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Presentation Plus! Understanding Psychology
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SECTION 1 Attitude Formation
SECTION 2 Attitude Change and
SECTION 3 Persuasion
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Chapter Objectives
Section 1: Attitude Formation
• Describe how our attitudes are the result
of conditioning, observational learning,
and cognitive evaluation. Explain how
attitudes help us define ourselves and our
place in society, evaluate people and
events, and guide our behavior.
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Chapter Objectives (cont.)
Section 2: Attitude Change and
• Explore how attitudes are formed through
compliance, identification, and internalization.
Explore how attitudes may be changed as a
result of cognitive dissonance. 
Section 3: Persuasion
• Explain how persuasion is a direct attempt to
influence attitudes and how we determine the
credibility of a message by evaluating when,
where, and how a message is presented, as
well as the message itself.
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Reader’s Guide
Main Idea
– Our attitudes are the result of conditioning,
observational learning, and cognitive evaluation.
Our attitudes help us define ourselves and our
place in society, evaluate people and events,
and guide our behavior. 
– Trace the origin of attitudes. 
– Describe the functions of attitudes.
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information. Section 1 begins on page 577 of your textbook.
Reader’s Guide (cont.)
– attitude 
– self-concept
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information. Section 1 begins on page 577 of your textbook.
• Your attitudes can lead you to believe
that something is fact when it is really
imaginary or that something is not real
when it really is fact. 
• An attitude is a predisposition to respond
in particular ways toward specific things.
predisposition to act, think,
and feel in particular ways
toward a class of people,
objects, or an idea.
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Introduction (cont.)
• An attitude has three main elements: 
– a belief or opinion about something 
– feelings about that thing 
– a tendency to act toward that thing in certain
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Where Attitudes Come From
• We have very definite beliefs, feelings,
and responses to things about which we
have no firsthand knowledge. 
• These attitudes are formed through
conditioning, observational learning, and
cognitive evaluation.
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• Classical conditioning can help you form
attitudes automatically. 
• When a new stimulus (the conditioned
stimulus) is paired with a stimulus that
already causes a certain reaction (the
unconditioned stimulus), the new stimulus
begins to cause a reaction similar to the
one caused by the original stimulus.
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Conditioning (cont.)
• We also acquire attitudes through
operant conditioning–we receive praise,
approval, or acceptance for expressing
certain attitudes or we may be punished
for expressing other attitudes.
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Attitude Formation Through
Classical Conditioning
Cognitive Evaluation
• Sometimes we develop attitudes toward
something without stopping to think
about it. 
• If we do this, we have used a heuristic, a
mental shortcut, to form an attitude. 
• However, we may sit down and
systematically think about an issue that
affects us directly.
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Other Sources
• Your attitudes are shaped by other
forces. 
• You may develop your attitudes by
watching and imitating others–through
observational learning. 
• You also learn many of your attitudes
through direct experience.
Other Sources (cont.)
• Culture influences everything from our
taste in food to our attitudes toward human
relationships and our political opinions. 
• The list of culturally derived attitudes is
endless. 
• Indeed, it is only by traveling and reading
about other ways of life that we discover
how many of the things we take for
granted are attitudes, not facts.
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Other Sources (cont.)
• There is abundant evidence that all of us
acquire many basic attitudes from our
parents. 
• Parental influence wanes as children get
older, of course.
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Other Sources (cont.)
• It is not surprising that parental influence
declines as children get older and are
exposed to many other sources of
influence. 
• People tend to adopt the likes and dislikes
of groups whose approval and
acceptance they seek.
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Functions of Attitudes
• Attitudes help us… 
– evaluate our own beliefs and values to define
ourselves. 
– interpret the objects and events we encounter. 
– determine how to act in given situations.
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Attitudes as a Self-Defining
• Our self-concept refers to how we see
or describe ourselves. 
– If you have a positive self-concept, you will
tend to act and feel optimistically and
constructively. 
– If you have a negative self-concept, you will
tend to act and feel pessimistically or selfdestructively.
how we see or describe
ourselves; our selfperceptions
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Attitudes as a Self-Defining
Mechanism (cont.)
• Social groups as well as individuals hold
attitudes. 
• People living in the same conditions and
who frequently communicate with one
another have attitudes in common. 
• This is because they are exposed to the
same information and may have formed
as a group partly because of their similar
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Attitudes as Cognitive Guidelines
and Guides to Action
• Our attitudes serve as guidelines for
interpreting and categorizing people,
objects, and events. 
• In effect, attitudes guide us toward or
away from particular people, objects, and
events. 
