- Alfred Nzo District Municipality Province of the Eastern Cape Service Delivery Budget Implementation Plan (SDBIP) 2013/14 1. MAYOR’S FOREWORD................................................................................ 3 2. INTRODUCTION BY MUNICIPAL MANAGER ................................................. 4 2.1. THE VISION, MISSION, AND CORE VALUES OF ANDM .................................. 5 2.1.1. VISION .......................................................................................................... 5 2.1.2. MISSION ....................................................................................................... 5 2.1.3. CORE VALUES: .............................................................................................. 5 2.3. LEGISLATIVE MANDATES ......................................................................... 5 2.4. TIMING AND METHODOLOGY FOR PREPARATION OF THE SDBIP ............... 5 2.5. SDBIP CYCLE............................................................................................ 6 2.6. THE SDBIP AS A MONITORING AND REPORTING TOOL .............................. 7 2.6.1. MONTHLY REPORTING ...................................................................................... 7 2.6.2. QUARTERLY REPORTING .................................................................................... 7 2.6.3. MID‐YEAR REPORTING ...................................................................................... 7 2.7. PRINCIPLES UNDERPINNING OUR SDBIP................................................... 8 2.8 SUBMISSION TO THE EXECUTIVE MAYOR ............................................................ 8 3. MOTHLY PROJECTIONS OF REVENUE COLLECTED BY SOURCE 203/14........... 9 3.1. QUARTER 1 & 2 PROJECTIONS .................................................................... 9 3.2. QUARTER 3 & 4 PROJECTIONS ................................................................... 10 4. MONTHLY PROJECTIONS OF AND EXPENDITURE BY VOTE.......................... 11 4.1. QUARTER 1 EXPENDITURE PROJECTIONS (YTD) ....................................... 11 4.2. QUARTER 2 EXPENDITURE PROJECTIONS (YTD) ........................................... 12 4.3. QUARTER 3 EXPENDITURE PROJECTIONS (YTD) ........................................... 13 4.4. QUARTER 4 EXPENDITURE PROJECTIONS (YTD) ........................................... 14 5. SERVICE DELIVERY TARGETS ..................................................................... 15 5.1. OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL MANAGER.................................................... 15 5.1.1. INTERNAL AUDIT ........................................................................................ 15 5.1.2. RISK MANAGEMENT .................................................................................. 17 5.1.3. OFFICE OF THE SPEAKER............................................................................ 19 5.1.4. INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS........................................................... 22 5.1.5. COMMUNICATIONS ................................................................................... 24 5.1.6. SPECIAL PROGRAMMES UNIT .................................................................... 26 5.2. INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT & MUNICIPAL SERVICES ..................... 29 5.2.1. PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT .................................................................. 29 5.2.2. WSA UNIT................................................................................................... 41 ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 1. Mayor’s Foreword As the Executive Mayor of the Alfred Nzo District Municipality, I hereby approve this document as the Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan (SDBIP) of this municipality and thus constituting the Annual Plan for the Municipality for the financial year 2013/14. Section 1 of the Municipal Finance Management Act (No.56 of 2003) defines the SDBIP as: “ a detailed plan approved by the mayor of a municipality in terms of section 53 (1)(c)(ii) for implementing themunicipality’s delivery of services and the execution of its annual budget and which must include (as part of the top layer) the following: (a) projections for each month of(i) revenue to be collected, by source; and (ii) operational and capital expenditure, by vote; (b) service delivery targets and performance indicators for each quarter”. In developing a good performance management tool for the municipality, the IDP is drafted, the budget is drafted and the service delivery and budget implementation plan (SDBIP) is developed in order to put into effect the budget. The SDBIP is a monitoring and implementation tool that is the vital link between the Executive Mayor, Council and Administration as it facilitates the process for holding management accountable for its performance. The SDBIP quantifies the strategic objectives as highlighted in the budget to measurable outcomes. It is then, that as a monitoring tool, the Executive Mayor and Council are able to monitor the performance of Senior Managers and the Community is able to monitor the municipality. Adherence to this SDBIP will ensure that the objectives set out in the budget are achieved and hence the objectives and goals identified in the IDP will be realised, thus ensuring service delivery and that the municipality meets the needs of the community. Page 3 ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 2. INTRODUCTION BY MUNICIPAL MANAGER The SDBIP is a contract between the Administration, Council and Community where the goals and objectives as set out by the council are quantified and can be implemented by the administration of the municipality. Municipal Managers are encouraged to develop the SDBIP concept further so that it is meaningful and useful to managers. Whilst the budget sets yearly service delivery and budget targets (revenue and expenditure per vote), it is imperative that in-year mechanisms are able to measure performance and progress on a continuous basis. Hence, the end-ofyear targets must be based on quarterly and monthly targets, and the Municipal manager must ensure that the budget is built around quarterly and monthly information. Being a start-of-year planning and target tool, the SDBIP gives meaning to both in-year reporting in terms of section 71 (monthly reporting), section 72 (mid-year report) and end-of-year annual reports. The SDBIP is essentially the management and implementation tool which sets in-year information, such as quarterly service delivery and monthly budget targets, and links each service delivery output to the budget of the municipality, thus providing credible management information and a detailed plan for how the municipality will provide such services and the inputs and financial resources to be used. The SDBIP indicates the responsibilities and outputs for each of the senior managers in the top management team, the inputs to be used, and the time deadlines for each output. The SDBIP will therefore determine the performance agreements of the municipal manager and senior managers, including the outputs and deadlines for which they will be held responsible. The SDBIP should also provide all expenditure information (for capital projects and services) per municipal ward, so that each output can be broken down per ward, where this is possible, to support ward councillors in service delivery information. The SDBIP aims to ensure that managers are problem-solvers, who routinely look out for unanticipated problems and resolve them as soon as possible and enables the Council to monitor the performance of the municipality against quarterly targets on service delivery. Being a management and implementation plan (and not a policy proposal), the SDBIP is not required to be approved by the council. It is however tabled before council and made public for information and for the purpose of monitoring. The SDBIP should be seen as a dynamic document that may (at lower layers of the Page 4 plan) be continually revised by the municipal manager and other top managers, as actual performance after each month or quarter is taken into account. However, the top-layer of the SDBIP and its targets cannot be revised without notifying the council, and if there is to be changes in service delivery targets and performance indicators, this must be with the approval of the council, following approval of an adjustments budget (section 54(1) (c) of MFMA). This Council approval is necessary to ensure that the Executive Mayor or Municipal Manager do not revise service delivery targets downwards in the event where there is poor performance. SDBIP “contract “diagram as depicted in the Circular No. 13 by National Treasury, MFMA ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 2.1. THE VISION, MISSION, AND CORE VALUES of ANDM 2.3. LEGISLATIVE PERFORMANCE REPORTING FRAMEWORK 2.1.1. VISION A self-sustainable municipality that guarantees effective and efficient rural development 2.1.2. MISSION Creating a conducive environment by improving human capabilities and enhancing relevant skills, and maximizing the utilization of natural resources in order to improve quality of life for its communities FREQUENCY AND NATURE OF REPORT Section 71 of the MFMA National Treasury Quarterly progress report Section 41 (1) (e) of the Systems Act, Section 166 (2) (a) (v) and (vii) of the Municipal Management Finance Act (MFMA) and Regulation 7 of Municipal Planning and Performance Management Regulations. 1. Municipal Manager 2. Mayor 3. EXCO 4. Audit Committee 5. National Treasury Mid‐year performance assessment Section 72 of the MFMA. Section 13 (2) (a) of Municipal Planning and Performance Management Regulations 2001. 1. Municipal Manager 2. Mayor 3. EXCO 4. Council 5. Audit Committee 6. National Treasury 7.Provincial Government Annual report (to be tabled before Council by 31 January (draft and approved / published by 31 March each year) Sections 121 and 127 of the MFMA, as read with Section 46 of the Systems Act and Section 6 of the Systems Amendment Act. 1. Mayor 2. EXCO 3. MPAC 4. Council 5. Audit Committee 6. Auditor‐General 7. National Treasury 8. Provincial Government 9. Local Community 2.3. LEGISLATIVE MANDATES The Alfred Nzo District Municipality SDBIP is established in terms of the Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000 and complies is further mandated by the following pieces of legislation to budget and deliver services to the community of ANDM. RECIPIENTS Monthly reporting on actual revenue targets and spending against budget no later than 10 working days after the end of each month 2.1.3. CORE VALUES: Integrity; Transparency; Professionalism Co-operation; Innovation; Accountability; Honesty; Fairness; Efficiency and effectiveness MANDATE 2.4. TIMING AND METHODOLOGY FOR PREPARATION OF THE SDBIP Page 5 ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 “Section 69 (3) (a) of the MFMA requires the accounting officer (Municipal Manager) to submit draft SDBIP and annual performance agreements for the municipal manager and all senior managers, as required in terms of section 57 (1) (b) of the Municipal Systems Act. These should be submitted to the mayor not later than 14 days after the approval of the annual budget. The Executive Mayor in accordance with section 53 (3) (a) & (b) of the MFMA must not later than 14 days after the approval of the SDBIP ensure that the revenue and expenditure projections for each month and service delivery targets and performance indicators for each quarter, as set out in the SDBIP are made public. In the light of this statement must also ensure that the performance agreements of the municipal manager, senior managers and any other categories of officials as may be prescribed, are also made public. Copies of such performance agreements must be submitted to the Council and MEC for local government in the province”. These are the legal requirements and deadline limits to assist a municipality to comply with the law-however, best practice suggests that this be don earlier by municipalities, starting with senior managers to draw up their second layer departmental SDBIPs in the early stages of the planning and budget preparation process in line with the strategic direction set in the IDP. The mayor and municipal manager should lead this process. The municipality should ideally publish its draft SDBIP with its draft budget, or soon after as supporting documentation to assist its budget hearings process normally held at the end of March or in April. As noted above, the SDBIP should be submitted to the Executive Mayor by 1 May at the latest. If the draft SDBIP is to be provided for the budget hearings, the municipality may want to bring this date forward, or provide departmental SDBIPs as supporting information to the relevant committee around the end of March. In this case, the Executive Mayor will need to approve such departmental or draft SDBIP by mid-March. It should be noted that it is up to the municipality to determine extra detail, and whether they wish to bring forward their deadlines for submission and approval. A municipality could also opt to have a high level SDBIP complete with ward break-downs for tabling and publication, but may also in addition make available lower layer departmental SDBIPs and other information as requested by Council. The SDBIP is a key management, implementation and monitoring tool, which provides operational content to the end-of-year service delivery targets, set in the budget and IDP. It determines the performance agreements for the municipal manager and all top managers, whose performance can then be monitored through Section 71 and 72 reports, and evaluated through the annual report process. 2.5. SDBIP CYCLE The SDBIP process comprises the following stages, which forms part of a cycle: Planning: During this phase the SDBIP process Plan is developed, to be tabled with the IDP Process Plan. SDBIP related processes e.g. workshop schedules distribution of circulars and training workshops, are also reviewed during this phase. Strategizing: During this phase the IDP is reviewed and subsequent SDBIP programmes and projects for the next 5 years based on local, provincial and national issues, previous year’s performance and current economic and demographic trends etc. Tabling: Consultation with the community and stakeholders of the IDP on the SDBIP is done through budget hearings and formal local, provincial and national inputs or responses are also considered in developing the final document. Adoption: The Executive Mayor approves the SDBIP no later than 28 days after the adoption of the Municipality’s budget. Publishing: The adopted SDBIP is made public and is published on the Council’s website. With careful planning of the budget process it may be possible for the Executive Mayor to approve the SDBIP in less than 7 days after the council approves the budget. Legally, to take account of possible revisions to the budget, the Act allows for this to occur not later than 28 days after budget approval. Page 6 ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 The process for preparing and approving the SDBIP, as depicted in the MFMA Circular No.13, is diagrammatically summarised as follows: conducted by the Accounting Officer of a municipality no later than 10 working days, after the end of each month. Reporting must include the following: ▪ actual revenue, per source; ▪ actual borrowings; ▪ actual expenditure, per vote; ▪ actual capital expenditure, per vote; ▪ the amount of any allocations received If necessary, explanation of the following must be included in the monthly reports: ▪ Any material variances from the municipality’s projected revenue by source, and from the municipality’s expenditure projections per vote ▪ Any material variances from the service delivery and budget implementation plan and; ▪ Any remedial or corrective steps taken or to be taken to ensure that the projected revenue and expenditure remain within the municipalities approved budget. 2.6.2. Quarterly Reporting Section 52 (d) of the MFMA compels the Executive Mayor to submit a report to the council on the implementation of the budget and the financial state of affairs of the municipality within 30 days of the end of each quarter. The quarterly performance projections captured in the SDBIP form the basis for the mayor’s quarterly report. 2.6. THE SDBIP AS A MONITORING AND REPORTING TOOL This section covers reporting on the SDBIP as a way of linking the SDBIP with the oversight and monitoring operations of the Municipal Administration. Various reporting requirements are outlined in the MFMA and both the Mayor and the Accounting officer have clear roles to play in preparing and presenting these reports. The SDBIP provides an excellent basis for generating the reports for which the MFMA requires. These reports then allow the Council to monitor the implementation of Service Delivery Programs and Initiatives across the Municipality boundaries. 2.6.3. Mid‐year Reporting Section 72 (1) (a) of the MFMA outlines the requirements for mid‐year reporting. The Accounting Officer is required by the 25th January of each year to assess the performance of the municipality during the first half of the year taking into account: ▪ ▪ 2.6.1. Monthly Reporting Section 71 of the MFMA stipulates that reporting on actual revenue targets and spending against the budget should occur on a monthly basis. This reporting must be Page 7 The monthly statements referred to in section 71 of the first half of the year; The municipalities service delivery performance during the first half of the financial year, and the service delivery targets and performance indicators set in the Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan; ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ The past year’s annual report, and progress on resolving problems identified in the annual report; and, The performance of every municipal entity under the sole or shared control of the municipality, taking into account reports in terms of section 88 from any such entities. Based on the outcomes of the mid‐year budget and performance assessment report, an adjustments budget may be tabled if actual revenue or expenditure amounts are materially different from the projections contained in the budget or the SDBIP. The SDBIP is also a living document and may be modified based on the mid‐ year performance review. Thus the SDBIP remains a kind of contract that holds The Alfred Nzo District Municipality accountable to the community. 2.8 Submission to the Executive Mayor The top layer service delivery budget implementation plan, indicating how the budget and the strategic objectives of the Council will be implemented, is herewith submitted in terms of Section 53(1)(c)(ii) of the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA), MFMA Circular No. 13 and the Budget and Reporting Regulation for the necessary approval. PRINT NAME: MZ SILINGA Municipal Manager of Alfred Nzo District Municipality Signature: 2.7. PRINCIPLES UNDERPINNING OUR SDBIP The Alfred Nzo District Municipality commits to the following key principles in its implementation of the SDBIP. That the process: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Must be used as a management tool and incorporated into existing ways of managing performance in the municipality. Measurement must be based on clearly defined targets and agreed timeframes. Must align strategic organisational development goals and budget prioritisation linked to community needs and resource constraints. Must provide for measurement of progress against IDP commitments; Only focus on budgeted projects Must ensure measurement of performance against National KPIs Must promote use as an early warning system Must focus on outcomes (development impact achievements) Must provide clarity to all employees on their role in the achievement of municipal and departmental targets. Date: SECTION 53(1) (C) (ii) – APPROVAL BY THE EXECUTIVE MAYOR The top layer service delivery budget implementation plan is herewith approved in terms of Section 53(1) (c) (ii) of the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA), MFMA. PRINT NAME: Executive Mayor of Alfred Nzo District Municipality Signature: Date: Page 8 COUNCILLOR E.N. DIKO 3. MOTHLY PROJECTIONS OF REVENUE COLLECTED BY SOURCE 203/14 One of the most important and basic priorities for any municipality is to collect all its revenue as budgeted for. The failure to collect all such revenue will undermine the ability of the municipality to deliver on services. The municipality MUST ensure that it has instituted measures to achieve monthly revenue targets for each revenue source. The revenue projections relate to actual cash expected to be collected and should reconcile to the cash flow statement approved with the budget documentation. The reason for specifying actual revenue collected rather than accrued (billed) revenue is to ensure that expenditure does not exceed actual income. 