
Sycamore Class
30th January 2015
Massive Maths Homework:
This week’s homework links to our Globe Trotters topic as we will be looking at the distances that
food travels from around the world. The attached sheet can be used to record information about
food at home.
Mexico comprehension:
In class we are working on comprehension skills and the attached comprehension includes some
interesting facts about Mexico, so you can develop your comprehension as part of the creative
curriculum. However, please note it was written by an American author and refers to ‘our land,’
meaning the USA, not the UK. Please remember to use a dictionary to look up the meaning of
unfamiliar words and bring these in for the vocabulary wall. Also remember to include evidence
from the text in your answers, where possible.
Please return all homework by Thursday 5th February.
Thank you for all your efforts so far and well done to the children who have logged in and begun
their test. I appreciate there are a lot of questions on each test. With this is mind, I have extended
the deadline for the test, rather than closing it. Please continue to log in and do as much as you can
over the next two weeks.
Many thanks,
Miss Stallman
Where in the world?
1) Look at the labels on food in your
cupboards, fridge and freezer.
2) Which different countries do the foods
come from?
Name of the food:
Country of origin.
3) Can you find some of the countries that produce
chocolate and coffee? Try to find the distance from
those countries to school.
Country of origin
Distance from school
4) Coffee, chocolate and corn are all exported from Mexico.
Can you find any other foods we might export to the UK
from Mexico?
The country of Mexico is the third largest nation in terms of land area, and
second largest nation in terms of population in North America. As of 2006,
Mexico's population was well over 100,000,000 people. Mexico is located
south of the United States and north of the nations of Belize and Guatemala.
The Rio Bravo (called Rio Grande in America) forms much of the border
between the United States and Mexico. Spanish is the official language of
Mexico. Did you know that many of our words such as tornado, tomato, taco,
armadillo, and banana come from the Spanish language? In fact, much of our
land came from Mexico too. The states of Texas, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado,
California, and Arizona were all part of Mexico before the Mexican War.
Mexico is a land full of contrasts. Northern parts of Mexico are dominated by
the Sonoran and Chihuahuan Deserts. The Sonoran Desert is the world's most
biologically diverse desert and contains the world's entire supply of Saguaro
Cacti. The central portion of Mexico is dominated by the mountainous Mexican
Plateau. The southern parts are characterized by rainforests. Mexico's
rainforests are high in biodiversity and feature animals such as jaguars,
cougars, and exotic parrots. Mexico features high mountain ridges on its Pacific
Coast and on its eastern sides. Its highest point is known as Pico de Orizaba,
located near the city of Puebla. Pico de Orizaba rises 18, 701 feet above sea
level. It is the third highest mountain in North America, as well as the
continent's highest volcano. Pico de Orizaba is classified as a dormant volcano,
as it last erupted in 1846.
Mexico is well known as a popular tourist destination. People from all over the
world come to bask on its beautiful beaches in Cancun and Acapulco. In
addition, Mexico has dozens of important archaeological sites that preserve
ancient Mayan ruins. The most famous site is Chichen Itza, a major Mayan City
that lasted over 600 years on the Yucatan Peninsula.
Answer these questions in full sentences and use the text to justify your
answers (point, evidence, explain). Some questions cannot be answered
straight from the text, you will need to think about what you have learnt so far
about Mexico.
First, underline any words you do not understand and use a dictionary to find
their meaning. Keep these and bring them in to school.
1. Which words are derived from the Spanish language?
2. What would be a good title for this passage?
3. Why is Chichen Itza important to preserve?
Name some reasons why Mexico is a popular tourist destination.
Name some exotic animals that can be found in Mexico.
What does the term ‘dormant volcano’ mean?
What do you understand by the phrase “Mexico is a land full of
8. Write 2 questions you could ask someone else about this passage to see
if they have understood it.