• Sometimes, though, our attitudes are not
consistent with our behaviors. 
• Your behavior may reflect your attitudes
more strongly, though, depending on why
you have formed a certain attitude.
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Attitudes as Cognitive Guidelines
and Guides to Action (cont.)
• Many psychologists argue that the attitudes
that most strongly predict behavior are
those that are acquired through direct
experience. 
• Although attitudes do play a role in
determining behavior, when and under
what circumstances certain attitudes
affect our behavior may vary.
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A Theory of Planned Behavior
Section Assessment
Review the Vocabulary What are
the three elements of an attitude?
The three elements of an attitude are:
1. belief or opinion
2. feelings
3. a tendency to act in certain ways
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Section Assessment (cont.)
Visualize the Main Idea Using a
diagram similar to the one on page
581 of your textbook, list and
describe the functions of attitudes.
Attitudes help us:
1. evaluate our own beliefs and
values to define ourselves
2. interpret the objects and events
we encounter
3. determine how to act in given
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Section Assessment (cont.)
Recall Information How does one’s
culture influence one’s attitude?
Answers will vary because culture
influences most aspects of our lives.
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Section Assessment (cont.)
Think Critically How can attitudes
help keep us out of dangerous
Attitudes guide us toward or away
from certain situations. For example,
we develop negative attitudes toward
dangerous situations and so avoid
those situations.
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Section Assessment (cont.)
In pairs, role-play typical behaviors
of teens in school.
Identify the underlying attitude of
each character.
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Reader’s Guide
Main Idea
– Attitudes are formed through compliance,
identification, and internalization. Attitudes
may be changed as a result of cognitive
dissonance. 
– Cite the sources of attitude change. 
– Describe prejudice and its relationship to
stereotypes and roles.
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information. Section 2 begins on page 582 of your textbook.
Reader’s Guide (cont.)
– compliance 
– identification 
– internalization 
– cognitive dissonance 
– counterattitudinal behavior 
– self-justification 
– self-fulfilling prophecy 
– prejudice 
– discrimination
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information. Section 2 begins on page 582 of your textbook.
• Cognitive consistency is the theory that
people’s attitudes change because they
are always trying to get things to fit
together logically. 
• You are a victim of cognitive consistency if
you: 
– try to fit a new situation into your existing
assumptions 
– make a prejudgment about the situation that
prevents you from considering all the
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Attitude Change
• The three main processes involved in
forming or changing attitudes are
compliance, identification, and
internalization (Kelman, 1961). 
– If you praise a certain film director because
everyone else does, you are complying. 
– If you find yourself agreeing with everything a
friend you particularly admire says about the
director, you are identifying with your friend’s
attitudes. 
– If you genuinely like the director’s work and,
regardless of what other people think, regard it
as brilliant, you are expressing an internalized
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• One of the best measures of attitude is
behavior. 
• People often adapt their actions to the
wishes of others to avoid discomfort or
rejection and to gain support. This is
called compliance.
a change of behavior to avoid
discomfort or rejection and
gain approval
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Compliance (cont.)
• Under such circumstances, social
pressure often results in only temporary
compliance, and attitudes do not really
• One way in which attitudes may really be
formed or changed is through the
process of identification. 
• Identification occurs when a person wants
to define himself or herself in terms of a
person or group and therefore adopts the
person’s or group’s attitudes and ways of
seeing oneself as similar to
another person or group and
accepting the attitudes of another
person or group as one’s own.
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Identification (cont.)
• Identification is different from compliance
because the individual actually believes
the newly adopted views. 
• Yet because these attitudes are based on
emotional attachment to another person or
group rather than the person’s own
assessment of the issues, they are fragile. 
• If the person’s attachment to that person or
group fades, the attitudes may also
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Identification (cont.)
• Adolescents move away from peer
groups and toward independence as
they grow older. 
• So as identification with peer groups
declines through late adolescence and
into adulthood, attitudes become more
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• The wholehearted acceptance of an
attitude is internalization. 
• The attitude becomes an integral part of
the person. 
• Internalization is most likely to occur when
an attitude is consistent with a person’s
basic beliefs and values and supports his
or her self-image.
incorporating the values,
ideas, and standards of others
as part of oneself
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Internalization (cont.)
• Internalization is the most lasting of the
three sources of attitude formation or
change. 
• Internalized attitudes are based on your
own evaluation of the merits of the issue. 
• Compliance or identification may lead to
the internalization of an attitude.
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Cognitive Consistency
• Many social psychologists have theorized
that people’s attitudes change because
they are always trying to get things to fit
together logically inside their heads. 