3.1. QUARTER 1 & 2 PROJECTIONS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1500000 1500000 1500000 4500000 0 1500000 1500000 1500000 4500000 0 175000 175000 175000 525000 0 175000 175000 175000 525000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 118295000 0 0 118295000 0 0 118295000 0 118295000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15568167 11383167 11383167 38334501 0 11383167 11383167 11383167 34149501 0 1266666 1266666 1266666 3799998 0 1266666 1266666 1266666 3799998 0 22083 22083 22083 66249 0 22083 22083 22083 66249 0 16666 16666 16666 49998 0 16666 16666 16666 49998 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 72380979 217142937 0 72380979 72380979 72380979 217142937 0 0 0 72380979 72380979 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 79925750 0 0 79925750 0 79925750 0 0 79925750 0 289150311 86744561 86744561 458454433 0 86744561 462639433 0 166670311 205039561 ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 3.2. QUARTER 3 & 4 PROJECTIONS Quarter 1 Revenue by Source Jan R Feb R Consumer Debtors 0 Property Rates 0 Penalties Imposed & Collection Charges on Rates 0 Electricity Water Sanitation Refuse Removal MIG Funding Donor Funding Q 1 Total Q1 Actual March R R R Quarter 2 April R May R June R Q2 Total Q2 Actual R R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1500000 1500000 1500000 4500000 0 1500000 1500000 1500000 4500000 0 175000 175000 175000 525000 0 175000 175000 175000 525000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 118295000 0 0 118295000 0 0 118295000 0 0 0 118295000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15568167 11383167 11383167 38334501 0 11383167 11383167 11383167 34149501 0 Interest & Investment Income 1266666 1266666 1266666 3799998 0 1266666 1266666 1266666 3799998 0 Rent of facilities & equipment 22083 22083 22083 66249 0 22083 22083 22083 66249 0 Interest Earned on Outstanding Debtors 16666 16666 16666 49998 0 16666 16666 16666 49998 0 Fines 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Licenses & Permits 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Disposals of Property, Plant & Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 72380979 72380979 72380979 217142937 72380979 217142937 0 0 0 Conditional Grants Other Agency Services Transfers Recognised - Operational Total Revenue by Source 79925750 0 289150311 86744561 0 72380979 72380979 0 0 0 0 0 0 79925750 0 79925750 0 86744561 462639433 Q 1 Total Q1 Actual Q2 Total Q 2 Actual Page 10 0 166670311 205039561 0 0 0 0 79925750 0 86744561 458454433 0 ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 4. MONTHLY PROJECTIONS OF AND EXPENDITURE BY VOTE These projections relate to cash paid and should reconcile to the cash flow statement adopted with the budget documentation. Each key GFS function is a “vote” and must have associated with it as appropriate: operating expenditure; revenue; capital expenditure; and measurable performance objectives. Measurable performance objectives include service delivery targets and other financial and non-financial indicator 4.1. QUARTER 1 EXPENDITURE PROJECTIONS (YTD) Jul Expenditure & Revenue by Vote Aug Sept Opex Capex Rev Opex Capex Rev Opex Capex Rev Total Actual R R R R R R R R R R R OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL MANAGER 5,093,931 84,167 0 5,093,931 84,167 0 5,093,931 84,167 0 0 0 BUDGET & TREASURY OFFICE 9,070,731 75,000 0 9,070,731 75,000 0 9,070,731 75,000 0 0 0 CORPORATE SERVICES 3,336,081 408,333 0 3,336,081 408,333 0 3,336,081 408,333 0 0 0 INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT & MUNICIPAL SERVICES 9,863,226 65,326,967 0 9,863,226 65,326,967 0 9,863,226 65,326,967 0 0 0 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 4,727,067 802,583 0 4,727,067 802,583 0 4,727,067 802,583 0 0 0 PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1,886,105 33,333 0 1,886,105 33,333 0 1,886,105 33,333 0 0 0 0 33,977,141 66,730,383 0 0 0 TOTAL 33,977,141 66,730,383 0 33,977,141 66,730,383 Total Actual Page 11 ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 4.2. QUARTER 2 EXPENDITURE PROJECTIONS (YTD) Jul Expenditure & Revenue by Vote Aug Sept Opex Capex Rev Opex Capex Rev Opex Capex Rev Total R R R R R R R R R R Actual R OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL MANAGER 5,093,931 84,167 0 5,093,931 84,167 0 5,093,931 84,167 0 0 0 BUDGET & TREASURY OFFICE 9,070,731 75,000 0 9,070,731 75,000 0 9,070,731 75,000 0 0 0 CORPORATE SERVICES 3,336,081 408,333 0 3,336,081 408,333 0 3,336,081 408,333 0 0 0 INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT & MUNICIPAL SERVICES 9,863,226 65,326,967 0 9,863,226 65,326,967 0 9,863,226 65,326,967 0 0 0 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 4,727,067 802,583 0 4,727,067 802,583 0 4,727,067 802,583 0 0 0 PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1,886,105 33,333 0 1,886,105 33,333 0 1,886,105 33,333 0 0 0 0 33,977,141 66,730,383 0 0 0 TOTAL 33,977,141 66,730,383 0 33,977,141 66,730,383 Total Actual Page 12 ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 4.3. QUARTER 3 EXPENDITURE PROJECTIONS (YTD) Jul Expenditure & Revenue by Vote Aug Sept Opex Capex Rev Opex Capex Rev Opex Capex Rev Total Actual R R R R R R R R R R R OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL MANAGER 5,093,931 84,167 0 5,093,931 84,167 0 5,093,931 84,167 0 0 0 BUDGET & TREASURY OFFICE 9,070,731 75,000 0 9,070,731 75,000 0 9,070,731 75,000 0 0 0 CORPORATE SERVICES 3,336,081 408,333 0 3,336,081 408,333 0 3,336,081 408,333 0 0 0 INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT & MUNICIPAL SERVICES 9,863,226 65,326,967 0 9,863,226 65,326,967 0 9,863,226 65,326,967 0 0 0 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 4,727,067 802,583 0 4,727,067 802,583 0 4,727,067 802,583 0 0 0 PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1,886,105 33,333 0 1,886,105 33,333 0 1,886,105 33,333 0 0 0 0 33,977,141 66,730,383 0 0 0 TOTAL 33,977,141 66,730,383 0 33,977,141 66,730,383 Total Actual Page 13 ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 4.4. QUARTER 4 EXPENDITURE PROJECTIONS (YTD) Jul Expenditure & Revenue by Vote Aug Sept Opex Capex Rev Opex Capex Rev Opex Capex Rev Total Actual R R R R R R R R R R R OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL MANAGER 5,093,931 84,167 0 5,093,931 84,167 0 5,093,931 84,167 0 0 0 BUDGET & TREASURY OFFICE 9,070,731 75,000 0 9,070,731 75,000 0 9,070,731 75,000 0 0 0 CORPORATE SERVICES 3,336,081 408,333 0 3,336,081 408,333 0 3,336,081 408,333 0 0 0 INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT & MUNICIPAL SERVICES 9,863,226 65,326,967 0 9,863,226 65,326,967 0 9,863,226 65,326,967 0 0 0 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 4,727,067 802,583 0 4,727,067 802,583 0 4,727,067 802,583 0 0 0 PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1,886,105 33,333 0 1,886,105 33,333 0 1,886,105 33,333 0 0 0 0 33,977,141 66,730,383 0 0 0 TOTAL 33,977,141 66,730,383 0 33,977,141 66,730,383 Total Actual Page 14 ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 5. SERVICE DELIVERY TARGETS The Alfred Nzo District Municipality has set itself the target of implementing 16 programs for 2013/2014 financial year, which are aligned to the IDP Reviewed Priorities. The programs have been identified as the following: 5.1. OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL MANAGER 5.1.1. INTERNAL AUDIT Page 15 of VOTE: 111044121 Budget Means Verifications Council resolution adopting internal audit plan Internal audit report VOTE: 111044121 IA plan implement ed 100%. One AC meeting held Total Budget of the Year R200 000 Internal audit plan developed - Budget Budget - Report on progress on the develop ment of the audit plan IA plan impleme nted 100%. One AC meeting held Q4 Apr-Jun Target R 400 000 IA plan impleme nted 100%. One AC meeting held Q3 Jan-Mar Target R 0.00 Quarterl y internal report IA plan impleme nted 100%. One AC meeting held Appoint services provide to develop audit plan - Adopted internal audit plan Internal audit plan adopted by council Q2 OctDec Target R 0.00 % of internal audit plan adhered to. Annual target: 100% Q1 Jul-Sep Target - Internal audit plan adopted by 31 July. Annual target: 31 July Output Budget KPI R 0.00 Develop strategic internal audit plan. Page: 88 E 12 IDP Projects Measurab le Objective( outcome) - Table 5.1.1 : Good Governance and Public Participation : To instil good governance in all Municipal operations, ensure public participation and provide critical strategic support to the Municipality. To Develop and To achieve clean audit implement the on previous years Strategic Internal Audit queries Plan NKPA 5 Objective Internal audit report Minutes of the internal audit committee Supporting (Input) Departments All departments All departmentsAudit committee Page 16 Means Verifications of Supporting (Input) Departments VOTE:OPEX VOTE:OPEX All departmentsAG findings in the current year Installed audit management software VOTE:OPEX R 0.00 Budget R 0.00 Total Budget of the Year R 0.00 One audit committee held R 0.00 100% implement ation R 0.00 Budget Budget One audit committ ee held R 0.00 One audit committ ee held R 0.00 One audit committ ee held 75% impleme ntation Q4 Apr-Jun Target Monitor and report on implement ation of AG plan R 0.00 Four audit committ ee meeting held. 25% impleme ntation - Procure ment process finalized Monitor and report on impleme ntation of AG plan R 0.00 Automat ed audit process. Monitor and report on impleme ntation of AG plan Q3 Jan-Mar Target R 0.00 No. of audit committee meeting held. Annual target: 4 Clean audit opinion Monitor and report on impleme ntation of AG plan Q2 OctDec Target - % of audit managemen t system deployed. Annual target: 100% Q1 Jul-Sep Target R 0.00 % of AG action plans implemente d. Annual target: 100% Output R 0.00 Maintain effective audit committee Page: 88 E 12 KPI - Install Audit Management Software Page: 88 E 12 IDP Projects Measurab le Objective( outcome) To have a fully To achieve clean audit To install Audit functional audit on previous years Management Software committee queries Table 5.1.1 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Audit committee Oversight committee AG MM BTO ICT All departments Audit Committee minutes ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 5.1.2. RISK MANAGEMENT Means of Verifications Supporting (Input) Departments VOTE: 111044216 VOTE: 111044216 Quarterly risk register and Council Resolution VOTE: 111044216 Quarterly risk register and Council Resolution R 160 000.00 - One risk assessmen t conducted and risk register updated Risk register Risk management framework Council Resolutions - Budget One risk assessmen t conducted and risk register updated R 0.00 Final report of risk managem ent framewor k R 0.00 Budget Total Budget of the Year R 0.00 R 0.00 Budget Page 17 R 0.00 Up to date Organisa tion risk register One risk assessm ent conducte d and risk register updated One risk assessm ent conducte d and risk register updated First draft report of risk manage ment framewo rk One risk assessm ent conducte d and risk register updated One risk assessm ent conducte d and risk register updated R 0.00 Number of risk assessments workshop conducted. Annual target: 4 Up to date Organisa tion risk register One risk assessme nt conducte d and risk register updated One risk assessme nt conducte d and risk register updated Analyses of the inceptio n report Q4 Apr-Jun Target R 0.00 Number of risk assessments workshop conducted. Annual target: 4 Procure ment of services provider Q3 Jan-Mar Target R 0.00 Adopted risk manage ment framewo rk. Q2 Oct-Dec Target R 0.00 % of Risk managemen t framework completed. Annual target: 100% Q1 Jul-Sep Target R 0.00 Output Budget KPI R 0.00 Page: 88 E 12 Review of risk management framework IDP Projects Measurabl e Objective( outcome) To Develop and implement risk management framework Table 5.1.2 : Good Governance and Public Participation : To instil good governance in all Municipal operations, ensure public participation and provide critical strategic support to the Municipality. R 0.00 NKPA 5 Objective All departments All departments All departments ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Page 18 Supporting (Input) Departments Budget One workshop conducted VOTE: 111044216 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 Budget One worksho p conducte d VOTE:OPEX One worksho p conducte d 100% of Anticorruption strategy implemen ted Up dated fraud prevention plan Up dated Anticorruption strategy VOTE:OPEX One worksho p conducte d 75% of Anticorruptio n strategy impleme nted 100% of fraud preventio n implemen ted R 0.00 Four worksho ps conducte d 25% of Anticorruptio n strategy impleme nted Means of Verifications R 0.00 Review Anticorruptio n strategy 75% of fraud preventi on impleme nted R 0.00 Revise Anticorruptio n strategy 25% of fraud preventi on impleme nted Total Budget of the Year R 0.00 No of fraud prevention and anticorruption awareness conducted. Annual target: 4 Review fraud preventi on plan Q4 Apr-Jun Target R 0.00 % of anti corruption plan implemente d. Annual target: 100% Revise a fraud preventi on plan R 0.00 % of fraud prevention implementa tion plan implemente d. Annual target: 100% Q3 Jan-Mar Target Budget Q2 Oct-Dec Target R 0.00 Q1 Jul-Sep Target R 0.00 Output Budget KPI R 0.00 Page: 88 E 12 IDP Projects Measurabl e Objective( outcome) To develop and implement a fraud prevention and anti-corruption plan Table 5.1.2 Invitations Attendance register All departments should provide inputs on fraud prevention plan. All department should provide inputs on Anticorruption strategy Corporate services /MM ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 5.1.3. OFFICE OF THE SPEAKER of Supporting (Input) Departments R 500 000 VOTE: OPEX Attendance register R 125 000 VOTE: OPEX PP Strategy & Policy VOTE: OPEX Coordina te and conduct summit R 0.00 Budget Means Verifications R 0.00 Budget R 0.00 R 0.00 Page 19 Total Budget of the Year Minutes of the Moral Regeneration Movement meetings Attendance register R 0.00 All LM’s and critical stakehol ders participa ting in MRM. Facilitate develop ment of Public participa te Policy R 125 000 Public participa te Policy adopted by June. Coordina te and conduct summit Q4 Apr-Jun Target R 125 000 Number of participants in the Moral Regeneratio n Movement. 100% of people to attend summit R 0.00 % of targeted people attended summit. Annual target: 100% Date Public Participatio n Policy developed and adopted by council. Q3 Jan-Mar Target Budget Q2 Oct-Dec Target R 0.00 Q1 Jul-Sep Target R 125 000 Output Budget KPI R 125 000 Page: 88 E 14 Community Structures for Consultation IDP Projects Measurable Objective(ou tcome) R 0.00 Table 5.1.3 : Good Governance and Public Participation : To instil good governance in all Municipal operations, ensure public participation and provide critical strategic support to the Municipality To facilitate effective communication with all relevant structures NKPA 5 Objective Planning, BTO, ISD Planning, BTO, ISD Planning, BTO, ISD ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Page 20 Supporting (Input) Departments VOTE: OPEX R 0.00 VOTE: OPEX VOTE: OPEX VOTE: OPEX Attendance register Report One open Council day meeting held R 350 000 R 150 000 Budget R 0.00 Minutes of the MPAC meetings Attendance register One MPAC meeting convene d R 37 500 R 0.00 Budget R 0.00 One MPAC meeting convene d of Minutes of the Speakers Forum Attendance register 1 meeting convene d R 350 000 Open Council Day held One MPAC meeting convene d 1 meeting convene d Means Verifications Attendance Register R 0.00 One MPAC meeting convene d 1 meeting convene d Total Budget of the Year 37 500 Four MPAC meetings convene d R 0.00 R 0.00 1 forum meeting convene d R 0.00 Four meetings held Q4 Apr-Jun Target R 0.00 Date of open Council day held 100% of delegate s to attended APRM summit. R 37 500 % of targeted delegates to attend APRM summit. Annual target: 100% Number of Speakers Forum meetings held. Annual target: 4 Number of MPAC meetings held. Annual target: 4 Q3 Jan-Mar Target Budget Q2 Oct-Dec Target R 0.00 Q1 Jul-Sep Target 37 500 Output Budget KPI R 0.00 Open Council day Page: 88 E 16 Municipal public accounts committee Page: 88 E 12 To provide To conduct one oversight role on open council Municipal meeting programmes Page: 88 E 16 IDP Projects Measurable Objective(ou tcome) R 0.00 Table 5.1.3 Planning, BTO, ISD BTO All departments All departments ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Page 21 Supporting (Input) Departments VOTE: OPEX VOTE: OPEX Minutes of the Constituency Work meeting Attendance register 1 caucus meeting convene d R 200 000 VOTE: OPEX Minutes of the Council Caucus meetings Attendance register One council study group and worksho p conducte d R 800 000 VOTE: OPEX Attendance register R 360 000 R 90 000 R 160 000 One Constitue ncy Work meeting convene d R 50 000 Budget Minutes of the Whippery meetings Attendance register R 40 000 One Whipper y meeting convene d R 0.00 Budget One council study group and worksho p conducte d of 40 000 1 caucus meeting convene d Means Verifications R 90 000 One council study group and worksho p conducte d One Constitu ency Work meeting convene d Total Budget of the Year R 50 000 One council study group and worksho p conducte d Q4 Apr-Jun Target R 0.00 Four study groups and worksho p conducte d 1 caucus meeting convene d 40 000 1 caucus meeting convene d One Constitu ency Work meeting convene d One Whipper y meeting convene d R 90 000 Four Council Caucus meetings convene d One Whipper y meeting convene d R 50 000 One Constitu ency Work meeting convene d R 40 000 To prepare for council meetings To capacitate Councillors on Municipal processes Number of Council Study Groups and workshops conducted. Annual target: 4 Four Constitu ency Work meeting convene d One Whipper y meeting convene d R 90 000 Page: 88 E 16 Number of Constituenc y Work meeting held. Annual target: 4 Four Whipper y meetings held Q3 Jan-Mar Target Budget Q2 Oct-Dec Target R 0.00 Q1 Jul-Sep Target R 50 000 Number of Whippery meetings held. Annual target: 4 Number of Council Caucus meetings held. Annual target: 4 Council caucus Output Budget KPI Council Study Groups and workshops Page: 81 A 13 Whippery meetings Page: 88 E 16 To conduct Whippery and Constituency Work meetings for effective functioning of the council IDP Projects Measurable Objective(ou tcome) R 0.00 Table 5.1.3 BTO BTO ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 5.1.4. INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS Budget First draft report of IGR Final report of IGR framewor k Four IGR meetings held One IGR meeting convene d One IGR meeting convene d One IGR meeting convene d One IGR meeting convened Four stakehol ders meeting convene d One meeting convene d with stakehol ders Adopt Municipa l Cooperat ive Agreeme nt Policy by June Municipa l Cooperat ive Policy agreeme nt One meeting convened with stakehold ers Facilitate Municipa l Cooperat ive Policy Analysis of draft Municipa l Cooperat ive Policy Final Municipal Cooperati ve Policy draft Page 22 R 300 000 VOTE:110044217 VOTE:111044215 One meeting convene d with stakehol ders R 400 000 One meeting convene d with stakehol ders Total Budget of the Year R 0.00 Analysis of the inceptio n report R 0.00 Procure ment of services provider R 0.00 Q4 Apr-Jun Target R 0.00 Budget Budget Budget Q3 Jan-Mar Target R 150 000 Date policy agreement signed. Q2 Oct-Dec Target R 150 000 Number of IGR meetings held. Annual target: 4 Number of meetings held with stakeholders . Annual target: 4 Adopt IGR framewo rk by June Q1 Jul-Sep Target R 0.00 Date IGR framework adopted. Output R 0.00 KPI R 100 000 Municipal cooperative agreements (MIR & Protocol) Page: 88 E 11 IGR and Stakeholders management Page: 88 E 11 IDP Projects Measurable Objective(o utcome) R 0.00 Table 5.1.4 : Good Governance and Public Participation : To instil good governance in all Municipal operations, ensure public participation and provide critical strategic support to the Municipality To promote effective good governance NKPA 5 Objective Means of Verifications Supporting Departments (Input) Adopted IGR Framework All departments Attendance register and report All departments Attendance register All departments Adopted Municipal Cooperative Agreement Policy All departments 1 Bilateral or multilate ral meeting held with Ekurhule ni Three Cooperat ive Agreeme nts signed 1 Bilateral or multilate ral meeting held with Ehlanzen i 1 Signed Cooperat ive Agreeme nts with Ekurhule ni Q3 Jan-Mar Target 1 Bilateral or multilate ral meeting held with Amathol e 1 Signed Cooperat ive Agreeme nts Ehlanzen i Page 23 Q4 Apr-Jun Target 1 Bilateral or multilater al meeting held with EThekwini 1 Signed Cooperati ve Agreemen ts Amathole Budget Q2 Oct-Dec Target Means of Verifications Supporting Departments (Input) R 0.00 To promote effective good governance Number of Signed Cooperative Agreements Annual target: 3 Q1 Jul-Sep Target Attendance register and report All departments R 0.00 Output Budget KPI Number of bilateral or multilateral meeting held locally or internationa l. Annual target: 4 Page: 88 E 13 IDP Projects Budget Measurable Objective(o utcome) R 0.00 Table 5.1.4 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Total Budget of the Year Signed Cooperative Agreements All departments ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 5.1.5. COMMUNICATIONS Page 24 VOTE:OPEX VOTE:111044070 All departments Copies of the translated publications. VOTE:OPEX B.T.O R270 000 Budget Budget R 0.00 R25 000 Budget R 0.00 Budget B.T.O Invoices of goods procured R 100 000.00 Two programm es implemen ted Supporting Departments (Input) R 0.00 Two program mes impleme nted Means of Verifications R 0.00 Two program mes impleme nted Facilitate procurem ent of communic ation equipmen t One newslette r and leaflet produced and distribute d. Total Budget of the Year R25 000 Two program mes impleme nted Facilitate procure ment of commun ication equipme nt One newslett er and leaflet produce d and distribut ed. Q4 Apr-Jun Target R 0.00 8 program mes impleme nted Facilitate procure ment of commun ication equipme nt One newslett er and leaflet produce d and distribut ed. Q3 Jan-Mar Target R 0.00 04 newslett ers and leaflets Facilitate procure ment of communi cation equipme nt One newslett er and leaflet produce d and distribut ed. Q2 Oct-Dec Target R25 000 Number of newsletters and leaflets produced and distributed. Annual target: 4 % of Communicat ion strategy programmes implemente d. Annual target: 100% 8 devices procured Q1 Jul-Sep Target R 0.00 Number of required communicat ion equipment procured. Output R 0.00 KPI R25 000 Audio visuals and Equipment Page: 88 E 13 IDP Projects Measurable Objective(o utcome) R 0.00 Table 5.1.5. : Good Governance and Public Participation : To instil good governance in all municipal operation, ensure public participation and provide critical strategic support to the Municipality To develop and implement ANDM communication strategy NKPA 5 Objective Communication strategy Page 25 Three new items posted and updated Budget Total Budget of the Year VOTE:OPEX Three new items posted and updated Q4 Apr-Jun Target R 0.00 Three new items posted and updated Q3 Jan-Mar Target R 0.00 Website updated monthly Three new items posted and updated Q2 Oct-Dec Target Budget Q1 Jul-Sep Target R 0.00 Number of new items posted on the website monthly. Annual target: 12 Output Budget KPI R 0.00 IDP Projects Measurable Objective(o utcome) R 0.00 Table 5.1.5. Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Means of Verifications Supporting Departments (Input) Monthly update report All departments ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 5.1.6. SPECIAL PROGRAMMES UNIT Page 26 All departments VOTE: OPEX All departments VOTE:OPEX All departments Attendance register VOTE:OPEX All departments Attendance register Attendance register VOTE:OPEX Budget Supporting Departments (Input) R 0.00 Means of Verifications R 0.00 Coordinat e and facilitate children programm es and support Coordinat e and facilitate youth programm es and support Coordinat e and facilitate elderly programm es and support Coordinat e and facilitate disabled persons programm es and support Total Budget of the Year R 0.00 Budget R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 Budget R 0.00 Disabled persons supporte d 7 disabled persons program mes and support coordina ted R 0.00 Budget Elderly supporte d 6 elderly program mes and support coordina ted Coordina te and facilitate children program mes and support Coordina te and facilitate youth program mes and support Coordina te and facilitate elderly program mes and support Coordina te and facilitate disabled persons program mes and support Q4 Apr-Jun Target R 0.00 Number of disabled persons programmes and support coordinated. Youth supporte d 8 youth program mes and support coordina ted Coordina te and facilitate children program mes and support Coordina te and facilitate youth program mes and support Coordina te and facilitate elderly program mes and support Coordina te and facilitate disabled persons program mes and support Q3 Jan-Mar Target R 0.00 Number elderly programmes and support coordinated. Children supporte d 6 children program mes and support coordina ted Q2 Oct-Dec Target R 0.00 Number youth programmes and support coordinated. Q1 Jul-Sep Target R 0.00 Number children programmes and support coordinated. Output R 0.00 KPI R 0.00 Page: 85 B 36 Youth development programmes and implementation Page: 85 B 36 IDP Projects Measurable Objective(o utcome) R 0.00 Table 5.1.6. : Good Governance and Public Participation : To instil good governance in all municipal operation, ensure public participation and provide critical strategic support to the Municipality R 0.00 NKPA 5 Objective Attendance register All departments VOTE:OPEX All departments Coordinat e and facilitate gender programm es and support Attendance register Coordinat e and facilitate HIV/AIDS programm es and support VOTE:OPEX Budget Supporting Departments (Input) R 0.00 Budget Means of Verifications R 0.00 Coordina te and facilitate HIV/AIDS program mes and support Total Budget of the Year R 0.00 Budget Coordina te and facilitate gender program mes and support Q4 Apr-Jun Target R 0.00 Coordina te and facilitate HIV/AIDS program mes and support R 0.00 Attendance register Page 27 R 50 000 Reviewed adopted R 0.00 100% policies adopted VOTE: OPEX HIV/AIDS supporte d 10 HIV/AIDS program mes and support coordina ted Coordina te and facilitate gender program mes and support Q3 Jan-Mar Target R 0.00 Gender supporte d 4 gender program mes and support coordina te Q2 Oct-Dec Target R 50 000 % of SPU Policies reviewed implemente d. Q1 Jul-Sep Target R 0.00 Number HIV/AIDS programmes and support coordinated. To review and develop SPU policies Development or review of SPU policies Page: 85 B 36 HIV/AIDS coordination care and support programmmes Page: 85 B 36 Number gender programmes and support coordinated. Output R 0.00 KPI R 0.00 IDP Projects Measurable Objective(o utcome) R 0.00 Table 5.1.6. Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Policy BTO, Communications, CDS, IGR Q4 Apr-Jun Target Budget Q3 Jan-Mar Target Total Budget of the Year Means of Verifications Page 28 VOTE:OPEX R 50 000 Report register R 0.00 Intergen erational session held. Q2 Oct-Dec Target Budget Date Intergenerat ional session held. Q1 Jul-Sep Target R 0.00 Output Budget KPI R 50 000 IDP Projects Measurable Objective(o utcome) R 0.00 Table 5.1.6. Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 and Supporting Departments (Input) BTO, Communications, CDS, IGR ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 5.2. INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT & MUNICIPAL SERVICES 5.2.1. PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT Page 29 Vote: CAPEX R20 000 000 Budget Nil Vote: CAPEX Nil R R10 000 000 Construction of 625 VIP structures Construc tion of 625 VIP structur es R5m Construction of 625 VIP structures Construction of 625 VIP structures Q4 Apr-Jun Target Nil 1250 VIPs construct ed Construction of 625 VIP structures Budget Advertisement of contacts Appointment of contractors Construction of 625 VIP structures R5m 2500 VIPs construct ed Budget Number of househol ds with access to sanitation facilities in Mbizana Number of househol ds with access to sanitation facilities in Ntabanku lu Budget Output Q3 Jan-Mar Target Nil To increase access to sanitation by1250 household s KPI Q2 Oct-Dec Target R5m To increase access to sanitation by 2500 household s Q1 Jul-Sep Target R5m ANDM VIP SANITATION NTABANKULU Page: 84 B26 ANDM VIP SANITATION MBIZANA Page: 84 B26 IDP Projects Measurabl e Objective (Outcome) R5m Table 5.2.1 : Basic Service Delivery : To facilitate access to free basic water, sanitation, housing and electricity R5m NKPA Objective Means of Verificat ion Practical Complet ion certificat e and happy letters Practical Complet ion Certifica te and happy letters Supportin g Departme nts (Input) Communit y services, Planning, BTO, WSA, Legal Communit y services, Planning, Finance, WSA, Legal Page 30 2,1km KMs of sewer reticulation lines constructed. Budget Vote: CAPEX Vote: CAPEX R15 000 000 R15 000 000 R3,752m Budget Budget R3,752m Nil Vote: CAPEX 3, 15 KMs of sewer reticulation lines constructed. Construc tion of 469 structur es complet ed R R 3 381 467.97 3, 15 KMs of sewer reticulation lines constructed. Construction of 469 structures completed Construc tion of 469 structur es complet ed R3,752m 8,4 km of sewer reticulatio n lines construct ed Construction of 469 structures completed Q4 Apr-Jun Target Nil Construction of 468 structures completed Construction of 469 structures completed R3,752m 1875 VIPs construct ed Construction of 469 structures completed R 3,752m R 3,74m Construction of 468 structures completed Q3 Jan-Mar Target R1m To provide access to sanitation sewer reticulatio n to 210 household s 1875 VIPs construct ed Q2 Oct-Dec Target R 3,752m To increase access to sanitation by 1875 household s Number of househol ds with access to sanitation facilities in Matatiele Number of househol ds with access to sanitation facilities in Umzimvu bu % of househol ds with access to sewer reticulatio n Output R 3,74m To increase access to sanitation by 1875 household s KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target R1m RAMOHLAKOANA/ MALUTI/ PHASE 2 Page: 84 B26 ANDM VIP SANITATION UMZIMVUBU Page: 84 B26 ANDM VIP SANITATION MATATIELE Page: 84 B26 IDP Projects Measurabl e Objective (Outcome) R 1,381,467 Table 5.2.1 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Means of Verificat ion Practical Complet ion Certifica te and happy letters Supportin g Departme nts (Input) Communit y services, Planning, Finance, WSA, Legal Practical Complet ion Communit y services, Planning, Finance, WSA, Legal Complet ion certificat e CDS, Planning, BTO, WSA, Legal and WSP Page 31 Install 3 storage reservoi rs Vote:CAPEX Vote: 505050821 Equip 11 boreholes Install 4 storage reservoirs Vote: 505000401 R 200,000 R 3m Deliver 4 storage reservoirs R12m Appointment of service provider to construct 7 Bases for storage reservoirs constructed R 2,5m 4 clear water storage reservoirs construct ed Means of Verificat ion Progress report R R 25 m Number of reservoirs construct ed Technical Report submitted to DWA for approval Budget To provide water to 3,756 household s Feasibility Study conducted R4,950m Conduct procurement processes River obstruct ion, pump station and the construc tion of the rising main Technica l report recomm ended by DWA R 1,3m Detail feasibility report and prelimina ry designs. Q4 Apr-Jun Target R6,25m % of feasibility study complete d River obstruction, pump station and the construction of the rising main Budget To conduct a feasibility study for the sewer reticulatio n Construction of raw water storage reservoir R4 Appointment of contractors for the upgrade Nil WTW upgraded to 6Mgl R6,25 % of upgraded WTW in MT Ayliff Budget To upgrade Mt Ayliff WTW from 5Mgl to 6Mgl Q3 Jan-Mar Target R 1,m Output Q2 Oct-Dec Target R50,000 KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target R 6,25m Cabazana Water Supply Page: 83 B12 UP - GRADING OF MBIZANA TOWN SEWERE SYSTEM Page: 84 B24 MT AYLIFF - PERI - URBAN Page: 84 B26 IDP Projects Measurabl e Objective (Outcome) R 6,25m Table 5.2.1 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Feasibilit y Report Technica l report Progress Report Supportin g Departme nts (Input) SCM, CDS, BTO, Legal and WSA CDS, Planning, BTO, WSA, Legal & WSP Construction of 8 km bulk pipelines Page 32 Construction of 10 km bulk pipelines Construc tion of 10 km bulk pipeline s Vote: 505030791 R 15m Vote: 505000091 R 500,000 R 15m Vote: 505000131 Vote: 505000111 Construction of 8 command reservoirs Construc tion of reticulat ion network R 23 097 301.76 Procurement of contractors. Refurbishment of weir. Construction of break pressure tanks and river crossings Budget 4112 househol ds provided with potable water R 1,75m % of targeted househol ds with access to potable water Construction of reticulation network Nil To Provide access to 4112 household with potable water Construction of bulk pipelines R Nil R6m Construction of storage reservoirs Installation of pumps Nil Construc t 2km rising main R 5,097m 2337 househol ds provided with potable water Budget % of targeted househol ds with access to potable water R 5,75m To Provide access to 2337 household with potable water Nil Q4 Apr-Jun Target Nil Connect electricity and commissioning of projects R6m 589 househol ds provided with potable water Equip 2 pump stations R 4m % of targeted househol ds with access to potable water Budget To Provide access to 589 household with potable water Construction of 2 pump houses R 3,75m Appointment of contractors for 8km rising main, pump station and storage reservoirs Nil 980 househol ds provided with potable water Q3 Jan-Mar Target R 3m % of targeted househol ds with access to potable water R 7m To Provide access of potable water to 980 household s R 3,75m Output Q2 Oct-Dec Target R 500,000 KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target R 3m Tholamela water supply HLANE WATER SUPPLY CABA - MDENI WATER Page: 83 B12 Page: 83 B12 SUPPLY Page: 83 B12 CABAZI Page: 83 B12 IDP Projects Measurabl e Objective (Outcome) R 7m Table 5.2.1 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Means of Verificat ion Progress Report Supportin g Departme nts (Input) CDS, Planning, BTO, WSA, Legal, WSP, Practical Complet ion certificat e CDS, Planning, BTO, WSA, Legal, WSP Practical completi on CDS, Planning, BTO, WSA, Legal, WSP Progress Report CDS, Planning, BTO, WSA, Legal, WSP Page 33 Vote: CAPEX R 15m Nil Vote: CAPEX Nil Vote: 505000141 R 3m R 3m R 4,773,100.18m Mvenyane water supply Page: 83 B12 Nil Nil 11 588 673.06 Source development Connection to existing reticulation R R 4 773 100.18 m 800 househol ds provided with potable water Budget % of targeted househol ds with access to potable water Installation of mechanical and electrical components R2,5m To Provide access to 800 household with potable water Installation of mechanical and electrical components Nil Construction of WTW Construc tion of reticulat ion network Nil 2305 househol ds provided with potable water Construction of reticulation network Budget % of targeted househol ds with access to potable water Construction of command reservoirs Construction of reticulation network R 2,5m Provide access to 2305 household with potable water Advertise for contractors Q4 Apr-Jun Target R 4m 2223 househol ds provided with potable water Nil % of targeted househol ds with access to potable water Budget Fobane sub-region phase 2 Page: 83 B12 To Provide access to 2223 household with potable water Q3 Jan-Mar Target R 7m Output Q2 Oct-Dec Target R 4,588673m KPI IDP Projects Q1 Jul-Sep Target Nil Measurabl e Objective (Outcome) Fobane sub-region phase 1 Page: 83 B12 Table 5.2.1 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Means of Verificat ion Progress Report Supportin g Departme nts (Input) CDS, Planning, BTO, WSA, Legal, WSP Practical completi on CDS, Planning, BTO, WSA, Legal, WSP Practical Complet ion CDS, Planning, BTO, WSA, Legal, WSP Construction of 5km reticulation network Page 34 Construction of 5km reticulation network Budget Vote: CAPEX 13 646 516.00 3 146 516.00 Supportin g Departme nts (Input) CDS, Planning, BTO, WSA, Legal, WSP Progress Report CDS, Planning, BTO, WSA, Legal, WSP Progress Report CDS, Planning, BTO, WSA, Legal, WSP Vote: CAPEX Vote: CAPEX Pump house And reservoir R18 m Pump house And reservoir Construc tion of 4Km bulk pipeline s, reservoi r and Equippin g pump stations Construc tion of 17km reticulat ion network Means of Verificat ion Progress reports R R18m Construction of 20km reticulation network Construction of break pressure tank Construction of 4Km bulk pipelines Continu e with construc tion R 3m 46Km pipe line construct ed Construction of 4Km bulk pipelines Q4 Apr-Jun Target R4m % of targeted househol ds with access to potable water Budget To Provide access to 3752 household with potable water 5 000 000.00 +17km bulk and reticulatio n pipe line and three reservoirs construct ed Continue construction R4m % of targeted househol ds with access to potable water Award tender and commence construction R4m To Provide access to 2529 household with potable water Advertise tender for 5 borehole equipping, 10.9kms of bulk pipeline and 2.5Ml reservoir. Apply for Eskom power supply. Appoint contractors for bulk pipe line and mechanical works And reservoirs Budget 5468 househol ds provided with potable water Q3 Jan-Mar Target 4 500 000.00 % of targeted househol ds with access to potable water R 6m To Provide access to 5468 household with potable water Q2 Oct-Dec Target R4m Output 1 000 000.00 KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target R 5m Page: 83 B12 Qwidlana Water Supply Area 1 & 2 Page: 83 B12 Siqhingeni water Page: 83 B12 Maluti / matatiele / ramohlakoana water IDP Projects Measurabl e Objective (Outcome) R6m Table 5.2.1 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Page 35 Vote: CAPEX R 4 300 577m Supportin g Departme nts (Input) CDS, Planning, BTO, WSA, Legal, WSP Progress Report CDS,Plann ing, BTO,WSA, Legal, WSP Progress report CDS, Planning, BTO, WSA, Legal, WSP Progress report. CDS, Planning, BTO, WSA, Legal, WSP Vote: CAPEX Vote: CAPEX R1m Construc tion of WTW Vote: CAPEX Construction of WTW Construction of WTW R26,5m WTW at 100% complet e reports Appointment of contractor R R8m R10m R 50,000 Appointment of professional service provider to complete WTW designs Reservoirs concrete roof constructed and all fittings in place Budget % of targeted househol ds with access to potable water Fixing of steal for reservoir walls and Shuttering R 1,55m Preparation of platform and blinding and casting concrete for the base To Provide access to 17 496 household with potable 1,2Mgl WTW construct ed 4 operator houses built. 17 496 househol ds provided with portable water Means of Verificat ion Progress Report Nil Nil % of targeted househol ds with access to potable water Nil R6,5 To provided 3205 household s with potable water Construction of Bulk pipeline Construc tion of bulk pipeline s R1m Appointment of contractor Budget Constructi on of reticulatio n of pipe line R1,5m % of targeted househol ds with access to potable water Construction of bulk pipelines Q4 Apr-Jun Target Nil To Provide access to 429 household with potable water Construction of bulk pipelines R5m Appointment of contractor R3m Constructi on of reticulatio n of pipe line Budget % of targeted househol ds with access to potable water R 1,2m To Provide access to 897 household with potable water Q3 Jan-Mar Target R1m Output Q2 Oct-Dec Target R5m KPI R 50,000 Q1 Jul-Sep Target R 3m KWABACA RWSSECTION 1 (WTW) Page: 83 B12 NTIBANE WATER SUPPLY PHASE 2 Page: 83 B12 Qwidlana Water Supply Qwidlana Water Supply Area 5 Area 3 & 4 Page: 83 B12 Page: 83 B12 IDP Projects Measurabl e Objective (Outcome) R 1m Table 5.2.1 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Page 36 Advertise tender for construction and award to contractor Budget R10m Vote: CAPEX Means of Verificat ion Practical completi on certificat e Supportin g Departme nts (Input) CDS, Planning, BTO, WSA, Legal, WSP Progress report CDS, Planning, BTO, WSA, Legal, WSP DWA recomm endatio n& progress reports CDS, Planning, BTO, WSA, Legal, WSP Vote: CAPEX R12m Nil Equippin g of pump stations Vote: CAPEX Appoint consultant for final design, tender and construction supervision Complet ion of weir 20 000 000.00 Get project appraised and recommended for implementatio n by the Department of Water Affairs Construct 3km pumping main Construct 3pump houses Construction of weir R2,950m % of targeted househol ds with access to potable water Construct 3km pumping main R Nil 6 000 000.00 Appoint contractor to facilitate Abstraction license To provide access to 42932 household with potable water Weir construct ed 3 pump stations equipped Pumping main 6km construct ed 42932 househol ds provided with portable water Budget % of targeted househol ds with access to potable water Nil Q4 Apr-Jun Target Nil To develop water source to supply 2892 household s with potable water Construction of 8km clear bulk water mains R4m Construction of 8,5 km clear bulk water mains 8 000 000.00 17 496 househol ds provided with potable water Budget % of targeted househol ds with access to potable water Q3 Jan-Mar Target R6m To provide access to 17 496 household with potable water R3m Output R 6m KPI Q2 Oct-Dec Target R50,000 Q1 Jul-Sep Target 3 000 000.00 Greater mbizana regional scheme reticulation Page: 83 B12 BOMVINI NYOKWENI - BULK WATER SUPPLY Page: 83 B12 KWABACA RWSSECTION 3 (BULK PIPELINE) Page: 83 B12 IDP Projects Measurabl e Objective (Outcome) 3 000 000.00 Table 5.2.1 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 R 1m Construction of WWTW 30% R3m R50,000 Construction of WWTW 20% Construction 4km of Bulk Sewer pipe line Page 37 Construction 4.3km of Bulk Sewer pipe line Vote: CAPEX Appoint contractor for WWTW Construction 4km of Bulk Sewer pipe line Vote: CAPEX Constructi on of WTWW, 30,5km Bulk sewer pipe line and reticulatio n. Construc tion of WWTW 30% Progress report Vote: CAPEX % of targeted househol ds with access to potable water Construction of reservoirs R 5m To Provide access to portable water and water born sanitation Construction of bulk mains R R21m Appointment of contractors Facilitation of project DWA approval Budget Constructi on of reservoirs , pipe lines and pump stations Construc tion of bulk mains R950,000 % of targeted househol ds with access to potable water Construction of storage reservoirs Construction of pump houses Q4 Apr-Jun Target R5m To Provide 1155 household s with potable water Construction of bulk mains Budget Appointment of contractors R 3m Constructi on of reservoirs , pipe lines and pump stations Q3 Jan-Mar Target R8m % of targeted househol ds with access to potable water Budget To Provide 2243 household s with potable water R5m Output IDP Projects Q2 Oct-Dec Target R50,000 KPI Umzimvubu ward 14 water Page: 83 B12 Q1 Jul-Sep Target Umzimvubu ward 13 Page? Page: 83 B12 Measurabl e Objective (Outcome) Up - grading of ntabankulu town sewer system Page 86 B24 Table 5.2.1 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Means of Verificat ion Progress report Supportin g Departme nts (Input) CDS, Planning, BTO, WSA, Legal, WSP Progress report CDS, Planning, BTO, WSA, Legal, WSP Progress report CDS, Planning, BTO, WSA, Legal, WSP 100% weir construction completed Page 38 Budget Vote: CAPEX Vote: 505050981 R7m R8m R1m Nil Vote: 505090819 R5m Nil Nil Vote: 505500041 Construction of 4km bulk pipelines Means of Verificat ion Progress report R R20m Construction of 4km bulk pipeline 60% Construction of weir completed Nil R1m % of targeted househol ds with access to potable water 7km construction of pipeline completed Replace 5km rising main Nil 6km pipeline constructed 100% completed WTW refurbishment To Provide household