How to become a person of Prime Influence

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Table of Contents
Disclaimer:..................................................................................................................................................... 2
Terms of Use For Prime Influence ................................................................................................................ 4
Introduction.................................................................................................................................................... 8
T he S ec re t C od e R e ve a le d. . . Pr im e I nf l ue n c e ......................................................................... 12
Section One: ........................................................................................................................................... 13
How to Deprogram from Mind Control .................................................................................................... 13
Welcome to Prime Influence ................................................................................................................... 14
Recipe for True Powerful Persuasion: .................................................................................................... 15
Module 1—Wake Up! You’re being mind controlled… ............................................................................... 17
3 Steps to breaking Mind Control ............................................................................................................ 17
Wake Up!—1, 2, 3…Wide Wake ............................................................................................................. 17
But, what about mind control?................................................................................................................. 18
Covert Hypnosis-- freaky mind tricks ...................................................................................................... 21
Mind Control and Manipulation Baby! ......................................................................................................... 23
Inductions ............................................................................................................................................ 23
The Six Known Levels of Consciousness ............................................................................................... 23
Brain Wave Frequency and Hypnotic State Chart .................................................................................. 24
Suggestions......................................................................................................................................... 26
The 4 components Needed to have Covert Hypnosis are: ................................................................. 27
NLP is Neuro-Linguistic-Programming ................................................................................................ 27
............................................................................................................................................................ 29
One-Ups-Manship… ........................................................................................................................... 29
1-1.The 4 levels or degrees of proficiency of Covert Hypnosis—The Persuasion Matrix ...................... 33
The Persuasion Matrix ............................................................................................................................ 33
Influence .................................................................................................................................................. 34
Motivation ............................................................................................................................................ 34
Then there was Persuasion ................................................................................................................ 35
Manipulation, Mind Control and the dark side ..................................................................................... 36
................................................................................................................................................................ 37
1-2.Why you need to know this stuff ....................................................................................................... 38
1-3.Things and actions to be aware of as possible CH .......................................................................... 39
Things to watch out for when it comes to Covert Hypnosis would include: ........................................ 39
1-4. Recap ............................................................................................................................................... 41
Section 2: ................................................................................................................................................ 42
5 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
How to strengthen your mind to go to the next level ............................................................................... 42
Module 2—How to stop Covert Hypnosis ................................................................................................... 43
2-1a. You—Getting off the treadmill and out of the rat race ................................................................... 43
The 3 Vital Things you must have to Stop and Inoculate yourself from CH in your life ...................... 44
2-1b. How to stop your destructive behaviors that sabotage your success ............................................ 49
Coming Out of the Herd—Stopping Group Think To Become a Celebrity ......................................... 50
Recipe for True Powerful Persuasion: .................................................................................................... 51
Understanding the Pain-Pleasure principle ......................................................................................... 52
Problems/Hindrances to your success: ...................................................................................... 53
7 Core Negative Emotions—How to Identify What’s Holding You Back From Success..................... 53
2-2. How to successfully root out bad covert mental programming in your life ...................................... 56
2-3. If You Want to Believe in Something—Why not Believe in Yourself? ............................................. 57
2-4. How and why to do self hypnosis .................................................................................................... 58
Visualization vs. Imagination ............................................................................................................... 59
Steps to Conditioning Yourself for Self Hypnosis ............................................................................... 59
Try this for the next level of Self hypnosis… ....................................................................................... 62
2-5. How to train your brain for success ................................................................................................. 65
Meditation ............................................................................................................................................ 66
Brain Entrainment. .............................................................................................................................. 67
How the brain works—the 3 main sections, remember the frequencies chart? ................................. 68
3 Main Sections of the Brain—Quick Glance ...................................................................................... 68
2-6. How to stop being a flat out flake! (just not really) ....................................................... 70
The power of action and doing… ........................................................................................................ 70
2-7. Special Internet Marketers Bonus Section: “Why You Can’t Stop Buying Shiny New Objects!” ..... 71
The Shiny New Objects Cycle of Addiction ............................................................................................. 72
Don’t Finance Your Dreams and Beg for Your Reality ........................................................................... 74
2-8. Recap ............................................................................................................................................... 76
Section 3: .................................................................................................................................................... 77
How to become a person of Prime Influence .............................................................................................. 77
Module 3—Glenda the Good Witch (becoming an Ally in persuasion and not a Manipulator) ................... 78
Cutting edge marketing—Relationship Marketing is the new ROI ...................................................... 78
3-1. First things first—have a business plan ........................................................................................... 80
Your Spending Plan—the secret weapon to staying afloat ................................................................. 80
3-2. ZMOT ............................................................................................................................................... 82
3-3. Relationship marketing .................................................................................................................... 87
6 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
The Six Universal Principles of Persuasion/Influence ........................................................................ 88
3-4. Turning your money from funny--to serious ..................................................................................... 91
Money Truths ...................................................................................................................................... 91
The Five Laws of Gold as told in The Richest Man in Babylon .......................................................... 93
3-5. Recap ............................................................................................................................................... 95
Module 4—Now… go and sin no more ....................................................................................................... 96
4-1. Resisting the Urge of Bad Habits ..................................................................................................... 98
4-2. DO THE EXERCISES!!! ................................................................................................................... 99
Homeostasis—Ninja Assassin .......................................................................................................... 100
4-3. Achieving Prime Influence ................................................................................................................. 100
The Trick is Not in the Quick ................................................................................................................. 101
Chasing Sales Copy vs. Running your Internet Marketing Race .......................................................... 103
Module 5—Me talk pretty now…Putting it all together (action steps) ....................................................... 104
Directed Action—the secret sauce of success is you + action ............................................................. 104
Directed Action Plan .............................................................................................................................. 105
Your 90 Day Massive Action Plan ......................................................................................................... 106
Coaching Challenge .............................................................................................................................. 108
Success code to gain Prime Influence: ................................................................................................. 110
Conclusion................................................................................................................................................. 111
7 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Hi and thanks for purchasing this guide.
I am Michelle Spiva, and you may be wondering why you should listen to
me about how to create Prime Influence.
You want to get the insider knowledge and action plan about how to really
be an Internet Rock Star using Influence and Persuasion, right?
…Well, I’m that person that’s going to show you how. And, you can
finally get the results you want, because I get results out of people.
About me…so you can know what’s in it for you
I’m an advanced clinical hypnotherapist, counselor and Internet Marketer.
I've studied persuasion and hypnosis by observing and working with people
for over 15 years. People like Tony Robbins, Oprah, Keith Barry, Derren
Brown, Frank Kern, Eban Pagan, Bendan Burchard and others use these
very tools. And, now you will too.
I have worked with people from around the world as a Hypnotherapist and
Life Success Coach. I’ve taught crowds of over 10,000 and been able to
raise tens of thousands of dollars in 15 minutes from a cold crowd, so I
know how to keep the audience captive. I know how to get them to follow
what I’m teaching or want them to know and I know how to teach you to do
it too—the correct way.
I am not just some Internet Marketer who thought it would be a good idea
to write a book on influence, persuasion and hypnosis. I have been in the © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
trenches working with people from the everyday garden variety to folks,
poor souls fresh out of cults, to battered women, to addicts. And, I know
what it takes to get you to take the right kind of action at the right time.
I understand what it means to succumb to a slick sales page, even with all
my formal training and I am tired of it happening over and over again to the
people least able to afford these costly mistakes. So, I’m throwing back the
curtains and letting you in on the guarded mind manipulation secrets of the
few so you can be freed to become truly successful.
This guide is for the Internet Marketer (IM)—YOU, who is ready to move
past being manipulated and strung along by crafty marketing and black hat
powers of suggestion. This guide will expose the main points of a sneaky
practice called Covert or Conversational Hypnosis, train you on how to
detect and stop the manipulation and ultimately show you how to become a
true person of influence and persuasion—the right way!
This guide will move you past these questionable practices and show you
how true influence and persuasion are used to build strong and long lasting
relationship marketing.
You move from being just another bystander in the crowd to the rockstar
on the stage!
If you really learn and use what’s in this guide, you won’t have to use onetrick ponies and shiny flash to get people’s attention. You will be able to
command attention just because you showed up. You are finally ready to
move into the big league, so step up to the plate.
9 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
The intention of this guide is not to teach you how to become a practitioner
of Covert Hypnosis but rather to learn how to recognize it and use the good
aspects of hypnosis to help in your life and your relationship marketing,
sales conversions and product effectiveness.
This guide will expose the differences between Covert or Conversational
Hypnosis and the much more powerful Prime Influence. This guide will also
offer examples of everyday occurrences in Western Culture where Covert
Hypnosis is used and how to inoculate yourself and your customers or
clients from being duped by these tactics.
As you become more comfortable with recognizing the ways in which
influence and persuasion are being used for good and bad, you will also
become better equipped to use the positive aspects of then to become
better at marketing your products and services.
Using covert and stealth-like sleight-of-mind techniques, master
manipulators and marketers alike have conditioned us to believe their
wishes are our command. Without regard for human free will, many
manipulators and would be mind controllers, repeatedly feed us a constant
diet of mind controlling directives that insures we continue to acquiesce or
succumb to their every whim.
This is not a rant against the establishment but rather a wakeup call. Think
of this like the movie “The Matrix” where by purchasing this guide and
program, you have chosen the red pill to see just how far the rabbit hole
goes. I will be lifting back the curtain for you to see how “innocent” words
and techniques are being used against you.
10 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
To get you through this as quick as possible, the guide is in 3 main
1) How to deprogram from mind control
2) How to strengthen your mind to go to the next level
3) How to become a person of Prime Influence
I will also show you how Covert (hidden) Hypnosis affects you, your
relationships and business. I will show you how to regain control over
this heinous force in your life and become a leader of the pack. True
power is when you go and others follow—without you even trying.
You’ll learn how to:
Regain your personal power over Covert Hypnosis
Recognize and stop how it makes you think and behave
Use GOOD hypnotic techniques and the Power of Prime Influence for
yourself and your business for
Business Celebrity
and a whole lot of other great stuff
So, let’s get started.
11 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
The Secret Code Revealed. . . Prime Influence
(learn this and you will be hugely successful in Internet Marketing)
12 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Section One:
How to Deprogram from Mind
13 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Welcome to Prime Influence
Prime Influence is what separates the Stars from the Crowd. You want
Prime Influence so you can operate in your unique hook that only you
possess. Knowing how to use Prime Influence propels you through the
wormhole of IM stagnation to be in the “Big Show.” In order for Prime
Influence to work you MUST be truly sold on being YOU!
The dictionary defines the words Prime and Influence like this:
Prime=of the first importance; demanding the fullest
consideration; of the greatest relevance or
significance; of the highest eminence or rank
Influence=the capacity or power of persons or
things to be a compelling force on or produce
effects on the actions, behavior, opinions and
thoughts of others
Prime Influence is the SUPREME ability to consistently sway
others based on your personal power and magnetism. Some
people call Prime Influence Fame, Celebrity, the “IT” factor or
the “Movers and Shakers” of our society. I want you to realize
that this is not a fluke or shot in the dark. Prime Influence is as
much a skill as it is a gift. And the good news is, it’s duplicable
and can be learned.
14 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Here’s the whole guide in a snapshot:
Recipe for True Powerful Persuasion:
 Know and be certain of your own ability—strengths, talents and skills
 Be willing and ready to allow people to take or leave whatever you
are offering—knowing that it works but not having the need to
convince others of it
 Quickly establish authority, credibility, On-Ups-Manship or
Influence—be able to be you true self
 Be quick to seek to understand others instead of needing to always
be understood
 Make the person feel special (make them feel something) pull their
 magnificence to the forefront
 Give them something to believe in—help them to believe in
themselves and their abilities
 Provide them with the hope or path to their personal greatness,
success or power
 Sell them on how to turn their dream into reality
 Provide social proof and/or remove a reason for them to disbelieve
 Tell them what actions you would like them to take next through a
simple, easy-to-follow system
This is the million-dollar recipe, that if used with integrity and character, you
will achieve Prime Influence.
The difference between Prime Influence and Covert or hidden Hypnosis is
that there is no trickery, fakery or deception going on with Prime Influence.
You are who you are and people can take it or leave it. You don’t try to
manipulate folks to like you. They like you because you are the real you
who knows what you are talking about and can help them. They want to
feel special and if you make them feel special by pointing out their
“greatness,” they will follow you.
15 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
You truly become the person of powerful influence based on who you are,
what you want and what you do. When you get clear headed, understand
the recipe for true influence/persuasion and have a plan that works; you will
be unstoppable.
16 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Module 1—Wake Up! You’re being mind controlled…
3 Steps to breaking Mind Control
Wake up from the Trance
Break Bad Habits of Lazy Thinking
Strengthen Your Mind to Think
Wake Up!—1, 2, 3…Wide Wake
To wake up from your trance.