• This is called cognitive consistency. 
• Holding two opposing attitudes can create
cognitive dissonance in an individual,
throwing him or her off balance.
cognitive dissonance
the uncomfortable feeling that
arises when a person experiences
contradictory or conflicting thoughts,
beliefs, attitudes, or feelings.
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Cognitive Consistency (cont.)
• To reduce dissonance, it is necessary to
change one or both of the conflicting
attitudes. 
• People get rid of dissonance in several
ways: 
– Some people just deny the dissonance by
pretending it did not happen. 
– Some people attempt to evade dissonance by
avoiding situations or exposure to information
that would create conflict. 
• The process of dissonance reduction
does not always take place consciously.
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Balance Theory
Attitudes and Actions
• Social psychologists have discovered
several interesting relationships between
attitudes and actions. 
• Obviously, your attitudes affect your
actions: if you like Fords, you will buy a
Ford. 
• Some of the other relationships are not so
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Doing Is Believing
• In many instances, if you act and speak
as though you have certain beliefs and
feelings, you may begin to really feel and
believe this way. 
• This phenomenon is called
counterattitudinal behavior, and it is a
method of reducing cognitive dissonance.
counterattitudinal behavior
the process of taking a public
position that contradicts one’s
private attitude
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Doing Is Believing (cont.)
• One explanation for this phenomenon
comes from the theory of cognitive
dissonance. 
• To reduce the dissonance, the person will
have to change either the behavior or the
attitude. 
• A similar explanation is that people have a
need for self-justification.
the need to rationalize one’s
attitude and behavior
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Doing Is Believing (cont.)
• The phenomenon of self-justification has
serious implications. 
• For example, how would you justify to
yourself that you had intentionally injured
another human being?
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Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
• It is possible, it seems, for a person to
act in such a way as to make his or her
attitudes come true. 
• This phenomenon is called a
self-fulfilling prophecy. 
• Self-fulfilling prophecies can influence all
kinds of human activity.
self-fulfilling prophecy
a belief, prediction, or
expectation that operated to
bring about its own fulfillment
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• Prejudice means, literally, prejudgment. 
• Prejudice means deciding beforehand
what a person will be like instead of
withholding judgment until it can be based
on his or her individual qualities. 
• To hold stereotypes about a group of
people is to be prejudiced about them.
preconceived attitudes toward a
person or group that have been
formed without sufficient evidence
and are not easily changed
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Stereotypes and Roles
• Prejudice is strengthened and maintained
by the existence of stereotypes and roles. 
• A stereotype is an oversimplified, hard-tochange way of seeing people who belong
to some group or category. 
• A role is an oversimplified, hard-to-change
way of acting. 
• Stereotypes and roles can act together in
a way that makes them difficult to break
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Stereotypes and Roles (cont.)
• Patricia Devine (1989) proposed a model
to explain the relationships between
stereotypes and prejudice. 
• Devine suggests that what separates
prejudiced from nonprejudiced people is
their ability to inhibit negative attitudes. 
– If you can inhibit negative attitudes, your
response will be nonprejudiced. 
– If you cannot restrain your negative beliefs,
you will behave in a prejudiced manner.
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Stereotypes and Roles (cont.)
• Another psychologist, Thomas Pettigrew,
suggests that in situations where
members of a dominant and a deferential
group can be identified, each group may
play a role that fosters and maintains its
respective position.
Prejudice and Discrimination
• Prejudice can be based on social,
economic, or physical factors. 
• Prejudice also arises from “guilt by
association.” 
• Whatever the original cause, prejudice
seems to persist.
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Prejudice and Discrimination (cont.)
• Prejudice, which is an attitude, should be
distinguished from discrimination, the
unequal treatment of members of certain
groups. 
• It is possible for a prejudiced person not
to discriminate. 
• Similarly, a person may discriminate, but
not out of prejudice.
The unequal treatment of
individuals on the basis of
race, ethnic group, gender,
or membership in another
category rather than on the
basis of individual
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Section Assessment
Review the Vocabulary Describe
the relationships between
attitudes and behavior in
counterattitudinal behavior, self
justification, and self-fulfilling
counterattitudinal behavior–public
behavior contradicts private attitudes
self-justification–to reduce dissonance,
either behavior or attitudes must be justified
self-fulfilling prophecy–person behaves in
such as way as to make the attitude true
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Section Assessment (cont.)
Visualize the Main Idea Using a
diagram like the one shown on
page 588 of your textbook, list
and describe the three main
processes involved in forming or
changing attitudes.