s with potable water 13km rising main construct ed and WTW refurbishe d 8km bulk pipeline construct ed and completio n of weirs. Replace 5km rising main Construc tion of 4km reticulat ion network Nil % of targeted refurbish ment of treatment works Budget To Refurbish Matatiele treatment works Replace 5km rising main R3m Appointment of contractors. Replacement of 2,4 km pipeline R2m 2,4km bulk line refurbish ment. Replacement of 5 bulk pipeline Q4 Apr-Jun Target Nil % of targeted aged infrastruc ture replaced Refurbish 5 old reservoirs Nil To Replace aged infrastruct ure Budget Replacement of 3km old reticulation pipeline R 2m Replacem ent of 12 km dilapidate d reticulatio n pipeline R 3m % of targeted refurbishe d water scheme Q3 Jan-Mar Target R 3m To Refurbish existing water scheme R1m Output Q2 Oct-Dec Target R 2m KPI R 2m Q1 Jul-Sep Target R10m RBIG Umzimvubu Page: 83 B12 Matatiele wtw refurbishment Page: 84 B15 Belford bulk pipelines Page: 84 B15 Kwa-bhaca augmentation (south) Page: 84 B15 IDP Projects Measurabl e Objective (Outcome) R 10m Table 5.2.1 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Supportin g Departme nts (Input) CDS, Planning, BTO, WSA, Legal, WSP Progress report CDS, Planning, BTO, WSA, Legal, WSP Complet ion certificat e Progress report CDS, Planning, BTO, WSA, Legal, WSP Progress Report CDS, Planning, BTO, WSA, Legal, WSP Page 39 781 jobs created and reported to EPWP 781 jobs created and reported to EPWP 20 000 000.00 Vote: CAPEX Vote: Vote: 150044295 781 jobs created and reported to EPWP Nil 781 jobs created and reported to EPWP Budget Budget Budget R R5,8m 3124 jobs created Monitor transfers from ANDM main account to relevant call accounts 4 000 000.00 Number of- jobs created Monitor transfers from ANDM main account to relevant call accounts for payroll. Construc tion 70% complet e Nil To create 815 full time equivalenc e. Monitor transfers from ANDM main account to relevant call accounts Q4 Apr-Jun Target R1,2m Monitor transfers from ANDM main account to relevant call accounts 5 000 000.00 Creditors paid within 30 days from the date of receipt of invoices. Construction 30% complete Nil % of targeted capital grants controlled and managed Award tender for construction and commence construction Q3 Jan-Mar Target R1,2m To control and manage the expenditur e of capital grants. Procurem ent of 12kilomet res of pipes Award tender material 8 000 000.00 % of targeted househol ds with access to potable water Nil To Provide 3314 household s with potable water R1,2m Output Q2 Oct-Dec Target 3 000 000.00 KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target Nil Page: 83 B12 Expanded public works program Page: 85 B36 Financial Management Page: 85 B32 Matatiele regional bulk water supply IDP Projects Measurabl e Objective (Outcome) R2m Table 5.2.1 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Means of Verificat ion Progress report Monthly reconcili ation and expendit ure reports EPWP quarterl y validate d report Expendit ure reports Supportin g Departme nts (Input) CDS, Planning, BTO, WSA, Legal, WSP IDMS and Finance. Coordinate community meetings Page 40 Coordin ate commun ity meeting s Vote: Coordinate community meetings Budget R Nil Coordinate community meetings Q4 Apr-Jun Target Nil Communi ty meetings for project inceptions Q3 Jan-Mar Target Budget Number of communit y meetings held Budget Output Q2 Oct-Dec Target Nil To maximize communit y participati on on all MIG projects KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target Nil ISD Coordination Page: 85 B36 IDP Projects Measurabl e Objective (Outcome) Nil Table 5.2.1 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Means of Verificat ion PSC Training reports Nonfinancial reports. Supportin g Departme nts (Input) Finance, Communit y services, Legal ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 5.2.2. WSA UNIT Q4 Apr-Jun Target Budget Q3 Jan-Mar Target Budget Budget Budget Output Q2 Oct-Dec Target Total Budget of the Year Means of Verificati on Supporti ng Depart ments (Input) BTO CDS PLANNI NG Page 41 - Vote: WSA CAPEX Adoption of the strategy by the Council Council resolutio n Vote: WSA CAPEX Submission of strategy Report - Detailed investigati on and analysis of data for final reporting. - R1m ANNUAL TARGET : JUNE 2014 Complet ed WCDM strategy documen t and submitte d for council adoption. Finilisation of the Modelling tool and policy. Piloting the tool, Submission of the tool and tariff policy for Council approval. R1m Date strategy develope d and submitte d Detailed constructi on of the Tariff Modeling tool, and Tariff Policy. - ANNUAL TARGET : JUNE 2014 Complet ed tariff modeling tool and an adopted tariff policy. R0.00 Date tariff policy adopted R0.00 R R200,000.00 To Develop a strategy document to include Ntabankul u& Mbizana KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target R500,000.00 Review of the WCDM strategy document Page: 83 B13 Tariff Modelling and Tariff Policy for the ANDM. Page: 83 B13 IDP Projects Measurab le Objective s (Outcome ) To Develop Tariff Policy and a tariff modeling tool. Determin e the cost of water services provisioni ng R800,000.00 Table 5.2.2 : Basic Service Delivery : To facilitate access to free and basic water sanitation, housing and electricity R500,000.00 NKPA 2 Objective Council resolutio n BTO 20 data logging and telemetri c systems installed 5 inlet and outlet and outlet bulk meters installed with data logging system Q4 Apr-Jun Target Budget 10 Active installatio ns of the water level monitorin g devices 30 water level devices installed with Progress report stipulating the number of installations done. Q3 Jan-Mar Target Budget % of water level monitorin g devices installed 58 monitorin g devices installed and equipped with automati c data logging system. Budget Output Budget KPI Q2 Oct-Dec Target Total Budget of the Year Means of Verificati on Page 42 R2,7m Vote: WSA CAPEX 5 inlet and outlet and outlet bulk meters installed with data logging system R500 000.00 Vote: WSA CAPEX 5 inlet and outlet and outlet bulk meters installed with data logging system - ANNUAL TARGET:1 00% 5 inlet and outlet and outlet bulk meters installed with data logging system - Reports from installed devices R125000.00 % of data logging and telemetri c system installed 18 water level devices and submission of the final Report R700000.00 ANNUAL TARGET: 100% R1500000.00 R R125000.00 To Install data logging and telemetric system in the inlet and outlet bulk meters of the WTWs Q1 Jul-Sep Target R125000.00 Installation of automatic data logging system in all bulk meters and telemetry data logging at the WTW inlet and outlet meters. Page: 83 B13 Water Resources Monitoring Page: 83 B15 IDP Projects Measurab le Objective s (Outcome ) To Install water level monitorin g devices in boreholes , water sources, dams and reservoirs . R125000.00 Table 5.2.2 R500000.00 ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Report from installed devices Supporti ng Depart ments (Input) BTO CDS BTO CDS Q4 Apr-Jun Target Budget Q3 Jan-Mar Target Budget Budget Output Q2 Oct-Dec Target Total Budget of the Year Means of Verificati on Supporti ng Depart ments (Input) BTO BTO Page 43 Vote: WSA CAPEX - Vote: WSA CAPEX 5 pay-point and service level agreements R1m 5 pay-point and service level agreements - Custome r sign off certificat es R500 000.00 3 paypoint and service level agreemen ts 200 consumer meters to be installed at Highlands (Bizana) - ANNUAL TARGET:1 00% 10 paypoints discover ed and 10 service level agreeme nts made with paypoint institutio ns 200 consumer meters to be installed at Highlands (Bizana) - % of pay points activate 200 consumer meters to be installed at Highlands (Bizana) R300 000 ANNUAL TARGET: 100% 580 of pre-paid meters and devices installed R150 000 % of prepaid meters installed R350 000 R R200 000 To Investigat e other possible water services paypoints in the ANDM KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target R350 000 Exploring other revenue collection systems. Page: 83 B14 Installation of pre-paid meter devices in the urban areas of the ANDM Page: 83 B13 IDP Projects Measurab le Objective s (Outcome ) To Install pre-paid meter with restrictive or trickling water devices in some ANDM urban areas R150 000 Table 5.2.2 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Monthly reports from pay points Q4 Apr-Jun Target Budget Q3 Jan-Mar Target Budget Budget Output Q2 Oct-Dec Target Total Budget of the Year Means of Verificati on ANNUAL TARGET: 400 000 Page 44 12000 Households to be verified - Vote: WSA CAPEX 13000 Households to be verified Analyses of the FBS in the ANDM – Detailed ANDM indigent profile report Vote: WSA CAPEX 15000 Househol ds to be verified - R100000.00 400000 indigent househol ds verified Two service level agreements to be signed Local newspap er adverts, copy of radio advert R1 500000.00 Number of indigent househol ds verified Two service level agreemen ts to be signed R6000000 ANNUAL TARGET: 4 4 service level agreeme nt with advertisi ng agencies . R50 00.00 Number of advertise ments run for indigent applicati on R50 00.00 R R300000 To Verify indigent househol ds in the ANDM KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target R300000 Indigent register verification Page: 83 B13 Advertisement of indigent policy for LMs Page: 83 B13 IDP Projects Measurab le Objective s (Outcome ) To Inform and sensitize all ANDM communit ies about procedure s to be followed when applying for indigent support. R300000 Table 5.2.2 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Monthly copies of verified indigent register Supporti ng Depart ments (Input) MM BTO CDS MM BTO CDS PLANNI NG Q4 Apr-Jun Target Budget Q3 Jan-Mar Target Budget Budget Output Q2 Oct-Dec Target Total Budget of the Year Means of Verificati on Supporti ng Depart ments (Input) MM BTO CDS MM BTO CDS Page 45 R200000.00 Vote: WSA CAPEX R100000.00 Vote: WSA CAPEX Vote: WSA CAPEX - Attendan ce register R100000.00 - - - 2 workshops to be conducted in the 2 LMs - 2 workshop s to be conducte d in the 2 LMs - - 4 worksho ps To be conducte d in all ANDM LMs. 2 awareness campaigns to be covered in the 2 LMs - - ANNUAL TARGET:4 2 awarenes s campaign s to be covered in the 2 LMs - Translat ed indigent policy - Number of worksho p facilitate d Awarene ss campaig ns to be undertak en in the 4 LMs of the ANDM - - Number of awarene ss campaig n conducte d ANNUAL TARGET:4 Complete d and translated version of Indigent policy - ANNUAL TARGET: JUNE 2014 Complet ely translate d indigent policy into 4 ANDM indigeno us language s. R50000 Date indigent register translate d R50000 R R200.000.00 To Dissemin ate FBS informatio n to all ANDM relevant stakehold ers KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target R50000 Awareness campaign about indigent Page: 83 B13 To Undertak e awarenes s campaign s about indigence Workshop and training for Councilors, CDWs, Ward Committees and traditional leaders Page: 83 B13 Translation of indigent policy to indigenous languages Page: 83 B13 IDP Projects Measurab le Objective s (Outcome ) To Ensure that ANDM indigent policy is nondiscrimina ting in terms of ANDM language s. R50000 Table 5.2.2 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Attendan ce register MM BTO CDS Q4 Apr-Jun Target Budget Budget Q3 Jan-Mar Target Total Budget of the Year Means of Verificati on Page 46 Vote: WSA CAPEX Vote: WSA CAPEX R700 000.00 Complet e adopted water safety plan - Attendan ce register R250 000.00 R200 000.00 1 awarene ss campaig n in Mbizana LM Vote: WSA CAPEX 1 awareness campaign in Matatiele LM R300000.00 1 awareness campaign in Umzimvubu LM Bimonthly progress reports, terms of referenc e, advert, appoint ment letter R500000.00 1 awarenes s campaign in Ntabankul u LM Situational analysis Draft emergen cy prepared ness plan R100 000.00 4 awarene ss WERP outreach es in the ANDM Inception report Draft water safety plan document Council resolutio n adopting water safety plan R125 000.00 Number of awarene ss campaig n conducte d ANNUAL TARGET:4 Complet ed emergen cy prepared ness plan for Ntabank ulu and Matatiele town dams Hazard identification and risk assessment report R100 000.00 ANNUAL TARGET: 100% Inception report and site inspection report R125 000.00 % of dam safety plan impleme nted Complet ed and adopted water safety plan R250 000.00 R R100 000.00 To Implemen t the adopted waterborn e emergenc y response plan. Q2 Oct-Dec Target R125 000.00 To Implemen t the adopted dam safety plan Output Q1 Jul-Sep Target Budget To Develop ANDM water safety plan % of water safety plan complete d ANNUAL TARGET:1 00% Dam Safety Management Page: 83 B16 KPI Waterborne disease emergency response plan Page: 83 B11 Water Safety Plan Page: 83 B16 IDP Projects Measurab le Objective s (Outcome ) R125 000.00 Table 5.2.2 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Supporti ng Depart ments (Input) BTO CDS BTO CDS BTO CDS Budget Budget Budget Q4 Apr-Jun Target Total Budget of the Year Means of Verificati on Supporti ng Depart ments (Input) BTO BTO CDS BTO CDS - Completion report Page 47 Situational analysis report. - 3 water quality monitorin g reports Adopted coastal manage ment plan - Vote: WSA CAPEX Complet ed wastebuy back centre in Ntabank ulu Inception Report. 3 water quality monitoring reports Monthly water quality monitori ng reports Vote: WSA CAPEX Complet e and adopted coastal manage ment plan 3 water quality monitoring reports Council resolutio n Vote: WSA CAPEX ANNUAL TARGET: JUNE 2014 % of waste buyback centre establish ed ANNUAL TARGET: 100% 3 water quality monitorin g reports R1000000.00 ANNUAL TARGET: 12 Date coastal manage ment plan adopted 12 water quality monitorin g reports R500000 R Number of water quality reports submitte d R500 000.00 To Construct a waste recycling facility in the Ntabankul u LM Q3 Jan-Mar Target R150 000.00 To Develop ANDM coastal managem ent plan Output Q2 Oct-Dec Target R200 000.00 To ensure complianc e monitorin g based on the regulators standards KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target R150 000.00 Ntabankulu Waste buy Coastal management plan back centre Page: 83 B11 Page: 83 B11 Water quality monitoring Page: 85 B32 IDP Projects Measurab le Objective s (Outcome ) R500 000.00 Table 5.2.2 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Tender docume nt, advert, appoint ment letter Q4 Apr-Jun Target Budget Budget Budget Q3 Jan-Mar Target Total Budget of the Year Means of Verificati on Supporti ng Depart ments (Input) BTO CDS BTO IDMS CDS Council resolutio n BTO CDS PLANNI NG Page 48 R500 000.00 Vote: WSA CAPEX R200 000.00 Vote: WSA CAPEX Vote: WSA CAPEX Piloting of the system Council resolutio n R500,000.00 Acquisition and analysis of data Detailed execution and development of the software R150 000.00 Inception phase of the project Situational analysis report Complet e and adopted climate change strategy Council resolutio n R50 000.00 Complet ed and adopted DITP documen t for the ANDM. Inception report Complet e and adopted IWMP Situational analysis report R500 000.00 Complet ed and adopted climate change adaptatio n strategy, R200 000.00 ANNUAL TARGET: JUNE 2014 Inception report R100 000.00 ANNUAL TARGET: JUNE 2014 Date ANDM Climate change adaptatio n strategy adopted ANNUAL TARGET: JUNE 2014 Date water services backlog eradicati on adopted Complet ed and adopted IWMP for the ANDM. R300,000.00 R Date ANDM IWMP adopted R150 000.00 To Review the water services backlog eradicatio n for ANDM Output Q2 Oct-Dec Target R50 000.00 Climate Change Adaptation strategy Page: 83 B13 To Develop the ANDM Climate change adaptatio n strategy. KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target R250,000.00 Integrated Waste Management Plan Page: 83 B13 To Develop ANDM IWMP Review Water Services Backlog eradication strategy Page: 83 B12 IDP Projects Measurab le Objective s (Outcome ) R100 000.00 Table 5.2.2 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Q4 Apr-Jun Target Budget Q3 Jan-Mar Target Budget Budget Output Q2 Oct-Dec Target Total Budget of the Year Means of Verificati on Supporti ng Depart ments (Input) BTO CDS PLANNI NG BTO CDS PLANNI NG BTO CDS PLANNI NG Page 49 R3m Vote: WSA CAPEX R200,000.00 Vote: WSA CAPEX Council resolutio n R500,000.00 Vote: WSA CAPEX Final DITP, adoption of the DITP by the council R800.000.00 Detailed execution of the project resulting in the production of the draft DITP plan. Feasibilit y studies - Acquisition and analysis of available dataprogress reports - Feasibilit y study undertak en in 4 wards - Inception phase of the project, produced Inception report R800,000.00 Complet ed and adopted DITP documen t for the ANDM. Acquisition and analysis of data Detailed execution and development of the software R100000.00 ANNUAL TARGET: JUNE 2014 Inception phase of the project Feasibility study undertaken in 4 wards R250,000.00 Date DITP adopted Complet ed and adopted electricit y sector plan. Feasibility study undertaken in 4 wards R800,000.00 ANNUAL TARGET: JUNE 2014 Feasibility study undertake n in 3 wards R80,000.00 ANNUAL TARGET: 15 Date electricit y sector plan adopted Feasibilit y studies to be undertak en in 15 wards of the ANDM R600,000.00 R Number of feasibility studies complete d R150,000.00 To Review the document that will identify transport related needs within the ANDM. KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target R20000.00 Electricity Sector Plan Page: 84 B27 To Develop a new electricity sector plan for ANDM Review District Integrated Transport Plan Page: 84 B28 Feasibility studies for cluster wards in Umzimvubu and Ntabankulu Page: 83 B14 IDP Projects Measurab le Objective s (Outcome ) To Undertak e feasibility studies for water backlog eradicatio n for the ANDM R100 000.00 Table 5.2.2 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Council resolutio n Q4 Apr-Jun Target Budget Q3 Jan-Mar Target Budget Budget Output Q2 Oct-Dec Target Total Budget of the Year Means of Verificati on Supporti ng Depart ments (Input) BTO CDS PLANNI NG BTO CDS PLANNI NG Page 50 Vote: WSA CAPEX Piloting of the system Vote: WSA CAPEX Detailed execution and development of the software R500,000.00 Acquisition and analysis of data – progress report Council resolutio n R1,795,000.00 Inception phase of the project R0.00 Complet e rural assessm ent system Acquisition and analysis of available dataprogress reports Detailed execution of the project resulting in the production of the draft sanitation master plan. R200,000.00 Date road and asset manage ment system adopted ANNUAL TARGET: JUNE 2014 Inception phase of the project, produced Inception report R250,000.00 ANNUAL TARGET: JUNE 2014 One complete reviewed sanitatio n master plan for the ANDM. Final Sanitatio n master plan documen t, adoption of the master plan by the council R195,000.00 Date Sanitatio n master plan adopted R150,000.00 R R550,000.00 To Develop rural road and asset managem ent system for the ANDM. KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target R100 000.00 Rural road Asset Management System Page: 84 B27 Review Sanitation Master Plan. Page: 84 B21 IDP Projects Measurab le Objective s (Outcome ) To Review of the document that guides and addresse s sanitation backlog in the ANDM R850,000.00 Table 5.2.2 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Council resolutio n Q4 Apr-Jun Target Budget Q3 Jan-Mar Target Budget Budget Date section 78 assessm ent complete d Complet ed Section 78 assessm ent report and impleme ntation guideline s for the ANDM. Q2 Oct-Dec Target Total Budget of the Year Means of Verificati on Supporti ng Depart ments (Input) ALL DEPTS. BTO MM PLANNI NG CDS Page 51 R 500 000.00 Vote: WSA CAPEX R100 000.00 Vote: WSA CAPEX Blue Drop Status from DWA ??????? Vote: WSA CAPEX - - Final Feasibilty reports for DWA approval R70 000.00 Detailed investigation of optimal dam sites for Sirhoqobeni, Mkemane and Ntabankulu. 