1. Recognize the pattern of thoughts and reasoning you have been
using in the trance
2. Change the state of your thought patterns—suspend your disbelief
your ability to be great!
3. Change your thoughts and actions to what you really want—
repeatedly, to overturn the habit of being in a trance-state.
This means
 look at what you have been thinking and doing up to this point that
does NOT get you to where you want to be.
 Realize you have been, for lack of a better term, asleep at the wheel
when it comes to your thoughts and actions.
 Then do NOT think or do those things anymore.
 Practice repeatedly.
As a hypnotherapist, I see many folks in my office that come and swear to
me they just can’t be hypnotized. I just nod my head and listen. The funny
thing is that a lot of times, I have to de-hypnotize them just for them to be
able to regain normal presence of mind.
17 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
You would be amazed at how many people are walking around in a
constant state of hypnosis and even shock. Not being able to connect with
your true feelings is very unhealthy. When you are consistently
disconnected from your true self and ability to have full emotional
expression, you are more susceptible to sly and clever mind control. This is
why people think they need to be entertained, shocked of some other
powerful jolt to the system to just be able to “feel” something. The saying
goes, if you’re not in control, somebody else is…hmm.
The average person is in and out of some sort of trance-state 8+ times a
day—more if they are a chronic day dreamer. If you are able to day dream,
pray, meditate, “space out,” fantasize, concentrate, focus or any other
source of mental/emotional self management; you are doing some form of
But, what about mind control?
Glad, you asked. Mind control happens when through either some form of
induction to hypnosis (more on that later), repetitive conditioning or both;
the subject (YOU!) is controlled to believe or act in a way not original to
his/her intention, thinking or beliefs. Some of the best examples occur in
the areas of:
Social-economic systems
Subliminal programming
Marketing/Most successful copy writing
Abusive relationships
Television © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Master manipulation is usually done on a grand scale. Lots of people
believing the same thing does not necessarily make it true. Some relegate
the notion of mind control and manipulation to imaginary magic. Others
think it’s something that only the weak-minded are afflicted with, while
others totally dismiss it and banish it to the realm of conspiracy theory.
Mind Control happens when you are conditioned through
repetition or hypnosis to think and/or do something that’s not
your original idea—usually for the benefit of others. Some major
areas where this happens are mass media, religion, politics and
Now, I’m not going to go off on a tangent and start talking about conspiracy
theories (although I do think there’s something to the whole “Chem Trail”
theory). But, I will say, the greatest magic is that of subtle deception
through advanced emotional technology. To rephrase this: I mean there are
ways of swaying you through the use of technology, not readily available or
even taught to the everyday citizen.
By using words, actions, attitudes and moods, those in the know are able to
use this “higher technology” to manipulate and control any and all at will—
unless you know how to resist it.
I love the following quote because it so sufficiently states what Covert
Hypnosis is to many—magic.
19 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from
~Arthur C. Clarke, "Profiles of The Future", 1961 (Clarke's
third law), English physicist & science fiction author (1917 - )
Hey, I said you were being mind controlled didn’t I? Well, let’s see. You are
constantly buying new or more information on how to DO or succeed at
Online Marketing right? You have this urge to KNOW what the latest,
hottest trend is and feel like you can’t be left out of the loop. You feel
Euphoria when you make the purchase but quickly lose the excitement
once you have the new product. And, you judge the importance of the
material based on its entertainment value.
Oh yeah, and you continually believe the same phrases over and over
again like “It’s not your fault blah, blah, blah,” “Make money on auto-pilot,”
“Push button technology,” and “Done for you automation” to name a few
catch word phrases. You believe you are in control of your business and
believe that some new tool, information, shortcut or insider trick will be the
“secret sauce” you need to succeed. You may also think that only others
can show, lead and guide you to online success. If, I’m right in even the
smallest part…you need to keep reading, ‘cause help is on the way!
Now, what is Covert Hypnosis? Let’s take that 30,000 foot view to see
more clearly, shall we?
20 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Covert Hypnosis-- freaky mind tricks
Remember, I promised you no fluff? It took me years to learn this but you
will have this down pat in a couple of hours. Good, let’s dig in and get the
party started.
First things first—what’s Hypnosis. Hypnosis is a mental state of
consciousness that allows the person to become relaxed to the point of
trance (not sleep). In this trance, they become hypersensitive to
suggestions that can be used to change thinking and behavior.
Hypnosis can be of two forms:
Hetero: meaning someone externally is administering the
inductions and suggestions
Self: meaning the person is self- administering suggestions in
this trance state
In reality, hypnosis is much like anxiety, in that when the mind has reached
its saturation point for taking in new inputs of information, the mind shuts
down and goes into a trance state.
So, what’s Covert or Conversational hypnosis? Covert Hypnosis is the use
of Hypnotic induction, suggestion, NLP rapport, mirroring and patterning
through the medium of conversation or subtle/undetectable actions to bring
about desired behaviors and actions.
21 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Huh? In other words…it’s when someone uses clever words and actions to
get you to do what they want, without you knowing you’re doing it.
Practitioners of Covert Hypnosis know this and use overloads of sensory
inputs all the time to bypass your logic and cause you to “check out” to
accept what they are peddling.
You need to know all this stuff so you can wake up and shut down all the
foolishness going on in how you think and work as an Internet marketer.
The honey pot is not in trickery, it’s in the celebrity—influence and powerful
real persuasion. Everyone wants to follow a winner. So, pay attention, learn
this stuff and never fall for cheap tricks again.
22 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Mind Control and Manipulation Baby!
There are two things you must have in order to have a hypnotic state or
trance—induction and suggestion.
Inductions are tools used to usher in a hypnotic trance. Some forms of
inductions are eye-fixation like watching a swinging object or starring at a
fixed place on the wall, story/parable telling like listening to a sermon,
listening to great tall tales, recitation, comedic sketches or plays, repetitive
sound or movement like drumming, dancing, swaying, rocking back and
forth, ticking, relaxation/meditation/prayer, and conscious breathing.
These are all types of inductions used to get the subject—you--to bypass
your active consciousness—wakefulness and move into the dreamlike
state of trance.
When you understand the frequencies of brain wave activity you will get a
better grasp of how easily you can move back and forth between regular
wakefulness and hypnosis throughout the day of even in a conversation!
The Six Known Levels of Consciousness
To better understand what a “trance” state is, I’ve included a
cheat sheet of the six most widely known levels of
consciousness, as they relate to brain activity. Look over this
so you will understand what it means to be awake, in trance
and sleep.
23 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Brain Wave Frequency and Hypnotic State Chart
100-200 Hz
30-100 Hz
Associated With
Rare; recently
Outer body, mystical,
n available;
Catatonic and
experience, ascension,
ascension and
Ultra Depth
one with all, the great
one consciousness
rides on the very
low Epsilon
Very weak in
Higher awareness,
normal human
extreme problem
brain wave
solving ability and
Catatonic and
activity—hard to mystical experiences; Ultra Depth
replicate at will; Tibetan Monks known
frequency the
to meditate at 40 Hz © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
core of the Earth
resonates to
13-30 Hz
8-12 Hz
4-8 Hz
0.5-4 Hz
wakeful (busy,
anxious thinking
in the higher
Normal everyday
wakefulness, critical
reasoning, normal
conscious thinking
Twilight state
between sleep and
waking. Very
absorbent and
receptive. Can be
drowsiness, still used for self/regular
awake and
conscious but
reprogramming the
accelerated learning,
able to tap into higher
levels of creativity and
, sustained attention
over time, enhanced
creativity, boosted
Sleep and dream
immune system,
state (REM)
increased long-term
memory, advanced
problem solving,
extreme stress
Deep sleep, slow Newborn infants, very
state; Covert
Hypnosis can
occur here
due to instant
or shock
induction in
the lower
Hypnotic and
light to
occurs at this
tic (deepest
state of
Somnambulis © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
brain activity
deep sleep, very deep
meditation; pituitary
stimulation, body able
to replenish energy,
releases anti-aging
hormones like HGH,
relieves stress, boosts
immune system,
, body healing,
resetting of the
internal clock
tic (deepest
state of
Coma state,
State, Ultra
(*Contributing Sources: and, Hypnosis manual/general training)
Suggestions are those commands, thoughts and intentions given to the
person while in trance. During normal hypnosis, only suggestions that the
person is ready to accept can be successfully used. But, during Covert
Hypnosis, the person may be coerced into doing something that he/she is
remotely capable of doing in and of their own volition. Most people are
familiar with Stage Hypnosis when they think of this. But, this type of
hypnosis is way past that.
Covert Hypnosis, when done properly, makes the person believe it was
their thought/idea in the first place. This is why entertaining is a vital part of
Covert Hypnosis. If you are distracted, the rouse will work even faster. Stay
away from all the shiny, flash and pay attention to what’s behind all the
26 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
If you look at the chart above, you will notice that Covert Hypnosis can
occur during Beta wave frequency or the fully wakeful state. This can
happen because usually there are 4 main components to Covert Hypnosis
that allows it to happen while you are “aware” supposedly of what you’re
doing. In order to successfully pull off Covert Hypnosis, the practitioner
must have extreme confidence and use at least the following 4
The 4 components Needed to have Covert Hypnosis are:
Rapport, mirroring and patterning/pacing (all parts of NLP)
Induction--rapid or shock induction (advanced hypnotic
inductions) are used a lot
Suggestion(s)—direct and indirect; repetition of suggestion and
It takes lots of practice to master one-on-one Covert Hypnosis. But most
practitioners don’t have to learn how to do the one-on-one version. With the
use of mass media, it is easier than ever to produce quick and effective
results using repetition to build the desired conditioning. Just what does this
stuff mean?
NLP is Neuro-Linguistic-Programming
It is the use of subtle emotional techniques to quickly build trust and
commonality between individuals when one is using similar actions to put
the other at ease. Rapport, for example, is achieved when the subject is
lulled into a state of relaxation of trust based on familiarity with how the
other person may be “mirroring” his/her voice pattern, accent, word
phrasing, body positions, movement, etc. The Covert Hypnotist will then © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
move into pacing the person to get them ready for the next phase, which is
the induction.
The induction will most likely be quick, although if time permits, storytelling
can be a most effective form of induction. Think of how the crowd listens
with bated breath to the Rabbi, Priest, Pastor, Preacher or Politician during
his/her stump speech. One of the most powerful components is to use “the
fear of pain or loss” in the induction. Really twist the butter knife in the
wound so to speak. Using pain as a catalyst and implying an escape for
relief, the Covert Hypnotist is able to gain the person’s undivided attention.
This is a form of induction that gets the person(s) primed for the next step:
Suggestions are just that. There will be suggestions posed as indirect and
direct. So, they might say “You really want to X” or “You can now feel
FREE to do Y” as direct suggestions. Some indirect ones would include
phrases like, “If one was to say X about you, would that be true?” or “Will
you really be able to do Y if this happens?” The list is too exhaustive to list
here but hopefully you get the point. Suggestions are given to ultimately
produce some sort of change in belief leading to a specific action. What I
mean is the Covert Hypnotist aims to get you to believe something new
through reprogramming so you will unconsciously, consciously take action.
This is covert because the thought did not originate with you and the
implant of the thought is hidden. Most of the time, the action will, in some
way, benefit the Covert Hypnotist more so than the subject.
Hopefully you can see how this can happen in the blink of an eye. Now,
think of some instances where you may remember doing, buying or
thinking something that you’re not sure how or why you came to that point.
Some great comedic actresses come to mind as examples of masters of
manipulation during their sketches, like Lucille Ball and Gracie Allen. They
28 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
were able to get the audience to believe they were the innocent, none the
wiser participants. All the while they were the real puppet masters pulling
the strings as to when and how you got the joke or gag. Another
entertaining example is from the film, “The Usual Suspects” and how the
main character spun a tall tale that lulled the supporting characters and
even the audience into believing what he wanted them to believe. This
brings us to the fourth component…One-Ups-Manship.
Remember that NLP is just a fancy way of quickly winning people over. It
happens by mimicry of the person in a subtle way by
speaking at the same level, accent and pace. If they cross
their legs and lean in, you do the same. You can touch
parts of your/their body every time you say the same word
or phrase to signal this is important to remember on a
subconscious level. Including NLP with conversation helps
to get the person ready for induction into Covert Hypnosis.
One of the greatest examples of Covert Hypnosis One-Ups-Manship was
done in music and was orchestrated by Freddie Mercury and Queen (either
knowingly or unknowingly) during a Live Aid 1985 performance. Freddie
Mercury was able to influence, persuade and motivate thousands to do
what he suggested in a matter of moments. Pay attention to the drum
beats, his repetitive pacing on the stage, his hand gestures and how the
crowd responds…on queue, to him. Please pay special attention to the last
40 seconds of the clip, which is about 5 minutes long.