Answers should describe compliance,
identification, and internalization.
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Section Assessment (cont.)
Recall Information How do
stereotypes and roles strengthen
Stereotypes are oversimplified and
difficult-to-change beliefs. Roles are
oversimplified and difficult-to-change
ways of acting. They work together to
create prejudice and interact in such a
way that makes the cycle hard to
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Section Assessment (cont.)
Think Critically How do theories
of cognitive dissonance explain
why certain people may be
attracted to some information
while they avoid other
information? Explain.
Ignoring or paying attention to
information reduces cognitive
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Section Assessment (cont.)
Brainstorm stereotypes associated with the
following professions or jobs:
construction worker
sales representative
airplane pilot
police officer
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Reader’s Guide
Main Idea
– Persuasion is a direct attempt to influence
attitudes. We evaluate when, where, and how a
message is presented, as well as the message
itself, when determining the credibility of the
message. 
– Describe the factors involved in the
communication process. 
– Explain the different types of persuasion
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information. Section 3 begins on page 590 of your textbook.
Reader’s Guide (cont.)
– persuasion 
– boomerang effect 
– sleeper effect 
– inoculation effect 
– brainwashing
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information. Section 3 begins on page 590 of your textbook.
• Advertisers use persuasion to encourage
consumers to buy their products.
• At one time or another everyone
engages in persuasion. 
• In each case, the persuader’s main hope
is that by changing the other person’s
attitudes, he or she can change that
person’s behavior as well.
the direct attempt to influence
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The Communication Process
• Enormous amounts of time, money, and
effort go into campaigns to persuade
people to change their attitudes and
behavior. 
• The communication process can be
broken down into four parts. 
• The message itself is only one part. 
• It is also important to consider the source
of the message, the channel through
which it is delivered, and the audience
that receives it.
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The Communication Process (cont.)
The Source
• How a person sees the source, or
originator, of a message may be a critical
factor in his or her acceptance or
rejection of the message. 
• If the source seems reliable and
knowledgeable, the message is likely to
be accepted. 
• A person receiving the message also asks
this: Do I like the source?
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The Communication Process (cont.)
The Source
• If the communicator is respected and
admired, people will tend to go along
with the message, either because they
believe in his or her judgment or because
they want to be like him or her. 
• This identification phenomenon explains
the frequent use of athletes in
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The Communication Process (cont.)
The Source
• When people dislike the individual or
group delivering a message, they are
likely to respond by taking the opposite
point of view. 
• This is known as the boomerang effect.
boomerang effect
a change in attitude or
behavior opposite of the one
desired by the persuader
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The Communication Process (cont.)
The Message
• The persuasiveness of a message
depends on the way in which it is
composed and organized as well as on the
actual content. 
• There are two ways to deliver a message: 
– The central route for persuasion focuses on
presenting information consisting of strong
arguments and facts–it is a focus on logic. 
– The peripheral route for persuasion relies on
emotional appeals, emphasizing personal
traits or positive feelings.
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The Communication Process (cont.)
The Message
• The most effective messages combine
emotional appeal with factual information
and argument. 
• A moderately arousing message typically
causes the largest shift of opinion. 
• A communication that overemphasizes
the emotional side of an issue may
boomerang. 
• The peripheral route sometimes arouses
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The Communication Process (cont.)
The Message
• If the message is too upsetting, people
may reject it. 
• A communication that includes only logic
and information may miss its mark
because the audience does not relate the
facts to their personal lives. 
• For the most part, a two-sided
communication is more effective because
the audience tends to believe that the
speaker is objective and fair-minded.
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The Communication Process (cont.)
The Message
• People usually respond positively to a
message that is structured and delivered
in a dynamic way. 
• A communication that is forceful to the
point of being pushy, however, may
produce negative results.
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The Communication Process (cont.)
The Channel
• Where, when, and how a message is
presented also influences the audience’s
response. 
• In general, personal contact is the most
effective approach to an audience. 
• There is some evidence that television
and films are more effective media of
persuasion than printed matter. 
• The most effective channel also depends
in part on the audience.
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The Communication Process (cont.)
The Audience
• The audience includes all those people
whose attitudes the communicator is
trying to change. 
• Being able to persuade people to alter
their views depends on knowing who the
audience is and why they hold the
attitudes they do. 
• Knowing who your audience is and what
motivates them are crucial.
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The Communication Process (cont.)
The Audience
• Several strategies involve the audience. 
– One strategy that has been studied extensively
is the foot-in-the-door technique.
– This involves first making a very small request
that someone is almost sure to agree to and
then making a much more demanding request. 
