Drama I Handbook - RHS Drama

Advanced Drama
School Year: 2012 – 2013
Location: B-5
Instructor: W. Lance Godfrey
Grade Level: 11 - 12
I. Course Description & Objectives
Drama III / IV is an Advanced Theatre/Acting class and enhances and builds upon Drama I and II skills. Primary
focus of this class will be the development, rehearsal and production process culminating in performance.
Projects will include writing and developing scripts, rehearsing and performing various productions, and
participation in RHS Productions.
Due to the performance-based nature of this class, after-school rehearsals and/or performances may be
required. Additionally, students will be required to participate in competitions resulting in the student’s excused
absence from the regular academic day.
Prerequisite: Drama II or previous involvement in an RHS Drama Production with Instructor Permission
NOTE : Our competitive One Act production and our Children’s Show will be produced in and through the
Advanced Acting Class only. This does not, however, preclude involvement in the mainstage productions.
Participation in the One Act, the Children’s Show and any Actors’ Showcases are expected and required of
Advanced Acting Students.
III. Evaluation
Daily Work
40 %
60 %
IV. Expectations, Rules and Procedures
Grading Descriptions:
 Daily work includes class participation in activities, homework, and rehearsals.
 Testing will include the following:
o Presentations: will include class presentations and performances of scenes before the class. Presentations
may also include a written element (such as outlines/written speeches or character work for performances).
Scene performances will usually count as two test grades, and grading will be based on individual
performance and group collaboration.
o Actual Tests: Tests over textbook info, films watched and lecture material.
o Production Participation is an expected requirement of drama class. Three (3) Test grades will be for
actual production participation in the One Act during Fall Semester and the Children’s Show during Spring
Semester. This will include production staff, cast, crew – or other positions or participation if discussed
with and pre-approved by Mr. Godfrey.
 ALL Advanced Drama students are required to audition for ALL RHS Drama productions, but are not
required to accept a role. Auditions will count as a Test grade, and a written self evaluation will be
completed and submitted within 3 days of the audition for a separate Test grade.
 ALSO: Every student is required to attend ALL RHS Main Stage Drama productions if not already
involved in cast and crew, and a written evaluation/critique will be due within 3 days of the production
– Attendance and evaluation will together equal two (2) test grades.
 Exams for each semester will have two parts: 1) a performance of a larger scene / cutting, and 2) a written
exam pulled directly from Quiz questions. NOTE: Students should keep their quizzes as study guides for
the final as no other study guide will be provided. December will be a mid-Term, and May will be a
comprehensive final.
o Given that the majority of rehearsal time for class presentations/performances will take place during class time
it is extremely important that all students attend class regularly. Rehearsal time cannot be made up. Therefore,
any absence during a rehearsal period will result in a zero (0) for a Daily Grade for that day.
Missed required after-school rehearsals for a production will also result in a zero (0) for a Daily Grade.
An Absolute of Theater is that you perform on the performance date. This includes class presentations.
Missing a performance will equal a zero (0). With advanced notice, arrangements can sometimes be made.
Note that most performances will involve other students, and any student’s absence will affect the work of the
others. With an excused absence, a replacement project can be completed, but your group will still perform
on the performance date.
o For a detailed description of the school attendance policy please see the Rome City Schools Student Handbook.
Makeup Work
It is the responsibility of the student to get missed work from class (i.e. notes, handouts, worksheets, etc.).
Performance related grades, such as monologues/scenes/etc, must be made up within 2 days after the student
returns to school. This includes any written material associated with the assignments (i.e. Character Work).
If the student misses a written test the student must arrange a time, with the teacher to take the test. [The RHS
Attendance Policy addresses the timeline allotted for make-up work].
LATE WORK scores drop 10 points per day. After 1 week, late work will not be accepted.
Missed Movies are to be treated as lecture materials, and are the responsibility of the student to make up.
Class Material Requirements
Notebooks: 3 ring binder recommended with loose-leaf paper, but a notebook dedicated to Drama is acceptable.
Pencils: students are required to have a pencil for every class. A highlighter is also recommended, but not required.
Class Material Requirements
Notebooks: 3 ring binder recommended with loose-leaf paper, but a notebook dedicated to Drama is acceptable.
This will serve as a Journal, and will be periodically reviewed for a Test grade.
Pencils: students are required to have a pencil for every class. A highlighter is also recommended, but not
 Clips of movies or full movies will be shown in class periodically to enhance instruction. While every
precaution is taken to ensure that movies shown are rated PG-13 or lower, there may be the occasional need to
show all or part of an R-rated movie.
 A complete movie listing is provided at the end of this syllabus. Your decision to not allow your child to watch
the films will NOT affect any grading – alternative assignments will be given.
 Signing the parent/student agreement at the end of this packet grants your child permission to watch the
films/film clips. If you do not wish for your child to view ANY of the films/film clips listed, please note
that at the bottom of the agreement.
Extra Credit:
Extra Credit is exactly what is implied: “Extra.” No student is obligated to participate in extra credit activities. If a student opts
to take part in extra credit activities, they will be offered and explained as necessary – ALL extra credit activities will include a
written evaluation to be turned in at the conclusion.
Contact Information
 Mr. Godfrey is most accessible via e-mail at: lgodfrey@rcs.rome.ga.us . For updated information and
weekly assignments, see our website: http://www.rhsdrama.weebly.com/
The following portion must be signed and returned by Friday, August 10, 2013:
Parent/Student Agreement
Course Name: Advanced Drama
In acknowledgment of receipt of this Syllabus / handbook, understanding of its contents, and in compliance with the
rules/regulations laid out above, parents and students are asked to please sign below. This signed page should be
returned to Mr. Godfrey by August 10, 2013.
As e-mail is the most convenient form of communication, parents are asked to please provided at least one (1) e-mail
address, checked regularly, at which they can be reached. Additionally, parents may use this form to express
interest in volunteering to assist with the growth of the RHS Drama Program/Booster Club .
If you have any comments/concerns/questions please use the space provided below or e-mail/call the director to set up
a time for a conference.
Student’s Name: ______________________________ Signature_________________________Date _____________
Parent’s Name: _______________________________ Signature ________________________ Date _____________
Parent(s) E-mail: _________________________________________________________
Parent Volunteer Information: The Drama Booster Club, made up of Parents, Grandparents and Family
of Drama students, supports our students and their participation in our various productions. Michelle Clay
is the President, and the Boosters meet only 2 – 3 times each, communicating primarily through email.
_____ Yes, I am interested in joining the Drama Booster Club
_____ Yes, I am available to chaperone field trips
_____ Yes, I am available to help with productions
_____ Yes, I am able to help with small tasks during the year
I regret that I am unable to help this year
Comments / Concerns:
Intro to Theatre
The Production Process
B'Way: The American Musical
Comedy & Farce
The Three Stooges
Bill Cosby, Himself
Noises Off
The Animaniacs / Pinky & the Brain
Radioland Murders
Modern Realism / Drama
Shawshank Redemption (R Rating)
Pursuit of Happyness
Native Son
Much Ado About Nothing
12th Night
Midsummer Night's Dream
Othello (R Rating)
Children's Theatre
Jungle Book
Alice in Wonderland
Beauty & the Beast
Muppet's Classic Theater
Dead Poet's Society
Singing in the Rain
Fiddler on the Roof
Across the Universe
Moulin Rouge
Dream Girls
Madea Goes to Jail
The Court Jester
Sound of Music
The Producers
Guys & Dolls
Joseph & the . . . Dreamcoat