29 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Click to watch this clip below, then come back…
…or HERE to watch
You will notice how the stage is above the crowd. Notice the position of
power the band has by being up on stage. Also, notice the props—the mic
stand, the cameras, even the attire, pay attention to the fist pump showing
translogic (temporary logic that Freddie is all powerful at this moment)…all
of this supports the notion of One-Ups-Manship.
30 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
One-Ups-Manship is when the person is one of authority, confidence (like a
con-man or grifter) or even powerful in presence or influence. In order to
establish this position in the conversation or interaction these elements are
usually present:
Things you need to establish One-Ups-Manship are:
special clothing, props, sacred items/buildings/rituals,
raised position/stage/pulpit/lectern,
The person must also establish control over the environment. You will
notice the pacing back and forth across the stage to engage the entire
audience while establishing control: as if saying “watch and pay attention to
The last element of One-Ups-Manship is overload and is intended to create
an internal emotional and physical experience within the subject. In our
example here, Queen uses the drum beats, the electricity of excitement in
the air and the mounting anticipation of the performance to make the
Once the participant “feels it” then the experience is real
and must therefore be believed. So, this element
achieves the change in belief by using an overload of
message units to trigger an internal experience therefore
a belief that Queen/Freddie Mercury are all powerful and
31 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
One-Ups-Manship is a proven component to making
higher sales. Use it to establish your expert position,
authority or likability. Of the 6 Universal
Persuasion/Influence Principles, it falls in the Authority
and Liking Categories (see explanation in Module 4).
32 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
1-1.The 4 levels or degrees of proficiency of Covert Hypnosis—
The Persuasion Matrix
The Persuasion Matrix
The following chart represents the 4 levels of Persuasion.
Learn these to understand what you need, to be a great
salesperson and not a sleazy one. The Persuasion Matrix
is a graphical representation of the levels of persuasion
used to impress people to do something they were not
already prepared to do.
Manipulation © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Influence is probably the most innocent of the four levels. Influence uses a
person’s authority, reputation, skills and social proof, for the most part, as
its calling card to get others to do something. Using influence is like using
clout. Think of influence as the by-product of the popular person. Influence
is the catalyst for trends, styles, pop culture, status and what it means to be
successful in most Western societies.
The person who uses influence is operating from a sense of self-worth,
confidence and focus. Terms like “movers and shakers,” “the in-crowd,” the
“elite” “A-listers,” “Celebrities” and “top-notch” are all terms to suggest
people in these categories have influence. This level does have the ability
to sway others thinking but does not start out with an objective to do so.
The influencers are just who they are—take it or leave it. They do as they
please as a personal truth and if you do or don’t follow their lead, oh well.
Next up is motivation in the progression of levels. Motivation in this matrix
is not the altruistic sort that has its roots in self-sufficiency to do good but
rather in the defective thinking that it has to be from an outside source. This
one is tricky, in that motivation is really never truly external.
Motivation—in this case, is usually triggered by the person giving their
personal power away to others by thinking others have more power to get
them to do something then they do. Although, a person can motivate
themselves to do a certain thing, many people have such a profound effect
34 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
on others that they “motivate” them to be better or be more like them.
Motivation has the ability to masquerade as influence and persuasion but
the key to remember is that motivation has its roots in self and starts from
within as a need to change something. Motivation is on the Covert
Hypnosis levels because of its ability to look like influence and/or
persuasion but really be manipulation.
Someone can self-hypnotize using motivation by thinking they are
influenced by others to do something. Think of weight loss or smoking
cessation as examples. When a person decides to stop a bad habit based
on what someone else has accomplished, this is an example of this level of
Covert Hypnosis. The Covert Hypnosis comes in when the person believes
that it is only because of someone else that he/she has the will power to do
a task or change personally. Again, this is giving away the power to some
external force or belief. Lots of people who follow the actions of the famous
fall into this category of “fake” motivation. Thus, they are responsible for
their own delusional mind control. A famous motivation slogan that comes
to mind is the Michael Jordan one that says “I want to be like Mike.” How
about we start with learning how to “be like ourselves” first, just saying…
Then there was Persuasion
Persuasion is that level on the Matrix that is murky because it moves
dangerously close to manipulation/control. I like to position persuasion as a
duality of good/bad. When persuasion is used, it is done so to change
someone’s mind. When the person is aware the persuasion is taking place,
this is considered alright or the good side of the coin. It’s when persuasion
is coupled with sneaky tactics that it starts to dip into the dark side.
Using clever wording, vocal tones, increases in volume, facial expressions,
movements and emotions all go hand in hand to persuade and even
35 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
manipulate someone. Persuading someone to do something in a covert
manner could stem from the ability to debate using slick logical arguments,
mind twisting scenarios or implied and inferred suggestions. Also the use of
NLP is often found in use at this level. When the person being persuaded is
“pushed” to behave, accept an idea or act in a certain way without knowing
why they are doing so, this is in the realm of the highest level of Covert
Hypnosis and that is manipulation.
Manipulation, Mind Control and the dark side
Okay, we are finally at the juicy part! Manipulation is just that. Getting what
you want at the expense of the other person’s free will and/or knowledge.
There are some forms of manipulation where the person is perfectly aware
of what is going on, but allows it because that particular battle is not worth
losing a war. On, the other hand, the manipulation talked about here has to
do with the covert or hidden type. More bluntly put…this is also referred to
as Mind Control. The technique used has the person believing it is their
idea to do what is either directly asked or inferred as a suggestion.
Covert Hypnosis uses manipulation as a tool to get the person to do as
they are told or led to do. The person wants to do this to stay in sync or
good graces with the practitioner (this is the “Liking” principle of persuasion
found in module 3). As the interaction moves along, the subject is led to
believe that they are “in control” of the process. The trick is to make the
person feel like they are the smarter, stronger, more clever or powerful in
the interaction. Consider it like stroking the ego. The more it’s stroked, the
more it wants. I like to give our ego the name Jimmy—“My name is Jimmy
and I can take all you can give me!”
Mind control happens when the subject accepts and believes what the
practitioner wants them to believe. Think of the ramifications on a large
36 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
scale. The term propaganda comes to mind. Propaganda is used to coerce
the populous to believe in untruths based on a constant campaign of
exaggerations, stereotypes and lies. Some of the greatest deceptions in
history can all be attributed to this form of manipulation.
Other extreme examples of mind control include organized cults, political
spin doctoring, questionable marketing practices that make the person
believe the product is “magical” and can do more in its benefits than its
features—like buying a Lamborghini will make a guy attractive to hot
Every day, there are more examples sprouting up. No one is safe. Just
watch an hour of children’s programming and see how marketing
campaigns make kids believe they cannot live without their products.
Notice how athletic rivalries escalate to near frenzy at pep rallies or how
people behave at music concerts when they reach the overload point and
faint. In our right and critical minds, we know better, but during the height of
experience it is extremely hard to break the trance—remember translogic?
Persuasion Matrix: Avoid being a Manipulator! The sweet
spot of how to make the most money through your efforts is
to focus on being an Influencer that knows how to use the
art of persuasion.
Powerful Persuasion produces Personal Inspiration. People are inspired to
act when Prime Influence and persuasion are used. Persuasive marketing
has the customer asking where to buy before the sale has been asked for.
37 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
1-2.Why you need to know this stuff
Knowing something is half the battle to winning over it. You need to know
first of all that Covert Hypnosis really does exist. You must understand that
this is not a hoax or fable. Covert Hypnosis is real and being used daily to
control your impulses, beliefs, behaviors and actions. When you begin to
understand how real this is and how to detect it, you will start to regain your
personal power.
You need to know how Covert Hypnosis works so you can break the
trance, wake up to your personal truth and finally succeed at whatever it is
you want out of life. As a person desiring to become a success in life, you
follow a path that leads you into truths about yourself. You come up against
these truths (good and bad) on a regular basis. When you denounce the lie
of your needing external things, gadgets and advice to succeed… you
unleash your ability to become the best you.
It is my hope and desire that as you read this guide, do the exercises,
watch the videos and listen to the audios; that you start to trust the inner
YOU and only do that which you KNOW you ought to do.
Okay, I’m finished “preaching” for the moment…I digressed there a
little…let’s get back on track…shall we?
When you understand the systematic process of how the manipulation and
control happens, you become aware of when it’s done to you. You repel
and stop it in its tracks.
38 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
1-3.Things and actions to be aware of as possible CH
Recently, I was in the room with a teenager who happened to be watching
a television show for her age group. Since I was not watching the show and
could only hear the sound, I quickly noticed Covert Hypnosis in full affect.
There was a laugh sound track that played every 5-15 seconds, no matter
what the dialogue said. The laugh track was conditioning the viewer to
believe the show was hilariously funny, when in actuality it was mediocre at
best (this is an example of “Social Proof” from the universal principles of
persuasion located in Module 3).
I called attention to the teenager and her mother to concentrate on the
track and count how many times its was used between the next commercial
breaks—they gave up after 30+ times in a 4 minute stretch of the show.
The mother wondered why she had never even noticed it before and I
pointed out that she and her family had been conditioned to accept it as
Things to watch out for when it comes to Covert Hypnosis would include:
lots of repetition or high rotation of words, songs, drumming,
rhythmic dancing
higher or lower volumes (notice that commercials have higher
volumes than the actual television shows to capture your
attention to their message), this is why entertainment works so
unexpected sounds, movements or physical interaction like
someone snapping their fingers while they talk to make a point,
someone touching a part of their body whenever they say a
particular phrase or word or even if someone touches you
39 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
without warning like grabbing your wrist and dropping it or
pulling your arm
saying your name frequently throughout their conversation with
you to keep you engaged on a deeper level and to get you to
accept and agree to their suggestions
lots of unwarranted flattery—someone who doesn’t know you or
your skills that well but gushes over them and you—smells like
covert rapport building
mimicry of your vocal level/speed, accent, posture, movements,
etc. (NLP tactics/techniques)
padding the conversation by using yes/no statements at the
end of their sentences to get you to agree with them
being particularly obtuse, dense or naïve about topics that they
engage you in—being a ringer to make you think you’re the
expert; remember the comedic stylings of Lucille Ball and
Gracie Allen that were mention earlier
prolific story telling that holds you captive for more than a
monotone or boring dialogue
Hopefully, by now you are starting to see just how this game works. And of
course, feel free to add more suspicious activity to your list as you
progress. You will be amazed and even amused as you start to detect what
is going on and how you are no longer influenced by it.
40 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
1-4. Recap
what is hypnosis and covert hypnosis (hypnosis is a trance
brought on by induction and suggestion; covert hypnosis is
hidden where the person is unaware of what is happening)
the 2 main things needed to create hypnosis (induction and
the 4 main components of hypnosis (rapport, induction,
suggestion and one-ups-manship)
the 4 main levels of proficiency of CH (influence, motivation,
persuasion and manipulation)
things to watch out for as indicators of CH happening (NLP,
conditioning, suggestions, inductions)
41 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Section 2:
How to strengthen your
mind to go to the next level
42 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Module 2—How to stop Covert Hypnosis
2-1a. You—Getting off the treadmill and out of the rat race
By now you should be pretty well acquainted with what Covert Hypnosis is
and how to detect it. If not, stop, go back and re-read Module 1. If you’ve
got it, then let’s proceed.
The key to stopping Covert Hypnosis is not to stop others, organizations
and entities from doing it but rather to stop yourself from falling for it. Covert
Hypnosis has been around since the beginning of time and is not going
anywhere anytime soon. But, you can change the one person that matters
and that’s you.
The best defense against the dark arts of Covert Hypnosis is personal
clarity, excellent communication and solid confidence. These are the 3 vital
things you must have to inoculate yourself against Covert Hypnosis and
move toward Prime Influence. When you operate from a point of focus, you
are able to quickly and accurately “see and know” what is going on.
Awareness comes through strengthening the whole person. Your mind will
only be as strong as your spirit, soul and body (although that’s a teaching
from another program).
So, let’s look at each of these parts of the new and improved you. After this
training, you will know who you are, your strengths and weakness and you
will be the best person you can be in the moment. You will use wisdom to
get yourself organized and clear about who you are and what you want.
You will use words of power to convey your desires, needs and wants. And,
you will operate in absolute confidence of your authentic self.
43 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
I know this all sounds like a tall order and I’m not going to sugar coat
anything and say it’s easy. I will say that by using some of the same
techniques that worked for Covert Hypnosis, like repetition, you will
Here’s where we eat the fish and leave the bones, so to speak, with
regards to changing yourself!
The 3 Vital Things you must have to Stop and Inoculate yourself from CH
in your life
1. Clarity—this comes from employing wisdom in your outlook.
Wisdom is simply godly order and organization. When you get
your thoughts and beliefs untangled, you start to simplify what it
means to be successful in life.
