Chapter 8 Poetry

Chapter 8
Presented By:
Molly Brady
Lakitia Middlebrook
Michelle Lammers
Elizabeth Gooden
Value of Poetry For Children
Poetry provides children with
knowledge about concepts in the world
around them.
 Poetry encourages children to
appreciate language and expand their
 Poetry grants insights into themselves
and others.
What is Poetry?
There is no single definition of poetry.
 Some definitions specify the
characteristics of poetry, including the
poetic elements and the functions of
 Other definitions emphasize the
emotional impact of poetry.
 Importance of original combination
words,distinctive sounds,emotional
Characteristics of Poems
Children Prefer.
Children enjoy contemporary poems
more than traditional poems.
 Children prefer poems that deal with
familiar and enjoyable experiences and
poems that tell a story.
 The forms of poetry children most
prefer are narrative poems and
limericks which contain humor,are
nonsensical and about familiar
Forms of poetry children dislike are
haiku and free verse.
Criteria for Selecting Poetry
Lively Poems
 Poems for young children
 Sharply cut visual images and words
 Simple stories
 Selected Poems
 Effective Poems
 Subject Matter
 Good Poems
Elements of Poetry
 Rhyme and other sound patterns
 Repetition
 Imagery
 Shape
Forms of Poetry
Lyric Poetry
 Narrative Poetry
 Ballads
 Limericks
 Concrete Poems
 Haikue
Poems and Poets
Nonsense and Humor
-Edward Lear
-Lewis Carrol
-Laura E. Richards
-Shel Silverstein
-Jack Prelutsky
-William Jay Smith
-John Ciardi
-N.M Bodecker
Nature Poems
Robert Frost
 Aileen Fisher
 Byrd Baylor
 Paul Fleischman
Characters,Situations and
Myra Cohn Livingston
 Valerie Worth
 David McCord
Moods and Feelings
Langston Hughes
 Cynthia Rylant
T.S Eliot
Witches and Ghosts
Lee Bennet Hopkins
Involving Children in Poetry
Listening to poetry
 Moving to poetry
Dramatizing Poetry
Creative dramatizing is one way to
enhance children’s enjoyment of the
situations found in poetry.
 Poems that can be used for
Developing Choral Speaking
Encouragement Guidelines
*when selecting material for children who
cannot read,choose poems or rhymes that
are simple to memorize.
*choose material or interest to the child
*select poems or nursery rhymes that use
*let children help select and interpret poetry
*let children listen to each other as they try
different interpretations within groups.
Arrangements for Choral
Refrain Arrangement
 Line Arrangement
 Dialogue Arrangement
 Cumulative Arrangement
 Unison Arrangement
 Tone Arrangement
Writing Poetry
 Oral exchange of ideas
 Transcription
 Sharing
 Post-transcription
Forms of Poetry
Nonsense limericks
 Cinquains
 Diamente
The End