– Another strategy is sometimes called the doorin-the-face technique. 
– To encourage people to agree to a moderate
request, you make a major request–likely to be
rejected. When it is, you follow up immediately
with a more minor request.
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Models of Persuasion
• A message leads to thinking, but how
much and at what depth are determined
both by the message and the needs of
the person receiving it. 
• Two different levels of activity are
possible: 
– central route processing–when the recipient
thoughtfully considers the issues and
arguments 
– peripheral route processing–characterized by
considering other cues rather than the
message itself
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Models of Persuasion (cont.)
• Another model of persuasion is the
heuristic model (Chaiken, 1987). 
• A heuristic is a rule of thumb or a shortcut
that may lead to but does not guarantee a
solution. 
• The heuristic model proposes two ways in
which attitudes may be changed. 
• If an individual is not interested in an
issue under discussion, he or she is likely
to rely on heuristic processing, a very
casual, low-attention form of analyzing
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Models of Persuasion (cont.)
• In this kind of processing, the recipient
tunes in to the peripheral aspects of the
message–the likability of the source, the
number of arguments, and the tone of
voice. 
• On the other hand, if the recipient is
deeply interested or curious about the
topic of a message, the likely result is
sometimes called systematic processing,
or central route processing. 
• Advertisers use heuristics to get you to
buy their products.
Models of Persuasion (cont.)
The Sleeper Effect
• Efforts at persuasion usually have their
greatest impact immediately and then
fade away. 
• Sometimes people seem to reach different
conclusions about a message after a period
of time has elapsed.
• This curious sleeper effect has been
explained in several ways.
sleeper effect
the delayed impact on attitude
change of a persuasive
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Models of Persuasion (cont.)
The Sleeper Effect
• One explanation of the delayed-action
impact depends on the tendency to retain
the message but forget the source. 
• As time goes by, a positive source no
longer holds power to persuade nor does
a negative source undercut the message. 
• It may also be that it simply takes time for
people to change their minds. 
• As the message “sinks in,” attitudes
change more.
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The Inoculation Effect
• Research has shown that people can be
educated to resist attitude change. 
• Inoculation against persuasion works in
much the same way as inoculation
against certain diseases.
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The Inoculation Effect (cont.)
• The inoculation effect can be explained
in two ways: 
– it motivates individuals to defend their beliefs
more strongly 
– it gives them some practice in defending those
inoculation effect
developing resistance to
persuasion by exposing a
person to arguments that
challenge his or her beliefs
so that he or she can
practice defending them
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• The most extreme means of changing
attitudes involves a combination of
psychological gamesmanship and physical
torture, aptly called brainwashing. 
• The aim in brainwashing is as much to
create a new person as to change
extreme form of attitude change;
uses peer pressure, physical
suffering, threats, rewards, guilt,
and intensive indoctrination
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Brainwashing (cont.)
• The first step is to strip away all identity and
then subject the person to intense social
pressure and physical stress. 
• It is difficult to say where persuasion ends
and brainwashing begins.
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Section Assessment
Review the Vocabulary Explain
how the boomerang, sleeper, and
inoculation effects influence your
boomerang–effect on attitude that is
opposite of the one intended
sleeper–delayed change in attitude
inoculation–resistance to changing
attitudes that results from having to
defend one’s beliefs
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar
to display the answer.
Section Assessment (cont.)
Visualize the Main Idea Use a
diagram like the one on page 596 of
your textbook to outline the parts of
the communication process.
Diagrams should include the
following: the source, the message,
the channel, and the audience.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar
to display the answer.
Section Assessment (cont.)
Recall Information How does
brainwashing work? Why is it
Brainwashing is an extreme form of attitude
change that involves a combination of
psychological gamesmanship (such as peer
pressure, threats, rewards, and guilt), and
physical torture. It is used to break down
people’s convictions and introduce new
beliefs, behaviors, and feelings.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar
to display the answer.
Section Assessment (cont.)
Think Critically When evaluating a
message that is very important to
you, do you rely on systematic
processing or heuristics? Explain.
You rely on systematic processing.
Because you are very interested in
the topic, you want logical arguments
to support your position.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar
to display the answer.
Section Assessment (cont.)
Look at advertisements for
everyday products in a magazine.
Be sure to compare ads from
competing products.
What possible heuristics are the
advertisers using?
Section 1: Attitude Formation
• Classical conditioning helps you form
attitudes automatically. 
• The culture in which you grew up, the
people who raised you, and those with
whom you associate all shape
your attitudes. 