Here’s an exercise to bring about clarity
Get a post it note pad or index cards and start to
write out all the things, ideas, tasks, deadlines,
obligations, duties, etc. you have to accomplish, one
per note or card—don’t leave anything out.
next make three piles: 1) backlogged, 2) work in
progress and 3) done
44 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
put the notes in order of priority and choose the top 3-5 that must be
done first—these go into pile 2, all the rest go into pile 1. Only those
that get completed from pile 2 ever move to pile 3. Remember you
must only have 3-5 things in pile 2 at any given time. So, as you finish
a task from pile 2, move it to 3 and pull something from pile 1 into pile
Do this to get all the ideas out of your head and onto paper. This will
help you get organized. This method is called “Personal KanBan”.
You can go this it site for a great free online version of this exercise
Back Log
Work In Progress
2. Communication—this must first be with yourself! The worst thing
you can ever do is lie to yourself or sell yourself short. You must
take control of the internal monologue you have. I like to call the
mental chatter, the monkey brain. Taking the time to manage this
part of your communication will in turn help with your external
dialogue with others. It will take some faith and strong self
management to improve the quality of your communication skills
but it can and will be done.
Here’s an exercise to develop excellent communication
with yourself
Keep a small notebook with you for the next 3-30 days
Write down every time you catch yourself having a
conversation within your mind
At the end of each day, during the last 30 minutes
45 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
before you drift off to sleep, read the comments you have recorded
during the day and write down comments or affirmations that erase
the negative ones. You must write out these affirmations, aspirations
and new beliefs or suggestions during this 30 minute magical
window. This is during your Alpha wave frequency when the mind is
powering down for sleep. Remember that this time is the most ripe for
changing and reprogramming beliefs, actions and behaviors.
Once you’ve written out your new conclusions , behaviors and beliefs,
read them aloud and go to sleep thinking about them
3. Confidence—this has to do with your honest assessment of who
you are. Working on your clarity and communication with self will
help strengthen your confidence, but you must also consciously
work on it. Fear is the biggest enemy of confidence. You must
adapt an attitude and belief system of faith. Faith is the opposite of
fear. Fearlessness is faith in action. Remember that Covert
Hypnosis uses the “fear of loss” to manipulate you into mindless
obedience. Using faith in yourself, frees you from the trigger of
***Confidence is nothing more than truthful
understanding of who you are, what you do and
what you have as a result of this. Confidence is the
ultimate humility because you believe the truth and
not just temporary and oft times contrary facts. ***
Here’s an exercise to develop, strengthen or revise your confidence
(we want to make sure we get any arrogance out of there too)
For the next 30 days, pick a similar time each day
and sit quietly for 30 minutes. This will resemble
meditation and it is but with the intent of searching for
and releasing fears.
When doing the quiet meditation, concentrate on
giving your fear(s) permission to bubble to the
surface of your awareness. Take note of them,
understanding that you will not be utterly destroyed by them and © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
release them. Face them and really allow yourself to feel the
emotions they trigger.
As you connect with the feelings that accompany your fears, be
mindful to ask for the lesson they are here to show you. Have
assurance, yes even confidence that you will “know” what the lesson
is. Concentrate on getting it and then when you are certain you
understand what the emotion is/was trying to teach you, thank it and
allow it to move on. Note: negative emotions like fear, anger,
sadness, guilt, shame, hurt and jealousy are all just roadmaps on
your life’s journey to help you navigate the best route. Don’t shy away
from them, start to get the lessons they bring and then allow them to
move on until you meet again.
Please do these exercises for a minimum of 30 days. This will
help your habit forming repetition to accept the changes. A
great plan is to construct a 90 Massive Action Plan. A
Massive Action Plan (MAP) is a recipe, blueprint, map, or
goals plan that uses approximately 12-13 weeks to catapult
you to higher levels and heights of self-mastery.
Tip: You may want to have an accountability partner that you
allow to know what you are working on. Check in with them
at least once a week with truthful updates and progress.
They don’t need to be a coach, although great if they are,
they just need to be available to listen and sincerely care
about your progress.
47 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
There are some great benefits to operating in the 3 C’s. You will notice you
experience your desires, needs and wants being fulfilled quicker, your
relationships become stronger, of better quality and deeper and you
become calmer, more relaxed and able to enjoy life. You start to realize a
successful life is now yours!
48 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
2-1b. How to stop your destructive behaviors that
sabotage your success
Bear with me because this section is near and dear to my heart. This area,
to me, is the heart of the matter when it comes to regaining personal power
and self-management. Notice I used the words “self-management” and not
“self-control.” You want to manage emotions and not control or force them.
This is because emotions are not meant to be controlled but rather
indicators of a potential danger in beliefs and thoughts. These beliefs need
to be addressed and/or changed. Thus, emotions are to be managed.
Management, allows you to have and experience the emotions and not just
push them down or try and pretend they’re not even there!
Please understand—this is probably the most important
part of this guide and I hope you will not gloss over it. I also
want to thank you for making it this far in the training too.
There’s a lot to be said for the lack and utter inability of
most to stay focused on just one task long enough to gain
the wisdom and improvement from it. So, thanks for
hanging there. I promise we will get to the “good” stuff of
how to have more money in your life too—onward we march!
“Fear of”…there’s that word again…FEAR.
Most of the obstacles holding you back from anything you want to
accomplish stem from some fear or core negative emotion—the two
biggest fears are fear of failure or loss of success. I ask you to through this
section carefully. Doing so will help you as we move into section two of
making the leap to the next level. Hang in there! You’re doing great!
49 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Coming Out of the Herd—Stopping Group Think To Become a
Everyone wants to be and has a desire to feel and be special. So, why is it
we tend to do what everyone else does? FEAR and/or Trance. It takes
courage and personal trust to do what others are not doing. When you start
to break the haze of hypnosis, you will start to see more clearly. The clarity
will also allow you to see that it’s not just you being led around by your
I have had the unfortunate task of having to deprogram persons coming out
of cults in the past, and I can tell you it is some of the most demanding and
scary work you may ever encounter. When someone in authority knows
how to skillfully use Covert Hypnosis, they can get their followers to do just
about anything.
When someone is able to make you feel special, provide you with the hope
of greatness and be that person that is larger than life, it is hard to see
anything but the glowing halos and stardust. If these charismatics are not
forthright in their intentions, before you know it, they are getting you to
either condone or commit acts you would have never thought possible of
This is why it is of the most importance to build the internal strength that
comes from doing the exercises in the previous section. You have to have
a strong intuition, gut or conscious to say no when everyone around you is
saying yes. I learned long ago that just because everyone believes
something, doesn’t make it so. One, two, three, four, five: Wide Awake,
Wake Up and come back to reality!
50 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
As we get closer to developing your personal Prime Influence, I want to
give you the recipe for massive persuasion. If you master this, and do it
from a place of sincerity, you will never have to beg, sell or ask for anything
ever again.
Recipe for True Powerful Persuasion:
 Know and be certain of your own ability—strengths, talents and skills
 Be willing and ready to allow people to take or leave whatever you
are offering—knowing that it works but not having the need to
convince others of it
 Quickly establish authority, credibility, On-Ups-Manship or Influence
 Be quick to seek to understand others instead of needing to always
be understood
 Make the person feel special (make them feel something) pull their
magnificence to the forefront
 Give them something to believe in—help them to believe in
themselves and their abilities
 Provide them with the hope or path to their personal greatness,
success or power
 Sell them on how to turn their dream into reality
 Provide social proof and/or remove a reason for them to disbelieve
 Tell them what actions you would like them to take next through a
simple, easy-to-follow system
This is the million-dollar recipe that if used with integrity and character, you
will achieve Prime Influence.
Moving out of the herd means you stop trying so hard to make everything
about you and what you want. You become the expert of what you know.
You give your customers what they want and quickly answer what’s in it for
them. WIIFM (what’s in it for me) is about solving problems and providing
solutions to others. The difference with Prime Influence is that you don’t do
all this seeking external approval. You do this out of your confidence and
51 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Understanding the Pain-Pleasure principle
Pain-Pleasure is the culprit behind some types of procrastination, selfsabotage, habitual failure and a host of other negative outcomes to your
success. Learn how to navigate this principle and you will be able to move
by leaps and bounds toward IM success.
I get people coming to me for all sorts of issues. Some want to stop having
anxiety, depression, procrastination, self-sabotage, chemical dependency
issues, breaking bad habits, etc. Let me just say for the record, I’m not a
medical doctor and do require a medical referral for some of these
maladies. I do not pretend to nor imply that I am offering any medical
advice or practicing medicine—whew! Had to make sure I said that!. But I
do help people access their source problem to reprogram and choose
better behaviors.
**Remember, I’m a professional Belief Enhancement Specialist ;)
I could go into a lengthy discussion of the pain-pleasure principle is -whole college courses are devoted to it. But you don't need to know all the
nooks and crannies to be able to use the concept effectively. Ready…
Pain has a stronger feeling impact than pleasure. We will go to great
lengths to avoid pain in relation to the efforts we make to obtain pleasure.
When faced with sabotaging feelings, we on some level, are using all our
efforts to avoid pain and loss. Keep in mind this concept as you go through
the remainder of this section. Ask yourself, what real, imagined or
perceived pain or loss of pleasure are you trying to avoid. Keeping this
question in the forefront of your mind will help you to see patterns and
52 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
make connections to “stinking thinking” that has gotten you to the point
where you must change for the better.
List what you think is/are the problem(s) holding you back from being as
successful as you wish to be. I’ll help you get started with some common
themes I encounter from clients.
Problems/Hindrances to your success:
These are some of the things/obstacles that may hinder your success…
Spinning your
Left Behind
All these feelings have their roots in the 7 Core Negative Emotions—see
the chart below.
7 Core Negative Emotions—How to Identify What’s Holding You
Back From Success
Core Negative Emotion
Irritation, Frustration,
Resentment, Rage
Hurt, Pain, Grief,
Remorse, Distraught
Anxiety, Panic, Terror
Disconnected, Empty,
Anger, Distrust,
Pain, Helplessness
Scared, Anxious, Dread,
Perfectionist, Confusion
Left Behind, Envious,
Numb, Stagnant, © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Passionless, Rejected
Embarrassed, Humiliated, Failure, Unworthiness,
Perfectionist, Rejected
Bad, Powerless,
Powerless, Overwhelmed,
Not good enough,
Competitive, Envious
**Contributing source:
What this means for you is that you will use your exercises I gave you to
build your confidence. Use this chart to identify and make peace with these
emotions (see section 2-1 # 3. Confidence-- exercise).
**Note: Usually the emotions are attached to some trauma
event that produces fear or phobia (phobias are fears
without basis on a real event; irrational fear for something
that has never personally happened to the person).
Remember to allow the core negative emotion to come forward by allowing
yourself to “feel” it or them. Continue to breathe, so as not to trigger or go
into shock. Trust yourself to ask for and receive the lesson the emotion has
for you. Maybe you have a memory of a time that comes up or a body
feeling that emerges. Have faith and trust that what you have asked of the
emotion is working. Give your total self permission to go through the
experience. Part of the “fear” is the feeling of pain, dying or death and
separation. Assure yourself, you will not die and you will not be scarred
from this experience.
When you have successfully gone through the lesson (success means you
attempt to bring up the fear or negative emotion/memory and the sting is
54 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
gone) such that you can face the emotion without having fear around it, you
are then ready to release the emotion from your life. I have a saying I like to
give myself and my clients to recite often:
“Once you’ve gotten the lesson, graduate!” ~Michelle Spiva
You will become healthier and so much more able to rightly assess and
know what’s right and true for you by doing these exercises.
Don’t worry; I have compiled a cheat sheet for you to reference any
exercise I have asked you to do, along with the minimum durations and
other caveats.
You’re doing great and yes, this section has a lot to do with how to
overcome Covert Hypnosis. Just hang in there and I promise to bring you
back full circle okay?
55 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
2-2. How to successfully root out bad covert mental
programming in your life
Learning how to say NO is the best lesson for getting bad programming
out. Saying no to repetitive negative mental chatter is the key. Remember
to reference the exercise I gave you in 2.1 for Communicating. This
exercise helps you to take note of and change/reprogram bad mental
chatter. Mental chatter is that ninja assassin that goes mostly unnoticed in
your life. When you start to pay attention to this monkey mind, you began to
root out bad covert mental programming.
I like to use this equation to help my coaching clients with new, intimidating
or uncomfortable challenges they must face. This is a “reframe” I use to
take the sting out of rejection.
“No Means Next!”
~Michelle Spiva
I actually have a few clients who have made t-shirts with this saying on it to
remind them and others that “no” is just code for moving on, next in line
and it’s never over. So, I share this with you today to help you get self
motivated to move forward.
56 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
2-3. If You Want to Believe in Something—Why not Believe in
Just like the recipe for Powerful Persuasion, we all need to believe in
something. Too many of us have been conditioned to believe in the Gurus
and their ability to make king and queens. Remember when I talked about
wanting to be special earlier? Well, this is where I tell you, better yet, give
you permission—if you still need it—to be special.
