What do I do now? Answers to questions teachers with gifted students ask most often. 1 Essential Questions What is a gifted student? How are gifted children different from high achievers? How do I make a good referral? What is the purpose of gifted education? What does the EASD K-8 program look like? How can I be more supportive of the gifted students in my class? What resources are out there to help me? 2 What is a Gifted Student? 3 Myths about gifted children Gifted kids rise to the top of a classroom: Not necessarily. Gifted children can have hidden learning disabilities that go undiscovered because they can easily compensate for them in the early years. (www.ri.net/gifted_talented/character.html) 4 Myths about gifted children cont… Gifted children are so smart they do fine with or without special programs: They may appear to do fine on their own, but without proper challenge, they can become bored and unruly. As the years go by they may find it harder and harder as work does become more challenging, since they never faced a challenge before. (www.ri.net/gifted_talented/character.html) 5 Myths about gifted children cont… If Children are off task, inattentive or hyperactive they can only be ADHD. There is no rule that states that if a child is exhibiting behaviors consistent with hyperactivity and/or inattentiveness they have to be ADHD. A gifted child may simply be bored and amusing themselves. Further, they may appear ADHD because their minds are fast moving. (Josie Moore-EASD) 6 Myths about gifted children cont… Gifted and bright mean the same thing: There is no rule that states that a child who is capable of scoring in the high ninety percentiles on group achievement testing and getting all “A”s must be considered gifted. Remember, group achievement testing is grade level testing. Such high scores are certainly high achievers but not necessarily gifted. Further, there is no rule that states a child identified as gifted should be achieving to high standards in the classroom. (www.ri.net/gifted_talented/character.html) 7 What is a Gifted Student? A child with outstanding intellectual and creative ability that requires specially designed programs and/or support services not ordinarily provided in the regular education program (22 Pa. Code16.1) Mentally and physically involved instead of just attentive Constructs abstractions instead of just understanding ideas Answers in detail instead of just answering question Plays around yet tests well instead of working hard. 8 What is a Gifted Student? A child with outstanding intellectual and creative ability that requires specially designed programs and/or support services not ordinarily provided in the regular education program (22 Pa. Code16.1) A child with an IQ of 130 or higher when multiple criteria as set forth in department guidelines indicates gifted ability . (22 Pa. Code16.21d) 9 Multiple Criteria? Criteria, other than IQ score, must be used to indicate gifted ability…Such As…. Academic performance significantly above grade level or the normal age group in one or more subjects as measured by nationally normed and validated achievement tests. (22 Pa. Code16.1) 10 Multiple Criteria? Criteria, other than IQ score, must be used to indicate gifted ability…Such As…. Rate of Acquisition/Retention Demonstrated Achievement, performance or expertise in one or more academic areas. Early and measured use of high level thinking skills, academic creativity, leadership skills, intense academic interest areas, communication skills, foreign language aptitude or technology expertise. (22 Pa. Code16.1) 11 Multiple Criteria continued….. Intervening factors masking giftedness such as ESL, SLD, physical impairment, emotional disability, gender, race bias, or socio/cultural deprivation. (22 Pa. Code16.1) 12 EASD Matrix (Criteria Used to determine need) Standardized Achievement in Math, Reading, Language 90% or better. A score of 80 or higher on the Teacher and Parent Questionnaire forms A score of 1-3 repetitions on the Teacher/Parent Questionnaire forms. GPA Special factors (e.g. ESL, SLD etc) 13 Gifted stats A gifted student falls within the end of a standard bell curve. The gifted population across the nation constitutes the top 2%. Image from www..librarythinkquest.org 14 How are Gifted Children different From High Achievers 15 High Achiever or Gifted? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Knows the answers Interested Attentive Has good ideas Works hard Answers the questions Top Group Listens with interest Learns with ease Understands ideas (Szabos, J, 1989) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Asks the questions Highly curious Mentally & Physically involved Has wild silly ideas Plays around yet tests well Discusses in Detail Beyond top group Strong feelings and opinions Already knows Constructs abstractions 16 (Szabos, J, 1989) How do I make a good referral? 