• People living in the same conditions and
who frequently communicate with one
another have attitudes in common because
they are exposed to the same information. 
• Our attitudes serve as guidelines for
interpreting and categorizing people,
objects, and events.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar
to display the information.
Section 2: Attitude Change and
• People often adapt their actions to the
wishes of others to avoid discomfort or
rejection and to gain support. 
• Identification occurs when a person wants
to define himself or herself in terms of a
person or group and therefore adopts the
person’s or group’s attitudes and ways
of behaving. 
• Internalization is the most lasting of the
three sources of attitude formation
or change.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar
to display the information.
Section 2: Attitude Change and
Prejudice (cont.)
• A person’s actions can affect his or
her attitudes. 
• Prejudice means deciding beforehand what
a person will be like instead of withholding
judgment until it can be based on a
person’s individual qualities.
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to display the information.
Section 3: Persuasion
• The process of communication can be
broken down into four parts: the message
itself, the source of the message, the
channel through which it is delivered, and
the audience that receives it. 
• The audience may process a message in
two ways–by systematically thinking about
it or by using heuristics. 
• The most effective messages combine
moderate emotional appeal with factual
information and argument.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar
to display the information.
Click the mouse button to return to the Contents slide.
Reviewing Vocabulary
Use the correct term or concept to complete the following
1. A(n) __________
attitude is a predisposition to respond in
particular ways toward specific things.
sleeper effect occurs when people seem to
2. A(n) ____________
reach different conclusions about a message after
a period of time has elapsed.
3. Justifying one’s behavior to reduce cognitive
dissonance is called _____________.
4. Identification
__________ occurs when a person wants to
define himself or herself in terms of a person or
group and therefore adopts the person’s or
group’s attitudes.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar
to display the answers.
Reviewing Vocabulary (cont.)
Use the correct term or concept to complete the following
self-concept is how you see or describe
5. Your __________
6. The most extreme means of changing attitudes is
called ___________.
7. __________
Compliance occurs when a person adapts his or
her action to the wishes of others to avoid
discomfort or rejection and to gain support.
boomerang effect occurs when people
8. A(n) _______________
dislike the individual delivering a message and
respond by taking the opposite point of view.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar
to display the answers.
Reviewing Vocabulary (cont.)
Use the correct term or concept to complete the following
9. The unequal treatment of members of certain
groups is called ____________.
10. ____________
Internalization occurs when a person
wholeheartedly accepts an attitude and the
attitude becomes an integral part of the person.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar
to display the answers.
Recalling Facts
In what three ways are attitudes formed?
Attitudes are formed by compliance,
identification, and internalization.
Compliance occurs when people adapt to
the wishes of others to avoid rejection and
gain support. Identification occurs when a
person wants to define himself or herself in
terms of a person or group and therefore
adopts the person’s or group’s attitudes and
behavior. Internalization is the incorporation
of values, ideas, and standards of others as
part of oneself.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar
to display the answer.
Recalling Facts
Using a diagram similar to the one
below, identify and describe two
methods of delivering a
persuasive message.
Recalling Facts
Which cognitive act are people
engaging in when they convince
themselves that they did not like the
victim of their aggressive act?
People are engaging in selfjustification. They are rationalizing
their attitudes and behavior.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar
to display the answer.
Recalling Facts
What will be the effect on listeners if
you use a very emotional appeal or if
you pressure them to adopt your
point of view?
Some listeners may take the opposite
point of view (boomerang effect) or
stop listening completely.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar
to display the answer.
Recalling Facts
What is the goal of brainwashing?
How does brainwashing work?
Answers include the following: strip away
identity, subject person to intense
personal pressure and stress;
punishment for “unreformed behavior,”
breakdown of resistance, cooperation to
avoid further demoralization, reward for
cooperation, and inoculation of
new attitudes.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar
to display the answer.
Building Skills
Identifying Cause-and-Effect Relationships
Review the advertisement on page 599 of
your textbook, then answer the questions
that follow.
Building Skills
Identifying Cause-and-Effect Relationships
Which function of attitudes does this
advertisement illustrate?
The ad illustrates the function of attitudes
known as guidelines to action.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar
to display the answer.
Building Skills
Identifying Cause-and-Effect Relationships
Do you think this advertisement is an
effective persuasive communication tool?
Why do you think so?
Answers will vary. What improvements
would you make?
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar
to display the answer.
When people’s attitudes and
behavior match, they have
achieved what?
They have achieved cognitive
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar
to display the answer.
Click the mouse button to return to the Contents slide.
Explore online information about the
topics introduced in this chapter.