Believe in yourself. No, don’t “fake it till you make it.” I mean really believe
in yourself. Create the expert of authority in your own life. You may start
out with believing you are the best person for the job of being you. And,
that’s a great place to start.
Why is this necessary? Glad you asked because if you don’t believe in
yourself, you will find someone else to believe in. So, it might as well be
you. You should always have yourself listed as your top hero in your life.
We are hard wired to seek out authority and follow it. Become the authority
of your life and follow your gut. You will be amazed at how this catapults
you into becoming a powerful person of influence and persuasion.
This is the secret of the powerful. Be your own hero. Put your trust in the
greatness of the creator (whom I call God) that you are wonderfully and
fearfully made. In this wonder you are also worthy to succeed and have the
desires of your heart. Belief is the starting point to having anything worth
having in life. First believe it, then do it, so you can have it.
57 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
2-4. How and why to do self hypnosis
Now that you know how to reach greatness through belief in yourself. You
have to have the fastest way to imprint that deep into your subconscious
and inner most being. So…You’re in for a treat! I’m going to give you steps
to do your own hypnosis. As you learned earlier, hypnosis is a shortcut to
reprogramming unwanted behavior and changing beliefs to produce
success in your life. You can and should use self hypnosis to reinforce any
and all of the lessons and exercises you’ve learned and been asked to do
in this guide. See, told you I wouldn’t leave you hanging.
The wonderful thing about self hypnosis is that you trust the person
administering it—You! I will say that like any other self management
technique, you will have to practice to become proficient. This practice is
called conditioning, and, the more you do it the better you become and will
grow exponentially. I know its lots of work but, this is so worth the effort!
To help you out, I’m also going to include a hypnosis audio script for you
from me personally to help solidify your success with this program as well.
So, you will have this self hypnosis training coupled with an audio from me.
Before we get started, I need to explain some things. Self hypnosis is for
the purpose of deep relaxation to take in suggestions. It differs from
hypnotherapy in that you are only giving yourself suggestions and not
coupling hypnosis with therapy for corrective actions. Hypnotherapy is done
as a hetero activity, meaning someone (hopefully trained and accredited) is
administering it.
58 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Visualization vs. Imagination
You will need to understand the difference between these two terms. Most
people can imagine but not all people can visualize. What this means is
that visualization is the ability to actually “see” something with the mind’s
eye. Some will be able to see static objects or scenes and others will be
able to see moving scenes like watching a movie.
Imagination is different and most everyone can do this. For those who learn
mostly by what they hear (ear-minded) visualization will be hard, so you will
need to imagine and not try to “see” (eye-minded). Imagination gives you
the liberty to feel, sense or know what you are asking yourself to do without
having to conjure up a perfect picture or scene. You will notice that you will
be giving yourself suggestions where you may have to visualize or imagine
something. Based on how you learn (eye=see or ear=hear), you will pick
the appropriate phrasing. In my audios I will say “visualize or imagine” to be
Okay, here’s how to do Self Hypnosis Conditioning (getting you prepared
for Self Hypnosis)…
Steps to Conditioning Yourself for Self Hypnosis
1) Get in a semi-comfortable position like sitting in a chair or sitting
yoga style on a mat on the floor. Close your eyes. Have your
feet as exposed to the ground as much as possible. Try this
without shoes when you are starting. This is so you will be able
to experience ego sensations that are best detected by the feet
when you are first starting. Do NOT do this lying down, in your
59 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
bed or that chair that you like to take naps in. You want to train
yourself hypnotically without having to battle the natural
tendency to go to sleep.
2) Become aware of yourself. Do this by moving around a little to
find a spot where you feel free. Remain in this awareness until
you began to feel light, free to float, or free from restrictions like
being aware of the tightness of clothing or air on certain parts of
your body more than others.
3) Begin to consciously relax. Do this by bringing your attention to
either your head and move downward or your feet and move
upward. Visualize or image each area becoming totally calm
and relaxed.
4) Next, concentrate on sensations you are feeling. You may bring
your attention to your hands. The hands tend to respond quickly
to the relaxation deepening process. Notice any other feelings
or awareness (like tingling, itching, numbness, change in body
temperature, etc.) you have in the body at this time.
5) When you identify the sensation and its location, say what you
are experiencing like “I feel cold” or “my hand is tingling”.
Concentrate on that area for 3-5 minutes and really intensify the
feeling. Then say the words that correspond to the feeling again
like “cold” or “tingling.” Notice which of the words you are
feeling more. The word you feel more will become your
physical keyword. Once you have established this, focus on
moving your word through other parts of your body. Once you
are able to sense yourself controlling physical actions in your
body, like moving cold or tingling sensations to places in your
body that you direct the physical keyword to, you are now ready
to connect with your emotional keyword.
60 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
6) Breathing is the strongest connection to emotions and so you
will now concentrate on your breathing. When you notice your
breathing starting to deepen, start to focus on some positive
emotion that is present. Focus on what you are feeling that is
positive like happiness, success, confidence, peacefulness,
faith, hope, love, etc.—whatever gives you the feeling of elation
and or wellbeing. As you say the words, pause between each
and notice any change you feel. When you determine the one
with the most energy accompanying it, this will become your
emotional keyword. You will then use this word to radiate
throughout your chest and lungs feeling you with its power.
7) Next, you will work on the third and most important keyword.
This is the intellectual keyword and it is most important to have
when doing self hypnosis. This keyword is the same for
everyone. It will be deep hypnotic sleep or deep sleep. Since
everyone is conditioned to sleep regularly, when you give
yourself the suggestion of “sleep” this will allow the conscious
logic part of the brain to relax while allowing the subconscious
part to come forward. The difference will be that you are not
sleep in the traditional sense. You are connecting the
subconscious and conscious parts of the mind together for the
purpose of communication while you are in a hypnotic state or
trance. Make sure to use the word deep when suggesting sleep
to differentiate between normal and hypnotic sleep. Also make
sure to adjust your body periodically to prevent moving into
normal sleep as well.
8) Continue to be aware of the sensation of relaxation moving
throughout your body. You will still be fully aware of what is
going on due to your conscious mind still being engaged but
you may notice things happening like your eyes performing
Rapid Eye Movement (REM). This is perfectly normal and
reinforces the fact that you are in hypnosis and not just sleep.
Also, your mind may start to wonder to past or future thoughts, © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
do NOT try to control this. This is your mind working to integrate
itself to fully help you solve problems, root out failing
beliefs/habits and helping you to expand your knowing and
9) This last step is the awakening process and is just as important
as the others. You must bring yourself completely out of
hypnosis or you will remain highly suggestible in your “wake”
state to all types of suggestions, both positive and negative, so
pay attention here! The best way to do this is to count up from
one to five (1-5) and say out loud “Wide Awake, Your Name.”
Use your name so that each time your name is called during
the day, you are being subconsciously reminded to be wide
awake and not hyper suggestible.
Practice this for at least 21 times. This whole process should
take no more than 15 minutes. Also, if you are disturbed by
someone, a phone or anything, remember to count yourself up
with your name out loud to make sure you are out of trance.
When you have successfully conditioned yourself to take self
hypnosis you will be able to expand your suggestions.
Try this for the next level of Self hypnosis…
Find a time when you can do this around the same time each day. Self
hypnosis must be practiced. If you practice then you will be able to master
this rapid self hypnotic state that follows.
1) Semi-comfortable position
62 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
(If you learn by and respond to physical suggestions (doing and
feeling) then make a fist with your left hand. If you learn by and
respond to emotional suggestions --thinking and logic/intellectual,
then make a fist with your right hand.)
2) Close your eyes, take deep breaths and focus your attention on
your forehead as you exhale.
3) Visualize or imagine an elevator, stairs or feather floating down.
With each floor, step or sway, count down from 20 to zero.
Interject your physical keyword as you descend. You may also
try alternating your focus from your forehead to your feet in a
rhythmic back and forth to achieve the same relaxation.
4) Bring up your feeling of wellbeing and elation by feeling and
saying your emotional keyword during this time of relaxation,
focusing on spreading the feelings of both keywords throughout
the body and your breathing.
5) At the end of the countdown at the bottom, you will visualize or
imagine yourself mentally writing on a chalk or white board the
words “Deep Sleep” or “Deep Hypnotic Sleep” until you feel
your mind drifting away from these words and the chalk or white
6) Count down from 20 to zero again and at the end give yourself
this suggestion: “each time I suggest deep sleep to myself, I will
sleep quickly, soundly and deeply.”
7) Now give yourself your suggestions that are beneficial for
wellbeing. The suggestions must be in the present tense and
positive. Use phrasing like “I AM successful NOW. I am calm
and manage my emotions correctly. My body adjusts to its
perfect weight NOW.” Use visualization and or imagination to
strengthen the suggestions. Note: only work with one © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
suggestion or theme at a time until you see tangible
improvements. Using more than one suggestion at a time may
cancel out all of them and the exercise will be useless. You
want your concentration highly focused on each goal you are
obtaining—one at a time.
8) When you have finished giving yourself your suggestion inputs
count up from zero to 20 and say out loud “Wake Awake, Your
9) Relax your fist; open your eyes and you are done.
Again this process should take you no more than 15
minutes. Don’t forget to adjust yourself as needed to avoid
falling fully asleep.
Congratulations! You now know how to practice self
hypnosis. Remember, practice makes perfect!
64 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
2-5. How to train your brain for success
This section is the part of the Prime Influence
Shortcut going through the circle of stagnation.
When you master this you will be able to get off the
endless circle of Internet Marketing Purgatory. Use
this training to strengthen your mind and self to
become highly concentrated, full of clarity and
consistent in taking the right action at the right time.
Doing this greatly shortens you path to Internet
Marketing and life success.
You need this section to help you stop craving quick fixes, entertainmentonly and candy. Using this training will help you pull out of the herd, get out
of the audience and get on the stage to the big time. This is the wormhole
of warp-speed, people use to jump to the next level. When your mind is
strong, you have focus and you understand how to be the best you and use
proper persuasion, you are operating in Prime Influence.
Your brain/mind is a tool used by your whole body to keep you centered
and focused. Just like any other tool, you must keep the brain sharp and
learn how to use this tool in advanced ways. Without the logic of our brain
processes we would be beings hyped up on emotions and passions doing
whatever we wanted at any given time.
The brain helps us stay grounded to live in community with others,
respecting rules, morals and social customs. The brain also gets cluttered
and bogged down and we must keep a maintenance schedule to keep it
clean, organized and running at its optimal best. Below I list two main ways
you can do this through meditation and brain entrainment. When I talk
about meditation, I want to also include prayer, since they both focus on
65 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
concentration of a specific goal and or quest. It is my hope that if you have
not already done so, that you incorporate this part of this program into your
Meditation is a secret used by some of the greatest minds that have ever
lived. Meditation is that part that puts you above the mediocrity. Most
people are not willing to manage their time enough to do meditation on a
frequent basis. This is a given shortcut to greatness. It opens a portal to
unending creativity, ideas, personal strength, intuition and knowledge.
Meditation is one of the most beneficial things you can do to increase your
ability to concentrate, problem-solve, self-manage and stay mentally clear.
Meditation is like doing filing and organization of thoughts. When you
meditate, you allow your brain waves to move from difference frequencies
that produce different experiences. Refer to the Brain Wave Frequency
chart in Module one of this guide to refresh yourself on the different levels.
Other reasons for developing a meditative life include having a daily
spiritual practice, increasing your ability to stay harmonically balanced in
your emotions, increasing your attention span, being able to stay aware
and present and strengthen your intuition and knowing. There are so many
studies that provide proof of the many benefits to doing meditation to
support this section, but I will ask you to just try it if you are not already
doing so. It takes continual practice that can take a lifetime to gain the full
benefits of meditation. This is a habit, if embraced and used, can lead to
mental clarity and acuity, heightened mental ability and some physical
health benefits as well.
66 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
It is much like self hypnosis but instead to consciously intending an alpha
brainwave level, you simply focus on being quiet and gently brushing aside
thoughts as they come. The goal is to achieve oneness with all that is
conscious. It can take a lifetime to successfully do this at will but the
benefits that come along the way are very much worth it. There is another
brain success technique I would like to quickly mention. This technique
uses repetitive beats to place you in a pre-determined brainwave
frequency. This technique is called…
Brain Entrainment.
Brain Entrainment uses sound and light technology to help you achieve a
pre-determined brainwave frequency. For the purpose of this writing, I will
encourage you to consult a doctor if you suffer from Epilepsy or any other
neural conditions before using this type of technology, especially the light
technology. My interaction with this method is purely using sound and I like
to use Isochronic beats.
I won’t go into great detail about the technology but to say there are three
main kinds used: Binaural, Monaural and Isochronic beats. Binaural uses
two different steady tones in different ears to produce the desired
frequency—thus you must use headphones to the get the desired benefit.
Monaural beats occur when two beats are played at the same time to
produce a different frequency, like chords being played on a guitar.