84% BDS achieved Section 78 report - Approval of the concept reports DWA - - Complet ed report of the detailed final feasibility reports. - BDS preliminary report - R30 000.00 ANNUAL TARGET: JUNE 2014 BDS and GDS evaluatio n scores R 250 000.00 % Blue Drop Status achieved ANNUAL TARGET: 100% Date dam feasibility studies complete d - - ANNUAL TARGET: JUNE 2014 Stakehold er engagem ent Stakeholder resolutions and adoption section 78 report by the council R5000000.00 R R20 000000 WSA performa nce measure ment complianc e tool To Conduct dam feasibility studies to address long term water backlog eradicatio n. Output R 250 000.00 To Assess the capabilitie s of the municipali ty(ANDM) in water services provision KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target - Feasibility studies Sirhoqobeni, Mkemane and Ntabankulu Page83 B14 Regulatory Performance Management System Page: 85 B32 Section 78 Page: 85 B32 IDP Projects Measurab le Objective s (Outcome ) R 5000000 Table 5.2.2 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Dam feasibilit y studies ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 5.2.3. WSP UNIT Page 52 Means of Verification Supporti ng Departm ents (Input) Vote: 505030731 Delivery Notes and Payment certificates SCM Vote: CAPEX R 2 000 000.00 Implementat ion Closeout report on the 5 schemes R 2 000 000.00 Appointme nt of service provider Budget 100% of required tools procured according to priority list R 500 000.00 50% of required tools procured according to priority list Total Budg et of the Year R 500 000.00 Budget 5 drought relief schemes provided in financial year. 75% of required tools procured according to priority list R 500 000.00 Assess ment Number of drought relief scheme s provided Q4 Apr-Jun Target R 500 000.00 25% of require d tools procure d accordi ng to priority list Budget % of required tools procure d WTW, WWTW and Sanitation ponds test kits, Portable Jetting machine and accessori es. Q3 Jan-Mar Target R 500 000.00 Develop the busines s plan & impleme nt water drought relief scheme s. By June 2014 Output Q2 Oct-Dec Target R 500 000.00 To ensure 100% operatio ns and mainten ance of all water and sanitatio n infrastru cture. KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target Budget Drought Relief Intervention Projects Page: 83 B15 Tools & Equipment Page 120 : (B.1.5) IDP Projects Measur able Objectiv e (Outcom e) R 500 000.00 Table 5.2.3 : Basic Service Delivery : To facilitate access to free and basic water, sanitation, housing and electricity R 500 000.00 NKPA 2 Objective Project closeout report and Handover certificates SCM Commun ity Services Page 53 Vote: 505000211 Vote: 150041001 Vote: CAPEX R 1 000 000.00 R3 500 000.00 100% of water schemes maintained according to planned schedule for Quarter 4 R 12 645 000.00 100% of water schemes maintained according to planned schedule for Quarter 3 Budget 100% of water schemes maintained according to planned schedule for Quarter 2 % of water scheme s mainten ance plan adhered to 100% for Matatiel e R 250 000.00 47 water and sanitation schemes fully operation al 100% of water scheme s maintai ned accordi ng to planne d schedul e for Quarter 1 Facilitate the procureme nt of bulk water R875 000.00 To provide access and prevent unexpec ted break downs on water and sanitatio n scheme s Facilitate the procuremen t of bulk water 4 boreholes Completed with certificates R 3 16 250.00 R875 000.00 Facilitate the procureme nt of bulk water Budget Bulk water procured Facilitat e the procure ment of bulk water R 250 000.00 Amount spent on bulk purchas es Total Budg et of the Year R875 000.00 To purchas e bulk water monthly Implementat ion Q4 Apr-Jun Target R 3 16 250.00 R 250 000.00 Implement ation R3 16 250.00 Budget Number of borehol es drilled SCM process es finalise d and borehol es drilled R 250 000.00 To drill and test borehol es 4 boreholes drilled in Nkantolo, Gudlintab a, Buwa, Ngwegwe ni. IDP Projects R875 000.00 Output Q3 Jan-Mar Target R 3 16 250.00 KPI Drilling of boreholes Page: 83 B15 Q2 Oct-Dec Target Q1 Jul-Sep Target Bulk Water Purchases Page: 83 B15 Measur able Objectiv e (Outcom e) Maintenance of Repairs and Matatiele Water & Sanitation Infrastructure schemes Page: 83 B15 Table 5.2.3 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Means of Verification Supporti ng Departm ents (Input) Closeout reports and handover certificates SCM CDS WCDM Invoices Proof of payment Water and sanitation maintenance reports WCDM Finance WSA/En vironmen tal Custome r Commun ity Services MHS CPS Page 54 100% of water schemes maintained according to planned schedule for Quarter 4 Budget Total Budg et of the Year Vote: CAPEX 100% of water schemes maintained according to planned schedule for Quarter 3 Q4 Apr-Jun Target R 11 645 000.00 100% of water schemes maintained according to planned schedule for Quarter 2 Budget Budget 75 water and sanitation schemes fully operation al 100% of water scheme s maintai ned accordi ng to planne d schedul e for Quarter 1 Q3 Jan-Mar Target R 2 911250.00 % of water scheme s mainten ce plan adhered to 100% for Umzimv ubu Output Q2 Oct-Dec Target R 2 911250.00 To provide access and prevent unexpec ted break downs on water and sanitatio n scheme s KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target R 2 911250.00 Repairs and Maintenance of Water & Sanitation Infrastructure schemes -Umzimvubu Page: 83 B15 IDP Projects Measur able Objectiv e (Outcom e) R 2 911250.00 Table 5.2.3 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Means of Verification Supporti ng Departm ents (Input) Water and sanitation maintenance reports WSA/En vironmen tal Custome r Commun ity Services MHS Corporat e Services Page 55 100% of water schemes maintained according to planned schedule for Quarter 3 100% of water schemes maintained according to planned schedule for Quarter 4 R6 350 000.00 Budget R1 587500.00 Budget R1 587500.00 Vote: CAPEX Vote: CAPEX 100% of water schemes maintained according to planned schedule for Quarter 2 100% of water schemes maintained according to planned schedule for Quarter 4 Total Budg et of the Year R 6 850 000.00 33 water and sanitation schemes fully operation al 100% of water scheme s maintai ned accordi ng to planne d schedul e for Quarter 1 100% of water schemes maintained according to planned schedule for Quarter 3 Q4 Apr-Jun Target R 1712500.00 % of water scheme s mainten ce plan adhered to 100% for Ntabank ulu Quarter 1 100% of water schemes maintained according to planned schedule for Quarter 2 Q3 Jan-Mar Target R 1712500.00 To provide access and prevent unexpec ted break downs on water and sanitatio n scheme s 31 water and sanitation schemes fully operation al 100% of water scheme s maintain ed accordin g to planned schedul e for Budget % of water scheme s mainten ce plan adhered to 100% for Mbizana R1 587500.00 To provide access and prevent unexpec ted break downs on water and sanitatio nschem es Output Q2 Oct-Dec Target R 1712500.00 KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target R1 587500.00 Repairs and Maintenance of Water & Repairs and Maintenance of Water & Sanitation Infrastructure schemes Sanitation Infrastructure schemes -Mbizana Ntabankulu Page: 83 B15 Page:83 B15 IDP Projects Measur able Objectiv e (Outcom e) R1 712500.00 Table 5.2.3 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Means of Verification Supporti ng Departm ents (Input) Water and sanitation maintenance reports WSA/En vironmen tal Custome r Commun ity Services MHS Corporat e Services Water and sanitation maintenance reports WSA/En vironmen tal Custome r Commun ity Services MHS Corporat e Services Page 56 Means of Verification Supporti ng Departm ents (Input) Vote: CAPEX Project closeout report and handover certificate SCM Commun ity Services Vote: CAPEX Project closeout report and handover certificate Closeout report SCM Commun ity Services Vote: CAPEX R 2 000 000.00 R 2 000 000.00 R 2 000 000.00 1 schemes refurbishe d Budget Constructio n continoues for Mbizana bulk pipeline 3 schemes refurbishe d R 500 000.00 Scope of work finalised and service provider appointed Budget 4 schemes refurbished R500 000.00 Scope of work finalised and service provider appointed 5 schemes refurbishe d R 500 000.00 Budget R500 000.00 4 schemes refurbished Total Budg et of the Year R 500 000.00 Conduc t assess ment Scope of work finalised and service provider appointed Q4 Apr-Jun Target R 500 000.00 1 scheme refurbishe d Conduc t3 assess ments Q3 Jan-Mar Target R 500 000.00 7 schemes refurbishe d Conduc t5 assess ments R 500 000.00 Number of water infrastru cture scheme s refurbis hed in Mbizana 9 schemes refurbishe d Q2 Oct-Dec Target R 500 000.00 Number of water infrastru cture scheme s refurbis hed in Matatiel e Number of water infrastru cture scheme s refurbis hed in Umzimv ubu Output Budget To revive and refurbis h degener ated water scheme s To revive and refurbis h degener ated water scheme s To revive and refurbis h degener ated water scheme s KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target R 500 000.00 Refurbishment and Replacement of Water Infrastructure -Mbizana Page: 83 B11 Refurbishment and Replacement of Water Infrastructure – Umzimvubu Page: Refurbishment and Replacement of Water Infrastructure - Matatiele Page: 83 B11 IDP Projects Measur able Objectiv e (Outcom e) R 500 000.00 Table 5.2.3 R 500 000.00 ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Project closeout report and handover certificate Closeout report SCM Commun ity Services Page 57 Means of Verification Supporti ng Departm ents (Input) Vote: CAPEX Project closeout report and handover certificate Closeout report SCM Commun ity Services Vote: CAPEX Project closeout report and handover certificate Closeout report SCM Commun ity Services Vote: CAPEX R 2 000 000.00 R 2 000 000.00 R 1 900 000.00 Budget R 500 000.00 Budget None R 500 000.00 Project completion R 0.00 Budget R 500 000.00 100% completion of the scope of work None 4 schemes refurbishe d Total Budg et of the Year 0.00 1 Pond refurbishe d 4 schemes refurbished Q4 Apr-Jun Target R 0.00 Number of sanitatio n ponds refurbis hed in Mbizana Appoint ment of service provide r 60% complet ion of the scope of work Q3 Jan-Mar Target R 0.00 Refurbishment and Replacement of Sanitation Infrastructure - Mbizana Ponds Page: 83 B11 To revive and refurbis h sanitatio n ponds 1 scheme refurbishe d Conduc t assess ment Scope of work finalised and service provider appointed R 1 000 000.00 Number of water infrastru cture scheme s refurbis hed in Mnceba Conduc t8 assess ments Scope of work finalised and service provider appointed R 900 000.00 To revive and refurbis h degener ated water scheme s 8 schemes refurbishe d Budget Number of water infrastru cture scheme s refurbis hed in Ntabank ulu Q2 Oct-Dec Target R 500 000.00 Refurbishment and Replacement of Water Infrastructure Ntabankulu Page: 83 B11 To revive and refurbis h degener ated water scheme s IDP Projects Output Q1 Jul-Sep Target R 1 000 000.00 KPI Table 5.2.3 R 1 000 000.00 Measur able Objectiv e (Outcom e) Refurbishment and Replacement of Water Infrastructure - Mnceba Water Scheme Page: 83 B11 ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Project closeout report and handover certificate Closeout report SCM Commun ity Services Page 58 Vote: CAPEX Vote: CAPEX Project closeout report and handover certificate Closeout report Project closeout report R 1 000 000.00 Project closeout report and handover certificate Closeout report Vote: 150038001 Means of Verification R 1 500 000.00 Budget R 0.00 All municipal buildings maintained Total Budg et of the Year R 3 500 000.00 Ongoing maintenanc e of municipal buildings Project completed R 875 000.00 Ongoing maintenan ce of municipal buildings Budget Appoint ment of structur al consult ant 100% zinc tank replacement and bulk pipeline complete R 0.00 Budget 75% zinc tank replaceme nt and bulk pipeline complete R 375 000.00 % of municip al building s maintain ed Conduct assessme nts of identified building that needs maintena nce Appoint ment of service provide r Project completion Q4 Apr-Jun Target R 875 000.00 To maintain all municip al building s 1 zinc tank replacem ent R 250 000.00 To refurbis h and replace water infrastru cture Number of water infrastru cture refurbis hed and replaced at Cedarvil le 1 Pond refurbishe d 100% completion of the scope of work Appoint ment of service provide r 60% complet ion of the scope of work Q3 Jan-Mar Target R 750 000.00 Number of sanitatio n ponds refurbis hed in Ntabank ulu Q1 Jul-Sep Target R 875 000.00 To revive and refurbis h sanitatio n ponds Output Budget KPI Q2 Oct-Dec Target R 750 000.00 Refurbishment, Building Maintenance & Augmentation and Alterations Replacement of Water Page: 83 B15 Infrastructure - Cedarville Page: 83 B11 Refurbishment and Replacement of Sanitation Infrastructure – Ntabankulu Ponds Page: 83 B11 IDP Projects Measur able Objectiv e (Outcom e) R 375 000.00 Table 5.2.3 R 875 000.00 ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Supporti ng Departm ents (Input) SCM Commun ity Services SCM Commun ity Services SCM Commun ity Services R1 150000.00 R 4 600 000.00 R 3804500.00 R 15 218 000.00 Procuremen t of service providers for 10 MWIG projects Page 59 19 projects Completed with certificates Vote: 150044263 Budget Payment of invoices for 24 vehicles Payment of invoices for 24 vehicles Means of Verification Supporti ng Departm ents (Input) Closeout report SCM Vote: CAPEX Budget R1 150000.00 Conduct assessme nts of areas that needs interventio n Total Budg et of the Year Q3 Jan-Mar Target R 3 804 500.00 19 MWIG projects identified Procure ment of service provide rs for 9 MWIG projects Payment of invoices for 24 vehicles Q4 Apr-Jun Target Budget Number of busines s plans develop ed for MWIG projects 24 motor vehicles leased Signing of lease agreem ent with relevan t car rental agent Q2 Oct-Dec Target R1 150000.00 Number of motor vehicles leased Output Budget To facilitate leasing of motor vehicles for the municip ality To Develop a busines s plan & impleme nt MWIG projects. By June 2014 KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target R 3 804 500.00 Municipal Water Infrastructure Grant Page: 83 B15 Vehicles Leasing Page: 84 B23 IDP Projects Measur able Objectiv e (Outcom e) R 3 804 500.00 Table 5.2.3 R1 150000.00 ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Closeout reports SCM Commun ity Services ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 5.3. CORPORATE SERVICES 5.3.1. ICT DEPARTMENT Output Q2 Oct-Dec Target Q3 Jan-Mar Target Q4 Apr-Jun Target Budget KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target Budget IDP Projects Measurab le Objective (outcome ) Budget Table 5.3.1 : Institutional Transformation and Organisational Development : 1 to recruit, develop and return an efficient and Service Delivery driven workforce. : 2 to provide excellent administrative support and stable ICT services. Budget NKPA 1 Objective Objective Total Budget of the Year Means of Verifica tion Suppor ting depart ments(I nput) Page 60 Vote: ICT Software 500 000 R100.000 Vote: ICT Equipment 100% implemen tation 1 000 000 75% implementa tion Nil 25% implement ation 100% implemen tation Deliver y Note License informa tion from Softwar e Vendor s 350 000 ANNUAL TARGET:10 0% Additional disk space on the Server Procure ment process for all required hardware and software 75% implementa tion Nil % of SAN upgrade completed 25% implement ation 200 000 ANNUAL TARGET: 100% Maintained and renewed Software licenses Procure ment process for all required hardware and software 350 000 % of software with valid licenses 200 000 To upgrade an maintain software licenses for uninterru pted ICT services Nil Hardware equipment and network upgrades Page: 82 A22 Software Licensing and Maintenance Page: 82 A22 R Deliver y Note of the H/W equipm ent BTO BTO Output Q2 Oct-Dec Target Q3 Jan-Mar Target Q4 Apr-Jun Target Budget KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target Budget IDP Projects Measurab le Objective (outcome ) Budget Table 5.3.1 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Total Budget of the Year Means of Verifica tion Suppor ting depart ments(I nput) Page 61 400 000 100 000 100 000 100 000 Vote: ICT Network Management Roll out and monitorin g of the program me Numbe r of points installe d in Bizana; Cedarvi lle, Main Offices and Switche s Vote: ICT Centre Procurem ent Processes Installation of software and hardware requirement s for the sites 100% implemen tation Nil Identificat ion of four (4) hosting sites 75% implementa tion 1 000 000 ANNUAL TARGET:4 Four (4) Community ICT Centres 25% implement ation 200 000 To establish 4 Computer centres Number of centres established Procure ment process for the Upgrade switches and cabling 600 000 ANNUAL TARGET:10 0% Upgraded Network switches and installed network points 100 000 Community ICT Centre Page: 82 A22 Page: 82 A22 % of switch upgrade completed 100 000 R Lease agreem ents and comput er centres in respecti ve BTO CDS BTO Council Suppor t CDS OMM IDMS Output Q2 Oct-Dec Target Q3 Jan-Mar Target Q4 Apr-Jun Target Budget KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target Budget IDP Projects Measurab le Objective (outcome ) Budget Table 5.3.1 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Total Budget of the Year Means of Verifica tion Suppor ting depart ments(I nput) Adopte d ICT MSP Council Resolut ion BTO Council Suppor t CDS OMM IDMS Page 62 Vote: 170044108 Vote: 170044108 300 000 Nil Nil Monitorin g the implemen tation of the ICT Strategy Nil Implementa tion of the ICT Strategy Nil ANNUAL TARGET:10 0% ICT strategy work shopped and adopted by Council Nil Implemente d MSP projects Draft ICT strategy presente d to Stakehol ders Adoption by Council of the ICT MSP Phased implemen tation of the adopted MSP Nil % of MSP projects implemente d Nil To develop an world class Master Systems Plan and ICT strategy ANNUAL TARGET: 30 March Workshop s to Stakehold ers Nil Adopted ICT MSP Procure ment Processe s for the develop ment of the ICT MSP Date MSP adopted 300 000 Develop and implement MSP and ICT Strategy Page: 82 A22 R Adopte d ICT strateg y Council Resolut ion BTO Council Suppor t CDS OMM IDMS Output Q2 Oct-Dec Target Q3 Jan-Mar Target Q4 Apr-Jun Target Budget KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target Budget IDP Projects Measurab le Objective (outcome ) Budget Table 5.3.1 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Total Budget of the Year Means of Verifica tion Suppor ting depart ments(I nput) Integrat ed Municip al System s report Purcha se orders appoint ed service provide r BTO CDS OMM IDMS Page 63 Phased out roll out Nil Presentatio n of the needs analysis report. Nil Municipal Business & needs analysis Nil Procure ment processe s Vote: ICT Software ANNUAL TARGET:10 0% Integrated Municipal systems Nil To have integrated seamless systems % of system integration project completed Nil Interface/integration of systems and maintenance Page: 82 A22 R ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Output Q2 Oct-Dec Target Q3 Jan-Mar Target Q4 Apr-Jun Target Budget KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target Budget IDP Projects Measura ble Objective (outcome ) Budget Table 5.3.2 Budget 5.3.2 LEGAL SERVICES Total Budget of the Year Means of Verification Supporting departmen ts(Input) Page 64 1 000 000 Vote: 170044053 Nil Vote: 170044053 Impleme ntation and monitori ng of the strategy 500 000 100 000 Settlem ent proposal s with litigants Nil Rollout and implementa tion 400 000 Developm ent of the Legal Services Strategy Settlement proposals with litigants Nil ANNUAL TARGET: 100% Nil % of litigations finalised within 60 days Nil To ensure legal support and represent ation in all legal related matters Reduced number of litigations and cases handled Request for full reports from all attorneys representi ng the Municipali ty Nil Page: 81 A12 Legal Admin Services R Analysis of existing cases and reports from Attorneys Consultati on with internal stakehold ers Presentati on to relevant stakehold ers and adoption Reports from attorneys Adopted Legal services strategy BTO CDS OMM IDMS BTO Council Support CDS OMM IDMS ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Q3 Jan-Mar Target Q4 Apr-Jun Target Budget To ensure maintenan ce and implement ation of phase one of an EDMS. % of EDMS implemen tation project complete d ANNUAL TARGET: 100% Output Q2 Oct-Dec Target Budget KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target Budget IDP Projects Measurabl e Objective (outcome) Budget 5.3.3 ADMINISTRATION Total Budge t of the Year Means of Verificatio n Supporting departments (Input) BTO CDS OMM IDMS Page 65 100 000 1 000 000 Vote: 170044296 Monitoring of appointed service providers 1 250 000 5 000 000 Vote: 170044095 Signed SLA Security Registers Monitoring of the appointed Service Provider 350 000 Vote: 170044095 Nil 200 000 Monitoring of the appointed Service Provider Service level agreement 1 250 000 Procureme nt processes Phased out Trial run and monitoring of the installed access control system Monitoring of appointed service providers Electronic document system developed, maintained and monitored Nil Effective monitorin g of access control to the Municipal Main Building Nil % uptime of access control system ANNUAL TARGET: 100% Monitoring of appointed service providers 1 250 000 Reduced number of reported incidents Conclusion of procureme nt processes Monitoring of appointed service providers Commissi oning of the electronic reporting system Nil % of buildings and movable assets protected ANNUAL TARGET: 100% 700 000 Procureme nt processes Installation and implement ation of the electronic reporting system 1 250 000 To ensure overall safeguardi ng of municipal properties and assets A sound EDMS and a paperles s informati on environm ent 350 000 Security Services Page: 82 A24 Records Management System Page: 81 A15 R Service Level Agreement BTO BTO CDS OMM IDMS ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Output Q1 Jul-Sep Target Q2 Oct-Dec Target Q3 Jan-Mar Target Q4 Apr-Jun Target Budget KPI Budget IDP Projects Measurab le Objective (outcome ) Budget Table 5.3.4 Budget 5.3.4. HUMAN RESOURCES Means of Verificati on Supporting departments( Input) BTO Council Support CDS OMM IDMS BTO CDS OMM IDMS Page 66 500 000 Vote: 170044035 Vote: 170044066 Nil Third quarter assessmen t Referral reports Attendan ce registers 700 000 Midyear assessment Continuous support and Wellness related matters Nil Quarterly Performanc e Reviews 150 000 45 fixed term employee s Performa nce contracts signed. Nil Broad coverage of all employee s by IPMs and electronic PMS up and running Continuous support and Wellness related matters Sports Day Held Nil ANNUA L TARGE T:25% EAP awarenes s sessions Continuous support and Wellness related matters 250 000 % of employe e on electroni c PMS Operatio nalised Integrate d Wellness Program me. 350 000 To implemen t and monitor IPMS and EPMS that is complaint to legislation Number of employe es assisted ANNUAL TARGET:1 00% 450 000 Integrated Wellness programme Page: 82 A24 To ensure an operation alised integrated Wellness Program me. Performance management System Page: 81 A15 R Performa nce Contracts Assessm ents reports Yearend Function % of employe e assesse d accordin g to PMS policy ANNUAL TARGET:5 0% Output Q1 Jul-Sep Target Q2 Oct-Dec Target Q3 Jan-Mar Target Q4 Apr-Jun Target Budget KPI Budget IDP Projects Measurab le Objective (outcome ) Budget Table 5.3.4 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Means of