Cornell Notes Name: ___________________________________ Lecture, reading/chapter/novel/article during class, power point, movies (if need to collect info.) Topic: Class: _________________ Period: ________ Elements of Drama Date: ____________________________ Essential Question: What are the similarities and differences between elements of fiction and elements of drama? I can analyze how elements of a drama contribute to the setting, characters, and plot? Questions/Main Ideas: Notes: Drama: A form of literature meant to be performed by actors in front of an audience Types of Drama 1. 2. radio plays 3. 4. Plot & Characters Developed Other Notes: Elements of Fiction 1. plot: events that make up a story 2. 3. setting: time and place 4. 5. Elements Unique to Drama 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. aside: Sound Effects and Lighting Other Important Vocabulary 1. dramatist: 2. 3. 4. stage directions: 5. Summary: (Fill this ENTIRE box with a summary of everything we just took notes on. Try answering the essential questions.) Similarities and Differences between Elements of Fiction and Drama