Isochronic tones are evenly spaced tones that turn on and off frequently,
thus you do not need to listen to them through headphones to get the
desired effect of reaching a certain brainwave frequency.
As you listen to these beats, the brain starts to learn and increase its
capacity to perform functions. So if you are listening to beats in the Beta
range, you will remain alert and able to function in a full wakefulness.
67 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Likewise, if you are listening to alpha beats you will be in a more trance like
state. Many people like to study, meditate and sleep using brain
I have included audio for hypnosis, meditation and alpha
brain entrainment loop for your personal use in the bonus
section. If you have purchased the additional resources
package, there will be more audios for brain entrainment as
How the brain works—the 3 main sections, remember the
frequencies chart?
You now have some of the most powerful tools to overcome external mind
control and manipulation. Using all the exercises, hypnosis techniques and
brain success tools will help you to regain your power and stop being
controlled by others. I just want to quickly point out the three main sections
of the brain and their functions for you to get a better understanding. This is
a general list and shows the most prominent functions.
3 Main Sections of the Brain—Quick Glance
Primitive brain (back portion)—survival and involuntary process
Emotional brain (middle portion)—emotions and desires/pleasure
Intellectual brain (front portion)—critical reasoning, logic and
68 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Learning how to trigger the buying response that starts in the emotional
part of the brain and then has the decision made in the primitive part of the
brain, is a way to increase your sales conversions exponentially. When a
person is triggered through emotions to connect with
what your product makes them feel, they make the
decision to buy or not buy based on this feeling. This
is why benefits always outsell features. Remember to
trigger the right areas of the brain through excellent
marketing and your need to sell, diminishes. The key
is to become an influencer that correctly uses the
power of persuasion.
69 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
2-6. How to stop being a flat out flake! (just not
The power of action and doing…
I want to admonish you to take action but do it wisely. The pursuit of
knowledge and learning is wonderful and you should continuously learn.
But those who only learn and never do anything with the knowledge soon
become intellectually constipated. You must put to use what you learn in
order for it to truly benefit you. Money and success favor speed and action.
If you want to enjoy these, up until now, elusive goals; you must change
your ways and take the leap of faith to act!
Use the 90 Day MAP (Massive Action Plan) to get you going,
use your Personal KanBan task organizer to stay on track
and get an accountability partner or join a master mind
group. Just commit to doing SOMETHING to sweep the
cobwebs and sorrow away.
70 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
2-7. Special Internet Marketers Bonus Section: “Why You Can’t
Stop Buying Shiny New Objects!”
Feeding the addiction high of buying and having new information, aka
shopping therapy, is running rampant in the “make money online” arena.
Most people would not realize it, but the act of acquiring new things can
trigger releases of serotonin, dopamine and other natural mood enhancing
chemicals that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. So, I want to pull
back the curtain and quickly show you how the process of getting “hooked”
on Shiny New Objects happens.
It doesn’t take long for you to become conditioned to look for the “high” of
buying instead of the satisfaction of acquiring the information or tool you set
out to get, to help you with your online business. Too many of the IM crowd
are becoming collectors of knowledge and software instead of being doers
of the business. Some even brag about all their knowledge with no
problems acknowledging they are not doing any consistent and sustainable
online business.
Whether it’s software, WSOs, Click Bank products, Graphics or any other
addiction/fetish (yes I went there), you will only be as successful as your
addiction allows you to in breaking out of mind control and starting to
actually conduct business. I heard a wonderful quote the other day that
seems to really fit right about here:
“You win by doing the basics… better than anyone else” ~Unknown;
athletic coaching proverb
71 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Or better yet, here’s a picture to show you how you can easily get on the
treadmill of Shiny New objects…
The Shiny New Objects Cycle of Addiction
(This image shows a representation of what happens in your mind when
you buy Shiny New Objects)
more info
Feel Great
Feel great
new tool
don't work
don't work
Feel great
As you can see, the promise of the new, better, faster, automated, cutting
edge technology is the carrot and the high is the purchase. Guess what?
72 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Many copy writers and marketers have already figured this cycle out and so
they write, produce video, hold webinars and flash sexy product graphics
that sometimes rival a Hollywood CGI film production to get you to your
next high. Phrases like “Dude, You’re missing out!,” or “You’re just a click
away from having the latest, greatest, fastest XXX out there!” are now
common place and no one seems to cry tripe or foul! …until now.
Now, you will see the absurdity of buying products without having a
business budget, or better yet, before having made any money with what
you have in order to buy upgraded tools, services and info.
Yep, they had your number! And, like moths to a flame
you USED to follow them into the fire, but not anymore.
You now know how to pick the top 3-5 things you should
be working on to completion, you know how to be very
clear and can confidently communicate what you want
and need to have in order to be a success, plus, you are
able to reinforce your desired outcomes through daily meditation, self
hypnosis and self management. You now have a realistic spending plan
(more on that in the next section) that you stick to and you make wise
decisions that give your business a return on investment (ROI).
So, am I telling you not to buy anything? Of course not, you bought this
program and it was a great investment
What I am telling you is to buy things that fit into your success plan. Realize
that if you have not developed the online skills to make $1997, you are
probably not ready to purchase things in that price range. Remember, you
now operate in wisdom and organized thought patterns. Justifying another
$2K product or service purchase before you have made any money from
73 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
the last one is NOT sound business planning and your business will not be
solvent for long. But, if this is your first $2K product and you believe it will
help you get your business off the ground and make its investment back in
a reasonable amount of time—go for it! Just know that you should NOT
purchase anything else that is not of absolute necessity for your business
until you have recouped your investment.
To stop buying shiny new objects is to recognize the euphoric
feeling you get from acquiring new items and information. Set
boundaries to prevent yourself from buying when the object is
not directly involved in your project, out of your budget or not a
good investment that provides a clear return on investment.
You do this by setting up a spending plan, having goals and
adhering to your business plan.
Don’t Finance Your Dreams and Beg for Your Reality
Too many IMers are doing whatever they can to “buy the dream.” The sad
part is that for many, it’s not even their dream they’re buying, it’s someone
else’s. Plus, they have no plan to move the dream to reality. Moving the
dream to reality takes clarity, confidence and consistent effort. If you want
to operate in full Prime Influence, you have to stop eating the scraps and
leftovers of others dreams. Your reality is what you must turn into success.
The false shortcut is how the Shiny New Objects Syndrome has taken a
foothold in this industry. The high of the buy is so empowering in a false
sense of the word. The act of Buying the dream has become the pursuit
instead of building a stable and thriving business. So man are trying to
shortcut the work and get to the end. Life and certainly Internet Marketing
doesn’t work like that.
74 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
When I say “buying the dream” what I mean is trying to buy the shortcut to
the big league. Yes, you can be efficient in doing your work as a IMer but
you can’t hopscotch to success. The amount of success you can sustain is
in direct proportion to the strength of your business’s foundation. This
means if you have a lot of shiny objects, shortcuts, patches and tricks
supporting your business or making the income, you’re business is just a
train wreck waiting to happen.
Being unique and following your gut is a secret of the truly successful. The
person who is able to stay focused and concentrate on their internal truth
could be the next Steve Jobs waiting to happen. Don’t take the exercises
too lightly. They are cleverly designed to get you to be able to remove the
haze of the hypnotic trance, give you clarity and develop heightened
concentration in you. These traits allow you to move away from the herd,
stop being duped by the “authority” figures who are laughing at you all the
way to the bank and get yourself positioned to be the success you know
you can be.
Don’t beg for your reality means you take responsibility for your present
state of success and/or failure. You make it plain and clear where you are
and where you want to be. Make a plan of attack and get going. This is
where you stop neglecting the truth. So, when you are taking stock of
where you are, be honest. Remember the exercise on communication
where you learned to stop lying to yourself? Here it is again. Be truthfully
optimistic. If you haven’t made any money, stop buying things like you are
a baller, scale back and start using the gadgets you already have that work
to get you making money.
I know this may sound a bit harsh, but the truth hurts like taking off a
bandage quickly. But the truth is only a temporary pain for long-term gain.
75 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
2-8. Recap
In this section you should have been able to identify, at least, the most
prominent negative core emotions that hold you back. You learned that the
fear of loss is a big factor in how you behave when dealing with these
emotions. You also learned to not try and control these emotions but rather
manage them by getting the “lesson(s)” they are here to teach you. And,
once the lesson is learned, release the emotions out of your body and life.
Trust me, they will show up again when the next lesson is ready to be
Then you learned how to self manage, use self hypnosis and wake up from
your shiny new object addiction, if you have one. This chapter was about
you and how you could free yourself from mind manipulation and control,
while developing necessary life skills to succeed. In the next chapter, we
will take this further and help you to change the way you interact with
others to truly “get it” when it comes to building great relationships for both
personal and business that lasts.
Consider this the re-pouring of your business’ foundation since you have
identified the cracks. Get ready to take what you’ve just learned to the next
level. Your sincerity, sound business practices and personal confidence will
help you to move into the circles of great people who do the right things, at
the right times, in the right ways. Ready? Let’s get it, get it!
76 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Section 3:
How to become a person of Prime
77 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Module 3—Glenda the Good Witch (becoming an Ally in
persuasion and not a Manipulator)
Now that you’ve learned just how it feels to be mind controlled and
manipulated, it’s time to practice the “Golden Rule” to do unto others as
you would them do unto you. Just like the good witch in the Wizard of OZ
helped Dorothy find a way to get home, you must join forces with your
customers to help them make the best buying decision for their needs. If
you pull this off successfully, you will be perceived, and rightly so, as a
great business person.
Don’t get caught up in the false belief that you will not be able to make any
money without using Covert Hypnosis in your marketing. This is not true
and you might be surprised to know that the way in which marketing is
done is quickly moving from some of these old tricks. Another analogy from
the Wizard of OZ would be that you are at the point where you are finally
waking up from the poppy seed fields of illusion and manipulation and
moving towards your true goals.
Cutting edge marketing—Relationship Marketing is the new ROI
Relationship marketing is fast becoming the relationship return on
investment model. People are not just handing over money because you
said to. They are choosing to work with those they know and have some
relationship with. Social media is proving every day that this is the case.
But, hey you already know this. What you may not realize is that while you
are trying to coerce customer traffic, customers and researching and
getting to know the real you before they show up.
78 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Now that smart phones are in the mix, the inclusion of
mobile marketing has once again leveled the playing field
and now customers are just as savvy, if not more, than
marketers when it comes to researching and knowing what
products, best pricing and product reviews are available.
The smart phone puts all this at the tips of their fingers in
real time. So, it’s time for you to do an upgrade on your
marketing skills and include relationship marketing as your focal point.
The next few sections are more practical for business actions like having a
business plan and spending budget. If you haven’t yet had an opportunity
to develop these documents, please do it now! When you wish to soar with
eagles, you have to have the tools and ability to soar high and thrive with
the elite. So, it stands to reason you must have a business plan to continue
to know where you’re going and how you plan to get there.
79 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
3-1. First things first—have a business plan
Earlier I made reference to you having spending plans in your business.
Well, here’s where you start to develop this. If you are going to be a
success online, you will need to stop treating your efforts like a hobby and
develop a business plan.
Even if you’re flat broke right now, you need to do research to find out what
it costs at the bare minimum to run your business and make some money.
You have to have an idea of what you will need to spend on memberships,
tools/software/hardware, marketing and your living expenses. I advise you
have a marketing budget even if you haven’t made $1 yet. Why, because
you need this to have great relationship marketing today.
Your Spending Plan—the secret weapon to staying afloat
Try using percentages as a starting marker for your
spending plans. So, for a marketing budget, if you plan
to bring in $100, then 5% or $5 of that is dedicated to
marketing. For a profit, start out with 20-25% and thus
$20-25 would be your profit. For tools and running the
business (this is like your personal bills to live and
support yourself) start out with like maybe 60% or $60 of the pie and then
have a contingency fund of 5-10%.
Spending Plan example:
Marketing Business Exp
Misc © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Total Exp:
Of course this is just an example to get your creative juices flowing. But, by
having a plan, when the next WSO comes along, you can check to see if
you have the money in your Business Expense or Miscellaneous budget to
cover and if not, then it’s an automatic pass. This helps you break the lure
of addiction to Shiny New Objects.
Getting back to the overall plan…Don’t gasp or go into shock. Breathe,
because I have a resource that shows you how to do your business plan by
answering less than 20 questions. And, this plan is geared towards online
marketers. You will still need to decide on spending plans for operating
expenses as well as marketing to compliment your plan. Do not continue to
run your business blindly. You will not be able to continue this practice for
long, especially with the new paradigm (model) I’m about to show you for
relationship marketing.
Here’s a free link to one of the best IM business plans I’ve encountered.
Written by Sonia Simone over at, you’ll
find her writing style easy on the eye and her business plan
straightforward. Just read and answer the questions and
you will have a workable business plan. This can be done
in one sitting and that’s why I recommend it. I have also
taken this list and expanded on it with additional questions.
