Jamestown & NE Colonies

Name: ___________________________________ Per: ________
Ch. 4 Sec1&2
*3 points*
1. What discouraged the English from settling in North America until King James I?
2. What was England’s first joint-stock company?
3. What did John Smith do for the Jamestown settlement?
Fill in the graphic organizer discussing the how tobacco aided the growth of Jamestown.
*2 points each*
Importance to the
Importance to the
Virginia Company
gave headrights
*3 points*
The Virginia Company gave colonists the right to take part in their own government.
6. Who could cast ballots for burgesses? What is its importance of the House of Burgesses in
American history?
Section 2:
*2 points each*
Next wave of colonists
Reason for the
First Colonies
Pilgrim’s Plymouth Colony *2 points*
What led the Pilgrims to
establish a new colony?
Why did the Pilgrims have to write the Mayflower Compact?
What did they promise to do in the Compact?
Why is the Mayflower Compact important in America?
Created an organized orderly government
How many Pilgrims
survived the first winter?
New Colonies
*2 points*
Where did the Puritans
What was the Great
What were the requirements
to vote in their colony?
Puritans wanted to reform (purify) the Anglican Church. What about their beliefs led people to
form new colonies?
Religious Tolerance
Who founded Connecticut?
What is the Fundamental
Orders of Connecticut?
Roger Williams founded Rhode Island on what two principles?
What colony followed Connecticut’s policies as
a safe place for all dissenters?
*2 points*
23. What did King Philips war do in New England?