17 How do I make a good referral? Review grades and standardized achievement testing throughout his/her school year. Are they in the 98th percentile or higher? Are they at a 3.5 or higher? Review characteristic of gifted students. Does the student fit those traits? Talk to other teachers or the counselor who have gifted students to learn about what makes them gifted instead of high achievers. Review the Teacher form. Does the student score a 5 or 4 on most of the questions asked? 18 How do I make a good referral cont…. Use the resources you have available to gain more specific information (internet, guidance counselor, gifted teacher, school psychologists, literature etc). Try accommodations/modifications in the classroom using the resources in your district to help you teach at their instructional level. Are the classroom modifications unsuccessful in challenging the student? 19 Remember Remember you must look at student performance across the years not just this year. Remember advanced on the PSSA has no correlation with gifted. Remember when looking at Terra Nova scores, you want the top 2% (98th percentile or better) in math, reading, writing. 20 Remember cont…. Remember for gifted children, you are replacing their curriculum with material they have not mastered not just adding more work because they have finished their assignments early. Remember we need to add breadth and depth to a gifted child’s curriculum. Remember we need to match the material to the child and not the child the material. 21 What is the Purpose of Gifted Education? 22 Role of Gifted Education in Schools To identify the specific talents and abilities of gifted students and nourish those abilities through placing students in appropriate curricula. To provide an appropriate education based upon the specific abilities of each student. To challenge gifted students by providing educational programming that meets their academic and intellectual needs. 23 (Thomas, A & Grimes, T, 1995). “Levels of Service” in Programming Services offered to all Students Services offered to many students Services offered to individuals or small groups by specialists in school. Outside services or unusual in-school options offered to individual students Ron Schmiedel 24 Gifted Education components Acceleration Affective Needs Enrichment Career Investigation Through a variety of service delivery options! Ron Schmiedel 25 Independent Study Tiered Assignments Counseling services Student Government Mentorship Pull-out Enrichment Clubs Acceleration Grouping School in a School Gifted Program College classes Testing out Resource room Differentiation Specialized Gifted Center Curriculum Learning Grade skipping contracts Distance Learning 26 GIEP? Based on unique needs to the gifted student, not just on the student’s classification. Enables the student to participate in acceleration or enrichment or both as appropriate. Enables the student to receive services according to their intellectual and academic abilities and needs within the scope of the K27 12 district curriculum. (PDE-Parent Guide to Special Education for the Gifted) GIEP cont…. Statement of the student’s present educational performance. Annual goals will describe what the student can be expected to learn during the year. Short-term outcomes are the sequential steps the student must take in order to reach these Annual goals. Dates for the beginning and end of the GIEP. (PDE-Parent Guide to Special Education for the Gifted) 28 GIEP cont…. Ways for determining whether the goals and learning outcomes are being met. Names and positions of the GIEP participants. Date of meeting. List any support services that are needed. (PDE-Parent Guide to Special Education for the Gifted) 29 So What does the EASD K-8 Program look like? 30 EASD K-8 Program…. Working collaboratively with the teacher the gifted program will be a combination of a push-in and pull out program. students will be able to connect what they are studying in the classroom with the activities they will be doing in the gifted program. Some of the activities they will be doing in the gifted program will be computer research, reading genre study, science investigations, reasoning papers and many open discussions. 31 EASD K-8 Program cont…. More individualized GIEPs will be written 1. Area of giftedness more specific 2. Personal Goals more specific 3. SDI (Specifically Designed Instruction) will be more specific 4. SDI will be provided to the teacher 32 How this affects you Modifications may consist of compacting, acceleration and/or enrichment all within the scope of the K-12 district curriculum. General educational curriculum will be adapted/modified as needed. (PDE-Parent Guide to Special Education for the Gifted) 33 So How can I be more Supportive? 