Click on the Connect button to launch your browser and go to the
Understanding Psychology Web site. At this site, you will find
interactive activities, current events information, and Web sites
correlated with the chapters and units in the textbook. When you
finish exploring, exit the browser program to return to this
presentation. If you experience difficulty connecting to the Web
site, manually launch your Web browser and go to
Write a definition of prejudice in your
journal. In addition, list at least four
examples of prejudiced thinking.
Write about an experience you have had
when you have encountered the influences
of another culture.
Write a paragraph describing your
feelings when you have complied with an
expected behavior.
Find an example of an advertisement in a
magazine or other print source that you
think is effective. Attach the sample to your
journal and describe what makes the
advertisement effective.
vs. Actions
Read the case study presented on
page 589 of your textbook. Be
prepared to answer the questions that
appear on the following slides. A
discussion prompt and additional
information follow the questions.
Continued on next slide.
This feature is found on page 589 of your textbook.
vs. Actions
What is the difference between
symbolic behavior and actual
behavior? Explain.
Symbolic behavior refers to how people say they
will behave as opposed to the way they actually
behave in the same situation.
Continued on next slide.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the
answer. This feature is found on page 589 of your textbook.
vs. Actions
What was LaPiere’s hypothesis?
LaPiere’s hypothesis was that people’s symbolic
behavior may not match their actual behavior. He
believed that when dealing with the issue of race,
people’s actions may not always coincide with
their beliefs.
Continued on next slide.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the
answer. This feature is found on page 589 of your textbook.
vs. Actions
Critical Thinking If LaPiere performed
this experiment today, do you think that
his results would be the same? Why or
why not?
Answers will vary. Support your position with
clear reasoning about the attitudes you think
would be common today. Consider beliefs about
different races today and how this might affect
the results of an experiment like LaPiere’s.
Continued on next slide.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the
answer. This feature is found on page 589 of your textbook.
vs. Actions
Discuss the following:
Why did LaPiere think that symbolic
behavior would not match actual
behavior? Was a straightforward
questionnaire the best way to assess
symbolic behavior? What other
assessment tools might have been used?
Continued on next slide.
This feature is found on page 589 of your textbook.
vs. Actions
Sexual harassment in the workplace is a
violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Today most large businesses and many
small businesses have written official
sexual harassment policies. However,
having a written policy about harassment
and having an aggressive program to
prevent sexual harassment are two
different things.
Continued on next slide.
This feature is found on page 589 of your textbook.
vs. Actions
– One aspect represents the company’s symbolic
behavior toward sexual harassment. 
– The other demonstrates the company’s real
commitment to preventing harassment in the
workplace. 
– Supreme Court decisions support the idea that a
company must do more than include a written policy
about harassment in employee handbooks.
Continued on next slide.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the
information. This feature is found on page 589 of your textbook.
vs. Actions
– Companies that are serious about preventing
harassment in the workplace should provide training to
employees and supervisors, should discuss sexual
harassment policies with all new employees, and
should have sound procedures in place to resolve
reported cases of sexual harassment.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the
information. This feature is found on page 589 of your textbook.
Continued on next slide.
Continued on next slide.
1. Her attitude was probably
formed through systematic
examination of
the issues. 
2. She formed her opinion by
agreeing with Shayla
because she appears to
know what she is doing. 
3. Our peers, culture, and
family may influence our
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to
display the answers.
Continued on next slide.
1. The contradiction in his actions is
that he speaks in favor of helmets
while he refuses to wear one. 
2. He may eventually try to be
consistent and wear a helmet. 
3. He can wear a helmet or change
his position on wearing
a helmet. 
4. He might want to achieve
consistency in his thinking.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to
display the answers.
Continued on next slide.
1. Buy ice cream cones. 
2. The message is being
delivered through verbal
channels on a hot day. 
3. The audience is the people
walking down the street. 
4. Answers will vary. It is
possible that the hot day will
elicit a response. On the
other hand, the vendors
appearance and lack of
enthusiasm may not get
a response.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to
display the answers.
Kids and Race
Use the Reader’s Dictionary that appears
on the next slide to help explain unfamiliar
terms as you read the article on pages
600–601 of your textbook. Be prepared to
answer the questions that follow.
Continued on next slide.
This feature is found on pages 600–601 of your textbook.