Verificati on Supporting departments( Input) Vote: 170044066 300 000 Monitoring of permanent employees performanc e by Supervisors Nil Monitoring of permanent employees performanc e by Supervisors Nil 300 000 Nil Monitoring and implement ation of policies Page 67 Monitoring and implementa tion of policies Monitoring and implementa tion of policies Vote: 170044110 Roll out sessions held Nil Adoption by Council Nil Legislativ e complaint polices coordinat ed and adopted by Council Draft new and reviewed policies available for comment s by Custodian s Assessme nt and rewarding of qualifying employees 150 000 ANNUA L TARGE T:100% Monitorin g of permanen t employee s performan ce by Superviso rs 50 000 legislative complaint policies adopted % of policies legally tested Performa nce and service based awards conferred to permane nt employee s 100 000 Policy development and review Page: 81 A12 R BTO CDS OMM IDMS Council Resolutio n Policy documen ts Attendan ce Registers BTO Council Support CDS OMM IDMS Labour Unions Q1 Jul-Sep Target Q2 Oct-Dec Target Submissio n of the annual employme nt equity report Training of the r EE Consultativ e Forum Q3 Jan-Mar Target Q4 Apr-Jun Target Budget Output Budget KPI Budget IDP Projects Measurab le Objective (outcome ) Budget Table 5.3.4 150 000 ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Means of Verificati on Supporting departments( Input) Page 68 200 000 Nil Vote: 170044283 Vote: 170044109 Payment of Retention related allowance paid to qualifying employees as per policy 150 000 Rollout of the Retention Strategy Nil Payment of Retention related allowance paid to qualifying employees as per policy Continuous monitoring of the implement ation of the EE Plan Continuous monitoring of the implementa tion of the EE Plan 75 000 Scarce skills employee retained Adoption of the draft Retention strategy Continuous monitoring of the implementa tion of the EE Plan 75 000 Number of employe es retained as critical and or scarce skills attracted ANNUA L TARGE T:6 Continuou s monitorin g of the implemen tation of the EE Plan 50 000 ANNUA L TARGE T:90% Meeting the Employm ent Equity targets set as per the employm ent equity plan Nil To ensure the Implemen tation of the Retention Strategy to all qualifying employee s % complia nce with municip al equity plan Preparati on of the annual employm ent equity report for submissio n to DoL Nil Retention and succession planning Page: 81 A16 Employment Equity Plan Implementation Page; 81 A14 R To ensure that Employm ent Equity targets are met by complyin g with the adopted Employm ent Equity Plan and Employm ent Equity Act Attendan ce registers BTO Council Support CDS OMM IDMS Labour Unions Council Resolutio n Attendan ce registers Payroll Reports BTO Council Support CDS OMM IDMS Labour Unions Annual EE Report Output Q1 Jul-Sep Target Q2 Oct-Dec Target Q3 Jan-Mar Target Q4 Apr-Jun Target Budget KPI Budget IDP Projects Measurab le Objective (outcome ) Budget Table 5.3.4 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Means of Verificati on Supporting departments( Input) Page 69 Continuous monitoring of the induction programme 200 000 Nil Nil Vote: 170044281 Vote: 170044291 Continuous monitoring of the induction programme Nil Rollout of policies and Collective Agreement s on Conditions of service Monitoring the implementa tion and compliance to the adopted Organizatio nal structure Council Resolutio n 50 000 ANNUA L TARGE T: 100% Number of induction sessions held Roll out of the induction programm e on municipal functions and operation s Placement of employees Placement of employees concluded Nil % of new employe es inducted Nil ANNUA L TARGE T:30 June Adopted organogr am Adoption of the reviewed structure 25 000 To ensure that employee s are fully inducted Date organog ram adopted 200 000 To ensure that Council has a function based organizati onal structure Consultati on processes /sessions commenc e for the review of the organizati onal structure 25 000 Development of structured induction Page: 81 A13 Review of the Organisational Structure Page 81 A11 R Attendan ce registers Organiza tional Structure documen t Attendan ce Registers BTO Council Support CDS OMM IDMS Labour Unions BTO CDS OMM IDMS Labour Unions Q1 Jul-Sep Target Q2 Oct-Dec Target Q3 Jan-Mar Target Q4 Apr-Jun Target Budget Output Budget To ensure that the implemen tation of the WSP resulting in productiv e employee s KPI Budget IDP Projects Measurab le Objective (outcome ) Coordination of all training and development programmes Page: 81 A13 Table 5.3.4 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Means of Verificati on Supporting departments( Input) Page 70 Vote: 170044104 Vote: CAPEX Nil 2 000 000 Continuous Monitoring of the DJEU 1 000 000 Unit fully functional Training conducted 500 000 500 000 Procureme nt processes Job analysis and Job description writing commence 500 000 All posts evaluate Consultati ve sessions held with Local Municipali ties MOU signed with the Local Municipali ties Training conducted 250 000 Number of posts evaluate d by the Unit and moderat ed by the Provinci al Audit Committ ee ANNUA L TARGE T: 100% Training conducted 500 000 ANNUA L TARGE T:100% Number of employee s trained LGSETA Training Providers contracte d. 500 0 00 To ensure that district has a fullyfledged Job evaluatio n Unit % of workplac e skills plan budget spent 250 000 Establishment of the District Job Evaluation Unit Page: 81 A12 R Annual training Plan Attendan ce registers MOU’s Attendan ce registers BTO Council Support CDS OMM IDMS BTO CDS OMM IDMS Labour Unions Output Q1 Jul-Sep Target Q2 Oct-Dec Target Q3 Jan-Mar Target Q4 Apr-Jun Target Budget KPI Budget IDP Projects Measurab le Objective (outcome ) Budget Table 5.3.4 Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Means of Verificati on Supporting departments( Input) Page 71 Vote: 170044292 300 000 Bursaries Awarded Monitoring of the existing Beneficiarie s 50 000 Advert issued Media, Schools, Notice boards Road shows to all local schools and community undertaken 200 000 ANNUA L TARGE T: 20 Number of students registere d at tertiary institution s to study scarce/ra re skills fields Nil Number of bursarie s issued 50 000 External Bursary Scheme Page: 82 A24 R To ensure that bursaries on scarce/rar e skills are awarded to ANDM Municipal area students Attendan ce Registers BTO Council Support LM”s HRD Divisions Department of Education OMM ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Page 72 Vote: 130044097 R800 000.00 R To hold 3 planners forum meetings Vote: 130044279 To hold 3 planners forum meetings R R0, 00 To hold 3 planner s forum meetin gs Project Monitorin g, Support and project finalizatio n to 2 LM`s Means of Verificat ion Budget R0 000.00 Project Monitorin g and Support to 2 LM`s Q4 Apr-Jun Target R0. 00 To hold 3 planners forum meetings R R400.000.00 12 district planners forum meeting held Transfe r funds to 2 LM`s based on the needs analysi s report Budget R0. 00 ANNUA L TARGE T: 12 Collate 4 municipal Spatial Planning Needs / reports Q3 Jan-Mar Target R400 000.00 ANNUA L TARGE T: 2 Numbe r of meetin gs held with quorum Adopt 2 Municipal Planning tools in line with the district Suite of Plans. R0. 00 To create a platform for continuous dialog and cooperative working in District Development Planning Numbe r of plannin g tools develop ed R0.00 To offer Spatial Planning capacity support to Local Municipalities R0. 00 Page: 89 F11 Page: 86 C15 District Planning Establishment Forum Spatial Planning (Capacity Support to all LMs) Department Name: Planning and Economic Development (Development Planning) NKPA 6 : Cross Cutting Objective : To develop and implement a credible IDP, SDF, OPMS and DMP KPI Budg Bud Measurable Q2 Q1 et get IDP Objective OctOutput Jul-Sep R R Projects (Outcome Dec Target ) Target Supporting Departme nts (Input) Approve d project reports and minutes of the meeting s. B.T.O WSP Minutes of the meeting s Input from Local Municipalit ies Page 73 Vote:130044293 Vote:130044292 R300 000 R255 000 Completi on of Bill of quantities with design plans. W.S.P W.S.A (Enviro) Vote:130044291 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 Submissi ons of project completio n plan by the Service Provider R60 000.00 Procur ement of 1 Service Provide r R 51 000 Compilati on of Terms of Referenc e for the Service Provider Adopted SDF Operatio nal auto – filling system linked to 4 LM`s intranet R45 000 Creation of 100% bill of quantitie s for all urbanity projects Submissi ons of project completio n plan by the Service Provider R 9000.00 ANNUA L TARGE T: 100% Compilati on of Terms of Referenc e for the Service Provider Submissi on of reviewed SDF to relevant council structure s for adoption Consolida tion of reviewed spatial developm ent priorities, inputs & recomme ndations R0.00 ANNUA L TARGE T: 100% % of projects with bill of quantiti es Operatio nal Automat ed Filling system R 0.00 Page: 89 F11 To quantify Urbanity projects identified in all District spatial planning frameworks % of filing system complia nce to national archive s 1.Identi fy gaps and shortfal ls of the current SDF 2. Stakeh olders / Public Particip ation Procur ement of 1 Service Provide r R 0.00 Collectiv e Analysis of 5 SDF`s within the District (DM & LM`s) R 0.00 ANNUA L TARGE T: 30 June Reviewe d and adopted Spatial Develop ment Framewo rk documen t. R0.00 Date reviewe d SDF adopte d. R0.00 Page: 89 F12 To keep up with spatial development trends and set development priorities within the District by 2013/14 Data maintenance of Statutory development applications for 4 LM`s Page: 89 F11 Street Urban Aesthetics Plan Automated Filing System ANDM SDF Review ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Project Closeout Report and practical use of the system by all LM`s I.T B.T.O Project close out report W.S.P W.S.A (Enviro) I.S.D B.T.O ANNUA L TARGE T: 2 2 adopted Nodal develop ment framewor ks Submissi on of 2 Nodal develop ment strategie s by the service providers Submis sion of 2 Implem entatio n Plans by the service provide rs and project comple tion None Page 74 - None W.S.P W.S.A I.S.D Vote:130044288 Set land use Standards and recomme ndations for all LM`s Adoption of the guide documen t by council - Vote:130044277 Numbe r of Nodal develop ment framew ork adopte d R213 000 To create detailed development strategies for 2 ANDM secondary nodes. Synchroni zation of all SDF`s, Spatial plans and LM town planning schemes. Adopted Guidelin es by council R 450 000 R68 000 Page: 89 F12 ANNUA L TARGE T: 6 Consolid ate Land use guide documen t R 720 000.0 Submis sion of Status quo report with a clearly defined proble m statem ent R 68 000 Submissi on of 1 inception report by the service provider R157.000 Complet ed and adopted Land-use guide documen t for 6 small towns R 157 000 Numbe r of towns with adopte d land use guide docum ents R507 000 To create Uniform guidelines for 6 ANDM small towns for restructuring & revitalization. Page: 89 F12 Nodal Development Frameworks Guidelines on Small Town Restructuring (Mbizana & Ntabankulu LM`s) and Revitalization ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Adopted 2 Nodal develop ment framew orks by the respecti ve councils W.S.P W.S.A I.S.D Land use Data Verificatio n Page 75 Adopted LUMF W.S.A (Enviro) W.S.P I.S.D B.T.O Adopted Land audit docume nts B.T.O (Assests,R evenue,S. C.M) W.S.A (Enviro) Vote:130044289 R 1 2 000 000 Consolid ation and completio n of audit data Vote: 130044290 Submis sion of Project Incepti on reports R 600 000 ANNUA L TARGE T: 2 Completi on of Terms of Referenc e R 180 000 2 adopted land-use audit documen ts R 90 000 Numbe r of land use audits complet ed R 420 000 To create a comprehensiv e land use Database for 2 LM`s Submissi on of Project process plan (Inceptio n Report Adoption of LUMF by council R 420 000 1 Adopted district wide LUMF by council. Completio n of a District wide LUMF R 420 000 ANNUA L TARGE T: 30 June Comple tion of Analysi s Phase and Status Quo R 90 000 To develop district wide guidelines for 4 LM`s to craft their land use schemes. Compilati on of Terms of Referenc e for the Service Provider R 180 000 Page:89 F12 Page:89 F12 Land Audit (Mbizana Umzimvubu LM`s) & Land Use (LUMF) Management Date LUMF adopte d R0.00 Framework ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Urban Sanitation for 7towns NIL NIL NIL ANNUAL TARGET: 7 Page 76 NIL -Develop TORs -Appoint Service provider -Incopo rate data into the GIS database Budget 1 000 000.00 NIL Suppo rting Depart ments (Input) I.T I.G.R Vote: 130044281 Vote: 130044283 400,000.00 Nil Nil NIL Means of Verificat ion Signed MOU NIL Vote: Number of towns with urban sanitation data captured -Capture GPS coordinate s for VIPs for 2 LM’s Total Budget of the Year R Nil NIL ANNUAL TARGET: 4 -Capture GPS coordinates for VIPs for 2 LM’s Nil NIL Rural Sanitation for 4LMs -Establish 1 SSC Task Team -Launch 1 GIS SSC Q4 Apr-Jun Target NIL Number of LMs with rural sanitation data captured ANNUAL TARGET: 4 - Procure & Install software (4LM’s) -Conduct Workshops within LMs 300,000 Spatial Data Maintenance c to ensure an Up-todate GIS Database By 2015. -4 LMs have access to GIS resources and services. -4 Signed MOU’s with LM’s Data Captured for: Budget Number of LMs with access to GIS resources 300,000 Implement GIS Shared Service to ensure access to GIS Services by 2015. Q3 Jan-Mar Target 25,000 Output Budget KPI Q2 Oct-Dec Target 100,000 Page: 89 F11 Page: 89 F11 Page: 89 F11 GIS Data Maintenance GIS Shared Implementation Service IDP Projects Q1 Jul-Sep Target 25,000 Measurable Objective (Outcome) Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Up-todate GIS Databas e P.M.U W.S.P W.S.A (Envir o) I.S.D B.T.O (Asest s) ANNUAL TARGET: 100% -GIS Software maintenanc e renewal Nil Nil Nil Page 77 I.T Nil GPS Upgrade Repairs and Replace ments B.T.O I.T I.G.R Comm unicati on Vote: Up to-date GIS software and hardware -ANDM GIS Open Day Nil Nil -Strategy Review Nil ANNUAL TARGET: 50 % of GIS infrastructur e upgrade completed GIS Open Day for Outreach and Education about GIS Nil 100,000 Stable and highly available GIS services Number of people attending GIS open day Nil 200,000 Promote GIS Awareness amongst GIS users by 2014 -Conduct Workshops Nil ANNUAL TARGET: 1 Workshop -Annual review of Strategy 300 000 Number of workshops conducted Nil Implement GIS Strategy and Policy by 2014. 200,000 Page: 89 F11 Page: 89 F11 Page: 89 F11 GIS Infrastructure GIS Awareness Expo GIS Strategy Upgrade Implementation ANNUAL TARGET: 2 Vote: 130044282 NIL B.T.O I.T CAPEX NIL 400 000.00 NIL 200,000.00 NIL 400 000.00 NIL 100 000 NIL -Develop TORs -Appoint Service provider -Incopo rate data into the GIS database Nil Social Infrastruct ure for 2LMs 100,000 Number of LMs with social infrastructur e data captured 600,000 ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Page:89 F13 IDP Review Number of meetings held ANNUAL TARGET: 4 R Integratio n and alignment of IDP projects and program mes. 10 000 Conduct 1 Meeting (Rep & Steering Committe es) Page 78 R Conduct Community and stakeholder s consultation on Draft IDP for 4 LM’s Conduct 1 Meeting (Rep & Steering Committe es) Total Budget of the Year R Means of Verificat ion IDP Conduct 1Meeting (Rep & Steering Committees ) Vote:130044047 Conduct 1 Meeting (Rep & Steering Committees ) ANNUAL TARGET: 4 R Conduct 1 ANDM Situationa l Analysis/ Research Budg et 800 000 IDP developed with stakeholde r engageme nt R Q4 Apr-Jun Target Supporti ng Departm ents (Input) All 150 000 Developme nt of 1IDP Process Plan and facilitate adoption process by the Council Bud get 10 000 4 LMs consulted on District IDP developme nt Q3 Jan-Mar Target Nil Number of LMs consulted on District IDP developm ent Bud get 10 000 Output Q2 Oct-Dec Target 400 000 Develop and implement a credible IDP KPI Budg et 10 000 IDP Projects Q1 Jul-Sep Target 10 000 Measurabl e Objectives (Outcome) Reports and Attenda nce Registe rs All ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 3 Meetings/ Stakehold er engagem ent Page 79 Nil Vote: 130044278 3 Meetings/ Stakehold er engagem ent IDP Nil 3 Meetings/St akeholder engagemen t Facilitate the adoption of the Final ANDM IDP by the Council and submission to the relevant structures 3 Meetings/St akeholder engagemen t Nil ANNUAL TARGET: 12 12 Meetings held by Task Team Nil % of lodged claims approved Nil Page: 89 F13 District Land Claims Task Team To facilitate a 25% settlement of Land Claims in ANDM by 2017 Facilitate tabling of first draft IDP to the Council and assessme nt by DLGTA Nil ANDM Strategy Formulati on and budget prioritizati on 200 000 ANNUAL TARGET: 31 May 1 adopted IDP document by the Council Nil Date IDP adopted Reports and attenda nce register s B.T.O (S.C.M) Legal ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Department Name : Planning and Economic Development (Local Economic Development) NKPA 3 : Promotion of Social and Economic Development IDP OBJECTIVE : To Promote and Boost Local Economy One Situational / SWOT analysis Draft strategy presented to stakeholder s ANNUAL TARGET: 100% % of agricultura l production business plan completed Adopted Agricultur al Productio n Business Plan Complete procureme nt processes , mobilise stakehold ers and inception report 1st draft business plan report(situat ional analysis) 250 000 150 000 Page: 86 C13 Page: 86 C13 ANNUAL TARGET: 100% 60 000 Production Development of District Energy Regeneration strategy Agricultural Business Plan Develop and implement agricultural business plan which will enable access to markets for the sector R Page 80 R Final draft strategy and impleme ntation plan 2nd draft of business plan report(str ategic framewor k) Budg et R Total Budge t of the Year R Adoption of strategy and implement ation plan Implement ation plan and final draft of the business plan Vote: 130044272 Adopted district energy regenerat ion strategy Q4 Apr-Jun Target Vote: 130044274 % of energy regenerati on strategy completed R Create conducive environme nt for developme nt of sustainable energy programs Bud get R750 000 Output Q3 Jan-Mar Target R500 000 KPI Budg et 200 000 Q2 Oct-Dec Target 90 000 Budge t 300 000 IDP Projects Q1 Jul-Sep Target 200 000 Measurabl e Objective (Outcome) Means of Verificatio n Adopted Energy regenerat ion Strategy Adopted Agricultur al Business Plan Supporti ng Departm ents (Input) W.S.A (Enrivo) W.S.P BTO Supply Chain Manage ment WSA(En vironme nt0 Vote: 130044272 R750 000 200 000 2nd and final draft of developm ent plan with implement ation plan All Departm ents Vote: 130044120 R800 000 100000 1st draft of tourism develop ment plan Inception Report Page 81 Adoption of investmen t attraction strategy Investme nt attraction business plan and investme nt brochure Adopted Beach to Berg Corridor developm ent Plan Vote: 130044276 ANNUAL TARGET: 100% Adopted Beach to Berg and Corridor Develop ment Business Plan 2nd draft of investme nt attraction strategy and impleme ntation plan R500 000 % of Beach to Berg and Corridor Developm ent business plan developed 250 000 ANNUAL TARGET: 100% 1st draft of investment attraction strategy 230 000 Finalisatio n of Investmen t attraction strategy Terms of reference, procureme nt process and Inception report Terms of reference, procureme nt processes and inception report Rural Develop ment and wild coast summit report 300 000 Adopted investme nt attraction strategy Summit report 150 000 Final draft of concept document and hosting of summit 700 000 ANNUAL TARGET: 100 % of investmen t attraction strategy completed Rural Develop ment and wild coast summits successf ully hosted 50 000 Developme nt and implementa tion of Investment attraction strategy Number of delegates attending rural developm ent summit. And wild coast presummit 20000 Page: 86 C15 Page: 86 C11 Critical dialogue to ensure integrated planning and implementa tion of rural developme nt programs Stimulate tourism between coastal and mountaino us areas of the district Page: 86 C13 Beach to Berg and Tourism Implementation of Investment Rural Development Summit and Corridor Development Plan Attraction strategy wild coast pre-summit ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 S.P.U SPU Page 82 Vote: 130044286 R560000 Capacity building of 25 SMME and cooperati ves Vote: 130044284 R1 500 000 Capacity building of 25 SMME and cooperativ es Vote: 130044239 Capacity building of 25 SMME and Cooperative s 250000 Terms of reference, procureme nt processes and Capacity building of 25 SMME and cooperativ es Harvestin g of grain R1000 000 0.00 ANNUAL TARGET: 100 100 SMME and cooperati ves supporte d Deweeding and spraying 300000 Number of SMMEs and Coops capacitate d ANNUAL TARGET: 80 ha Contracting and ploughing of 80 ha of land 250000 To ensure self sustainable SMME and Coops Mechanis ation and ploughed 80 ha 200000 Number of hectors (ha) ploughed 250000 Formalisati on of grain production for creation of sustainable markets and trigger agroprocessing within the district Appointmen t of service providers and fencing of 40 ha of arable land 560 000 ANNUAL TARGET: 40ha Terms of reference, stakehold er mobilisatio n and procureme nt processes Terms of reference, stakehold er mobilizatio n and procureme nt process 1000 000 Complete fencing of identified arable land 0.00 Number of Arable Land fenced 250000 Page: 86 C13 Page: 86 C13 Sustainabl e grain production Page: 86 C14 Capacity Building for SMME & Grain Production (80ha) Coops Fencing of Arable Land (40ha) ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Proof of payment and fenced arable land pictures Proof of payments for ploughed areas and their pictures Environ ment Proof of payment and list of supporte d SMME SPU Adopted Grain Productio n Business Plan Term of reference, stakehold