Check the resources section for that enhanced version, but for now, go
here to read and answer the questions to develop your business plan.
81 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
3-2. ZMOT
ZMOT stands for “Zero Moment Of Truth” and is a fairly new concept being
championed by Google no doubt. So, I wanted to make sure I included the
highpoints here for you to understand just how relationship marketing is
To watch the video presentation:
To download the PDF:
What ZMOT means is that once you present your sales offer, this action
triggers the customer to engage in processing whether or not to buy your
product, good or service. This ZMOT is them starting a new, in depth
research and analysis query of your product that is triggered by your sales
The stimulus or starting point is your sales offer with all of its proper
emotional triggers to ask/tell them to buy the product. What happens next is
the real game changer and why I want you to understand that CH business
as usual will no longer work here.
Here’s an illustration of the new process…
82 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Notice in the illustration above, that ZMOT is occurring as soon as the
customer encounters your sales offer. They are using multiple types of
media to gather information as soon as they encounter your offer or sales
page. Once, they have made it through your offer, they…
check a search engine to pull up you or your product’s search results
then they look for video of you, your product demo, user testimonials
they may next check forums, scams and reasons not to buy
then they comparison shop other similar products
Customers are using Rating and reviews
Now the customer is in community and connection with the collective whole
in their buying decision. They are now better researched and
knowledgeable of the price, features, proposed vs. real benefits, customer
83 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
service issues/value, etc. before they push the button to buy or leave your
offer. All of this happens in a matter of moments. They're even doing it from
mobile sites on their phones. So, if you’ve been a bad person and tricked
people into buying your products that don’t deliver the hype, you are being
exposed at the speed of search engine queries.
It’s all still about Emotional Decisions
Remember the 3 sections of the brain from earlier--for logic, emotion and
survival? Well, here they are again in how customers still make a decision
to purchase.
Logic--The act of researching of the product happens in the front critical
part of the brain.
Emotion-- middle part of the brain--This is when the feelings about what the
feedback means from others as to whether or not your product is a good or
bad thing, how it makes them feel is decided here. This then leads to the
instinctual survival to take over and make a decision.
Survival— the true buying decision happens in the, aka the fight/flight
response is almost instinctual and happens in the back part of the brain.
The “Yes or No” question to buy is decided in the fight or flight mode of
survival to make a decision.
Therefore, you must be there (in digital form) at each stage to help the
decision making process along—relationship marketing in its glory.
84 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Your marketing must line up with the functionality of your website--the user
must have a good experience once there. Strive for enjoyable customer
experiences on your site and you will increase sales conversions. In order
to do this you must now pre-sale before the customer sees your offer.
This means that now you are one of the possible research targets the
customer lands one when they are researching another product. You want
to have your marketing so relatable and easy to use, that you build true
rapport with them through their research experience. Since customers are
able to shop 24/7, they are no longer willing to wait for you, your site, sales
offer, video or squeeze page to get up to speed. They are out there lurking
and checking you out before you know they are there. It’s like they have
become the Covert buyers and the scripts have changed.
Here are some of the places and tools you must make sure to use to their
fullest if you plan to compete and have a presence online as a real
Yelp and other business review sites
Google Search and Bing
Google Places
Facebook, Fan Pages and Places
Press Releases
Your Website
SMS (Text messaging)
Email marketing
Forum discussions
Mobile website formatting is a must!
Coupon/deal of the day options
Google Analytics (bounce rates)
Google alerts for your name, business and keywords
85 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Use Google alerts to check for your name, business’ name and keywords.
If you see anything good--broadcast it, anything bad--fix it by contacting the
originator first and then generally next. Answer questions online quickly!
Monitor all the time! You must be a great listener to your customer--now the
listening is through your technology.
Become an ally and not a manipulator! Help them find out the truth about
you and your products. To win at ZMOT you have to be visible, likable and
full of authority. Do this on search engines first. Remember research is
24/7. Now, customers are much more savvy. They are frequently using 7
term search queries to drill down to highly specified searches about you,
your company, the products and your reputation. Customers are “vetting”
businesses before they make any buying decisions and you want to make
sure your perceived reputation is not that of a swindler or cheat.
You must use excellent persuasion without any black hat techniques. Be
compelling and very persuasive. Master the idea of being able to talk with
the customers in their language. Prime Influence is about being the person
they want to follow because you make them feel inspired to act.
Speed beats perfection. The new goal is to be there before the customer is
looking. Your focus for your business is now on being sustainable—lasting
in the marketplace. You must be flexible and able to react to customer
questions, needs, objections and requests for additional/new/changed
ZMOT--get in where you fit in.
86 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
3-3. Relationship marketing
As you can see in the previous section, relationship marketing is now the
true seller. Relationships translate into profits. If you have great marketing,
it will sell your products. As an innovative relationship marketer, you will
need to use your newly developed skills as an Influencer. Remember that
an Influencer is the real deal. He/she operates from a center of self
confidence and portrays that in all his/her marketing and business dealings.
You will become a mover and shaker in your niche, market and industry
when you fully grasp what it means to become an authentic person of
influence who also knows how to persuade in the right way (hint: be there
before the customer is looking for you with honest information about you,
your company and your products).
In one of the greatest books on influence and persuasion—Influence: The
Psychology of Persuasion, Dr. Robert Cialdini examines the psychology
behind why people say yes. He presents the six universal principles of
influence and persuasion and how they are to be properly used.
87 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
The Six Universal Principles of Persuasion/Influence
(Pay Attention and Memorize these)
1. Reciprocation— People feel indebted to others who do
something for them or offer them a gift. That’s why free
samples are so effective. Getting something for nothing makes
buyers feel obligated to purchase.
2. Commitment and Consistency—Inconsistency is commonly
seen as a negative personality trait. People are more likely to
follow through with something if they have committed to it,
verbally or in writing. Backing out of deals makes people feel
3. Social Proof—testimonials still work, people look to others for
cues on how to behave and what to believe. Two situations
where this principle is most powerful are similarity, when
someone wants to follow the lead of others; and uncertainty,
when someone is unsure of what to do. Laugh tracks on
comedy shows exist for this very reason.
4. Liking--People prefer to say yes to individuals they know and
like. In negotiations and sales situations, one can influence the
outcome by developing a kinship with prospective clients or
being familiar to them. Being physically attractive is also a big
advantage. Research shows that people attribute talent,
kindness, honesty, and intelligence to people they find
88 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
5. Authority--There is strong pressure in society for people to
obey authority figures and experts. Authority comes in many
forms. Dressing in a business suit makes one appear
authoritative at work. Physical height and status (such as a
high–ranking job title) also increase one’s authority and make it
easier to influence others.
6. Scarcity--People assign more value to objects and
opportunities that come in limited quantities or are difficult to
obtain. This principle is demonstrated every year at Christmas
time, when popular toys are hard to find. It’s also the principle
that makes auctions so effective.
(*Contributing source: The book and
Study these six principles well if you don’t already know
them. Most people in IM that are worth their salt and
making money can recite them from memory. Trust me on
this, I’ve seen it in action at a few bars during IM
These six principles are the basis for why people say yes or no. They are
not covert, magical or mysterious. But they work. For instance, if you give
someone something first it creates a sense of obligation, if you give your
word then it’s generally your bond to that action. Likewise, people like to
have some sort of group validation that what they are doing is good and
approved or similar to what others are doing. People tend to like and feel
comfortable around likable and attractive people, which stand to reason
people trust those in authority and will move heaven and earth to get
something if it is scarce.
89 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Using these principles coupled with confidence will propel your online
marketing efforts to the success you have always dreamed of. You just
have to apply action (aka work) to the equation.
90 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
3-4. Turning your money from funny--to serious
One of the most important reasons you are reading this guide and enduring
all these concepts and exercises is to finally earn some real money and be
a success, right? I thought so.
So, you must take a real look at what your “absentee thinking” has been
doing to your income up to this point. This section is not going to be about
the latest Google trick loophole or automatic profit avalanches or any other
such foolery. Instead this section will illuminate your creative understanding
about the nature of money and how you must behave to encourage it to
come to you.
Prior to starting this program, you may not have had a firm grasp on why
you were spending your money or even that you should have a plan for this
money. Now, that you know better, you will do better. So, here are some
quick truths you need to understand about money and how to generate and
keep a constant flow of it.
Money Truths
 Money is not the paper it’s printed on, it’s pure energy that
helps you secure things, wants, needs and desires
91 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
 Money loves speed and activity
 Money will only come towards plans that are in action
 Money is an employee and looks for great managers to come to
work for
 Money recognizes and rewards the wise handling of it
 Money is attracted to confidence and clarity
 Money will bring more of its friends when it realizes you know
how to keep it working and moving
 Money sticks around those who operate in integrity by not being
stingy, greedy or hoarding of it
 Money is repelled from those who are desperate for it
 Money is attracted to those who understand it is simply one tool
of many to help you acquire other things and not something to
be worshipped or enslaved to
 Money comes to those who understand the difference between
wanting and needing more money:
o you need your provisions met, so you want more money
to help you acquire those provisions.
o To need money is to be in desperation and money won’t
come to that sucking pulling energy to want more money
instead of needing more money is to understand you live
in an abundant earth and your needs are be met by
numerous tools, which includes money
These money truths seem to coincide nicely with another great classic that
tells the fable of a young man who sets out to make his fortune. The book,
The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason gives a wonderful
teaching about money. In this famous book he lists the five laws of gold. I
have included them so you can continue to see tried and true money
wisdom and how money flows. Hopefully, you will begin to tune your
personal energy frequency so money can come to you without struggle or
92 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
The Five Laws of Gold as told in The Richest Man in Babylon
1. Gold comes gladly and in increasing quantity to any man who
will put by not less than 1/10th of his earnings to create an
estate for his future and that of his family.
2. Gold labors diligently and contently for the wise owner who
finds for it profitable employment, multiplying even as the flocks
of the field.
3. Gold clings to the protection of the cautious owner who invests
it under the advice of men wise in its handling.
4. Gold slips away from the man who invests in businesses and
purposes for which he is not familiar or which are not approved
by those skilled in its keep.
93 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
5. Gold flees from the man who would force it to impossible
earnings or who follows the alluring advice of tricksters and
schemers or who trusts it to his own inexperience and romantic
desires in investment.
Pay close attention to the last two laws of Gold. They seem to highlight
what many are doing in the IM niche today. Many folks are
investing large sums of money in areas they have no clue
how to work and into the hands of tricksters who are
promising the moon but delivering broken dreams. When a
person buys a product that promises $64,000 in the next
24 hours to those without any experience, this is the same
thing as what laws 4 and 5 advise against. When we
expect impossible earnings from money, we are sure to become money
poor very soon. Money will leave and be repelled by foolish practices.
So, no more hit or miss when it comes to success in all areas of your life.
You are now extremely well equipped to not only protect yourself from
being controlled and manipulated but also able to operate your business in
integrity and success.
94 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
3-5. Recap
In this module you learned about your business success, ZMOT,
relationship marketing, what real influence and persuasion are and how to
make and keep money using the laws of money. The most important thing
to remember from this section is that you must become an Influencer that is
consistent and diligent in getting your marketing message out.
As a confident Influencer, using the universal principles of persuasion, you
will be able to persuade people to buy your products without having to hard
sell. You get higher sales conversions with building strong relationships.
The strength of the relationships comes from using the best tools to make
sure you are in the customers’ view before they are searching for you.
Using a business plan that includes budgets/spending plans will help you
make wise decisions on purchases and acquisitions that help your
business continue to turn a profit and not just satisfy your need for a buying
95 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Module 4—Now… go and sin no more
Now that you understand how to detect and stop Covert Hypnosis, you are
tasked with using ethical influence and persuasion. This guide has shown
you the six universal principles of true influence and persuasion. You have
also learned how to execute a proper relationship marketing campaign
based on the new model of Zero Moment Of Truth (ZMOT) as taught by
Google. And, you now have tools to help you project manage using
Personal KanBan and other life success tools, tips and techniques.
You do not have to mimic anyone else’s business. As you
start to use the 3 C’s of clarity, communication and
confidence, you will become more certain and in sync with
your own path for success.
Do not settle for the low hanging fruit of manipulation and mind control that
some fringe groups in Internet Marketing continue to peddle. Instead,
develop your customized plan of action for the next 90 days and be diligent
daily to do quality work and marketing. Remember, customers are out there
with their smart phones, search engines and tech savvy just waiting to
perform their new brand of due diligence on you before doing any business
with you or your company.
You will find that by helping your customers make better buying
decisions, based on truth, you will be operating in the first
universal principle of persuasion—reciprocity. You offer
information and resources before the customer is looking for
you (move the free line) and you will build loyal customers.