Kids and Race
Reader’s Dictionary
skinhead: a member of
sometimes violent gangs
that adopt beliefs of white
harass: torment or
chasm: a deep split or gap
melanin: a dark brown or
black skin color
dogged: stubborn
naiveté: simplicity or lack of
gullibility: able to be easily
scapegoating: transferring
the blame
notorious: infamous;
recognized widely as being
disinclination: preferring to
avoid something
catharsis: a sense of
tension being released
This feature is found on pages 600–601 of your textbook.
Continued on next slide.
Kids and Race
Analyzing the Article
Why do kids’ view on race relations
differ from adults’?
Their views may differ because of a lack of
experience, their naiveté, or the reality that race
relations are changing for the better.
Continued on next slide.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the
answer. This feature is found on pages 600–601 of your textbook.
Kids and Race
Analyzing the Article
that race barriers exist in your world?
Do you think the adults you know
would disagree with you? Explain.
Answers will vary. What steps still need to be
taken to improve relationships among different
ethnic groups in your community?
Continued on next slide.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the
answer. This feature is found on pages 600–601 of your textbook.
Kids and Race
Why do some people feel the need
to join a skinhead or other race-hating
It is possible that they feel the desire to be a
part of a group, have a need to place blame for
their problems on someone else, or simply
refuse to see other points of view.
Continued on next slide.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the
answer. This feature is found on pages 600–601 of your textbook.
Kids and Race
Why do you think white students tend to
define themselves by personality
characteristics and students of color
by ethnicity?
Answers will vary. One response may be that
people in minority groups may be more focused on
racial identity than people in the majority. Another
response may be that society persists in placing the
color label on people of color and they learn to see
themselves in terms of skin color because of
society’s attitude.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the
answer. This feature is found on pages 600–601 of your textbook.
Attitude Formation
From the Classroom of Robert Windemuth
Chambersburg Area Senior High School,
Chambersburg, PA
You are going to read through the
newspaper your teacher provided to form a
general impression about whether, in your
opinion, the news is negative, positive,
or neutral. 
After you are finished, write a paragraph
describing your position and how you
arrived at that position.
Continued on next slide.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to
display the information.
Attitude Formation
From the Classroom of Robert Windemuth
Chambersburg Area Senior High School,
Chambersburg, PA
Now cut out five headlines that support the position
you have taken and tape them to the paper on
which you have written your paragraphs. 
Join small groups and compare your papers. 
Two people with opposing views could discuss
their respective positions for the class.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to
display the information.
Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes
wrote the following in 1901: “The mind of a
bigot is like the pupil of the eye, the more light
you pour upon it the more it will contract.”
Doubling the size of an advertisement does
not necessarily double the readership. A color
advertisement also will not automatically
guarantee readers. A black-and-white ad
surrounded by color ads may get more
notice. Research indicates that the most
effective place to run a magazine
advertisement is on the inside covers.
Paraguay has an authoritarian government, which
means that the government controls all media
channels and effectively censors all dissenting views.
As a result, dissenters have found it difficult to
express their opposition. The leading opposition
groups in Paraguay have found graffiti the most
effective means available to them to express their
dissent. Political graffiti messages have become an
inexpensive and accessible channel that reaches a
wide audience.
First Impressions and SelfFulfilling Prophecies
In a recent study, researchers found that people tend to
form first impressions based on the stranger’s most
distinctive trait. If that trait is associated with positive
characteristics, the person views the stranger positively.
If the trait is associated with negative characteristics,
the stranger is viewed negatively. Once the positive or
negative first impression is made, the study showed
that it became a self-fulfilling prophecy when the two
people interacted.
Source: Nelson, L.J., & Klutas, K. (2000). The distinctiveness effect in social interaction:
Creation of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,
26 (1): 126–135.
Politics and Cognitive
• In the presidential campaign of 2000, Republican
candidate John McCain of Arizona presented a
consistent message about the need for campaign
finance reform. 
• He, and others, specifically wanted to eliminate or
severely restrict the amounts of money that come
from special-interest groups. 
• The message created cognitive dissonance with many
voters because his campaign continued to accept
funds from special-interest groups.
Continued on next slide.
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Politics and Cognitive
• Voters felt that his message did not match
his actions. 
• Does cognitive dissonance cause people to be
apathetic about politics? 
• What other examples of cognitive dissonance in
politics can you cite?
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the
• Think of a time when you went to a great deal of
effort to accomplish a goal. 
• For example, you may have spent hours online trying
to get registered for a game show. 
• List the things you went through to achieve
your goal. 
• Was all the effort worth the goal? 
• Did you use self-justification to explain your actions? 
• Did you exaggerate any of your efforts?
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the
• Read the Psychology and You feature on
page 587 of your textbook. 
• Discuss the following:
What might change an
illusory correlation?
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