er mobilizatio n and procureme nt processes Construct ed grain storage Terms of reference and procureme nt of service provider Quarterly meetings of DST, Tourism and LED Fora Quarterly meetings of DST, Tourism and LED Fora Page 83 R150 000 30 000 30 000 R500 000 R600 000 Constructi on of Service provider 298500 Construc tion of storage facilities 222500 222500 50 000 5 000 Procuremen t of Service Provider 2nd draft and adoption of the business plan 298500 ANNUAL TARGET: 100% 1st draft of business plan Inception report 3000 % of Grain Storage Facilities constructe d 30 000 30 000 ANNUAL TARGET: 4 ANNUAL TARGET: 100% Sustainabl e grain production to stimulate agroprocessing Quarterly meetings of DST, Tourism and LED Fora Minutes of quarterly LED for a meetings IGR Develope d and adopted Grain Productio n Business Plan (SCM Vote: 130044270 % of Grain Productio n Business Plan adopted Quarterly meetings of DST, Tourism and LED Fora Vote: 130044236 Production of grain and create sustainable markets 4 quarterly LED for a meetings held Vote: 130044285 Number of LED meetings coordinate d 0.00 Page: 86 C15 Coordinate sitting of IGR LED structures for integrated economic developme nt planning and implementa tion Page: 86 C13 Page: 86 C13 Grain Facilities Storage Grain Production Business Institutional Arrangements and plan partnerships ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Construct ed Silos and pictures Page 84 delivery of inputs and implement s to identified projects R100 000 Vote: 130044273 Vote: 130044287 Appoint ment of service providers . Quarterly Enrichme nt session minutes R1000 000 ANNUAL TARGET: 4 Procuremen t of service providers One business plan developed DST quarterly business plan enrichmen t sessions 25 000 Develop funding procedure manual, stakehold er mobilisatio n 0.00 Number of poverty alleviation projects supported One business plan develope d DST quarterly business plan enrichme nt sessions 99 8000 Funded viable projects in 4 LMs. One business plan developed DST quarterly business plan enrichment sessions 25 000 One business plan developed . DST quarterly business plan enrichmen t sessions 0.00 ANNUAL TARGET: 4 Impleme nted resource mobilizati on enrichme nt sessions 25 000 Number of MOUs signed with stakehold ers 25 000 Human resource support towards mobilizatio n of financial and nonfinancial support LED initiatives at local level Provide support to poverty alleviation projects 2000 Page: 86 C15 Page: 86 C13 Poverty Projects Alleviation District Project Resource Mobilisation ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 List of funded poverty alleviatio n projects and pictures ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Approved Budget Process for 2013/2014 financial year Approved Budget / IDP Process in Council. IDP Review Section 71 monthly reports submitted timeously and presented accurately. Monthly and quarterly reports to manageme nt and Council and to various organs or state. Monthly and quarterly reports to management and Council and to various organs or state. Vote: Page 85 Reports Vote: Monthly and quarterly reports to management and Council and to various organs or state. R 0.00 Monthly and quarterly reports to manageme nt and Council and to various organs or state. R 0.00 ANNUA L TARGET :16 Road shows R 0.00 ANNUA L TARGET :30 JUNE Number of reports submitt ed Approve adjustment budget 2013/14 accordance with the MFMA. Total Means Budget Q4 of for the Apr-Jun Verificat Year Target ion R Approved Council final budget resoluti for 2014/15 on. financial year Budget Date budget approve d Q3 Jan-Mar Target Budget Q2 Oct-Dec Target Output R 0.00 To prepare and adopt all the budget documents and related Budget policies in terms MFMA To report and comply with the Treasury Statutes in particular the MFMA. Q1 Jul-Sep Target KPI Budget Measurable Objective (Outcome) R 0.00 Page: 87 D14 Page: 87 D14 Budget and Reporting Budget preparation management and IDP Projects Budget Department Name : Budget and Treasury Office (BTO) NKPA 4 : Financial Viability and Management Objective : To ensure complete and accurate accounting of all transactions, and to report all financial information in Supporting Departmen ts (Output) Page 86 Audit report tabled in Council. Monthly reports dealing with matters of emphasis Tabled. Monthly reports dealing with matters of emphasis tabled monthly Minutes adopted Audit Report Vote: Audit queries effectively resolved within timeframes given by the AG. R3.5m Submit AFS to Audit Committee and Auditor General Submit consolidate d AFS to AG R200k ANNUA L TARGET :100% Compilation and Submission of AFS to Auditor General by 31 August 2012/13. R0.5m % of audit queries resolve d R1.4m To prepare and submit AFS 2012/13 to the AuditorGeneral in line with MFMA. To attend and resolving of audit queries. R1.4m Page: 87 D16 Annual Financial Statements and Audit Reports ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Monthly reports Commitme nt Register for 2012/13. Monthly and quarterly reports Monthly and quarterly reports Page 87 Means of Verification MANCO resolution Monthly P/P reports Minutes of all Bid Committee s Vote: R 0.00 Budget Budget R 0.00 Awarding of bids within timeframes stipulated in the annual procuremen t Plan. Total Budget of the Year R Vote: Council Resolution Approved SCM policy R 0.00 Implementa tion of SCM policy & procedures. Monthly and quarterly Reports Monthly reports SCM policy Vote: Reporting on the effectiveness of the implementati on of the SCM policy, Implementa tion of SCM policy & procedures Q4 Apr-Jun Target R 0.00 Implementati on of SCM policy & procedures. Awarding of bids within timeframes stipulated in the annual procuremen t Plan. R 0.00 Council Approved SCM Policy and Procedure Manuals. Awarding of bids within timeframes stipulated in the annual procurement Plan. Q3 Jan-Mar Target R 0.00 % of policies SCM and procedures implement ed ANNUAL TARGET: 100% Number of monthly reports ANNUAL TARGET:16 Awarding of bids within timeframes stipulated in the annual procureme nt Plan. Implement ation SCM policy & procedures . Budget Develop and implement an annual procurement plan. Q2 Oct-Dec Target R 0.00 % of bids awarded within 90 days ANNUAL TARGET:10 0% Q1 Jul-Sep Target R 0.00 Output R 0.00 To procure goods in a cost effective and efficient manner as per the approved SCM policy in order to achieve service delivery objectives KPI R 0.00 Page: 87 D13 Page: 87 D13 Supply Chain Management Annual procurement plan IDP Projects Measurabl e Objective (Outcome ) To Coordinate Procurem ent Plans for all departme nts Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Supporting Department s (Input) Page 88 Vote: R500k R125k Adverts Database forms. Updated Supplier Database ReportRotation of suppliers Contracts Register. Quarterly performan ce reports of contractors . Vote: Maintenanc e of contracts and SLA’s. updating of contracts Register. 0 Maintenanc e of contracts and SLA’s. updating of contracts Register. Verification and cleansing of suppliers information In the supplier database. 0 Maintenance of contracts and SLA’s. updating of contracts Register. Verification and cleansing of suppliers information In the supplier database. R125k Maintenan ce of contracts and SLA’s. updating of contracts Register. R125k Updated Contracts Register. Verification and cleansing of suppliers information In the supplier database. 0 ANNUAL TARGET:10 0% Adverts local and provincial media. 0 Page: 87 D12 % of Contracts and SLA’s updated Placing of adverts on municipal website, local and provincial newspapers. R125k ANNUAL TARGET:10 0% To coordinat e and update the contracts register Contract Management % of supplier database updated 0 To maintain an update Supplier Database Page: 87 D13 Supplier Management Database ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Budget Budget Total Budget of the Year R Decrease debt by 5% Decrease debt by 5% Decrease debt by 5% Monthly reports on revenue collection Monthly reports on revenue collection Monthly reports on revenue collection Monthly reports on revenue collection Approve & Implement Credit Control and Debt Man. Policy Approve & Implement Credit Control & Debt Man. Policy Implement Credit Control & Debt Man. Policy Implement Credit Control & Debt Man. Policy Page 89 Vote: Vote: R1,5m Adopted Credit Control Policy Increase Collection s to 50% of billings Means of Verificat ion Approv ed Revenu e Enhanc e. Strategy Commu nity outreac h minutes Vote: Decrease debt by 5% R200K Implement Revenue Strategy Nil Nil Approved Revenue Strategy Nil Approve Draft Revenue Strategy Q4 Apr-Jun Target R375 ANNUAL TARGET:10 0% Develop TOR of the strategy Budget Adopted Revenue Enhancem ent Strategy Q3 Jan-Mar Target R375k To enhance Revenue collection and Implement Debt Managemen t Date revenue enhancem ent Strategy ANNUAL TARGET:30 June % of Credit Control and Debt policies implement ed ANNUAL TARGET:10 0% % of revenue enhancem ent strategy implement ed R375k Review and implement Credit Control and Debt Mgmt. Policies Output Q2 Oct-Dec Target R200K To develop and Implement a Revenue Enhanceme nt Strategy KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target R375k Page: 87 D11 Page: 87 D12 Page: 87 D11 Revenue Collection and Debt management IDP Projects Measurable Objective (Outcome) Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Monthl y reports Council Resoluti on Reports Supporting Departmen ts (Input) Review indigent register of Output Q2 Oct-Dec Target Page 90 Budget KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target Budget Review of indigent register Review of indigent register Vote: Nil Nil Timeous provision of free basic services to qualifying applicants Vote: -R18m Monthl y billing reports Register of qualifyi ng applica nts of Capture a Measurable Objective (Output) Timeous provision of free basic services to qualifying applicants Supporting Departmen ts (Input) Q3 Jan-Mar Target Q4 Apr-Jun Target Vote: Review indigent register Billing and sending of statements to all customers on time Means of Verificat ion Filled Forms – updatin g of informa tion Budget Timeous provision of free basic services to qualifying applicants Billing and sending of statements to all customers on time Total Budget of the Year R Updated customer informatio n -R4.5m -R4.5m Timeous provision of free basic services to qualifying applicants Budget % of households with access to free basic water and sanitation ANNUAL TARGET:10 0% Billing and sending of statements to all customers on time Q4 Apr-Jun Target Nil Billing and sending of statements to all customers on time To subsidies indigent household by 0.6kl water Accurate and timely monthly billing before the 7th of every Month. Provision of free basic services to qualifying consumer s on a monthly basis Updated customer informatio n -R4.5m Number of statements sent to customers on time. ANNUAL TARGET:12 Updated customer information Budget Updated customer information Budget Updated Customer data Q3 Jan-Mar Target Nil % of Customer informatio n updated. ANNUAL TARGET:10 0% Nil To update consumer information on billing system and prepaid water system To bill monthly and send statements to all consumers timeously Q2 Oct-Dec Target -R4,5m Page: 87 D11 Page: 87 D11 Output Budget IDP Projects KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target Page: 87 D15 Indigent Household Consumer billing and Consumer postage of monthly cleansing accounts to all consumer data IDP Projects Measurable Objective (Outcome) Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Total Budget of the Year Means of Verificat ion Supporting Departme nts (Input) ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Page 91 Vote: R 0.00 Vote: R 0.00 R 0.00 Creditor s Recon. Quarterl y withdra wal reports Submit VAT returns monthly Vote: Submit VAT returns monthly R9.7m Submit VAT returns monthly Payments processed within 30 days of receipts of invoice R2,5m R 0.00 Payments processed within 30 days of receipts of invoice Payroll Recon Reports Emp201 Emp501 R 0.00 R 0.00 Submit VAT returns monthly Payments processed within 30 days of receipts of invoice Salaries paid on 15th and 25th of each month R 0.00 Submissi on of VAT returns Salaries paid on 15th and 25th of each month R 0.00 Payments processed within 30 days of receipts of invoice R 0.00 Creditor s paid within 31 days from receipt of invoice. Salaries paid on 15th and 25th of each month R2,5m ANNUAL TARGET:12 Salaries released by 15th and 25th of each month R2m To maximize the collection of VAT ANNUAL TARGET:100 % % of Creditors paid within 31 days from receipt of invoice. ANNUAL TARGET:100 % Number of VAT returns submitted monthly. Timely and accurate paymen t of Salaries R 0.00 Timeous payment of all Service providers within 30 days of invoicing % of salaries processed by 15th and 25th of each month. R2,7m Page: 87 D14 Page: 87 D14 Timeous payment of Municipal Officials Page: 87 D11 VAT Control Expenditure Management Payroll Management R VAT201 SARS Stateme nt Monthl y - Vat Recon. Update Insurance portfolio with Insurer continuousl y R200k Update Insurance portfolio with Insurer continuousl y R200k Page 92 Vote: Quarterl y physical verificat ion of assets Update Insurance portfolio with Insurer continuousl y Update d insuranc e portfoli o R200k R1,6m Means of Verificat ion FAR updated to reconcil e to the GL Vote: Pay annual insurance premium. Review existing insurance contract. Update Insurance portfolio with Insurer continuou sly Monthly FAR Update and Recon. R1m Insuran ce Contra ct. Claims registe r Physical asset verification of movable assets done quarterly. Total Budget of the Year R2.2m Number of insuran ce contract s Physical asset verification of movable assets done quarterly. Respond to audit queries relating to FAR. Q4 Apr-Jun Target R200k Physical asset verificatio n of movable assets done quarterly and Reconcile Budget FAR update d on a monthl y basis and trainin g of staff Q3 Jan-Mar Target Nil % of GRAP complia nce fixed assets register implem ented. Budget Output Budget KPI Q2 Oct-Dec Target R200k To produce GRAP compliant Fixed Asset Register. To ensure that municipal assets are soundly managed and safeguarded at all times. To account and safeguard Municipal assets To safeguarding of Council assets against loss Q1 Jul-Sep Target R600k Page: 87 D14 Page: 87 D16 Insurance of Municipal assets Fixed Asset Register (FAR) update and management IDP Projects Measurable Objective (Outcome) Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Supporting Departmen ts (Input) Update Municipal Fleet register monthly Perform quarterly stock take. Reconcile stock take results to GL. Investigat e and report on discrepanc ies Set recorder levels for all stock items. Number of Stock take reports % of reviewe d recorde r levels Quarte rly stock counts for all Stock and reconci liation Reorder levels set. Implement fleet manageme nt system Nil Update Municipal Fleet register monthly Implement fleet manageme nt system Nil Update Municipal Fleet register monthly Nil Nil Perform quarterly stock take. Reconcile stock take results to GL. Investigate and report on discrepanci es Review reorder levels Nil Nil Perform quarterly stock take. Reconcile stock take results to GL. Investigate and report on discrepanci es Review reorder levels Implement fleet manageme nt system Update Municipal Fleet register monthly Nil Nil Page 93 Total Budget of the Year Perform quarterly stock take. Reconcile stock take results to GL. Investigate and report on discrepanci es Review reorder levels R200k Update d Fleet registe r R200k Nil Procurem ent of Fleet Managem ent System Q4 Apr-Jun Target Means of Verificat ion Fleet manage ment system Fleet Manage ment Register Stock Counts Reports Reconcil iations Invento ry Nil Active Fleet Manag ement System Q3 Jan-Mar Target Budget % of Fleet manage ment register Budget Output Q2 Oct-Dec Target ROL Nil Page: 87 D12 Page: 87 D12 To Maintain and update inventory records Inventory Management KPI Page: 87 D11 Fleet Management To safeguard and properly manage Council Fleet Q1 Jul-Sep Target Budget IDP Projects Measurable Objective (Outcome) Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Supporting Departmen ts (Input) ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Q4 Apr-Jun Target Output Number of invento ry reconcil iated Monthl y reconci liations of invent ory 3 months reconciliat ions in respect of all stores. Nil 3 months reconciliati ons in respect of all stores Nil 3 months reconciliati ons in respect of all stores Nil 3 months reconciliati ons in respect of all stores Date DBSA Loan paid Repay ment of DBSA Loan Nil Nil Pay DBSA loan installment timeously R1,8k Nil Nil Pay DBSA loan installment timeously % of liability register updated Liabilit y registe r mainta ined and update d quarter ly Update liabilities register Nil Update liabilities register Nil Update liabilities register Nil Update liabilities register Total Budget of the Year Means of Verificat ion Reconcil iation Invento ry Nil KPI Budget Q3 Jan-Mar Target Budget Budget Budget Q2 Oct-Dec Target POP DBSA R1,8k To ensure that long term liabilities are effectively and efficiently managed Q1 Jul-Sep Target Liability register created Nil Page: 87 D11 Page: 87 D11 Management of Longterm Liabilities Page: 87 D12 IDP Projects Measurable Objective (Outcome) Page 94 Supporting Departmen ts (Input) ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Reconcilia tion of DBSA loan statement s to GL and liabilities register Nil Reconciliati on of DBSA loan statements to GL and liabilities register Nil Reconciliati on of DBSA loan statements to GL and liabilities register Nil Q4 Apr-Jun Target Budget Reconc iliation of long term liabiliti es Q3 Jan-Mar Target Budget Number of stateme nts and liability register reconcil ed. Q2 Oct-Dec Target Budget Output Budget KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target Reconciliati on of DBSA loan statements to GL and liabilities register Nil Page: 87 D12 IDP Projects Measurable Objective (Outcome) Page 95 Total Budget of the Year Means of Verificat ion DBSA and liabilitie s register reconcil ed and Signed Supporting Departmen ts (Input) ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Q1 Jul-Sep Target Budget Q2 Oct-Dec Target Budget Q4 Apr-Jun Target Budget Means of verificati on Output Num ber of samr as mod ules imple ment ed % of para mete rs and vote struct ures main taine d Num ber of repor ts sent to mana geme nt No. of module s implem ented Implement ation of Samaras Modules Reduce d numbe r of errors Maintenan ce of system parameter s and Vote structure in terms of GRAP Maintenanc e of Vote structure in terms of GRAP Maintenanc e of Vote structure in terms of GRAP Maintenanc e of Vote structure in terms of GRAP Reports Correcte d error batches Monthend reports Month-end reports to manageme nt Month-end reports to manageme nt Month-end reports Year-end reports Monthly reports No of trained staff Timeou sly and accurat e present ation of reports R R Page 96 Implementa tion of Samaras Modules Samaras module impleme ntation report R1m R250K Implementa tion of Samaras Modules R250K R Implementa tion of Samaras Modules R250K Page: 87 D14 Page: 87 D11 Implement all Modules on SAMRAS Maintenance of Financial Systems Q3 Jan-Mar Target KPI R To provide financial managemen t system support across the organisation timeously. Budget R250K IDP Projects Measurable Objective (Outcome) Total Budget of the Year R Supporting Department s (Input) ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Q1 Jul-Sep Target Q4 Apr-Jun Target Means of verificati on Audit trail – Capture d journals with valid docume nts Authorised and Properly filed journals Authorised and Properly filed journals Authorised and Properly filed journals Authorised and Properly filed journals Approved access control Approved access control Approved access control Approved access control Authoriz ed access forms Payme nt of license fees Paid license fees Paid license fees Paid license fees Paid license fees POP fees VIP Payroll, Samras and Casewar e R900k No of journal s approv ed with valid suppor ting docum ent Approv ed Access control forms for users - Budget Total Budget of the Year Num ber of journ als filed and auth orize d. % of acces s contr ol form s appr oved. % of licens e fees paid. Page 97 Budget R200k Budget Q3 Jan-Mar Target Output R250k Budget Q2 Oct-Dec Target KPI R450k IDP Projects Measurable Objective (Outcome) Supporting Department s (Input) ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Budget BTO Reports and attendance Registers Communica tions BTO Reports and Attendance Register All department s Vote: OPEX Customer Care Day for all ANDM employees held Page 98 log Supporting Department s(Input) Vote: OPEX R500 000 R50 000 1LM R25 000 1 LM Vote: OPEX Customer Care Day for all ANDM employees held Budget Budget 1LM Means of Verification Call report R200 000 Number of employee s attending customer care day event ANNUAL TARGET: 20 1 LM R25 000 ANNUAL TARGET: 4 ISD Public Education and Awareness Workshops held in all LM’s R200 000 Number of LMs work shopped R R450 000 R50 000 Page: 85 B37 To increase sense of accounta bility and ownership by communiti es Page: 85 B37 Customer Care Centre ISD & Customer Care Public Education and Community Upgrade( Voice Awareness Programme Recording) Budget Department Name : Community Development Services (ISD & Customer Care) NKPA 5 : Good Governance and Public Participation Departmental Objective : To provide a comprehensive community development services package throughout the district Measurab le Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 IDP Projects Objective KPI Output Jul-Sep Oct-Dec Jan-Mar Apr-Jun (Outcome