96 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Also take what you’ve learned about money truths and the laws of gold,
study them and become well versed in how money behaves. Evaluate your
past and current activities with money and look for opportunities to improve
yourself. Intend to increase your money magnetism and expect to see the
tangible results soon. Use self hypnosis to remove negative feeling about
more money in your life. Remember to want more money and not just
“need” it. The thought of wanting something in a healthy manner creates
gratitude for it.
Develop your muscle and skill for self hypnosis to reinforce all the new
techniques and belief enhancements you’ve received. Do not let good
wisdom fall on stony ground. You must prepare yourself to receive and
retain these new teachings.
97 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
4-1. Resisting the Urge of Bad Habits
Let’s be real here. Bad habits are hard to break. And bad habits that are
easy, are even harder to break. Depending on your personality and
temperament, I encourage you to first try and go cold turkey and not buy
anymore Shiny New Objects. Use a criteria checklist to determine if this is
a product that you must have at the moment. If you know you can’t go full
out, the use the “restriction diet method.” This is where you restrict yourself
to no more than one new product per week or month based on price points.
So, you would develop a list of must-haves or criteria that any product
purchase must meet. You would then develop the maximum amount you
could spend. If the product falls within the checklist and price, go for it but if
not, no purchase. Resist the urge to be in places that are tempting. If you
know you have a weakness for WSO’s determine to stay in the general
sections area and only go in the WSO area when you are looking for
something specific.
If you know you are working on a membership site, you should not be
purchasing products for offline real estate techniques—yes, it happens
Likewise, if you find yourself justifying purchases and not using the
products immediately, acknowledge your addiction and get help—
remember the accountability partner I mentioned?
You will operate in Prime Influence when you accept your title as an
Internet marketer, get clear on how you help people solve their problems
with your skills and do it all through a self-confidence that inspires others to
follow you and do the same in their lives.
98 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Over the years, people have paid me lots of money to “coach,” (that’s codespeak for make) them do the exercises. I don’t particularly want to boss
grown folk around, but I do have my price—wink.
If you know you will not be able to do it alone, get help from me or
someone. I do still have coaching and you are welcome to check with me to
see if I have any spots available. Just remember, I don’t mess around, I
get down, when it comes to reaching goals and having success. This is still
my focus and if you are not willing to play it to the bone, please don’t even
think about contacting me.
These exercises help you to not only achieve what they purpose for you to
achieve, but they also help you form the muscles of commitment,
determination and action. You don’t want to cheat yourself, after having
spent good money for this program to continue down a road of misery. You
can and will be successful…this stuff works…if you work it.
Make use of the planning materials I’ve provided. Set deadlines and
timetables to get things accomplished. Hopefully, once you’ve developed
great habits, you won’t have to have such stringent working conditions, but
for now you have to do what works to change.
99 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Homeostasis—Ninja Assassin
Homeostasis is a biology term used to describe the survival environment of
a cellular life form. Homeostasis is the act of maintaining a known standard
within the cell for continued life. In other words, the cell will fight tooth and
nail to maintain the known standard within its environment for continued
survival. This is good until it goes bad.
Bad habits become a part of your “cellular environment.” This
means that your subconscious equates whatever you do on a
regular basis as known behavior. For the subconscious
known=good; unknown=bad. When you try to make changes to
your routine, homeostasis kicks in and fights you to maintain
“business as usual.” This is why I have asked you to do
exercises for 21 or more times, with most being a minimum of 30 days.
You cannot remove something and not put something in
its place. So, to remove bad mental manipulative
thoughts from your mind, you must put in new healthy
truthful thoughts. And, you must fight like everything to
get them to stick.
4-3. Achieving Prime Influence
Now that you have made it through this guide, you’ve proven you can
handle what it takes to operate in Prime Influence. You now know how to
go through the circle of endless IM confusion to obtain IM success.
100 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Prime Influence is the ability of the person using it to operate with a clear
presence of mind to be and do what he/she knows to do, no matter what
others say or think. This happens when you get off the roller coaster and
other marketing mazes and traps created to keep you going in circles.
The Trick is Not in the Quick
Don’t be fooled, there’s a difference between speed and quick. You want to
have speed. This means you are moving in the right direction doing the
right thing fast. Quick just means you are doing things fast and not
necessarily the right things. A way to explain this is by comparing
Microwave ovens to Convection ovens. The microwave oven is quick but
the convection oven is better. The food stays hot longer in the convection
oven. Also, you can cook more meals in the convection oven than the
microwave oven. The overall take away is to strive for speed that still has
quality and not just quickness.
Many times Covert Hypnosis uses quickness to try and bypass your logic
and common sense. The idea is to do it quick before you have a chance to
figure out what is wrong with this idea, argument, promise, etc. You have to
treat your Internet Marketing career like you would a large purchase or life
decision. You have to use some due diligence, investigate and make sure
before taking the leap. That takes time and you have to do your homework.
Be willing to ask the question that has the answer being cleverly hidden.
This is what ZMOT is all about. Customers are starting to be more savvy in
how they spend their dollars. You as an Internet Marketer have to follow
suit and do the same. This helps you to not become glassy eyed over the
next slick blind copy. You stay awake, alert and in control of your mind and
actions. Here is another copy of the Mirror Formula to stay away from
Shiny Objects.
101 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
102 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Chasing Sales Copy vs. Running your Internet Marketing Race
In the pre-launch videos we gave you a handout called the Litmus Test.
This handout showed you the Mirror Formula to stop buying Shiny New
Objects and start using your mind to make wise decisions. To operate in
Prime Influence is to become settled and comfortable in your own skin as
an Internet Marketer. You become convinced and confident that you are
one and act accordingly. When you do this you start to run your own race
and start to have some wins in your column.
Getting off the never ending wheel of IM purgatory is to stop chasing sales
copy and start making decisions based on your business plan, your
strengths and your passions. If you like blogging and writing but can’t stand
SEO, then stick with your strong suit, hire someone to do the rest and be
consistent in doing what you do best. You will quickly develop a reputation
and a following of those who admire and are truly motivated to do the
Running your own IM race also leads to you having credibility and yes even
Celebrity. People love winners and those who don’t realize they are in a
race to win at this, are still running in circles. Choose to run the straight line
through the circle and achieve IM success and riches.
103 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Module 5—Me talk pretty now…Putting it all together (action
Now it’s time to put all this stuff together and get started. In this section are
the action steps for what you learned in Modules 1-4. You can use this
section as your cheat sheet or shortcut to the guide for future reference.
Directed Action—the secret sauce of success is you + action
You + Directed Action = Success
Again, I wish to stress that no matter how information packed a program is
or how good the information fits your goals, this guide without directed
action is just another digital component of your library collection. Directed
action is action with a goal-specific plan and purpose. Action without a plan
and purpose is just marking time, being in the rat race or going in circles.
Be mindful that money is always moving in the air, ready for you to
command it to do your bidding. These commands will only come when you
take actions on your plans.
You are no longer stuck, overwhelmed or even consumed with fear, anger
or sadness. You have been able to conquer your tendency to procrastinate
and now you freely release any lingering excuses. Today is your day to
move like somebody of influence and persuasion.
104 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Directed Action Plan
Here’s the overall action plan from this program…
Do the 3 Vital C’s exercises found here.
--Clarity (Personal KanBan exercise)
--Communication (notebook of mental chatter for 30 days)
--Confidence (meditation exercise to identify and release
negative emotions and feelings)
Do Self Hypnosis conditioning and regular found here.
--Conditioning self hypnosis at least 21 times at 15 min intervals
--Regular hypnosis
Start a daily meditation practice found here.
Use Brain Entrainment for mental acuity, greater focus and
problem solving found here.
Create Your 90 Day Massive Action Plan
105 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Here’s how to set it up
Your 90 Day Massive Action Plan
Month 1: decide the theme to focus on of that month and the minimum
amount of tasks that must be finished daily, weekly and by month-end. Use
your Personal KanBan, no more than 3-5 things at a time parameters to do
this. Commit to either doing meditation or self hypnosis 3-5 times per week
and exercise at least 2 times per week.
Month 2: do the same as month one but now break your time increments
up into 50 minutes of work, with 10-20 minutes of break. Do these cycles 48 times on the days you are working on IM. Track your progress to make
sure you are completing the same, if not more, tasks as you did in month
one. Increase the meditation or hypnosis to 5 times per week and increase
exercise to 4 times per week.
Month 3: do the same as month one and two but commit to completing any
lingering projects that were started in either of these months. Increase
exercise to 5-6 times per week, leave meditation and or self hypnosis
where they are and possibly add in brain entrainment 1-2 times per week.
106 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
At the end of the 90th days, post your results of what you got
accomplished somewhere where you can see it often. Don’t
forget to brag to anyone who will listen too
Stop buying Shiny New Objects see here.
Do your business plan (17 question exercise found at
Set up your spending plans and stick to them
Set up your relationship marketing model using ZMOT for the
listed places as recommended by Google found here.
Learn and Commit to Memory the 6 Universal Principles of
Persuasion and how to use them Correctly found here.
Learn the Money Truths and 5 Laws of Gold found here.
Set up Personal Agreements for Success In Breaking Bad
Habits found here.
107 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Coaching Challenge:
Stop looking to be entertained! Not everything good for you will feel good to
you at first.
From this point forward, Challenge yourself to complete and learn
something from this. I am amazed at how many adults have or say they
have ADD and ADHD as to why they can’t or won’t complete things that
can change their lives for the better.
Your transformation from the groupie to the stage of
success starts now.
The first thing is to stop eating all candy and start eating the nutrients of
success. Eating candy means you want the quick solution only. That
naturally leads to you wanting others to tell you what to do without knowing
why you’re doing it. Stop it now! Demand more of yourself and start
regaining your power to think for yourself.
I’ve been told and now personally seen that Internet Marketers can’t make
it through a 10-minute training video or a 30-page eBook with huge font
sizes. Well, I want to let you in on a secret. The top performers in this
industry as well as others are voracious readers and consume large
amounts of data that they actually use in their businesses. They do it by
knowing how to quickly determine what is candy and what is success
nutrition. They focus on success and consume the candy in their spare
Wake up and realize that the successful work at it every day and do not
require entertainment with their education all of the time. If there’s too much
data coming at you, develop a litmus test like the one given in Video One of
108 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
the pre-launch to know which items are essential readings and which ones
are candy or pleasure. Make time for both and keep moving forward. If
success was easy and fun, everyone would have it. Think about going to
school or the gym, they may not be fun all the time but can help you learn
and become strong for what you need to survive.
When people want to know the secret code to success, I sometimes sigh
because I know they will never do what it takes to be a success. But, you’re
different starting right now. There’s a saying among the great personalities
of our times and it goes like this:
“Be willing to do what others either can’t or won’t”
This is saying is a polite way of saying get off the friggin’ roller coaster of
mediocrity by doing what matters. When I hear someone tell me something
was too long to hold their attention span, I immediately know I’m dealing
with someone who is in trance or even worse, has a bad case of lazy
How do I know this? When you cannot encourage yourself to make it
through a lesson, training, article, book or whatever you are interacting with
to learn something, that’s an indicator that you may be in trance. Why?
Most folks have been continually trained to want to be entertained to
continue to pay attention. Code words people use for being in trance or
lazy thinking are bored, boredom, too long, no pizazz, flat, bland, etc. to
explain why they didn’t finish something. Some are just too easily distracted
to be able to concentrate. If this is you, no worries. Now that you have
COMPLETED this guide, you will be able to successfully stay awake,
aware and in control of you.
109 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Realize from this point onward: boredom is a mental state that you and you
alone control. If you are bored with the lesson, change your mind and get
what it has for you and keep it moving. The ability to work passed boredom
is a secret tip of the highly and consistently successful. Those who
understand they have the power to think whatever they like and think
greatness are the ones who consistently WIN.
So, let me go on and give you the success code here (just in case you do
happen to fall back into the pack and don’t finish this like the elite will):
Success code to gain Prime Influence:
Clearly know WHO you are
Completely understand What you Need first and then What you Want
Construct a realistic plan to Have your needs and wants met
Go get them
When you are about the business doing what you have a passion and
purpose to do, you will have a following of people, even if you don’t want to.
Just try to disprove that and see what happens ;)
110 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
This guide was created to help you understand and identify Covert
Hypnosis, how it affects you through mental manipulation, how you could
stop it and what you needed to know and do to become successful on your
own. Although lots of concepts were presented, this was written to be just a
guide and not an exhaustive teaching platform for any of these concepts.
You are encouraged to contact me with any ideas or questions you may
have to clarify the contents of this product. You may also wish to sign up for
coaching—I offer group and one on one formats.
Please continue to practice and do the exercises and send me testimonials
of your progress. I love to hear great feedback on how lives are being
If you would like to receive more of this type of training from me, please
visit my website at
for more information and details. To get more free video training, please
visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel at
111 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.
Thanks so much for your time and attention,
112 © 2011, Wise Mind Media. All rights reserved.