IMS 621 Engineering Psychology
Working memory – temporary, attention-demanding store to retain new info until we use it examine, evaluate, transform, compare, mental arithmetic, predict hold new info until encoding it into long –term memory
Long-term memory – storehouse of facts about the world and how to do things
memory – three stage presentation (fig 7.1
encoding – the process of putting things into memory system
storage – the way in which information is held or represented in the two memory systems
retrieval – our ability to access information in memory (forgetting)
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IMS 621 Engineering Psychology
three core components ( fig 6.5
verbal component
phonological store – info in linguistic form, words and sounds
articulatory loop – rehearsed by articulating words and sounds
spatial component – visuospatial sketchpad
info in an analog, spatial form, often typical of visual images
stores info in a particular form, or code
central executive – controls WM activity and assigns attentional resources to subsystems
verbal-phonetic and visual-spatial codes function cooperatively than competitively
Brooks (1968) -- tasks should be designed so that the disruption by different concurrent
activities does not occur (the greater resource competition with spatial working memory in the spatial response condition produced greater interference and vice versa)
four core functions of the central executive (Baddeley, 1996)
1) to coordinate performance on multiple tasks
2) to temporarily hold and manipulate information stored in LTM
3) to change retrieval strategies from LTM
4) to attend selectively to stimuli
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IMS 621 Engineering Psychology
a task demanding central executive resources should not be performed concurrently with other tasks drawing on those resources
principle of stimulus/central-processing/response compatibility – best association of display formats to codes of working memory
S – display modality (auditory and visual)
C – two possible central-processing codes (verbal and spatial)
R – two possible response modalities (manual and vocal)
how long does information in WM last if it is not rehearsed?
Brown-Peterson paradigm – decay function ( fig 7.4
without continuous rehearsal, little info is retained beyond 10 to 15 seconds
transience applied to both spatial and verbal working memory
augment the initial transient stimulus with a long-lasting visual display – memory aid
Capacity and Chunking
capacity limit interacts with time (fig 7.4) – the faster the rehearsal speed, the larger the capacity
memory span – the limiting number recalled with full attention
max. capacity of WM -- 7 ± 2 chunks of information
chunk – a set of adjacent stimulus units tied together by associations in the LTM
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IMS 621 Engineering Psychology
chunking – recording info. by semantically associating low-level elements (letters better than digits)
chunking may be facilitated by parsing (physically separating likely chunks)
optimum chunk size – three to four for arbitrary alphanumeric strings
MTBR lost from WM through interference from info learned at another time (
PI (proactive interference) – activity engaged in prior to encoding the MTBR disrupts its retrieval
pronounced, especially in a series of memory tasks with little time between them
RI (retroactive interference) – activity during the retention interval disrupts retrieval of the MTBR
items in WM sometimes forgotten because they are confused with items held in the same time
confusion – similarity -- typically acoustic but sometimes semantic
to minimize memory interference and confusion
1) avoid creating large strings of similar sounding chunks
2) use different codes (verbal vs. spatial) for different sources of information
3) use digit strings that are particularly easy to remember
4) ensure that the intervals before, during, and after storage are free of unnecessary activity using the same code (spatial or verbal) as the stored info
A sequence of stimuli is presented to the operator, who neither knows its length nor is expected to retain the entire sequence. Instead, a different response must be made to each stimulus or series of stimuli at some lag after they occur. – memory span less than 7 ± 2
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IMS 621 Engineering Psychology
domain specific – advantages in a specified domain
1. acquired through practice or training in a domain
2. provides a measuring performance advantage
3. involve specialized, rather than generic, knowledge
a task that defines the domain of expertise is called intrinsic
a task that is not central to the domain of expertise, but greater expertise in the domain improves performance nonetheless, is called contrived
chunking strategies can be acquired through expertise
store relevant stimulus material in WM in terms of chunks rather than lowest-level unit
our ability to chunk information depends on our expertise in the subject domain
two aspects of performance in skilled tasks that are difficult for traditional view of WM
1. skilled activities can be interrupted, and later resumed, with little effect on performance <-> transient
2. performance in skilled tasks requires quick access to a large amount of info <-> limited capacity
Ericsson and Kintsch (1995) – WM includes another mechanism based on skilled use of storage in
LTM – long-term working memory (LT-WM)
info. in LT-WM is stable, but accessed through temporarily active retrieval cues in WM
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IMS 621 Engineering Psychology
domain specific skills allow LT-WM for the skilled activity (medical diagnosis, waiting tables, mental arithmetic)
expert chess player -- retrieval structure (a set of retrieval cues) stored in WM to access the info stored in LT-WM
chunking is thought of as a particular kind of retrieval structure
a plan can be defined as a strategy for solving a problem
planning and problem solving occur in the central executive
planning difficulty increases when there are more choices available for action (fewer constraints)
satisficing heuristic – selects the current best plan with no guarantee that it is the absolute best
implementation cost – the cost associated with performing the actions resulting from a particular plan the amount of time required
opportunistic planning -- the problem solving occurs by following the most promising leads at any point in time – can lead to solutions bit are not optimal – locally optimal but globally suboptimal
automated planning system – useful with multiple solutions but decreases exploratory behavior and lead to deterministic interpretation of presented info
situation awareness resides in WM (experts in LT-WM)
relatively domain specific
SA has important application for design
1. it has implications for display design
2. it has implications for automation
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IMS 621 Engineering Psychology
two general cognitive models to explain learning: ACT-R and Soar
ACT-R – production system model
currently active information is compared to a set of production rules (IF-THEN statements)
Procedural knowledge – knowledge of how to do things (knowing how)
declarative knowledge – knowledge of facts (knowing what) – chunks
production rules embody procedural knowledge, but their conditions and actions are defined in terms of declarative knowledge in terms of chunks
formation of production rules is a key part of learning
emphasis on practice on specific example to improve learning in the ACT-R framework
Soar – a general cognitive architecture relying on production rules
Soar does not distinguish between declarative and procedural knowledge
Soar learns the particular response that must be made, and stores that as a chunk
common characteristics of ACR-T and Soar of how cognitive learning occur
1. emphasis on instances
2. recall of the instance through chunking
3. recall strategies for training and experience
4. novices for open-ended strategies such as means-end analysis
5. intelligent tutors based on ACT-R that teach cognitive skills
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IMS 621 Engineering Psychology
training efficiency
1) the best learning in the shortest time
2) longest retention
3) is cheapest?
