Lesson Plan: Advanced Literature and Composition 435 Week of 9/8-9/11 DATE ESSENTIAL QUESTION(S) ACTIVITIES RESOURCES *previously given ASSIGNMENTS T 1) How does the literature we are reading reflect Anglo-Saxon beliefs and values? 2) How does Beowulf display ideals of an AngloSaxon hero? 3) Why is it important to identify Anglo-Saxon literary devices, and how are they used to enhance the story? 4) How has the idea of a hero evolved over time? 1) How does the literature we are reading reflect Anglo-Saxon beliefs and values? 2) How does Beowulf display ideals of an AngloSaxon hero? 3) Why is it important to identify Anglo-Saxon literary devices, and how are they used to enhance the story? 4) How has the idea of a hero evolved over time? 1) How does the literature we are reading reflect Anglo-Saxon beliefs and values? 2) How does Beowulf display ideals of an AngloSaxon hero? 3) Why is it important to identify Anglo-Saxon literary devices, and how are they used to enhance the story? 4) How has the idea of a hero evolved over time? 1) How does the literature we are reading reflect Anglo-Saxon beliefs and values? 2) How does Beowulf display ideals of an AngloSaxon hero? 3) Why is it important to identify Anglo-Saxon literary devices, and how are they used to enhance the story? 4) How has the idea of a hero evolved over time? 1) Check Vocab – pass out definitions 2) Begin Beowulf. Read Prologue in class. 3) Pass out Character WS 4) Allow time to read (if time left) Binder Beowulf Due: vocab HW: Vocab quiz Thursday, Read Beowulf Ch. 1-12, answer questions 1) Journal Writing 2) IR Binder IR Novel Due: HW: Vocab quiz Thursday, Read Beowulf Ch. 1-12, answer questions 1) Beowulf discussion 2) Work on Character information 3) Do “Heroic Code” and “Hero” WS 4) Assign Modern Hero mini-speech 4) Vocab quiz Binder Beowulf Worksheets Due: Reading and questions HW: Read Beowulf read Ch. 13-18 and answer questions, quiz Friday 1) Beowulf quiz 2) Discussion of Beowulf 3) Modern Hero Mini-Speeches Binder Beowulf Due: Reading and questions, Minispeeches HW: read Beowulf ch. 19-23 and answer questions W TH F