34 What changes can I make? Differentiated instruction Depth Compacting Acceleration Contracts Ask questions that are open ended Ask questions that require higher level of response. (http://www.kidsource.com) 35 What changes can I make…. Group interactions and simulations Guided self-management Creative projects that synthesize knowledge and ability to manipulate ideas. Group gifted students together for class work. 36 Acceleration Access to higher level learning activities than typically provided in regular education to students of the same age Early Admission to Kindergarten and/or First Grade Grade Skipping Subject-Matter Acceleration Curriculum Compacting Honors Level Courses College Level Options Advanced Placement College in the High School Concurrent/Dual Enrollment 37 Acceleration cont. Credit by examination Early entrance into Middle School, High School, or College Early Graduation 38 Enrichment In-depth learning experiences that enhance the curriculum and are based upon individual student strengths, interests, and needs Seminars Independent projects Alternative assignments Outside of the classroom 39 Curriculum Differentiation Effective differentiation requires consideration given to grouping practices Flexible grouping - Arranging students by interest or need Cluster grouping – Ability grouping within a heterogeneous classroom Cooperative learning groups – 40 Differentiation Is twofold Group/class The curriculum, instruction and/or assessment is modified to better suit the needs of the class or group An honors level class must be different from a regular level class Individual The curriculum, instruction and/or assessment are modified to meet the needs of the individual students in the class 41 Differentiation Learning Environment Content Process Product Extension of core learning, using both acceleration and enrichment strategies Promote independent, self directed, and indepth study Establish hi-level and exemplary criteria to assess student performance and products Encourage a tolerant and supportive environment that fosters a positive attitude Provide opportunity to create products / solutions that focus on real-world issues Enable the pursuit of higher-level learning through the extension of classroom activities into the real-world Stress higher-level thinking, creativity, and problem solving skills Encourage the application of advanced research and methodological skills Exposure to challenging and specialized resources Focus on open ended tasks Set high standards that demand rigorous expectations for student work and performance demonstration Allow student-centered discussions, Socratic questioning, and seminar type learning Require that products represent application, analysis, and synthesis of knowledge Provide access to resources and materials that meet the student’s level of learning 46 Other Programming Options Independent Studies Curriculum Compacting Pre-assess Demonstrate mastery Alternative activity Enrichment Activities Mentorship Shadow Studies 47 What resources are out there to help me? 48 Resources http://www.schoolshistory.org. http://www.glc.k12.ga.us/qcc/homepg.asp http://www.cloudnet.com/%7Eedrbsass/edres.htm http://www.nswagtc.org.au/info/links.html http://www.easdpa.org/district/professional/lessonplan. htm 49 Resources, cont’d http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/investigations.htm http://www.glc.k12.ga.us/trc/cluster.asp?mode=browse &intPathID=7686 http://webquest.sdsu.edu/webquest.html (click “Portal,” then select “Top” in left column http://curry.edschool.virginia.edu/hottlinx/ http://www.shambles.net/pages/staff/gifted/ 50 Resources, cont’d http://www.bestwebquests.com http://edsitement.neh.fed.us/tab_lesson.asp?subjectArea=2 http://www.intel.com/ca/education/unitplans/ http://www97.intel.com/en/ProjectDesign/UnitPlanIndex /GradeIndex/#4 http://www97.intel.com/en/ProjectDesign/UnitPlanIndex /SubjectIndex/SubjectIndex. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/6097/math.h tml (this won't work from school computers, but it is good) http://www.stetson.edu/hats/teacher.php 51 Resources, con’t http://www.ed.gov/databases/ERIC_Digests/ed342175.html •Article by Dr. Carol Ann Tomlinson describing the characteristics of a differentiated classroom with an emphasis on the learning needs of academically advanced learners. •Article by Sandra Berger describing instructional and management strategies for the modification of curriculum based on the needs and characteristics of gifted students. Explores models and strategies for modify content process, product and learning environment. 52 Resources cont….. http://teach-nology.com/ School Psychologist Gifted facilitators Guidance Counselors Principals Websites and books 53 References Pennsylvania Department of Education Kidsource website School history website Dr. Edmund Sass’s website Georgia Learning Connections website Szabos, J 1989. Challenge. Good Apple 34. Ron Schmiedel from Pine-Richland High School 54 Good Bye Thanks for everyone's help and patience 55