transfer of training
how much a new skill can capitalize what has been learned before?
Measuring Transfer
positive, zero, negative transfer ( fig 7.7
% transfer = (control time – transfer time)/(control time) x 100 = savings/(control time) x 100
transfer effectiveness ratio
TER = (amount of savings)/(transfer group time in training program) x 100
training cost ratio
TCR = training cost in target environment (per unit time) training cost in the training program (per unit time)
if TER x TCR > 1, then the program is cost effective -- (if not, consider safety considerations)
Training System Fidelity
maximum positive transfer if all elements of a task were identical to the target task (
1. expensive , added realism not necessarily add to their TER
2. high similarity may be detrimental by leading incompatible response tendencies/strategies
3. complexity – increase workload
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IMS 621 Engineering Psychology
instead of total fidelity, which components of training similar to the target task
critical task components, processing demands, or task-relevant perceptual consistency
Virtual Environments
cost effective method for training
tradeoff between TER and TCR -- lowering TER but increasing TCR
more effective training technique for navigation of space
Negative Transfer
negative transfer is related to stages of processing (table 7.1)
the lack of standardization in the control arrangements
Practice and Overlearning
“practice makes perfect “ but how much practice
after zero performance errors
the speed of performance increases at a rate proportional to the log of the # of trials
attention or resource demand decreases – automated fashion
overlearning decreases the rate of forgetting of the skill
Elaborative Rehearsal
rehearsal is an active process, necessary to maintain chunks of info in WM
maintenance rehearsal – good way to maintain info. in WM but ineffective for transferring to LTM
elaborative rehearsal – the meaning of the material, chunking, result from active learning situation, demand working-memory resources interfere with learning
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IMS 621 Engineering Psychology
Reducing Cognitive Load
cognitive load theory – the effects of high demands on working memory on training effectiveness
diagram, proximity-compatibility principle, dual modality presentation, worked sample
Part-Task Training
segmentation – useful when segments of the skill vary greatly in their difficulty ( fig 7.9
fractionization – separate practice on two or more components
allows attention to be focused on each component, reducing cognitive load and allowing automatic processing to develop
separating task components prevents the development of time-sharing skills
effective with independently broken off components and learnable consistencies
effective if task components draw on different WM subsystems
Guided Training
error prevention
training wheels approach – offers explicit and immediate feedback about the error
errors should not be eliminated completely – long-term learning impaired
Knowledge of Results (KR)
feedback about the quality of performance, useful for motivation and performance
1) delayed KR and the interval with other activities – performance declined through RI
2) KR during performance less well than after completion – divided attention
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Learning by Example
case studies – annotations and elaboration
not excessive cognitive load processing example
Consistency of Mapping
between target info. and the trainee’s response
varied mapping increases in performance during training
search for various targets in various contexts, feature learning procedure between consistent and varied mapping
procedural and declarative knowledge, semantic and episodic memory
Knowledge Organization
information is not stored in a random collection of facts, rather in structure and organization
system features are congruent with the operator’s organization of that knowledge
Methods for Representing Long-Term Knowledge
organization of an expert user’s knowledge – useful for training program, improving the design of an interface, or building a menu/index structure
multiple knowledge acquisition techniques
scaling technique – gives a sense of how domain concepts are related to each other, usually by having experts rate pairs of concepts
protocol technique – perform typical tasks and think aloud
interviews, observation, and document analysis
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IMS 621 Engineering Psychology
conceptual graph analysis – a representation of a user’s knowledge of a system (
Mental Models
a mental structure that reflects the user’s understanding of a system – may be created spontaneously by the user or carefully formed and structured though training
incorporating a mental model into a training program can be effective -- visibility
Recall and Recognition
recall – knowledge in the head
recognition – knowledge in the world (yes or no response or a choice response) – more sensitive
failure of recall and recognition (forgetting)
RI, PI, similarity (confusion), the absence of retrieval cues, passage of time (recency)
one particular kind of recall related to remembering to do something – prospective memory – checklists
Degree of Overlearning
additional practice after performance reaches error free -- automation
Skill Type
perceptual-motor skill – very little forgetting over long time
procedural skill – more rapidly forgotten
Individual Differences
fast learners better retention than slow learner – chunking skills
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IMS 621 Engineering Psychology
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IMS 621 Engineering Psychology
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IMS 621 Engineering Psychology
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IMS 621 Engineering Psychology
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IMS 621 Engineering Psychology
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IMS 621 Engineering Psychology
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IMS 621 Engineering Psychology
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IMS 621 Engineering Psychology
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IMS 621 Engineering Psychology
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IMS 621 Engineering Psychology
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