Target Target Target Target ) To % of calls Call center Service improve logged efficiency provider customer resolved improved Business appointed, care call within 5 specificatio Voice centre days n for Recording system system ANNUAL developed Installed TARGET: (Reports) 100% Supporting Department s(Input) Reports Attendance register Communica tions Minutes and Attendance Registers All Department s Survey reports All Department s Vote: OPEX Vote: OPEX Means of Verification Vote: OPEX R250 000 R50 000 R R350 000 Budget R10 000 Road show held for 1LM nil nil R50 000 Page 99 Q4 Apr-Jun Target nil Business specificatio n for Customer Satisfaction surveys developed Budget Customer satisfaction surveys conducted for all LMs ANNUAL TARGET: 30 SEPTEM BER Number of customer satisfacto ry surveys conducte d ANNUAL TARGET: 1 R10 000 Date ANDM Batho Pele Champions hip Committee Launched Road show held for 1LM nil All ANDM Service units with prioritized Batho Pele flagship projects Road show held for 1LM Q3 Jan-Mar Target nil Road show held for 1LM Budget Increased number of ANDM Customer Care line Users R 15 000 Number of road shows held ANNUAL TARGET: 4 Date ANDM Batho Pele Champio nship Committe e Launche d Q2 Oct-Dec Target R15 000 Output nil To enhance the quality of services rendered by ANDM Q1 Jul-Sep Target KPI R50 000 Page: 88 E13 Page: 88 E13 Page: 85 B37 Customer Surveys Satisfaction Batho Pele Championship Programme Customer Care Centre Marketing IDP Projects Measurab le Objective (Outcome ) To inform ANDM Communit ies about ANDM and its Services To promote the culture of practical applicatio n of Batho Pele Principles by all ANDM Service Units Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Means of Verification Vote: OPEX R 250 000 District Communit y Safety Forum launched Page 100 Supporting Department s(Input) Delivery notes BTO Minutes and attendance register BTO Report and Registers BTO Vote: OPEX R50 000 Budget nil R Nil Budget Nil Nil Budget Q4 Apr-Jun Target Nil Active community safety forums Q3 Jan-Mar Target Nil Finalize Developme nt of Local Safety Forum R50 000 Protective clothing delivered and distributed accordingl y Nil Number of active communit y safety forums ANNUAL TARGET: 1 Date district communit y safety launched ANNUAL TARGET: 30 DECEMB ER Facilitate procureme nt processes Nil Protective clothing and equipment delivered and distributed to all Unit staff members All District Community Safety Fora operational and effective Q2 Oct-Dec Target R30 000 % of Staff supplied with protective clothing Q1 Jul-Sep Target R200 000 Page: 88 E15 Output ANNUAL TARGET: 100% To promote crime free district through crime awarenes s programs Crime Prevention KPI Nil Page: 85 B31 Procurement of protective equipment and clothing IDP Projects Measurab le Objective (Outcome ) To Reduce injury on duty Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Page 101 Budget 188 samples taken & analysed Q4 Apr-Jun Target BTO 188 samples taken & analysed Means of Verificati on Analysis report R Vote: OPEX Q3 Jan-Mar Target Supporting Department s(Input) Vote: OPEX R20 000 Budget 188 samples taken & analysed Council resolution R700 000 188 samples taken & analysed Q2 Oct-Dec Target Means of Verification Budget 188 water pollution samples taken quarterly Q1 Jul-Sep Target R R125000 Number of water pollution samples taken ANNUAL TARGET:754 Develop ment and Impleme ntation of District Safety Plan Q4 Apr-Jun Target Budget Output Q3 Jan-Mar Target Budget KPI Budget Adopted district safety plan Q2 Oct-Dec Target R125 000 To Apply and enforce the implement ation of SANS % Develop ment of the district safety plan ANNUAL TARGET: 100% Q1 Jul-Sep Target Budget Measurabl e Objective (Outcome) Output R125 000 Water and food sample s analysis (Laboratory services) Page: 85 B31 IDP Projects KPI R125 000 IDP Projects Measurab le Objective (Outcome ) Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Suppor ting Depart ments Means of Verificati on Attendan ce register R Analysis report 213 food samples taken, analysed & communi cated Vote: OPEX 4 satellite offices provided with sampling equipment and associated re-agents 213 food samples taken, analysed & communi cated 102 Food safety Awarene ss in different Wards Budget 4 satellite offices set up ANNUAL TARGET:852 Number of Offices provided with sampling equipment and associated reagents ANNUAL TARGET:4 213 food samples taken, analysed & communica ted Q4 Apr-Jun Target R50 000 213 food samples taken, analysed & communic ated 102 Food safety Awarene ss in different Wards Budget 852 food samples taken 102 Food safety Awareness in different Wards R50 000 102 Food safety Awarenes s in different Wards Budget 408 food safety awareness campaigns conducted R50 000 Number of food safety awareness campaigns conducted ANNUAL TARGET:408 Number of food samples taken, analyzed and communicate d R50 000 Output Q3 Jan-Mar Target Delivery notes Page 102 Vote: OPEX Page: 85 B31 KPI Q2 Oct-Dec Target R300, 000.00 sampling Procurement equipment of Apply and enforce the implement ation of SANS Q1 Jul-Sep Target R 300,000.00 Measurabl e Objective (Outcome) IDP Projects Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Suppor ting Depart ments Page 103 Suppor ting Depart ments Report s, CoAs Attendan ce register Certific ates, attend ance lists Vote: OPEX Purchasing of offices Delivery notes R670,000.00 Procurem ent procedure s and tendering Means of Verificati on Inspectio n reports MHS bylaws Vote: OPEX Availability of two satellite prefabricate d offices Chemical safety awareness programme s done Vote: CAPEX Number of satellite prefabricated offices purchased ANNUAL TARGET:4 20 R100,000.00 To Develop and enforce MHS bylaws and scope of practice Engage on the initial processes in inception of MHS Court in the DM R R700 000 100 % of MHS personnel capacitated on EHS 40 Budget % of Chemical safety awareness programmes conducted ANNUAL TARGET:100 % 40 businesses inspected Q4 Apr-Jun Target R20,000.00 To Develop and enforce MHS bylaws and scope of practice 20 businesse s inspected Budget 120 businesses inspected Q3 Jan-Mar Target R30,000.00 Number of businesses inspected ANNUAL TARGET:120 Budget To Develop and enforce MHS bylaws and scope of practice. R30,000.00 Output Q2 Oct-Dec Target R20,000.00 KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target R30,000.00 Measurabl e Objective (Outcome) Capacity building (food and meat quality, water and air quality monitoring, Procurement of two waste management Evaluation of businesses satellite prefabricated monitoring, surveillance (rural and urban) offices and prevention of communicable diseases, Page: 85 B31 Page: 85 B31 disposal of the dead, Page: 85 B31 chemical safety) IDP Projects Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Q2 OctDec Targe t Page 104 R 831,000.00 Q3 JanMar Target Q4 Apr-Jun Target R Means of Verificati on Council resolutio n Suppor ting Depart ments Vote: CAPEX Budget Budget Q4 Apr-Jun Target Budget Output Q1 Jul-Sep Target Purchasing and delivery of office furniture and laptops Budget KPI Availability of the 8 Laptops Facilitate the procureme nt of furniture and laptops Budget All satellite offices with office furniture Q3 Jan-Mar Target R811,000.00 Date delivery of office furniture ANNUAL TARGET:30 DECEMBER Budget Measurable Objective (Outcome) Output Q2 Oct-Dec Target Budget Page: 85 B31 Procurement of office furniture for the department IDP Projects Develop and enforce MHS bylaws and scope of practice KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target R20,000.00 Measurabl e Objective (Outcome) IDP Projects Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Means of Verificati on Supporti ng Departm ents (Input) Ngqindilili heroes commemor ated Vote: CAPEX Vote: OPEX Erection of an already existing monument Vote: OPEX OR Tamb o Mem orial lectur e Means of Verificati on R 1 000 000.00 Q4 Apr-Jun Target Budget Memorial lecture, signing of MOU with other municipal partners Khananda hill monument Budget Number of people attending memorial lecture ANNUAL TARGET:100 Date Commemorati on of Khananda hill heroes ANNUAL TARGET:30 DECEMBER Date Commemorati on of Ngqindilili hill heroes ANNUAL TARGET:30 DECEMBER Process of exhumatio n and monument erection done Budget Monument s, graves, reports, photo pictures 300,000.00 % of exhumation and monument erection done ANNUAL TARGET:100 % Q3 JanMar Target Com mem oratio n succe ssfull y done Page 105 Attendan ce register Report, monume nt Council resolutio n Council resolutio n Vote: OPEX Commemorate Ngqindilili hill heroes Output 150 000.00 Commemorate Khananda hill heroes KPI Q2 OctDec Targe t R100,000.00 Preserve history of the fallen heroes and heroines, Repatriation of the remains of the Mowa turmoil, erection of monument. Honor legacy program of O.R. Tambo Page: 88 E15 Heritage and museum, commemoration of fallen heroes and heroines IDP Projects Q1 Jul-Sep Target - Measurable Objective (Outcome) Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Supporti ng Departm ents (Input) ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Page: 88 E13 Development recreation of Promotion of Jazz evening Report, documenta ry Nov 30 Date promotion of Jazz evening ANNUAL TARGET:30 DECEMBER Report, photo picture Supp ort the Matat iele Jazz festiv al Means of Verificati on R Budget Number of film productions ANNUAL TARGET:1 Budget Report, photo picture Budget Number of cultural activities ANNUAL TARGET:4 Q4 Apr-Jun Target Council resolutio n Vote: OPEX Alignment of the cultural activities in the district Page 106 Council resolutio n Vote: OPEX Feb 100 000.00 Report, photo picture Vote: OPEX 400 000.00 June Vote: OPEX sport Promotion of film production Report, photo picture Q3 JanMar Target Attendan ce register Documen tary Council resolutio n Vote: OPEX To align cultural activities Date Honor Alfred Nzo Legacy program ANNUAL TARGET:30 JUNE Date Commemorati on of heroes and heroines ANNUAL TARGET:29 FEBRUARY 200 000.00 Page: 88 E15 Page: 88 E15 and Development of arts and culture Commemoratio n of heroes and heroines Output 100,000.00 Honor Alfred Nzo Legacy program Q2 OctDec Targe t KPI Budget IDP Projects Q1 Jul-Sep Target R400,000.00 Measurable Objective (Outcome) Supporti ng Departm ents (Input) KPI Budget Budget Vote: OPEX Sept 30 Vote: OPEX 400 000.00 Report, photo picture Output Budget Aug 31 Q1 Jul-Sep Target Vote: OPEX Report, photo picture Means of Verificati on R 200 000.00 Number of people participating in sport events ANNUAL TARGET:500 Q4 Apr-Jun Target Q2 Oct-Dec Target Page 107 Q3 Jan-Mar Target Q4 AprJun Target Budget IDP Project Measurabl e Objective (outcome) Report, photo pictures Q3 JanMar Target Budget Promotion sport participation of young women Number of sport codes promoted and supported ANNUAL TARGET:6 Number of sport events coordinated ANNUAL TARGET:6 Budget Promotion sport participation provincially Output Q2 OctDec Targe t 100 000.00 Promote sport participation internationally KPI Q1 Jul-Sep Target Budget IDP Projects Measurable Objective (Outcome) Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 R Supporti ng Departm ents (Input) Attendan ce register Attendan ce register Attendan ce register Means f Verificati on Supporti ng Departm ents (input) Page 108 Vote: OPEX R300,000.00 Vote: OPEX Vote: OPEX Unemployed youth Disaster Manage ment Policy Framewo rk Council resolutio n Voluntee r register Vote: OPEX Unemploye d youth R200000 R75,000.00 R 50,000.00 R 50,000.00 R200000 adopted reviewed policy R400000 Unemploye d youth adopted reviewed policy framework Attendan ce register R2 250000 R175 000 Volunte er units establis hed - R175 000 Number of volunteer units establishe d in LM’s100 ANNUAL TARGET: adopted reviewed policy framework R75,000.00 adopted reviewed policy framework Certificati on, Attendan ce register 1 campaign R 50 000 Adopte d disaster manage ment policy and framew ork 1 campaign R200 000 Disaster Managem ent Policy Framewor k ANNUAL TARGET: 4 Date review of the Disaster managem ent policy framework ANNUAL TARGET: 30 JUNE 1 campaign Number of stake holders provided with training R175 000 R700000 1 campaign Number of stake holders provided with training R75,000.00 Awaren ess campai gns/pro grams and promoti onal material R175 000 Number of Disaster Managem ent awareness campaigns conducted Number of stake holders provided with training R 50 000 Number of stake holders provided with training R 75,000.00 50 people trained on disaster manage ment Page? ANNUAL TARGET: 50 Page: 85 B33 Page: 85 B33 Number of people trained Page: 85 B33 Disaster management volunteer programme Disaster Management Public Education & Community Disaster Management Awareness Programme Capacity Building ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Date review of the Disaster manage ment policy framewo rk Vote: OPEX R300,000.00 All disaster practitione rs and volunteers Vote: OPEX Disaster manage ment /relief report R2 000 000 R75,000.00 R500 000 Page 109 Number of assisted affected members All disaster practitioners and volunteers Supporti ng Departm ents (input) Certificati on, Attendan ce register - Delivery notes Vote: OPEX ANNUAL TARGET: 100% All disaster practitioners and volunteers Means f Verificati on R R50000 All disaster practitioners and volunteers of Budget Supply chain manage ment process es in place Number assisted affected members - To procure protective clothing for disaster managem ent staff ANNUAL TARGET: 50% % of protective equipment procured Number of assisted affected members Number of stake holders provided with training R75,000.00 Number of assisted affected members Number of stake holders provided with training R500 000 50% improve ment in support and relief Budget % of community members receiving support and relief R500 000 To Implement uniform approach to the disaster managem ent. Number of stake holders provided with training R75,000.00 Number of stake holders provided with training Q4 AprJun Target R500 000 ANNUAL TARGET: 50 50 people trained on disaster manage ment Q3 Jan-Mar Target R25000 Number of people trained Q2 Oct-Dec Target R 75,000.00 Output Budget Q1 Jul-Sep Target KPI Page? Page? Page: 85 B33 & Procurement disaster management protective equipment Page: 85 B33 clothing Management of Disaster Management integrated response and Disaster Capacity Building recovery IDP Project R25000 Measurabl e Objective (outcome) Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 All Departm ents 50 occupanci es inspected ANNUAL TARGET:2 00 Page 110 Conduct 12 inhouse training session s 50 occupa ncies inspecte d 50 occup ancie s inspe cted Feasibilit y study report, Building plans PMU Environmen tal Manageme nt BTO WSP Training modules Training results PMU Corporate Services Inspectio n register BTO Vote: Budget Budget Supporting Department s (input) Vote 50 occupanci es inspected R 326 400.00 ANNUAL TARGET: Number of occupancie s inspected Conduct 12 inhouse training sessions Vote To Apply and enforce the implementatio n of South African National Standards. Number of fire and rescue inhouse training sessions conducted R300 000.00 200 occupanci es inspected - Page: 85 B35 Page: 85 B35 To establish functional fire and rescue services R1 320 000.00 Conduct 12 inhouse training sessions ANNUAL TARGET:1 00% Facilitat e the procure ment of training props Means f Verificati on R R330 000.00 Maintenan ce of shift strength to at least 4 fire fighters per shift per station Presentati on of the study report and building plans -approval of building plans and feasibility study report R 150 000.00 Facilitate procureme nt processes Q4 AprJun Targe t Install ation of the trainin g props Comp letion of the unit stand ards Cond uct 12 inhouse trainin g sessio ns R 326 400.00 100% functional fire stations Q3 JanMar Target R 326 400.00 % of Fire stations established and functional Output Budget KPI Q2 OctDec Target R 150 000.00 To establish functional fire stations at Mount Frere Page: 85 B35 Fire and Rescue Facilitate the recruitment Training center establishment – Services Policies and and support to key Fire & Mount Frere By- Law Enforcement Rescue Service objective IDP Project Q1 JulSep Target R 326 400.00 Measurable Objective (outcome) Budget ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Facilitate procureme nt of fire and rescue equipment R 20 000.00 Functionin g two way radios Fire master plan Council resolutio n 20 Fire & life safety awareness conducted 40 Fire & life safety awaren ess conduct ed - 40 Fire & life safety aware ness condu cted Attendan ce register Page 111 - Delivery notes BTO Delivery notes BTO CPS Vote R 1 650 000.00 - Vote Installation of server, base radios, vehicle radios and portable radios Del ive ry of eq uip me nt - R1,600.000.00 Facilitate procureme nt of promotion al material R 100 000.00 ANNUAL TARGET:4 0 Facilitate procureme nt of fire and rescue equipment Conduct worksho ps on Policy & SOP docume nts - Fire stations established and operational. ANNUAL TARGET:1 00% Number of 2 way radios installed Availability of equipment Develop terms of reference and facilitate appointme nt of services provider - Fire stations established and operational. ANNUAL TARGET: 100 %of required equipment procured - R 95 000 Page: 85 B35 Page: 85 B35 Procurement of Procurement of Fire portable radios and and Rescue software Services equipment Number of Fire & life safety awareness campaign conducted - R 45 000.00 ANNUAL TARGET: 30 june -Master plan document produced -Fire and rescue vehicles replaceme nt policy document developed Developed SOP document s 100 Fire & life safety awarenes s conducted R50 000.00 Date Develop and review district fire and rescue services master plan. R 5 000.00 -Develop and review district fire and rescue services master plan. Page 112 - CERT docume nt BTO HRD Signed MOU BTO HRD Uniform issue register BTO OHS Vote BTO Vote: R 350 000.00 Delivery notes Vote: R 200 000.00 - R 170 000.00 - - Vote: - R 3 360 000.00 R 1 400 00.00 Job shadowi ng in areas of best practice - R 1 000 000.00 Facilitate procureme nt of protective clothing and uniform Job shadowing in areas of best practice Present ation of C.E.R.T docume nt to identifie d commu nities - % of employee receiving protective clothing and uniforms ANNUAL TARGET:1 00% Delive ry of fire tanker - Apply and enforce the implementatio n of South African National Standards. ANNUAL TARGET: Job shadowing in areas of best practice R 100 000.00 Number of jobs shadowed R 30 000.00 Apply and enforce the implementatio n of South African National Standards. - R 130 000.00 Procurem ent process - R 700 000.00 Identify hot-spots Local stakeholde r engageme nt - ANNUAL TARGET:1 00% C.E.R.T document Delivery of staff transporter vehicles R 30 000.00 % Developme nt of C.E.R.T document Facilitate procureme nt of fire and rescue equipment & lease of 5X4X4 double cab vehicles Developm ent of concept document R120 000.00 Communities supported through special programmes initiatives. Availability of fire fighting vehicles, staff transporte rs & lease vehicles R 970 000.00 ANNUAL TARGET: 5 Page: 85 B35 Page: 85 B35 Page: 85 B35 Number of fire fighting vehicles available R50 000.00 Fire stations established and operational. Page: 85 B34 Procurement of protective Fire and Rescue Development of Procurement of Fire and equipment & clothing Internal Capacity Community Emergency Rescue Services vehicles(1 Building Response Teams X Fire tanker, 2 X Staff (C.E.R.T) Training Transporters, 5 X Lease vehicles) ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Page 113 ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 Page 114 Means f Verificatio n R Supporting Departments (input) Thusong centre service register Delivery notes Thusong centre service register Reports, Attendance lists Vote: Vote: 5 000 000 R200,000.00 Q4 AprJun Target Budget Budget Budget R100,000.00 200,000.00 Page: 85 B37 Page: 85 B37 Establishment of a Thusong Service Centre Construction of 2Thusong Unit by 2014 Centres established and functioning by 2014 Budget Department : Community Development Services ( Thusong Centre) NKPA 5 : Good Governance and Public Participation Departmental Objective: To provide a comprehensive community development services package throughout the district Q3 Measurabl Q1 JulQ2 OctJane IDP Project KPI Output Sep Dec Mar Objective Target Target Targe (outcome) t Improved Numbe An Upgrade Thusong r of operatio d service centre and operati nal OR standard customer onal Tambo s in care centres Service Nophoyi services Centre in ANNU Nkantolo AL TARGE T:2 Improved Numbe Initiated Organise Thusong r of a d govt centre and operati thusong depts customer on service renderin care thuson in Thaba g services g Chicha servicecentres and on – Silindini wheels ANNU in the AL areas TARGE where T:2 there are no structure s, on a quarterly basis ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY SDBIP 2013/14 11. CONCLUSION As part of igniting excellence and taking service delivery to a higher level, the departmental performance monitoring will be done through the quarterly departmental SDBIPs which will also be cascaded down to the senior managers’ performance agreements. The implementation of sound financial planning and budgeting will ensure sustainable service delivery that would result in growth for the municipality. These budgets and strategies have been developed to ensure that backlogs are addressed and that future financial problems are avoided and timeously corrected. It is also to ensure that projects are adequately funded and that future projects can be realistically planned and budgeted. The Alfred Nzo District Municipality invites all the Stakeholders, to make this Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan (SDBIP) a reality. Page 115