward Proposal will now appear in your list of proposals in the
Proposals Tab
Importing a Subaward Proposal into Your Prime Proposal
 Navigate to the Subaward Budget page within your prime
 Click on Import Subaward
Importing a Subaward Proposal into Your Prime Proposal
Locate exported subaward proposal file and click Import Subaward
Subaward Proposal will now appear under Linked Subaward Names
Subaward budget figures will be populated to the Subaward Budget
page as well as your detailed budget page
Exporting a Subaward Proposal
 You also have the capability to create and export a subaward
proposal to another Cayuse424 customer institution
From the Proposals tab click Subaward
Fill in subaward proposal details
Click Create Proposal
Exporting a Subaward Proposal
 After clicking on Create Proposal
 A subaward proposal is created
 Complete subaward proposal
 Click the Export icon and enter a name for the exported file
Exporting a Subaward Proposal
 Click Export Subaward (source files and documents from the
Proposal Summary section can also be uploaded and
 Save exported subaward proposal to desktop, folder or shared
 Attached exported file to an email and send to collaborator
Exporting a Subaward Proposal
 Tips on Exporting Subawards
 Internal documentation (e.g. signed Face Pages, Letters of
Support, Letters of Collaboration, etc) can be added to the
Documents page under Proposal Summary. These will be
exported with the subaward proposal.
 Running the validation Check is recommended prior to exporting
Sub-Award NIH Requirements
• For Opportunities that require a full budget you must
attach the complete subaward proposal.
NIH cannot compare your grant costs correctly to the direct
cost limitation without the complete subaward budget
NIH cannot calculate the indirect costs on subs without the
• If this information isn’t provided your proposal may be
rejected or delayed after submission.
• This concludes the Cayuse424 Budget module.
• In this module you learned:
Cayuse424 Basic Budget Concepts
How to use Cayuse424 to create a:
Detailed Budget
Modular Budget
Subaward Budget